stream.expressions.version2.ConditionFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* streams library
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Christian Bockermann, Hendrik Blom
* streams is a library, API and runtime environment for processing high
* volume data streams. It is composed of three submodules "stream-api",
* "stream-core" and "stream-runtime".
* The streams library (and its submodules) is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* The stream.ai library (and its submodules) is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
package stream.expressions.version2;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Hendrik Blom
public class ConditionFactory {
static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConditionFactory.class);
private Map> dExps;
private Map> sExps;
private Map> setExps;
private Map subCond;
public ConditionFactory() {
subCond = new HashMap();
dExps = new HashMap>();
sExps = new HashMap>();
setExps = new HashMap>();
public Condition create(String ex) {
// Handle empty Condition
if (ex == null || ex.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("Created new Empty Condition");
return new EmptyCondition("EMPTY");
// Check brackets
// checkBrackets(ex, "{", "}");
// Replace and Create Expressions
// ex = replaceAndCreateSetExpressions(ex);
ex = replaceAndCreateExpressions(ex);
// Remove all whitespaces
ex = ex.replace(" ", "");
ex = replaceAndCreateStringExpressions(ex);
// Debug Logging
log.debug("Expression: {}", ex);
// Replace subConditions (e.g. (...)) by a Map.key
ex = readSubConditions(ex);
print("SubConditions", subCond);
log.trace("Expression: {}", ex);
// Create ConditionTree
ConditionTree t = new ConditionTree(subCond);
log.trace("ConditionTree:\n {}", t);
// Create the condition from the given tree
Condition result = createCondition(t);
return result;
private Condition createCondition(ConditionTree t) {
if (t == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionTree \n" + t);
// t is LEAF
if (t.isLeaf()) {
if (t.getRoot().contains("null"))
return createNullCondition(t.getRoot());
if (t.getRoot().contains("true") || t.getRoot().contains("TRUE")
|| t.getRoot().contains("false")
|| t.getRoot().contains("FALSE")) {
return createBooleanCondition(t.getRoot());
// Hier ist die Magic
if (t.getRoot().contains(":p10sete_"))
return createSetCondition(t.getRoot());
if (t.getRoot().contains(":p10se"))
return createStringCondition(t.getRoot());
return createDoubleCondition(t.getRoot());
// t is no LEAF
if (t.getOp().equals("AND"))
return new AndCondition(createCondition(t.left),
if (t.getOp().equals("OR"))
return new OrCondition(createCondition(t.left),
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionTree \n" + t);
private Condition createSetCondition(String c) {
// Double
if (c.contains(">")) {
String[] exps = c.split(">");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
return null;
* Create equals-true-condition out of a given string expression.
* @param expr expression value as string
* @return condition
private Condition extractEqualsTrueExpression(String expr) {
Expression de = dExps.get(expr);
if (de != null) {
return new EqualsTrueCondition(new BooleanExpression(de.getExpression()));
return null;
* Create equals-false-condition out of a given string expression.
