org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2.AbstractXJC2Mojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataSource;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder;
import org.jfrog.maven.annomojo.annotations.MojoComponent;
import org.jfrog.maven.annomojo.annotations.MojoParameter;
public abstract class AbstractXJC2Mojo extends AbstractMojo {
private String schemaLanguage;
* Type of input schema language. One of: DTD, XMLSCHEMA, RELAXNG,
* RELAXNG_COMPACT, WSDL, AUTODETECT. If unspecified, it is assumed
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.schemaLanguage}")
public String getSchemaLanguage() {
return schemaLanguage;
public void setSchemaLanguage(String schemaLanguage) {
this.schemaLanguage = schemaLanguage;
private File schemaDirectory;
* The source directory containing *.xsd schema files. Notice that binding
* files are searched by default in this deriectory.
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "src/main/resources", expression = "${maven.xjc2.schemaDirectory}", required = true)
public File getSchemaDirectory() {
return schemaDirectory;
public void setSchemaDirectory(File schemaDirectory) {
this.schemaDirectory = schemaDirectory;
private String[] schemaIncludes = new String[] { "*.xsd" };
* A list of regular expression file search patterns to specify the schemas
* to be processed. Searching is based from the root of
* schemaDirectory
* If left udefined, then all *.xsd files in schemaDirectory will be
* processed.
public String[] getSchemaIncludes() {
return schemaIncludes;
public void setSchemaIncludes(String[] schemaIncludes) {
this.schemaIncludes = schemaIncludes;
private String[] schemaExcludes;
* A list of regular expression file search patterns to specify the schemas
* to be excluded from the schemaIncludes
list. Searching is
* based from the root of schemaDirectory.
public String[] getSchemaExcludes() {
return schemaExcludes;
public void setSchemaExcludes(String[] schemaExcludes) {
this.schemaExcludes = schemaExcludes;
private File bindingDirectory;
public void setBindingDirectory(File bindingDirectory) {
this.bindingDirectory = bindingDirectory;
* The source directory containing the *.xjb binding files.
* If left undefined, then the schemaDirectory
is assumed.
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.bindingDirectory}")
public File getBindingDirectory() {
return bindingDirectory != null ? bindingDirectory
: getSchemaDirectory();
private String[] bindingIncludes = new String[] { "*.xjb" };
* A list of regular expression file search patterns to specify the binding
* files to be processed. Searching is based from the root of
* bindingDirectory
* If left undefined, then all *.xjb files in schemaDirectory will be
* processed.
public String[] getBindingIncludes() {
return bindingIncludes;
public void setBindingIncludes(String[] bindingIncludes) {
this.bindingIncludes = bindingIncludes;
private String[] bindingExcludes;
* A list of regular expression file search patterns to specify the binding
* files to be excluded from the bindingIncludes
. Searching is
* based from the root of bindingDirectory.
public String[] getBindingExcludes() {
return bindingExcludes;
public void setBindingExcludes(String[] bindingExcludes) {
this.bindingExcludes = bindingExcludes;
private boolean disableDefaultExcludes;
* If 'true', maven's default exludes are NOT added to all the excludes
* lists.
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.disableDefaultExcludes}")
public boolean getDisableDefaultExcludes() {
return disableDefaultExcludes;
public void setDisableDefaultExcludes(boolean disableDefaultExcludes) {
this.disableDefaultExcludes = disableDefaultExcludes;
private File catalog;
* Specify the catalog file to resolve external entity references (xjc's
* -catalog option)
* Support TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog format. See the
* catalog-resolver sample and this article for details.
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.catalog}")
public File getCatalog() {
return catalog;
public void setCatalog(File catalog) {
this.catalog = catalog;
protected String catalogResolver = CatalogResolver.class.getName();
* Provides the class name of the catalog resolver.
* @return Class name of the catalog resolver.
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.catalogResolver}")
public String getCatalogResolver() {
return catalogResolver;
public void setCatalogResolver(String catalogResolver) {
this.catalogResolver = catalogResolver;
private String generatePackage;
* The generated classes will all be placed under this Java package (xjc's
* -p option), unless otherwise specified in the schemas.
* If left unspecified, the package will be derived from the schemas only.
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.generatePackage}")
public String getGeneratePackage() {
return generatePackage;
public void setGeneratePackage(String generatePackage) {
this.generatePackage = generatePackage;
private File generateDirectory;
* Generated code will be written under this directory.
* For instance, if you specify generateDirectory="doe/ray"
* generatePackage=""
, then files are generated to
* doe/ray/org/here
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "${}/generated-sources/xjc", expression = "${maven.xjc2.generateDirectory}", required = true)
public File getGenerateDirectory() {
return generateDirectory;
public void setGenerateDirectory(File generateDirectory) {
this.generateDirectory = generateDirectory;
private boolean readOnly;
* If 'true', the generated Java source files are set as read-only (xjc's
* -readOnly option).
