stream.classifier.NaiveBayes Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package stream.classifier;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import stream.Data;
import stream.annotations.Description;
import stream.annotations.Parameter;
import stream.distribution.Distribution;
import stream.distribution.NominalDistribution;
import stream.distribution.NumericalDistribution;
* This class implements a NaiveBayes classifier. It combines the learning
* algorithm and the model implementation in one. The implementation provides
* support for numerical (Double) and nominal (String) attributes.
* The implementation is a strictly incremental one and supports memory
* limitation. The memory limitation is carried out by truncating the
* distribution models built for each of the observed attributes.
* @author Christian Bockermann <[email protected]>
@Description(group = "Data Stream.Mining.Classifier")
public class NaiveBayes extends AbstractClassifier {
/** The unique class ID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1095437834368310484L;
/* The global logger for this class */
static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NaiveBayes.class);
/* The La-Place correction term */
Double laplaceCorrection = 0.0001;
Double confidenceGap = new Double(0.0d);
Boolean wop = false;
/* This is the distribution of the different classes observed */
protected NominalDistribution classDistribution = null; // createNominalDistribution();
/* A map providing the distributions of the attributes (nominal,numerical) */
protected Map> distributions = new HashMap>();
* Create a new NaiveBayes instance. The label attribute is automatically
* determined by the learner, if not explicitly set with the
* setLabelAttribute
public NaiveBayes() {
classDistribution = createNominalDistribution();
* @return the laplaceCorrection
public Double getLaplaceCorrection() {
return laplaceCorrection;
* @param laplaceCorrection
* the laplaceCorrection to set
@Parameter(required = false, description = "Value of the la-place correction")
public void setLaplaceCorrection(Double laplaceCorrection) {
this.laplaceCorrection = laplaceCorrection;
* @return the confidenceGap
public Double getConfidenceGap() {
return confidenceGap;
* @param confidenceGap
* the confidenceGap to set
public void setConfidenceGap(Double confidenceGap) {
this.confidenceGap = confidenceGap;
* @return the wop
public Boolean getWop() {
return wop;
* @param wop
* the wop to set
public void setWop(Boolean wop) {
this.wop = wop;
* @see stream.model.PredictionModel#predict(java.lang.Object)
public Map vote(Data item) {
Map classLikeli = new LinkedHashMap();
log.debug("Predicting one of these classes: {}",
for (String label : getClassDistribution().getElements()) {
// 9/14 class likelihoods
if (wop) {
classLikeli.put(label, 1.0d);
} else {
Double cl = getClassDistribution().getCount(label)
.doubleValue(); // .getHistogram().get( label );
log.debug("class likelihood for class '" + label
+ "' is {} / {}", cl, getClassDistribution()
Double p_label = getClassDistribution().getHistogram().get(
/ this.getClassDistribution().getTotalCount();
classLikeli.put(label, p_label);
// compute the class likelihood for each class:
Double max = 0.0d;
String maxClass = null;
Double totalLikelihood = 0.0d;
for (String clazz : classLikeli.keySet()) {
Double likelihood = classLikeli.get(clazz);
for (String attribute : item.keySet()) {
if (!this.label.equals(attribute)) {
Object value = item.get(attribute);
if (value.getClass().equals(Double.class)) {
// multiplying probability for double value
Distribution dist = (Distribution) distributions
likelihood *= dist.prob((Double) value);
} else {
// determine likelihood for nominal value
String feature = this.getNominalCondition(attribute,
Double d = ((NominalDistribution) distributions
Double total = ((NominalDistribution) getClassDistribution())
if (d == null || d == 0.0d) {
d = laplaceCorrection;
total += laplaceCorrection;
log.debug(" likelihood for {} is {} |" + clazz
+ " ", feature, d / total);
likelihood *= (d / total);
classLikeli.put(clazz, likelihood);
totalLikelihood += likelihood;
// determine most likely class
Map probs = new LinkedHashMap();
