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// JMustache - A Java implementation of the Mustache templating language
// http://github.com/samskivert/jmustache/blob/master/LICENSE
package com.samskivert.mustache;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Provides Mustache templating services.
* Basic usage:
* String source = "Hello {{arg}}!";
* Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler().compile(source);
* Map context = new HashMap();
* context.put("arg", "world");
* tmpl.execute(context); // returns "Hello world!"
* }
public class Mustache
/** An interface to the Mustache compilation process. See {@link Mustache}. */
public static class Compiler
/** Whether or not HTML entities are escaped by default. */
public final boolean escapeHTML;
/** Whether or not standards mode is enabled. */
public final boolean standardsMode;
/** A value to use when a variable resolves to null. If this value is null (which is the
* default null value), an exception will be thrown. If {@link #missingIsNull} is also
* true, this value will be used when a variable cannot be resolved. */
public final String nullValue;
/** If this value is true, missing variables will be treated like variables that return
* null. {@link #nullValue} will be used in their place, assuming {@link #nullValue} is
* configured to a non-null value. */
public final boolean missingIsNull;
/** The template loader in use during this compilation. */
public final TemplateLoader loader;
/** The collector used by templates compiled with this compiler. */
public final Collector collector;
/** Compiles the supplied template into a repeatedly executable intermediate form. */
public Template compile (String template) {
return compile(new StringReader(template));
/** Compiles the supplied template into a repeatedly executable intermediate form. */
public Template compile (Reader source) {
return Mustache.compile(source, this);
/** Returns a compiler that either does or does not escape HTML by default. */
public Compiler escapeHTML (boolean escapeHTML) {
return new Compiler(escapeHTML, this.standardsMode, this.nullValue, this.missingIsNull,
this.loader, this.collector);
/** Returns a compiler that either does or does not use standards mode. Standards mode
* disables the non-standard JMustache extensions like looking up missing names in a parent
* context. */
public Compiler standardsMode (boolean standardsMode) {
return new Compiler(this.escapeHTML, standardsMode, this.nullValue, this.missingIsNull,
this.loader, this.collector);
/** Returns a compiler that will use the given value for any variable that is missing, or
* otherwise resolves to null. This is like {@link #nullValue} except that it returns the
* supplied default for missing keys and existing keys that return null values. */
public Compiler defaultValue (String defaultValue) {
return new Compiler(this.escapeHTML, this.standardsMode, defaultValue, true,
this.loader, this.collector);
/** Returns a compiler that will use the given value for any variable that resolves to
* null, but will still raise an exception for variables for which an accessor cannot be
* found. This is like {@link #defaultValue} except that it differentiates between missing
* accessors, and accessors that exist but return null.
* - In the case of a Java object being used as a context, if no field or method can be
* found for a variable, an exception will be raised.
* - In the case of a {@link Map} being used as a context, all possible accessors are
* assumed to exist (but potentially return null), and no exception will ever be
* raised.
public Compiler nullValue (String nullValue) {
return new Compiler(this.escapeHTML, this.standardsMode, nullValue, false,
this.loader, this.collector);
/** Returns a compiler configured to use the supplied template loader to handle partials. */
public Compiler withLoader (TemplateLoader loader) {
return new Compiler(this.escapeHTML, this.standardsMode, this.nullValue,
this.missingIsNull, loader, this.collector);
/** Returns a compiler configured to use the supplied collector. */
public Compiler withCollector (Collector collector) {
return new Compiler(this.escapeHTML, this.standardsMode, this.nullValue,
this.missingIsNull, this.loader, collector);
protected Compiler (boolean escapeHTML, boolean standardsMode, String nullValue,
boolean missingIsNull, TemplateLoader loader, Collector collector) {
this.escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
this.standardsMode = standardsMode;
this.nullValue = nullValue;
this.missingIsNull = missingIsNull;
this.loader = loader;
this.collector = collector;
/** Used to handle partials. */
public interface TemplateLoader
/** Returns a reader for the template with the supplied name.
