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stream.runtime.setup.handler.ProcessElementHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* streams library
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Christian Bockermann, Hendrik Blom
* streams is a library, API and runtime environment for processing high
* volume data streams. It is composed of three submodules "stream-api",
* "stream-core" and "stream-runtime".
* The streams library (and its submodules) is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* The library (and its submodules) is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
package stream.runtime.setup.handler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import stream.CopiesUtils;
import stream.Processor;
import stream.ProcessorList;
import stream.container.IContainer;
import stream.runtime.DependencyInjection;
import stream.runtime.ElementHandler;
import stream.runtime.ProcessContainer;
import stream.runtime.setup.factory.DefaultProcessFactory;
import stream.runtime.setup.factory.ObjectFactory;
import stream.runtime.setup.factory.ProcessConfiguration;
import stream.runtime.setup.factory.ProcessFactory;
import stream.runtime.setup.factory.ProcessorFactory;
import stream.service.Service;
import stream.util.Variables;
* @author chris, Hendrik
public class ProcessElementHandler implements ElementHandler {
static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessElementHandler.class);
protected final ObjectFactory objectFactory;
protected final ProcessorFactory processorFactory;
protected final String defaultProcessImplementation = "stream.runtime.DefaultProcess";
public ProcessElementHandler(ObjectFactory objectFactory,
ProcessorFactory processorFactory) {
this.objectFactory = objectFactory;
this.processorFactory = processorFactory;
* @see stream.runtime.ElementHandler#getKey()
public String getKey() {
return "Process";
* @see stream.runtime.ElementHandler#handlesElement(org.w3c.dom.Element)
public boolean handlesElement(Element element) {
return "process".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getNodeName());
* @see stream.runtime.ElementHandler#handleElement(stream.container.ProcessContainer
* , org.w3c.dom.Element)
public void handleElement(ProcessContainer container, Element element,
Variables variables, DependencyInjection dependencyInjection)
throws Exception {
ProcessFactory pf = new DefaultProcessFactory(container, objectFactory, dependencyInjection);
ProcessConfiguration[] configs = pf.createConfigurations(element, variables);
// final ComputeGraph computeGraph = container.computeGraph();
// Map attr = objectFactory.getAttributes(element);
// String src = attr.get("source");
// if (src == null)
// src = attr.get("input");
// String out = attr.get("output");
// // Create the default data-stream process
// //
// String processClass = defaultProcessImplementation;
// if (attr.containsKey("class")) {
// processClass = attr.get("class");
// log.debug("Using custom process class '{}'", processClass);
// }
// String id = attr.get("id");
// if (id == null || "".equals(id.trim())) {
// id = "process-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// }
// // Create copies and set process-local Properties
// String copies = attr.get("copies");
// if (attr.containsKey("multiply")) {
// copies = attr.get("multiply");
// log.warn("The attribute 'multiply' is deprecated for element 'Process'");
// log.warn("Please use 'copies' instead of 'multiply'.");
// }
// if (copies != null && !"".equals(copies.trim())) {
// // Take original properties
// log.debug("Expanding '{}'", copies);
// copies = variables.expand(copies);
// // incrementing ids or predefinied copies?
// String[] ids;
// // predefinied
// if (copies.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
// ids = copies.split(",");
// }
// // incrementing ids
// else {
// try {
// Integer times = new Integer(copies);
// ids = new String[times];
// for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
// ids[i] = "" + i;
// }
// } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// ids = new String[1];
// ids[0] = copies;
// }
// }
// log.debug("Creating {} processes due to copies='{}'", ids.length,
// copies);
// // create process-local properties
// for (String pid : ids) {
// Variables local = new Variables(variables);
// String idpid = id + "-" + pid;
// local.put("", idpid);
// local.put("", pid);
// log.debug("Creating process '{}'", idpid);
// DefaultProcess process = createProcess(processClass, attr,
// container, element, local, dependencyInjection);
// // for (Map.Entry b : local.entrySet()) {
// // System.out.println(b.getKey() + ":" + b.getValue());
// // }
// String input = local.expand(src);
// log.debug("Setting source for process {} to {}", process, input);
// dependencyInjection.add(new SourceRef(process, "input", input));
// if (out != null) {
// String processOut = local.expand(out);
// log.debug("Setting process output for process {} to {}",
// process, processOut);
// dependencyInjection.add(new SinkRef(process, "output",
// processOut));
// } else {
// log.debug("Process has no output connection...");
// }
// container.getProcesses().add(process);
// computeGraph.addProcess(idpid, process);
// }
// } else {
// Variables local = new Variables(variables);
// objectFactory.set("", id);
// local.put("", id);
// DefaultProcess process = createProcess(processClass, attr,
// container, element, local, dependencyInjection);
// log.debug("Created Process object: {}", process);
// container.getProcesses().add(process);
// computeGraph.addProcess(id, process);
// }
// }
// protected DefaultProcess createProcess(String processClass,
// Map attr, ProcessContainer container,
// Element element, Variables local,
// DependencyInjection dependencyInjection) throws Exception {
// final ComputeGraph computeGraph = container.computeGraph();
// log.trace("Creating 'process' element, variable context is:");
// for (String key : local.keySet()) {
// log.trace(" '{}' = '{}'", key, local.get(key));
// }
// DefaultProcess process = (DefaultProcess) objectFactory.create(
// processClass, attr,
// ObjectFactory.createConfigDocument(element), local);
// // process local source
// String inputId = local.expand(attr.get("input"));
// log.debug("Created Process object: {}", process);
// log.debug("Process input is: '{}'", inputId);
// // add to local properties
// process.getProperties().putAll(attr);
// process.getProperties().putAll(local);
// // Add a source-reference for later dependency injection. The source
// // is injected into the processes as property 'source'.