for (String clazz : classLikeli.keySet()) {
Double likelihood = classLikeli.get(clazz) / totalLikelihood;
probs.put(clazz, likelihood);
log.debug("probability for {} is {}", clazz, likelihood);
if (maxClass == null || likelihood > max) {
maxClass = clazz;
max = likelihood;
return probs;
* @see stream.learner.AbstractClassifier#predict(java.lang.Object)
public String predict(Data item) {
Map probs = this.vote(item);
Double max = 0.0d;
String maxClass = null;
Double confidence = 0.0d;
for (String clazz : probs.keySet()) {
Double likelihood = probs.get(clazz);
log.debug("probability for {} is {}", clazz, likelihood);
// item.put( LearnerUtils.hide( "pred(" + clazz + ")" ), likelihood
// );
if (maxClass == null || likelihood > max) {
maxClass = clazz;
if (max != null)
confidence = 1.0d - Math.abs(likelihood - max);
confidence = 1.0d;
max = likelihood;
log.info("Predicting class {}, label is: {}, confidence-gap: "
+ confidence + " wop=" + wop, maxClass, item.get(label));
return maxClass;
public String getNominalCondition(String attribute, Data item) {
return attribute + "='" + item.get(attribute) + "'";
* @see stream.learner.Learner#learn(java.lang.Object)
public void train(Data item) {
// determine the label attribute, if not already set
if (label == null) {
if (item.get(label) == null) {
log.warn("Not processing unlabeled data item {}", item);
String clazz = item.get(label).toString();
log.debug("Learning from example with label={}", clazz);
if (this.classDistribution == null)
this.classDistribution = createNominalDistribution();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Classes: {}", classDistribution.getElements());
for (String t : classDistribution.getElements())
log.debug(" {}: {}", t, classDistribution.getCount(t));
// For learning we update the distributions of each attribute
for (String attribute : item.keySet()) {
if (attribute.equalsIgnoreCase(label)) {
// adjust the class label distribution
} else {
Object obj = item.get(attribute);
if (obj.getClass().equals(Double.class)) {
Double value = (Double) obj;
log.debug("Handling numerical case ({}) with value {}",
obj, value);
// manage the case of an numerical attribute
Distribution numDist = (Distribution) distributions
if (numDist == null) {
numDist = this.createNumericalDistribution();
"Creating new numerical distribution model for attribute {}",
distributions.put(attribute, numDist);
} else {
String value = this.getNominalCondition(attribute, item);
log.debug("Handling nominal case for [ {} | {} ]", value,
"class=" + clazz);
// adapt the nominal distribution for this attribute
Distribution nomDist = (Distribution) distributions
if (nomDist == null) {
nomDist = this.createNominalDistribution();
"Creating new nominal distribution model for attribute {}, {}",
attribute, "class=" + clazz);
distributions.put(clazz, nomDist);
* Returns the class distribution of the current state of the algorithm.
* @return
public NominalDistribution getClassDistribution() {
if (classDistribution == null)
classDistribution = createNominalDistribution();
return this.classDistribution;
* Returns the set of numerical distributions of this model.
* @return The set of numerical distributions, currently known to this
* classifier.
public List> getNumericalDistributions() {
List> numDists = new ArrayList>();
for (Distribution> d : distributions.values()) {
if (d instanceof NumericalDistribution)
numDists.add((Distribution) d);
return numDists;
* This method creates a new distribution model for nominal values. It can
* be overwritten by subclasses to make use of a more
* sophisticated/space-limited assessment of nominal distributions.
* @return A new, empty distribution model.
public NominalDistribution createNominalDistribution() {
return new NominalDistribution();
* This method creates a new distribution model for numerical data.
* @return A new, empty distribution model.
public Distribution createNumericalDistribution() {
return new NumericalDistribution();
* @see stream.learner.PredictionService#getName()
public String getName() throws RemoteException {
return "stream.classifier.NaiveBayes";
* @see stream.service.Service#reset()
public void reset() throws Exception {
classDistribution = this.createNominalDistribution();