* @throws Exception if the template could not be loaded for any reason. */
public Reader getTemplate (String name) throws Exception;
/** Used to read variables from values. */
public interface VariableFetcher
/** Reads the so-named variable from the supplied context object. */
Object get (Object ctx, String name) throws Exception;
/** Handles interpreting objects as collections. */
public interface Collector
/** Returns an iterator that can iterate over the supplied value, or null if the value is
* not a collection. */
Iterator> toIterator (final Object value);
/** Creates a fetcher for a so-named variable in the supplied context object, which will
* never be null. The fetcher will be cached and reused for future contexts for which
* {@code octx.getClass().equals(nctx.getClass()}. */
VariableFetcher createFetcher (Object ctx, String name);
* Returns a compiler that escapes HTML by default and does not use standards mode.
public static Compiler compiler ()
return new Compiler(true, false, null, true, FAILING_LOADER, new DefaultCollector());
* Compiles the supplied template into a repeatedly executable intermediate form.
protected static Template compile (Reader source, Compiler compiler)
Accumulator accum = new Parser(compiler).parse(source);
return new Template(accum.finish(), compiler);
private Mustache () {} // no instantiateski
protected static void restoreStartTag (StringBuilder text, Delims starts)
text.insert(0, starts.start1);
if (starts.start2 != NO_CHAR) {
text.insert(1, starts.start2);
protected static String escapeHTML (String text)
for (String[] escape : ATTR_ESCAPES) {
text = text.replace(escape[0], escape[1]);
return text;
protected static boolean allowsWhitespace (char typeChar)
return (typeChar == '=') || // change delimiters
(typeChar == '!'); // comment
protected static final int TEXT = 0;
protected static final int MATCHING_START = 1;
protected static final int MATCHING_END = 2;
protected static final int TAG = 3;
// a hand-rolled parser; whee!
protected static class Parser {
final Delims delims = new Delims();
final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
Reader source;
Accumulator accum;
int state = TEXT;
int line = 1, column = 0;
int tagStartColumn = -1;
boolean skipNewline = false;
public Parser (Compiler compiler) {
this.accum = new Accumulator(compiler);
public Accumulator parse (Reader source) {
this.source = source;
while (true) {
char c;
try {
int v = source.read();
if (v == -1) {
c = (char)v;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MustacheException(e);
if (c == '\n') {
column = 0;
// skip this newline character if we're configured to do so; TODO: handle CR
if (skipNewline) {
skipNewline = false;
} else {
skipNewline = false;
// accumulate any trailing text
switch (state) {
case TAG:
restoreStartTag(text, delims);
restoreStartTag(text, delims);
// case TEXT: // do nothing
return accum;
protected void parseChar (char c) {
switch (state) {
case TEXT:
if (c == delims.start1) {
tagStartColumn = column;
if (delims.start2 == NO_CHAR) {
} else {
if (c == delims.start2) {
state = TAG;
} else {
state = TEXT;
case TAG:
if (c == delims.end1) {
if (delims.end2 == NO_CHAR) {
} else if (c == delims.start1 && text.length() > 0) {
// if we've already matched some tag characters and we see a new start tag
// character (e.g. "{{foo {" but not "{{{"), treat the already matched text as
// plain text and start matching a new tag from this point
restoreStartTag(text, delims);
tagStartColumn = column;
if (delims.start2 == NO_CHAR) {
state = TAG;
} else {
} else {
if (c == delims.end2) {
if (text.charAt(0) == '=') {
delims.updateDelims(text.substring(1, text.length()-1));
} else {
// if we haven't remapped the delimiters, and the tag starts with {{{ then
// require that it end with }}} and disable HTML escaping
if (delims.isDefault() && text.charAt(0) == delims.start1) {
try {
// we've only parsed }} at this point, so we have to slurp in
// another character from the input stream and check it
int end3 = (char)source.read();
if (end3 != '}') {
throw new MustacheParseException(
"Invalid triple-mustache tag: {{{" + text + "}}", line);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MustacheException(e);
// convert it into (equivalent) {{&text}} which addTagSegment handles
text.replace(0, 1, "&");
