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Show all versions of closure-compiler-unshaded Show documentation
Show all versions of closure-compiler-unshaded Show documentation
Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your
JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes
what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and
warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's
JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and
Google Docs.
The newest version!
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java/lang/Object ()V
-com/google/javascript/jscomp/CompilerExecutor compilerThread Ljava/lang/Thread;
useThreads Z timeout I
getDefaultExecutorService (()Ljava/util/concurrent/ExecutorService; /com/google/javascript/jscomp/CompilerExecutor$1
! java/util/concurrent/Executors newSingleThreadExecutor L(Ljava/util/concurrent/ThreadFactory;)Ljava/util/concurrent/ExecutorService;
# $ getExecutorService & java/lang/Throwable
( ) * + , java/lang/Thread
currentThread ()Ljava/lang/Thread; . /Please do not share the Compiler across threads
0 1 2 3 4 $com/google/common/base/Preconditions
checkState (ZLjava/lang/Object;)V 6 7 8 call ?(Lcom/google/javascript/jscomp/CompilerExecutor;ZLjava/util/concurrent/Callable;[Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable; : ; < = > $java/util/concurrent/ExecutorService submit >(Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future; @ A B C D java/util/concurrent/TimeUnit SECONDS Ljava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit; F G H I J java/util/concurrent/Future get 4(JLjava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;)Ljava/lang/Object; F L I M ()Ljava/lang/Object; : O P shutdown R java/lang/InterruptedException T %java/util/concurrent/TimeoutException V 'java/util/concurrent/ExecutionException X java/lang/RuntimeException
W Z [ (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V ] ^ _ 7 M java/util/concurrent/Callable a java/lang/Exception
c d e f [ !com/google/common/base/Throwables throwIfUnchecked
h i j k #com/google/javascript/jscomp/Tracer initCurrentThreadTrace
h m n logCurrentThreadTrace
h p q clearCurrentThreadTrace COMPILER_STACK_SIZE J
ConstantValue RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations #Lorg/jspecify/annotations/Nullable; Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this /Lcom/google/javascript/jscomp/CompilerExecutor; RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations /Lcom/google/common/annotations/GwtIncompatible; value $java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService disableThreads
setTimeout (I)V MethodParameters runInCompilerThread 4(Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;Z)Ljava/lang/Object; bootCompilerThread Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable; future Ljava/util/concurrent/Future; e Ljava/lang/Exception; callable dumpTraceReport executor &Ljava/util/concurrent/ExecutorService; result Ljava/lang/Object; exception [Ljava/lang/Throwable; LocalVariableTypeTable $Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable; "Ljava/util/concurrent/Future; TT;
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