org.jxmpp.jid.util.JidUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2014-2015 Florian Schmaus
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jxmpp.jid.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jxmpp.jid.EntityBareJid;
import org.jxmpp.jid.DomainFullJid;
import org.jxmpp.jid.EntityFullJid;
import org.jxmpp.jid.Jid;
import org.jxmpp.jid.impl.JidCreate;
import org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException;
import org.jxmpp.util.XmppStringUtils;
public class JidUtil {
* Check if the given CharSequence represents a typical and valid entity bare JID. This method does perform the same
* check as {@link #isValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence)} and additionally verifies that the domainpart of the JID
* contains at least one dot ('.') character.
* For more information about the different verification methods see {@link #validateEntityBareJid(CharSequence)}.
* @param jid the CharSequence to check.
* @return true if @{code jid} represents a valid entity bare JID, false otherwise
* @see #isValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence)
* @see EntityBareJid
public static boolean isTypicalValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence jid) {
try {
} catch (NotAEntityBareJidStringException | XmppStringprepException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if the given CharSequence is a typical and valid entity bare JID. This method does perform the same
* check as {@link #isValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence)} and additionally verifies that the domainpart of the JID
* contains at least one dot ('.') character.
* The …TypicalValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence)
methods are useful if you expect your users to always
* enter a FQDN as domainpart. Whereas isValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence)
* validateEntityBareJid
accept also inputs like "foo@example", the "is typical JID" methods require
* the domainpart to contain a dot, e.g. "[email protected]".
* @param jidcs the JID CharSequence
* @return a BareJid instance representing the given JID CharSequence
* @throws NotAEntityBareJidStringException if the given CharSequence is not a bare JID.
* @throws XmppStringprepException if an error happens.
public static EntityBareJid validateTypicalEntityBareJid(CharSequence jidcs) throws NotAEntityBareJidStringException, XmppStringprepException {
EntityBareJid jid = validateEntityBareJid(jidcs);
if (jid.getDomain().toString().indexOf('.') == -1) {
throw new NotAEntityBareJidStringException("Domainpart does not include a dot ('.') character");
return jid;
* Check if the given CharSequence represents a valid entity bare JID. That
* is, it must consists exactly of a local- and a domainpart
* (<localpart@domainpart>).
* This method is meant to validate user input and give fast feedback (e.g.
* with a red or green light) about if the user entered CharSequence
* represents a bare JID.
* @param jid
* the CharSequence to check.
* @return true if @{code jid} represents a valid entity bare JID, false otherwise
* @see EntityBareJid
public static boolean isValidEntityBareJid(CharSequence jid) {
try {
} catch (NotAEntityBareJidStringException | XmppStringprepException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if the given CharSequence is a valid entity bare JID. That
* is, it must consists exactly of a local- and a domainpart
* (<localpart@domainpart>).
* This is a convenience method meant to validate user entered bare JIDs. If
* the given {@code jid} is not a valid bare JID, then this method will
* throw either {@link NotAEntityBareJidStringException} or
* {@link XmppStringprepException}. The NotABareJidStringException will
* contain a meaningful message explaining why the given CharSequence is not a
* valid bare JID (e.g. "does not contain a '@' character").
* @param jidcs the JID CharSequence
* @return a BareJid instance representing the given JID CharSequence
* @throws NotAEntityBareJidStringException if the given CharSequence is not a bare JID.
* @throws XmppStringprepException if an error happens.
public static EntityBareJid validateEntityBareJid(CharSequence jidcs) throws NotAEntityBareJidStringException, XmppStringprepException {
String jid = jidcs.toString();
final int atIndex = jid.indexOf('@');
if (atIndex == -1) {
throw new NotAEntityBareJidStringException("'" + jid + "' does not contain a '@' character");
} else if (jid.indexOf('@', atIndex + 1) != -1) {
throw new NotAEntityBareJidStringException("'" + jid + "' contains multiple '@' characters");
final String localpart = XmppStringUtils.parseLocalpart(jid);
if (localpart.length() == 0) {
throw new NotAEntityBareJidStringException("'" + jid + "' has empty localpart");
final String domainpart = XmppStringUtils.parseDomain(jid);
if (domainpart.length() == 0) {
throw new NotAEntityBareJidStringException("'" + jid + "' has empty domainpart");
return JidCreate.entityBareFromUnescaped(jid);
public static class NotAEntityBareJidStringException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1710386661031655082L;
* Construct a new "not a entity bare JID" exception.
* @param message the message of the exception.
public NotAEntityBareJidStringException(String message) {
* Filter all entity bare JIDs.
* @param in the input collection.
* @param out the collection where the filtered JIDs are added to.
public static void filterEntityBareJid(Collection extends Jid> in, Collection super EntityBareJid> out) {
for (Jid jid : in) {
EntityBareJid bareJid = jid.asEntityBareJidIfPossible();
if (bareJid != null) {
* Filter all entity bare JIDs.
* @param input the input collection.
* @return a set containing all bare JIDs of the input collection.
public static Set filterEntityBareJidSet(Collection extends Jid> input) {
Set res = new HashSet(input.size());
filterEntityBareJid(input, res);
return res;
* Filter all entity bare JIDs.
