com.sun.tools.xjc.reader.xmlschema.MessageBundle.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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# Message resource file
BGMBuilder.NoGlobalElement = \
Schema contains no global element declaration.
UnusedCustomizationChecker.WarnUnusedExpectedContentTypes = \
An xmime:expectedContentTypes attribute is present on an incorrect element
BGMBuilder.MultipleSchemaBindings = \
Multiple are defined for the target namespace "{0}"
BGMBuilder.MultipleSchemaBindings.Location = \
Another is defined here
ClassSelector.ClassNameIsRequired = \
Cannot derive a name from schema. A name attribute specified to the customization.
ClassSelector.IncorrectClassName = \
Specified name ''{0}'' is not a valid Java identifier.
ClassSelector.IncorrectPackageName = \
The package name ''{1}'' used for this schema is not a valid package name.
ClassSelector.JavadocHeading = \
Java class for {0}.\n\n
The following schema fragment specifies the expected \
content contained within this class.
ClassSelector.JavadocLineUnknown = \
ClassSelector.ReservedClassName = \
Attempt to create a class having the same name as the reserved word "{0}".
CollisionInfo.CollisionInfo = \
The field name "{0}" is used by two different parts of a schema. See: \n\
CollisionInfo.UnknownFile = \
unknown file
CollisionInfo.LineXOfY = \
line {0} of {1}
ConversionFinder.CannotBeTypeSafeEnum = \
A type safe enum customization is specified to a simple type that cannot \
be mapped to a type safe enum.
ConversionFinder.CannotBeTypeSafeEnum.Location = \
Ths relevant simple type declaration is specified at this location
ConversionFinder.NoEnumNameAvailable = \
A name attribute is required to customize an anonymous simple type to type-safe enum.
ConversionFinder.NoEnumFacet= \
enum class customization is specified on a type that has no enumeration facet.
Unable to parse the expected MIME type "{0}". {1}.
DatatypeBuilder.DatatypeError = \
Simple type error: {0}
DefaultParticleBinder.UnableToGenerateNameFromModelGroup = \
Unable to generate a property name from a model group. A customization is required.
DefaultParticleBinder.FallbackJavadoc = \
Gets the rest of the content model. \n\
You are getting this "catch-all" property because of the following reason: \n\
To get rid of this property, apply a property customization to one \n\
of both of the following declarations to change their names: \n
FieldBuilder.IncorrectFixedValue = \
The value specified in the fixed attribute "{0}" is not a valid value for the datatype
FieldBuilder.IncorrectDefaultValue = \
The value specified in the default attribute "{0}" is not a valid value for the datatype
FieldBuilder.ConflictBetweenUserTypeAndActualType.AttUse = \
"{0}" is specified by a customization but this attribute has incompatible type "{1}"
FieldBuilder.ConflictBetweenUserTypeAndActualType.AttUse.Source = \
The relevant customization is specified at this location
FieldBuilder.Javadoc.NilProperty = \
This property is used to control \
the xsi:nil feature \
of W3C XML Schema. \nSetting this property to true will cause \
the output to be <{0} xsi:nil="true" /> regardless of the \
values of the other properties.
FieldBuilder.Javadoc.ValueObject = \
get/set the complex type value associated with this element.\n \
when you unmarshal a document that contains xsi:type, the get{1} method \
would return an instance of derived classes of '{'@link {0}'}'. Similarly, if you set \
an instance of derived classes, then you would get the instance with xsi:type \
when you marshal out to XML.
SimpleTypeBuilder.UnnestedJavaTypeCustomization = \
customization in this context must be nested (JAXB spec sec 6.8.1): \n\
\t \n\
\t \n\
\t \n\
UnusedCustomizationChecker.UnacknolwedgedCustomization = \
compiler was unable to honor this {0} customization. It is attached to a wrong place, \
or it's inconsistent with other bindings.
UnusedCustomizationChecker.UnacknolwedgedCustomization.Relevant = \
(the above customization is attached to the following location in the schema)
Two enum members yield the same constant name {0}
(related to above) the other enum is defined at this location
Simple type "{0}" was not mapped to Enum due to EnumMemberSizeCap limit. Facets count: {1}, current limit: {2}. \
You can use customization attribute "typesafeEnumMaxMembers" to extend the limit.
Cannot generate a constant name from the enumeration value "{0}". \
Use to specify one.
only one globalBindings customization is allowed in a whole compilation
(related to above) but one is already given at this location
{0} is in a referenced schema and do not have the corresponding Java class specified by \
customization. Therefore it cannot be referenced from outside.
(related to above) The schema for namespace "{0}" (which includes the above component) is \
designated for reference only by this customization.
(related to above) The problematic schema component is referenced from this component: {0}
Cannot generate default value for primitive type "{0}".