// process the tag between the mustaches
accum = accum.addTagSegment(text, line);
skipNewline = (tagStartColumn == 1) && accum.justOpenedOrClosedBlock();
state = TEXT;
} else {
state = TAG;
protected static class Delims {
public char start1 = '{';
public char start2 = '{';
public char end1 = '}';
public char end2 = '}';
public boolean isDefault () {
return start1 == '{' && start2 == '{' && end1 == '}' && end2 == '}';
public void updateDelims (String dtext) {
String errmsg = "Invalid delimiter configuration '" + dtext + "'. Must be of the " +
"form {{=1 2=}} or {{=12 34=}} where 1, 2, 3 and 4 are delimiter chars.";
String[] delims = dtext.split(" ");
if (delims.length != 2) throw new MustacheException(errmsg);
switch (delims[0].length()) {
case 1:
start1 = delims[0].charAt(0);
start2 = NO_CHAR;
case 2:
start1 = delims[0].charAt(0);
start2 = delims[0].charAt(1);
throw new MustacheException(errmsg);
switch (delims[1].length()) {
case 1:
end1 = delims[1].charAt(0);
end2 = NO_CHAR;
case 2:
end1 = delims[1].charAt(0);
end2 = delims[1].charAt(1);
throw new MustacheException(errmsg);
protected static class Accumulator {
public Accumulator (Compiler compiler) {
_compiler = compiler;
public boolean justOpenedOrClosedBlock () {
// return true if we just closed a block segment; we'll handle just opened elsewhere
return (!_segs.isEmpty() && _segs.get(_segs.size()-1) instanceof BlockSegment);
public void addTextSegment (StringBuilder text) {
if (text.length() > 0) {
_segs.add(new StringSegment(text.toString()));
public Accumulator addTagSegment (final StringBuilder accum, final int tagLine) {
final Accumulator outer = this;
String tag = accum.toString().trim();
final String tag1 = tag.substring(1).trim();
switch (tag.charAt(0)) {
case '#':
requireNoNewlines(tag, tagLine);
return new Accumulator(_compiler) {
@Override public boolean justOpenedOrClosedBlock () {
// if we just opened this section, we'll have no segments
return (_segs.isEmpty()) || super.justOpenedOrClosedBlock();
@Override public Template.Segment[] finish () {
throw new MustacheParseException(
"Section missing close tag '" + tag1 + "'", tagLine);
@Override protected Accumulator addCloseSectionSegment (String itag, int line) {
requireSameName(tag1, itag, line);
outer._segs.add(new SectionSegment(itag, super.finish(), tagLine));
return outer;
case '>':
_segs.add(new IncludedTemplateSegment(tag1, _compiler));
return this;
case '^':
requireNoNewlines(tag, tagLine);
return new Accumulator(_compiler) {
@Override public boolean justOpenedOrClosedBlock () {
// if we just opened this section, we'll have no segments
return (_segs.isEmpty()) || super.justOpenedOrClosedBlock();
@Override public Template.Segment[] finish () {
throw new MustacheParseException(
"Inverted section missing close tag '" + tag1 + "'", tagLine);
@Override protected Accumulator addCloseSectionSegment (String itag, int line) {
requireSameName(tag1, itag, line);
outer._segs.add(new InvertedSectionSegment(itag, super.finish(), tagLine));
return outer;
case '/':
requireNoNewlines(tag, tagLine);
return addCloseSectionSegment(tag1, tagLine);
case '!':
// comment!, ignore
return this;
case '&':
requireNoNewlines(tag, tagLine);
_segs.add(new VariableSegment(tag1, false, tagLine));
return this;
requireNoNewlines(tag, tagLine);
_segs.add(new VariableSegment(tag, _compiler.escapeHTML, tagLine));
return this;
public Template.Segment[] finish () {
return _segs.toArray(new Template.Segment[_segs.size()]);
protected Accumulator addCloseSectionSegment (String tag, int line) {
throw new MustacheParseException(
"Section close tag with no open tag '" + tag + "'", line);
protected static void requireNoNewlines (String tag, int line) {
if (tag.indexOf("\n") != -1 || tag.indexOf("\r") != -1) {
throw new MustacheParseException(
"Invalid tag name: contains newline '" + tag + "'", line);
protected static void requireSameName (String name1, String name2, int line)
if (!name1.equals(name2)) {
throw new MustacheParseException("Section close tag with mismatched open tag '" +
name2 + "' != '" + name1 + "'", line);
protected Compiler _compiler;
protected final List _segs = new ArrayList();
/** A simple segment that reproduces a string. */
protected static class StringSegment extends Template.Segment {
public StringSegment (String text) {
_text = text;
