Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.mwg.Graph;
import org.mwg.Type;
* Created by andre on 4/26/2016.
* Common superclass for all ML algorithm that use bootstrap mode
* and
public abstract class AbstractSlidingWindowManagingNode extends AbstractMLNode {
* Internal keys - those attributes are only for internal use within the node.
* They are not supposed to be accessed from outside (although it is not banned).
protected static final String INTERNAL_RESULTS_BUFFER_KEY = "_results";
* Attribute key - whether the node is in bootstrap (re-learning) mode
public static final String BOOTSTRAP_MODE_KEY = "bootstrapMode";
public static final boolean BOOTSTRAP_MODE_DEF = true;
* Buffer size
public static final String BUFFER_SIZE_KEY = "BufferSize";
* Buffer size - default
public static final int BUFFER_SIZE_DEF = 50;
* Number of input dimensions
public static final String INPUT_DIM_KEY = "InputDimensions";
* Number of input dimensions - default
public static final int INPUT_DIM_UNKNOWN = -1;
* Number of input dimensions - default (unknown so far)
public static final int INPUT_DIM_DEF = INPUT_DIM_UNKNOWN;
* Higher error threshold
public static final String HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_KEY = "HighErrorThreshold";
* Higher error threshold - default
public static final double HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_DEF = 0.1;
* Lower error threshold
public static final String LOW_ERROR_THRESH_KEY = "LowErrorThreshold";
* Lower error threshold
public static final double LOW_ERROR_THRESH_DEF = 0.05;
* Attribute key - sliding window of values
private static final String INTERNAL_VALUE_BUFFER_KEY = "_valueBuffer";
public AbstractSlidingWindowManagingNode(long p_world, long p_time, long p_id, Graph p_graph, long[] currentResolution) {
super(p_world, p_time, p_id, p_graph, currentResolution);
protected final void setValueBuffer(double[] valueBuffer) {
AbstractSlidingWindowManagingNode.requireNotNull(valueBuffer, "value buffer must be not null");
unphasedState().setFromKey(INTERNAL_VALUE_BUFFER_KEY, Type.DOUBLE_ARRAY, valueBuffer);
//Results buffer is set by further class. .
protected void removeFirstValueFromBuffer() {
final int dims = getInputDimensions();
double valueBuffer[] = getValueBuffer();
if (valueBuffer.length == 0) {
double newBuffer[] = new double[valueBuffer.length - dims];
for (int i = 0; i < newBuffer.length; i++) {
newBuffer[i] = valueBuffer[i + dims];
protected abstract void removeFirstValueFromResultBuffer();
protected int getNumValuesInBuffer() {
final int valLength = getValueBuffer().length;
return valLength / getInputDimensions();
public boolean isInBootstrapMode() {
return unphasedState().getFromKeyWithDefault(BOOTSTRAP_MODE_KEY, BOOTSTRAP_MODE_DEF);
protected double[] getValueBuffer() {
return unphasedState().getFromKeyWithDefault(INTERNAL_VALUE_BUFFER_KEY, new double[0]);
* @return Class index - index in a value array, where class label is supposed to be
protected int getMaxBufferLength() {
return unphasedState().getFromKeyWithDefault(BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, BUFFER_SIZE_DEF);
* @return Class index - index in a value array, where class label is supposed to be
protected int getInputDimensions() {
return unphasedState().getFromKeyWithDefault(INPUT_DIM_KEY, INPUT_DIM_DEF);
* @return Class index - index in a value array, where class label is supposed to be
protected void setInputDimensions(int dims) {
unphasedState().setFromKey(INPUT_DIM_KEY, Type.INT, dims);
public void setPropertyUnphased(String propertyName, byte propertyType, Object propertyValue) {
unphasedState().setFromKey(propertyName, propertyType, propertyValue);
public void setProperty(String propertyName, byte propertyType, Object propertyValue) {
if (BUFFER_SIZE_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
illegalArgumentIfFalse(propertyValue instanceof Integer, "Buffer size should be integer");
illegalArgumentIfFalse((Integer) propertyValue > 0, "Buffer size should be positive");
unphasedState().setFromKey(BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, Type.INT, propertyValue);
} else if (LOW_ERROR_THRESH_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
illegalArgumentIfFalse((propertyValue instanceof Double) || (propertyValue instanceof Integer),
"Low error threshold should be of type double or integer");
if (propertyValue instanceof Double) {
illegalArgumentIfFalse((Double) propertyValue >= 0, "Low error threshold should be non-negative");
unphasedState().setFromKey(LOW_ERROR_THRESH_KEY, Type.DOUBLE, propertyValue);
} else {
illegalArgumentIfFalse((Integer) propertyValue >= 0, "Low error threshold should be non-negative");
unphasedState().setFromKey(LOW_ERROR_THRESH_KEY, Type.DOUBLE, (double) ((Integer) propertyValue));
} else if (HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
illegalArgumentIfFalse((propertyValue instanceof Double) || (propertyValue instanceof Integer),
"High error threshold should be of type double or integer");
if (propertyValue instanceof Double) {
illegalArgumentIfFalse((Double) propertyValue >= 0, "High error threshold should be non-negative");
unphasedState().setFromKey(HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_KEY, Type.DOUBLE, propertyValue);
} else {
illegalArgumentIfFalse((Integer) propertyValue >= 0, "High error threshold should be non-negative");
unphasedState().setFromKey(HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_KEY, Type.DOUBLE, (double) ((Integer) propertyValue));
} else if (INTERNAL_VALUE_BUFFER_KEY.equals(propertyName) || BOOTSTRAP_MODE_KEY.equals(propertyName) ||
INPUT_DIM_KEY.equals(propertyName) || INTERNAL_RESULTS_BUFFER_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
//Nothing. They are unsettable directly
} else {
super.setProperty(propertyName, propertyType, propertyValue);
* Defines implementation-specific actions to do before going to bootstrap mode.
protected abstract void setBootstrapModeHook();
protected void setBootstrapMode(boolean newBootstrapMode) {
if (newBootstrapMode) {
//New state starts now
unphasedState().setFromKey(BOOTSTRAP_MODE_KEY, Type.BOOL, newBootstrapMode);
protected double getHigherErrorThreshold() {
return unphasedState().getFromKeyWithDefault(HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_KEY, HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_DEF);
protected double getLowerErrorThreshold() {
return unphasedState().getFromKeyWithDefault(LOW_ERROR_THRESH_KEY, LOW_ERROR_THRESH_DEF);
protected abstract double getBufferError();
public int getCurrentBufferLength() {
double valueBuffer[] = getValueBuffer();
final int dims = getInputDimensions();
return valueBuffer.length / dims;
public Object get(String propertyName) {
if (INPUT_DIM_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
return getInputDimensions();
} else if (BUFFER_SIZE_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
return getMaxBufferLength();
} else if (LOW_ERROR_THRESH_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
return getLowerErrorThreshold();
} else if (HIGH_ERROR_THRESH_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
return getHigherErrorThreshold();
} else if (BOOTSTRAP_MODE_KEY.equals(propertyName)) {
return isInBootstrapMode();
return super.get(propertyName);