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.readOnly}")
public boolean getReadOnly() {
return readOnly;
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
this.readOnly = readOnly;
private boolean extension;
* If 'true', the XJC binding compiler will run in the extension mode (xjc's
* -extension option). Otherwise, it will run in the strict conformance
* mode.
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.extension}")
public boolean getExtension() {
return extension;
public void setExtension(boolean extension) {
this.extension = extension;
private boolean strict;
* If 'true', Perform strict validation of the input schema (xjc's -nv
* option).
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "true", expression = "${maven.xjc2.strict}")
public boolean getStrict() {
return strict;
public void setStrict(boolean strict) {
this.strict = strict;
private boolean writeCode = true;
* If 'false', the plugin will not write the generated code to disk.
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "true", expression = "${maven.xjc2.writeCode}")
public boolean getWriteCode() {
return writeCode;
public void setWriteCode(boolean writeCode) {
this.writeCode = writeCode;
private boolean verbose;
* If 'true', the plugin and the XJC compiler are both set to verbose mode
* (xjc's -verbose option).
* It is automatically set to 'true' when maven is run in debug mode (mvn's
* -X option).
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.verbose}")
public boolean getVerbose() {
return verbose;
public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
this.verbose = verbose;
private boolean debug;
* If 'true', the XJC compiler is set to debug mode (xjc's -debug option).
* It is automatically set to 'true' when maven is run in debug mode (mvn's
* -X option).
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.debug}")
public boolean getDebug() {
return debug;
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
private List args = new LinkedList();
* A list of extra XJC's command-line arguments (items must include the dash
* '-').
* Arguments set here take precedence over other mojo parameters.
public List getArgs() {
return args;
public void setArgs(List args) {
private boolean forceRegenerate;
* If 'true', no up-to-date check is performed and the XJC always
* re-generates the sources.
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.forceRegenerate}")
public boolean getForceRegenerate() {
return forceRegenerate;
public void setForceRegenerate(boolean forceRegenerate) {
this.forceRegenerate = forceRegenerate;
private boolean removeOldOutput;
* If 'true', the [generateDirectory] dir will be deleted before the XJC
* binding compiler recompiles the source files.
* Note that if set to 'false', the up-to-date check might not work, since
* XJC does not regenerate all files (i.e. files for "any" elements under
* 'xjc/org/w3/_2001/xmlschema' directory).
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "false", expression = "${maven.xjc2.removeOldOutput}")
public boolean getRemoveOldOutput() {
return removeOldOutput;
public void setRemoveOldOutput(boolean removeOldOutput) {
this.removeOldOutput = removeOldOutput;
private File[] otherDepends;
* A list of of input files or URLs to consider during the up-to-date. By
* default it always considers: 1. schema files, 2. binding files, 3.
* catalog file, and 4. the pom.xml file of the project executing this
* plugin.
public File[] getOtherDepends() {
return otherDepends;
public void setOtherDepends(File[] otherDepends) {
this.otherDepends = otherDepends;
private File episodeFile;
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.episodeFile}", defaultValue = "${}/generated-sources/xjc/META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode")
public File getEpisodeFile() {
return episodeFile;
public void setEpisodeFile(File episodeFile) {
this.episodeFile = episodeFile;
private boolean episode = true;
@MojoParameter(expression = "${maven.xjc2.episode}", defaultValue = "true")
public boolean getEpisode() {
return episode;
public void setEpisode(boolean episode) {
this.episode = episode;
private List classpathElements;
* Project classpath. Used internally when runing the XJC compiler.
@MojoParameter(expression = "${project.compileClasspathElements}", required = true, readonly = true)
public List getClasspathElements() {
return classpathElements;
public void setClasspathElements(List classpathElements) {
this.classpathElements = classpathElements;
protected Dependency[] plugins;
* XJC plugins to be made available to XJC. They still need to be activated
* by using <args> and enable plugin activation option.