@Override public void execute (Template tmpl, Template.Context ctx, Writer out) {
write(out, _text);
protected final String _text;
protected static class IncludedTemplateSegment extends Template.Segment {
public IncludedTemplateSegment (final String templateName, final Compiler compiler) {
Reader r;
try {
r = compiler.loader.getTemplate(templateName);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException)e;
} else {
throw new MustacheException("Unable to load template: " + templateName, e);
_template = compiler.compile(r);
@Override public void execute (Template tmpl, Template.Context ctx, Writer out) {
// we must take care to preserve our context rather than creating a new one, which
// would happen if we just called execute() with ctx.data
_template.executeSegs(ctx, out);
protected final Template _template;
/** A helper class for named segments. */
protected static abstract class NamedSegment extends Template.Segment {
protected NamedSegment (String name, int line) {
_name = name.intern();
_line = line;
protected final String _name;
protected final int _line;
/** A segment that substitutes the contents of a variable. */
protected static class VariableSegment extends NamedSegment {
public VariableSegment (String name, boolean escapeHTML, int line) {
super(name, line);
_escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
@Override public void execute (Template tmpl, Template.Context ctx, Writer out) {
Object value = tmpl.getValueOrDefault(ctx, _name, _line);
if (value == null) {
throw new MustacheException(
"No key, method or field with name '" + _name + "' on line " + _line);
String text = String.valueOf(value);
write(out, _escapeHTML ? escapeHTML(text) : text);
protected boolean _escapeHTML;
/** A helper class for block segments. */
protected static abstract class BlockSegment extends NamedSegment {
protected BlockSegment (String name, Template.Segment[] segs, int line) {
super(name, line);
_segs = segs;
protected void executeSegs (Template tmpl, Template.Context ctx, Writer out) {
for (Template.Segment seg : _segs) {
seg.execute(tmpl, ctx, out);
protected final Template.Segment[] _segs;
/** A segment that represents a section. */
protected static class SectionSegment extends BlockSegment {
public SectionSegment (String name, Template.Segment[] segs, int line) {
super(name, segs, line);
@Override public void execute (Template tmpl, Template.Context ctx, Writer out) {
Object value = tmpl.getSectionValue(ctx, _name, _line); // won't return null
Iterator> iter = tmpl._compiler.collector.toIterator(value);
if (iter != null) {
int index = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object elem = iter.next();
boolean onFirst = (index == 0), onLast = !iter.hasNext();
executeSegs(tmpl, ctx.nest(elem, ++index, onFirst, onLast), out);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
if ((Boolean)value) {
executeSegs(tmpl, ctx, out);
} else {
executeSegs(tmpl, ctx.nest(value, 0, false, false), out);
/** A segment that represents an inverted section. */
protected static class InvertedSectionSegment extends BlockSegment {
public InvertedSectionSegment (String name, Template.Segment[] segs, int line) {
super(name, segs, line);
@Override public void execute (Template tmpl, Template.Context ctx, Writer out) {
Object value = tmpl.getSectionValue(ctx, _name, _line); // won't return null
Iterator> iter = tmpl._compiler.collector.toIterator(value);
if (iter != null) {
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
executeSegs(tmpl, ctx, out);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
if (!(Boolean)value) {
executeSegs(tmpl, ctx, out);
} // TODO: fail?
/** Map of strings that must be replaced inside html attributes and their replacements. (They
* need to be applied in order so amps are not double escaped.) */
protected static final String[][] ATTR_ESCAPES = {
{ "&", "&" },
{ "'", "'" },
{ "\"", """ },
{ "<", "<" },
{ ">", ">" },
/** Used when we have only a single character delimiter. */
protected static final char NO_CHAR = Character.MIN_VALUE;
protected static final TemplateLoader FAILING_LOADER = new TemplateLoader() {
public Reader getTemplate (String name) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Template loading not configured");
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