com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.*;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.base.ProviderBase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.cfg.Annotations;
* Basic implementation of JAX-RS abstractions ({@link MessageBodyReader},
* {@link MessageBodyWriter}) needed for binding
* JSON ("application/json") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
* Actual data binding functionality is implemented by {@link ObjectMapper}:
* mapper to use can be configured in multiple ways:
* - By explicitly passing mapper to use in constructor
- By explictly setting mapper to use by {@link #setMapper}
- By defining JAX-RS
that returns {@link ObjectMapper}s.
* - By doing none of above, in which case a default mapper instance is
* constructed (and configured if configuration methods are called)
* The last method ("do nothing specific") is often good enough; explicit passing
* of Mapper is simple and explicit; and Provider-based method may make sense
* with Depedency Injection frameworks, or if Mapper has to be configured differently
* for different media types.
* Note that the default mapper instance will be automatically created if
* one of explicit configuration methods (like {@link #configure})
* is called: if so, Provider-based introspection is NOT used, but the
* resulting Mapper is used as configured.
* Note: version 1.3 added a sub-class ({@link JacksonJaxbJsonProvider}) which
* is configured by default to use both Jackson and JAXB annotations for configuration
* (base class when used as-is defaults to using just Jackson annotations)
* @author Tatu Saloranta
@Consumes(MediaType.WILDCARD) // NOTE: required to support "non-standard" JSON variants
public class JacksonJsonProvider
extends ProviderBase
public final static String MIME_JAVASCRIPT = "application/javascript";
public final static String MIME_JAVASCRIPT_MS = "application/x-javascript";
* Default annotation sets to use, if not explicitly defined during
* construction: only Jackson annotations are used for the base
* class. Sub-classes can use other settings.
public final static Annotations[] BASIC_ANNOTATIONS = {
/* General configuration
* JSONP function name to use for automatic JSONP wrapping, if any;
* if null, no JSONP wrapping is done.
* Note that this is the default value that can be overridden on
* per-endpoint basis.
protected String _jsonpFunctionName;
/* Context configuration
* Injectable context object used to locate configured
* instance of {@link ObjectMapper} to use for actual
* serialization.
protected Providers _providers;
/* Construction
* Default constructor, usually used when provider is automatically
* configured to be used with JAX-RS implementation.
public JacksonJsonProvider() {
* @param annotationsToUse Annotation set(s) to use for configuring
* data binding
public JacksonJsonProvider(Annotations... annotationsToUse) {
this(null, annotationsToUse);
public JacksonJsonProvider(ObjectMapper mapper) {
this(mapper, BASIC_ANNOTATIONS);
* Constructor to use when a custom mapper (usually components
* like serializer/deserializer factories that have been configured)
* is to be used.
* @param annotationsToUse Sets of annotations (Jackson, JAXB) that provider should
* support
public JacksonJsonProvider(ObjectMapper mapper, Annotations[] annotationsToUse) {
super(new JsonMapperConfigurator(mapper, annotationsToUse));
* Method that will return version information stored in and read from jar
* that contains this class.
public Version version() {
return PackageVersion.VERSION;
/* JSON-specific configuration
public void setJSONPFunctionName(String fname) {
_jsonpFunctionName = fname;
/* Abstract method impls
* @deprecated Since 2.2 use {@link #hasMatchingMediaType(MediaType)} instead
protected boolean isJsonType(MediaType mediaType) {
return hasMatchingMediaType(mediaType);
* Helper method used to check whether given media type
* is supported by this provider.
* Current implementation essentially checks to see whether
* {@link MediaType#getSubtype} returns "json" or something
* ending with "+json".
* Or "text/x-json" (since 2.3)
* @since 2.2
protected boolean hasMatchingMediaType(MediaType mediaType)
/* As suggested by Stephen D, there are 2 ways to check: either
* being as inclusive as possible (if subtype is "json"), or
* exclusive (major type "application", minor type "json").
* Let's start with inclusive one, hard to know which major
* types we should cover aside from "application".
if (mediaType != null) {
// Ok: there are also "xxx+json" subtypes, which count as well
String subtype = mediaType.getSubtype();
// [Issue#14]: also allow 'application/javascript'
return "json".equalsIgnoreCase(subtype) || subtype.endsWith("+json")
|| "javascript".equals(subtype)
// apparently Microsoft once again has interesting alternative types?
|| "x-javascript".equals(subtype)
|| "x-json".equals(subtype) // [Issue#40]
/* Not sure if this can happen; but it seems reasonable
* that we can at least produce JSON without media type?
return true;
protected ObjectMapper _locateMapperViaProvider(Class> type, MediaType mediaType)
if (_providers != null) {
ContextResolver resolver = _providers.getContextResolver(ObjectMapper.class, mediaType);
/* Above should work as is, but due to this bug
* [https://jersey.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=288]
* in Jersey, it doesn't. But this works until resolution of
* the issue:
if (resolver == null) {
resolver = _providers.getContextResolver(ObjectMapper.class, null);
if (resolver != null) {
return resolver.getContext(type);
return null;
protected JsonEndpointConfig _configForReading(ObjectReader reader,
Annotation[] annotations) {
return JsonEndpointConfig.forReading(reader, annotations);
protected JsonEndpointConfig _configForWriting(ObjectWriter writer,
Annotation[] annotations) {
return JsonEndpointConfig.forWriting(writer, annotations,
* @deprecated Since 2.3, use variant that takes explicit defaultView
protected JsonEndpointConfig _configForReading(ObjectMapper mapper, Annotation[] annotations) {
return _configForReading(mapper, annotations, _defaultReadView);
* @deprecated Since 2.3, use variant that takes explicit defaultView
protected JsonEndpointConfig _configForWriting(ObjectMapper mapper, Annotation[] annotations) {
return _configForWriting(mapper, annotations, _defaultWriteView);