public Dependency[] getPlugins() {
return plugins;
public void setPlugins(Dependency[] plugins) {
this.plugins = plugins;
private Dependency[] episodes;
private MavenProject project;
private ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;
private ArtifactMetadataSource artifactMetadataSource;
private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
private MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder;
private List pluginArtifacts;
public Dependency[] getEpisodes() {
return episodes;
public void setEpisodes(Dependency[] episodes) {
this.episodes = episodes;
private String specVersion = "2.1";
@MojoParameter(defaultValue = "2.1")
public String getSpecVersion() {
return specVersion;
public void setSpecVersion(String specVersion) {
this.specVersion = specVersion;
protected void logConfiguration() throws MojoExecutionException {
getLog().info("pluginArtifacts:" + getPluginArtifacts());
getLog().info("schemaLanguage:" + getSchemaLanguage());
getLog().info("schemaDirectory:" + getSchemaDirectory());
getLog().info("schemaIncludes:" + getSchemaIncludes());
getLog().info("schemaExcludes:" + getSchemaExcludes());
getLog().info("bindingDirectory:" + getBindingDirectory());
getLog().info("bindingIncludes:" + getBindingIncludes());
getLog().info("bindingExcludes:" + getBindingExcludes());
getLog().info("disableDefaultExcludes:" + getDisableDefaultExcludes());
getLog().info("catalog:" + getCatalog());
getLog().info("catalogResolver:" + getCatalogResolver());
getLog().info("generatePackage:" + getGeneratePackage());
getLog().info("generateDirectory:" + getGenerateDirectory());
getLog().info("readOnly:" + getReadOnly());
getLog().info("extension:" + getExtension());
getLog().info("strict:" + getStrict());
getLog().info("writeCode:" + getWriteCode());
getLog().info("verbose:" + getVerbose());
getLog().info("debug:" + getDebug());
getLog().info("args:" + getArgs());
getLog().info("forceRegenerate:" + getForceRegenerate());
getLog().info("removeOldOutput:" + getRemoveOldOutput());
getLog().info("otherDepends:" + getOtherDepends());
getLog().info("episodeFile:" + getEpisodeFile());
getLog().info("episode:" + getEpisode());
getLog().info("classpathElements:" + getClasspathElements());
getLog().info("plugins:" + getPlugins());
getLog().info("episodes:" + getEpisodes());
getLog().info("xjcPlugins:" + getPlugins());
getLog().info("episodes:" + getEpisodes());
getLog().info("specVersion:" + getSpecVersion());
private static final String XML_SCHEMA_CLASS_NAME = "XmlSchema";
@MojoParameter(expression = "${project}", required = true, readonly = true)
public MavenProject getProject() {
return project;
public void setProject(MavenProject project) {
this.project = project;
private static final String XML_SCHEMA_CLASS_QNAME = "javax.xml.bind.annotation."
public ArtifactResolver getArtifactResolver() {
return artifactResolver;
public void setArtifactResolver(ArtifactResolver artifactResolver) {
this.artifactResolver = artifactResolver;
+ ".class";
public ArtifactMetadataSource getArtifactMetadataSource() {
return artifactMetadataSource;
public void setArtifactMetadataSource(
ArtifactMetadataSource artifactMetadataSource) {
this.artifactMetadataSource = artifactMetadataSource;
private static final String XML_SCHEMA_RESOURCE_QNAME = "/javax/xml/bind/annotation/"
* Used internally to resolve {@link #plugins} to their jar files.
public ArtifactFactory getArtifactFactory() {
return artifactFactory;
public void setArtifactFactory(ArtifactFactory artifactFactory) {
this.artifactFactory = artifactFactory;
private static final String XML_ELEMENT_REF_CLASS_NAME = "XmlElementRef";
@MojoParameter(expression = "${localRepository}", required = true)
public ArtifactRepository getLocalRepository() {
return localRepository;
public void setLocalRepository(ArtifactRepository localRepository) {
this.localRepository = localRepository;
private static final String XML_ELEMENT_REF_CLASS_QNAME = "javax.xml.bind.annotation."
* Artifact factory, needed to download source jars.
@MojoComponent(role = "org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder")
public MavenProjectBuilder getMavenProjectBuilder() {
return mavenProjectBuilder;
public void setMavenProjectBuilder(MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder) {
this.mavenProjectBuilder = mavenProjectBuilder;
protected void logApiConfiguration() {
try {
final Class> xmlSchemaClass = Class
final URL resource = xmlSchemaClass
final String draftLocation = resource.toExternalForm();
final String location;
if (draftLocation.endsWith(XML_SCHEMA_RESOURCE_QNAME)) {
location = draftLocation.substring(0, draftLocation.length()
} else {
location = draftLocation;
getLog().info("JAXB API is loaded from the [" + location + "].");
try {
final Class> xmlElementRefClass = Class
try {
getLog().info("Detected JAXB API version [2.2].");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmex2) {
getLog().info("Detected JAXB API version [2.1].");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmex1) {
getLog().info("Detected JAXB API version [2.0].");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfex) {
"Could not find JAXB 2.x API classes. Make sure JAXB 2.x API is on the classpath.");
@MojoParameter(expression = "${plugin.artifacts}", required = true)
public List getPluginArtifacts() {
return pluginArtifacts;
public void setPluginArtifacts(
List plugingArtifacts) {
this.pluginArtifacts = plugingArtifacts;