* @param expr expression value as string
* @return condition
private Condition extractEqualsFalseExpression(String expr) {
Expression de = dExps.get(expr);
if (de != null) {
return new EqualsFalseCondition(new BooleanExpression(de.getExpression()));
return null;
* Check if given expression contains upper or lower case of given value (true or false)
* @param expr expression value
* @param value boolean value, true or false
* @return true or false
private boolean containsBool (String expr, String value) {
return expr.contains(value.toUpperCase()) || expr.contains(value.toLowerCase());
private Condition createBooleanCondition(String c) {
// ==
if (c.contains("==")) {
String[] exps = c.split("==");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
if (containsBool(exps[0], "TRUE")) {
return extractEqualsTrueExpression(exps[1]);
if (containsBool(exps[1], "TRUE")) {
return extractEqualsTrueExpression(exps[0]);
if (containsBool(exps[0], "FALSE")) {
return extractEqualsFalseExpression(exps[1]);
if (containsBool(exps[1], "FALSE")) {
return extractEqualsFalseExpression(exps[0]);
// !=
if (c.contains("!=")) {
String[] exps = c.split("!=");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
if (containsBool(exps[0], "TRUE")) {
return extractEqualsFalseExpression(exps[0]);
if (containsBool(exps[1], "TRUE")) {
return extractEqualsFalseExpression(exps[0]);
if (containsBool(exps[0], "FALSE")) {
return extractEqualsTrueExpression(exps[1]);
if (containsBool(exps[1], "FALSE")) {
return extractEqualsTrueExpression(exps[0]);
if("FALSE".equals(c.trim()) || "false".equals(c.trim()))
return new FalseCondition(c);
if("TRUE".equals(c.trim()) || "true".equals(c.trim()))
return new TrueCondition(c);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
private Condition createNullCondition(String c) {
if (c == null || c.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
// Operator ==
if (c.contains("==")) {
String[] exps = c.split("==");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
if (exps[0].contains("null")) {
Expression ex = buildSerializableExpression(exps[1]);
if (ex == null)
return new EmptyCondition(c);
return new EqualsNullCondition(c, ex);
Expression ex = buildSerializableExpression(exps[0]);
if (ex == null)
return new EmptyCondition(c);
return new EqualsNullCondition(c, ex);
// Operator !=
if (c.contains("!=")) {
String[] exps = c.split("!=");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
if (exps[0].contains("null")) {
Expression ex = buildSerializableExpression(exps[1]);
if (ex == null)
return new EmptyCondition(c);
return new NotEqualsNullCondition(c, ex);
Expression ex = buildSerializableExpression(exps[0]);
if (ex == null)
return new EmptyCondition(c);
return new NotEqualsNullCondition(c, ex);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
private OperatorCondition createStringCondition(String c) {
if (c == null || c.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty or NULL Expression" + c);
// S Expressions
if (c.contains("==")) {
String[] exps = c.split("==");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[1]);
return new EqualsStringCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains("!=")) {
String[] exps = c.split("!=");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[1]);
return new NotEqualsStringCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains("@rx")) {
String[] exps = c.split("@rx");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[1]);
return new EqualsRXCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains("@nrx")) {
String[] exps = c.split("@nrx");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildStringExpression(exps[1]);
return new NotEqualsRXCondition(left, right);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown Operator in the given Expression" + c);
private OperatorCondition createDoubleCondition(String c) {
if (c == null || c.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
// Double Expressions
if (c.contains("==")) {
String[] exps = c.split("==");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[1]);
return new EqualsDoubleCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains("!=")) {
String[] exps = c.split("!=");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[1]);
return new NotEqualsDoubleCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains("<=")) {