// //
// SourceRef sourceRef = new SourceRef(process, "input", inputId);
// dependencyInjection.add(sourceRef);
// // this should not be required in the future - handled
// // by dependencyInjection class
// computeGraph.addReference(sourceRef);
// // check if a sink is referenced with the 'output'
// //
// String outputId = attr.get("output");
// if (outputId != null && !outputId.trim().isEmpty()) {
// outputId = local.expand(outputId);
// SinkRef sinkRef = new SinkRef(process, "output", outputId);
// log.debug("Adding output reference for process {} to {}", process,
// outputId);
// dependencyInjection.add(sinkRef);
// // this should not be required in the future - handled
// // by dependencyInjection class
// computeGraph.addReference(sinkRef);
// }
// ProcessContext ctx = new ProcessContextImpl(container.getContext());
// for (String key : attr.keySet()) {
// ctx.set(key, attr.get(key));
// }
// // add to local process context
// for (String key : local.keySet()) {
// ctx.set(key, local.get(key));
// }
// container.setProcessContext(process, ctx);
// List procs = createNestedProcessors(container, element,
// local, dependencyInjection);
// for (Processor p : procs) {
// process.add(p);
// container.computeGraph().add(process, p);
// }
// return process;
// }
protected Processor createProcessor(IContainer container, Element child,
Variables local, DependencyInjection dependencyInjection)
throws Exception {
Map params = objectFactory.getAttributes(child);
final ComputeGraph computeGraph = container.computeGraph();
Object o = objectFactory.create(child, params, local);
if (o instanceof ProcessorList) {
NodeList children = child.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = children.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element element = (Element) node;
Processor proc = createProcessor(container, element, local,
if (proc != null) {
((ProcessorList) o).getProcessors().add(proc);
} else {
"Nested element {} is not of type '': ",
return (Processor) o;
} else if (o instanceof Processor) {
// Services
// expand and handle id
if (params.containsKey("id") && !"".equals(params.get("id").trim())) {
if (o instanceof Service) {
String id = params.get("id").trim();
id = local.expand(id);
"Registering processor with id '{}' in look-up service",
container.getNamingService().register(id, (Service) o);
// false id
else {
"Processor '{}' specifies an ID attribute '{}' but does not implement a Service interface. Processor will *not* be registered!",
o.getClass().getName(), params.get("id"));
// For all keys do Service- and Sink-injection
for (String key : params.keySet()) {
// remove obsolete "-ref" string, this is to keep
// backwards-compatibility
String k = key;
if (key.endsWith("-ref"))
throw new Exception(
"'-ref' attributes are no longer supported!");
final String value = local.expand(params.get(k));
// make the key SinkInjectionAware
Class extends Sink> sinkClass = DependencyInjection
.hasSinkSetter(key, o);
if (sinkClass != null) {
"Found queue-injection for key '{}' in processor '{}'",
key, o);
// String[] refs = value.split(",");
String[] refs = CopiesUtils.parseIds(value,true);
SinkRef sinkRefs = new SinkRef(o, key, refs);
log.debug("Adding QueueRef to '{}' for object {}", refs, o);
// make the key ServiceInjectionAware
Class extends Service> serviceClass = DependencyInjection
.hasServiceSetter(key, o);
if (serviceClass != null) {
"Found service setter for key '{}' in processor {}",
key, o);
// String[] refs = value.split(",");
String[] refs = CopiesUtils.parseIds(value,true);
log.debug("Adding ServiceRef to '{}' for object {}", refs,
ServiceRef serviceRef = new ServiceRef(o, key, refs,
// ServiceReference serviceRef = new ServiceReference(ref,
// o,
// key, serviceClass);
// container.getServiceRefs().add(serviceRef);
return (Processor) o;
return null;
* @param container
* @param child
* @param variables
* @param dependencyInjection
* @return
* @throws Exception
protected List createNestedProcessors(IContainer container,
Element child, Variables local,
DependencyInjection dependencyInjection) throws Exception {
List procs = new ArrayList();
NodeList pnodes = child.getChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < pnodes.getLength(); j++) {
Node cnode = pnodes.item(j);
if (cnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Processor p = createProcessor(container, (Element) cnode,
local, dependencyInjection);
if (p != null) {
log.debug("Found processor...");
return procs;