* @param input the input collection.
* @return a list containing all bare JIDs of the input collection.
public static List filterEntityBareJidList(Collection extends Jid> input) {
List res = new ArrayList(input.size());
filterEntityBareJid(input, res);
return res;
* Filter all entity full JIDs.
* @param in the input collection.
* @param out the collection where the filtered JIDs are added to.
public static void filterEntityFullJid(Collection extends Jid> in, Collection super EntityFullJid> out) {
for (Jid jid : in) {
EntityFullJid fullJid = jid.asEntityFullJidIfPossible();
if (fullJid != null) {
* Filter all full JIDs.
* @param input the input collection.
* @return a set containing all full JIDs of the input collection.
public static Set filterEntityFullJidSet(Collection extends Jid> input) {
Set res = new HashSet(input.size());
filterEntityFullJid(input, res);
return res;
* Filter all full JIDs.
* @param input the input collection.
* @return a list containing all full JIDs of the input collection.
public static List filterEntityFullJidList(Collection extends Jid> input) {
List res = new ArrayList(input.size());
filterEntityFullJid(input, res);
return res;
* Filter all domain full JIDs.
* @param in the input collection.
* @param out the collection where the filtered JIDs are added to.
public static void filterDomainFullJid(Collection extends Jid> in, Collection super DomainFullJid> out) {
for (Jid jid : in) {
DomainFullJid domainFullJid = jid.asDomainFullJidIfPossible();
if (domainFullJid != null) {
* Filter all domain full JIDs.
* @param input the input collection.
* @return a set containing all domain full JIDs of the input collection.
public static Set filterDomainFullJidSet(Collection extends Jid> input) {
Set res = new HashSet(input.size());
filterDomainFullJid(input, res);
return res;
* Filter all domain full JIDs.
* @param input the input collection.
* @return a list containing all domain full JIDs of the input collection.
public static List filterDomainFullJidList(Collection extends Jid> input) {
List res = new ArrayList(input.size());
filterDomainFullJid(input, res);
return res;
* Convert the given collection of CharSequences to bare JIDs.
* @param jidStrings the collection of CharSequences.
* @return a set of bare JIDs.
public static Set entityBareJidSetFrom(Collection extends CharSequence> jidStrings) {
Set res = new HashSet(jidStrings.size());
entityBareJidsFrom(jidStrings, res, null);
return res;
* Convert a collection of Strings to a Set of {@link EntityBareJid}'s.
* If the optional argument exceptions
is given, then all {@link XmppStringprepException} thrown while
* converting will be added to the list. Otherwise, if an XmppStringprepExceptions is thrown, it will be wrapped in
* a AssertionError Exception and throw.
* @param jidStrings
* the strings that are going to get converted
* @param output
* the collection where the BareJid's will be added to
* @param exceptions the list of exceptions thrown while converting.
public static void entityBareJidsFrom(Collection extends CharSequence> jidStrings, Collection super EntityBareJid> output,
List exceptions) {
for (CharSequence jid : jidStrings) {
try {
EntityBareJid bareJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jid);
} catch (XmppStringprepException e) {
if (exceptions != null) {
} else {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Convert the given array of Strings to JIDs.
* Note that errors while converting the Strings will be silently ignored.
* @param jids a array of JID Strings.
* @return a set of JIDs.
public static Set jidSetFrom(String[] jids) {
return jidSetFrom(Arrays.asList(jids));
* Convert the given collection of CharSequences to JIDs.
* @param jidStrings the collection of CharSequences.
* @return a set of JIDs.
public static Set jidSetFrom(Collection extends CharSequence> jidStrings) {
Set res = new HashSet(jidStrings.size());
jidsFrom(jidStrings, res, null);
return res;
* Convert a collection of Strings to a Set of {@link Jid}'s.
* If the optional argument exceptions
is given, then all {@link XmppStringprepException} thrown while
* converting will be added to the list. Otherwise, if an XmppStringprepExceptions is thrown, it will be wrapped in
* a AssertionError Exception and throw.
* @param jidStrings
* the strings that are going to get converted
* @param output
* the collection where the Jid's will be added to
* @param exceptions the list of exceptions thrown while converting.
public static void jidsFrom(Collection extends CharSequence> jidStrings, Collection super Jid> output,
List exceptions) {
for (CharSequence jidString : jidStrings) {
try {
Jid jid = JidCreate.from(jidString);
} catch (XmppStringprepException e) {
if (exceptions != null) {
} else {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Convert a collection of JIDs to a list of Strings representing those JIDs.
* @param jids a collection of JIDs.
* @return a list of Strings.
public static List toStringList(Collection extends Jid> jids) {
List res = new ArrayList(jids.size());
toStrings(jids, res);
return res;
* convert a collection of JIDs to a set of Strings representing those JIDs.
* @param jids a collection of JIDs.
* @return a set of String.
public static Set toStringSet(Collection extends Jid> jids) {
Set res = new HashSet(jids.size());
toStrings(jids, res);
return res;
* Convert a collection of JIDs to a Collection of Strings.
* @param jids the collection of Strings to convert.
* @param jidStrings the collection of Strings to append to.
public static void toStrings(Collection extends Jid> jids, Collection super String> jidStrings) {
for (Jid jid : jids) {