String[] exps = c.split("<=");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[1]);
return new LEDoubleCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains(">=")) {
String[] exps = c.split(">=");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[1]);
return new GEDoubleCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains(">")) {
String[] exps = c.split(">");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[1]);
return new GDoubleCondition(left, right);
if (c.contains("<")) {
String[] exps = c.split("<");
if (exps.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ConditionString" + c);
Expression left = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[0]);
Expression right = createOrBuildDoubleExpression(exps[1]);
return new LDoubleCondition(left, right);
return null;
private Expression buildSerializableExpression(String key) {
Expression ed = dExps.get(key);
if (ed != null)
return ed.toSerializableExpression();
Expression es = sExps.get(key);
if (es != null)
return es.toSerializableExpression();
return null;
private Expression createOrBuildDoubleExpression(String key) {
Expression e = dExps.get(key);
if (e == null)
e = new DoubleExpression(key);
return e;
private Expression createOrBuildStringExpression(String key) {
Expression e = sExps.get(key);
if (e == null) {
Expression d = dExps.get(key);
if (d != null)
key = d.getExpression();
e = new StringExpression(key);
return e;
private void checkBrackets(String ex, String bracketOpen,
String bracketClose) {
// Test brackets
boolean run = true;
String testB = ex;
while (run) {
int s1 = testB.indexOf(bracketOpen);
int s2 = testB.indexOf(bracketOpen, s1 + 1);
int e1 = testB.indexOf(bracketClose);
if (s1 < 0 && e1 < 0)
run = false;
else {
// Bracket {{}
if (s2 > 0 && s2 < e1) {
String ss = "";
if (s2 > 0)
ss = testB.substring(0, s2);
String se = "";
if (s2 < testB.length())
se = testB.substring(s2 + 1);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("1:Bad " + bracketOpen
+ "..." + bracketClose + ":" + ss + "__"
+ bracketOpen + "__" + se);
// only one } left or }{}
if (s1 < 0 && e1 >= 0 || (e1 < s1 && s1 > 0 && e1 >= 0)) {
String ss = "";
if (e1 > 0)
ss = testB.substring(0, e1 - 1);
String se = "";
if (e1 < testB.length())
se = testB.substring(e1 + 1);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("1:Bad " + bracketOpen
+ "..." + bracketClose + ":" + ss + "__"
+ bracketClose + "__" + se);
// only one { left
if (s1 >= 0 && e1 < 0) {
String ss = "";
if (s1 > 0)
ss = testB.substring(0, s1 - 1);
String se = "";
if (s1 < testB.length())
se = testB.substring(s1 + 1);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("1:Bad " + bracketOpen
+ "..." + bracketClose + ":" + ss + "__"
+ bracketOpen + "__" + se);
testB = testB.substring(e1 + 1);
private String replaceAndCreateSetExpressions(String ex) {
boolean run = true;
int i = 0;
while (run) {
// Find start of Expression
int s = ex.indexOf(".{");
if (s > 0) {
// Split String
String[] sub = new String[2];
sub[0] = ex.substring(0, s);
sub[1] = ex.substring(s, ex.length() - 1);
// find last %{
int ts = sub[0].lastIndexOf("%{");
// find second index of }
int te = sub[0].indexOf("}");
te = sub[0].indexOf("}", te);
String sube = ex.substring(ts, s + te - 1);
String key = ":p10sete_" + i;
SetExpression exp = new SetExpression(sube);
setExps.put(key, exp);
ex = ex.replace(sube, key);
} else
run = false;
return ex;
private String replaceAndCreateExpressions(String ex) {
// PRIO 10
boolean run = true;
int i = 0;
while (run) {
int s = ex.indexOf("%{");
if (s >= 0) {
String se;
String key;
int e = ex.indexOf("}");
if (s - 1 >= 0 && ex.charAt(s - 1) == '\'') {
if (e + 1 < ex.length() && ex.charAt(e + 1) == '\'') {
se = ex.substring(s - 1, e + 2);
key = ";p10se_" + i;
StringExpression exp = new StringExpression(se);
sExps.put(key, exp);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad String ''");
} else {
se = ex.substring(s, e + 1);
key = ":p10e_" + i;
DoubleExpression exp = new DoubleExpression(se);
dExps.put(key, exp);
ex = ex.replace(se, key);
} else
run = false;
return ex;
private String replaceAndCreateStringExpressions(String ex) {
// PRIO 10
List ms = find(ex, "'");
if (ms.size() % 2 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad %{...}");
boolean run = true;
int i = 0;
