org.keycloak.organization.OrganizationProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2024 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates
* and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.keycloak.organization;
import java.util.Map;
import org.keycloak.models.IdentityProviderModel;
import org.keycloak.models.ModelDuplicateException;
import org.keycloak.models.ModelException;
import org.keycloak.models.OrganizationModel;
import org.keycloak.models.UserModel;
import org.keycloak.provider.Provider;
* A {@link Provider} that manages organization and its data within the scope of a realm.
public interface OrganizationProvider extends Provider {
* Creates a new organization with given {@code name} and {@code alias} to the realm.
* The internal ID of the organization will be created automatically.
* @param name the name of the organization.
* @param alias the alias of the organization. If not set, defaults to the value set to {@code name}. Once set, the alias is immutable.
* @throws ModelDuplicateException If there is already an organization with the given name or alias
* @return Model of the created organization.
default OrganizationModel create(String name, String alias) {
return create(null, name, alias);
* Creates a new organization with given {@code id}, {@code name}, and {@code alias} to the realm
* @param id the id of the organization.
* @param name the name of the organization.
* @param alias the alias of the organization. If not set, defaults to the value set to {@code name}. Once set, the alias is immutable.
* @throws ModelDuplicateException If there is already an organization with the given name or alias
* @return Model of the created organization.
OrganizationModel create(String id, String name, String alias);
* Returns a {@link OrganizationModel} by its {@code id};
* @param id the id of an organization
* @return the organization with the given {@code id} or {@code null} if there is no such an organization.
OrganizationModel getById(String id);
* Returns a {@link OrganizationModel} by its internet domain.
* @param domainName the organization's internet domain (e.g.
* @return the organization that is linked to the given internet domain
OrganizationModel getByDomainName(String domainName);
* Returns all organizations in the realm.
* @return a {@link Stream} of the realm's organizations.
default Stream getAllStream() {
return getAllStream("", null, null, null);
* Returns all organizations in the realm filtered according to the specified parameters.
* @param search a {@code String} representing either an organization name or domain.
* @param exact if {@code true}, the organizations will be searched using exact match for the {@code search} param - i.e.
* either the organization name or one of its domains must match exactly the {@code search} param. If false,
* the method returns all organizations whose name or (domains) partially match the {@code search} param.
* @param first the position of the first result to be processed (pagination offset). Ignored if negative or {@code null}.
* @param max the maximum number of results to be returned. Ignored if negative or {@code null}.
* @return a {@link Stream} of the matched organizations. Never returns {@code null}.
Stream getAllStream(String search, Boolean exact, Integer first, Integer max);
* Returns all organizations in the realm filtered according to the specified parameters.
* @param attributes a {@code Map} containig the attributes (name/value) that must match organization attributes.
* @param first the position of the first result to be processed (pagination offset). Ignored if negative or {@code null}.
* @param max the maximum number of results to be returned. Ignored if negative or {@code null}.
* @return a {@link Stream} of the matched organizations. Never returns {@code null}.
Stream getAllStream(Map attributes, Integer first, Integer max);
* Removes the given organization from the realm together with the data associated with it, e.g. its members etc.
* @param organization Organization to be removed.
* @throws ModelException if the organization doesn't exist or doesn't belong to the realm.
* @return {@code true} if the organization was removed, {@code false} otherwise
boolean remove(OrganizationModel organization);
* Removes all organizations from the realm.
void removeAll();
* Adds the given {@link UserModel} as a managed member of the given {@link OrganizationModel}.
* @param organization the organization
* @param user the user
* @throws ModelException if the {@link UserModel} is member of different organization
* @return {@code true} if the user was added as a member. Otherwise, returns {@code false}
boolean addManagedMember(OrganizationModel organization, UserModel user);
* Adds the given {@link UserModel} as an unmanaged member of the given {@link OrganizationModel}.
* @param organization the organization
* @param user the user
* @throws ModelException if the {@link UserModel} is member of different organization
* @return {@code true} if the user was added as a member. Otherwise, returns {@code false}
boolean addMember(OrganizationModel organization, UserModel user);
* Returns the members of a given {@link OrganizationModel} filtered according to the specified parameters.
* @param organization the organization
* @return Stream of the members. Never returns {@code null}.
Stream getMembersStream(OrganizationModel organization, String search, Boolean exact, Integer first, Integer max);
* Returns number of members in the organization.
* @param organization the organization
* @return Number of members in the organization.
long getMembersCount(OrganizationModel organization);
* Returns the member of the {@link OrganizationModel} by its {@code id}.
* @param organization the organization
* @param id the member id
* @return the member of the {@link OrganizationModel} with the given {@code id}
UserModel getMemberById(OrganizationModel organization, String id);
* Returns the {@link OrganizationModel} that the {@code member} belongs to.
* @param member the member of an organization
* @return the organizations the {@code member} belongs to or an empty stream if the user doesn't belong to any.
Stream getByMember(UserModel member);
* Associate the given {@link IdentityProviderModel} with the given {@link OrganizationModel}.
* @param organization the organization
* @param identityProvider the identityProvider
* @return {@code true} if the identityProvider was associated with the organization. Otherwise, returns {@code false}
boolean addIdentityProvider(OrganizationModel organization, IdentityProviderModel identityProvider);
* @param organization the organization
* @return Stream of the identity providers associated with the given {@code organization}. Never returns {@code null}.
Stream getIdentityProviders(OrganizationModel organization);
* Removes the link between the given {@link OrganizationModel} and the identity provider associated with it if such a link exists.
* @param organization the organization
* @param identityProvider the identity provider
* @return {@code true} if the link was removed, {@code false} otherwise
boolean removeIdentityProvider(OrganizationModel organization, IdentityProviderModel identityProvider);
* Indicates if the current realm supports organization.
* @return {@code true} if organization is supported. Otherwise, returns {@code false}
boolean isEnabled();
* Indicates if the given {@code member} is managed by the organization.
A member is managed by the organization whenever the member cannot exist without the organization they belong
* to so that their lifecycle is bound to the organization lifecycle. For instance, when a member is federated from
* the identity provider associated with an organization, there is a strong relationship between the member identity
* and the organization.
On the other hand, existing realm users whose identities are not intrinsically linked to an organization but
* are eventually joining an organization are not managed by the organization. They have a lifecycle that does not
* depend on the organization they are linked to.
* @param organization the organization
* @param member the member
* @return {@code true} if the {@code member} is managed by the given {@code organization}. Otherwise, returns {@code false}
boolean isManagedMember(OrganizationModel organization, UserModel member);
* Indicates if the given {@code user} is a member of the given {@code organization}.
* @param organization the organization
* @param user the member
* @return {@code true} if the user is a member. Otherwise, {@code false}
default boolean isMember(OrganizationModel organization, UserModel user) {
return getMemberById(organization, user.getId()) != null;
Removes a member from the organization.
This method can either remove the given {@code member} entirely from the realm (and the organization) or only
* remove the link to the {@code organization} so that the user still exists but is no longer a member of the organization.
* The decision to remove the user entirely or only the link depends on whether the user is managed by the organization or not, respectively.
* @param organization the organization
* @param member the member
* @return {@code true} if the given {@code member} is a member and was successfully removed from the organization. Otherwise, returns {@code false}
boolean removeMember(OrganizationModel organization, UserModel member);
* Returns number of organizations in the realm.
* @return long Number of organizations
long count();
* Returns an {@link OrganizationModel} with the given {@code alias}.
* @param alias the alias
* @return the organization
default OrganizationModel getByAlias(String alias) {
return getAllStream(Map.of(OrganizationModel.ALIAS, alias), 0, 1).findAny().orElse(null);