while (run) {
int s = ex.indexOf("'");
if (s >= 0) {
String subString = ex.substring(s);
int e = subString.indexOf("'", 1);
String se = subString.substring(0, e + 1);
String key = ":p10se_" + i;
StringExpression exp = new StringExpression(se);
sExps.put(key, exp);
ex = ex.replace(se, key);
} else
run = false;
return ex;
private String readSubConditions(String ex) {
// PRIO 9
boolean run = true;
int c = 0;
boolean start = false;
while (run) {
// Bis start gefunden
if (!start) {
ex = brackets(ex, c);
// If all Brackets are removed
if (!ex.contains("("))
run = false;
return ex;
private String brackets(String ex, int count)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// TODO Aufwerten der Fehlermeldung
List ms = find(ex, "(");
List me = find(ex, ")");
if (ms.size() != me.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad (...) ");
// No Brackets
if (ms.size() == 0)
return ex;
// One pair of Brackets
if (ms.size() == 1 || (me.get(0) < ms.get(1) && ms.get(0) < me.get(0))) {
String subexp = ex.substring(ms.get(0), me.get(0) + 1);
String key = ":subc_" + count;
subCond.put(key, subexp.substring(1, subexp.length() - 1));
return ex.replace(subexp, key);
// Multiple Brackets
boolean run = true;
int i = 1;
while (run) {
if (i == ms.size()) {
run = false;
} else if (ms.get(i) > me.get(0)) {
run = false;
} else
String subexp = ex.substring(ms.get(i), me.get(0) + 1);
String key = ":subc_" + count;
subCond.put(key, subexp.substring(1, subexp.length() - 1));
return ex.replace(subexp, key);
public List find(String condition, String f)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
List results = new ArrayList();
boolean run = true;
int start = 0;
while (run) {
int p = condition.indexOf(f, start);
if (p < 0)
run = false;
else {
start = p + 1;
if (start >= condition.length())
run = false;
return results;
private void printDoubleExpressions() {
if (dExps.size() == 0)
log.trace("No DoubleExpressions created.");
else {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("DoubleExpression created:\n");
for (Map.Entry> e : dExps.entrySet()) {
b.append(e.getKey() + " = " + e.getValue() + "\n");
private void printStringExpressions() {
if (sExps.size() == 0)
log.trace("No StringExpressions created.");
else {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("StringExpressions created:\n");
for (Map.Entry> e : sExps.entrySet()) {
b.append(e.getKey() + " = " + e.getValue() + "\n");
private void printSetExpressions() {
if (setExps.size() == 0)
log.trace("No SetExpressions created.");
else {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("SetExpressions created:\n");
for (Map.Entry> e : setExps.entrySet()) {
b.append(e.getKey() + " = " + e.getValue() + "\n");
private void print(String name, Map m) {
if (m.isEmpty())
log.trace("{} is empty", name);
else {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("{} contains:\n");
for (Map.Entry e : m.entrySet()) {
b.append(e.getKey() + " = " + e.getValue() + "\n");
private final class ConditionTree {
private String root;
private String op = null;
private ConditionTree left;
private ConditionTree right;
private boolean eval = false;
private boolean leaf = true;
private Map subCond;
public ConditionTree(Map l9) {
this.subCond = l9;
public String getRoot() {
return root;
public void setRoot(String root) {
this.root = root;
public String getOp() {
return op;
public boolean isLeaf() {
return leaf;
public void init() {
left = new ConditionTree(this.subCond);
right = new ConditionTree(this.subCond);
public String toString() {
if (eval = false || (eval && leaf))
return root;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append(op + "\n");
s.append("left=" + left.toString() + "[" + left.leaf + "]\n");
s.append("right=" + right.toString() + "[" + right.leaf + "]\n");
return s.toString();
private void evalRecursive(String[] split){
left.root = split[0];
right.root = split[1];
leaf = false;
eval = true;
public void eval() {
String[] split = root.split("or|OR", 2);
if (split.length == 2) {
op = "OR";
// split = root.split("||", 2);
split = root.split("and|AND", 2);
if (split.length == 2) {
op = "AND";
// split = root.split("&&", 2);
if (root.contains(":subc_")) {
root = subCond.get(root);
eval = true;
private void reset() {
subCond = new HashMap<>();
dExps = new HashMap<>();
sExps = new HashMap<>();