javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package javax.ws.rs.client;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException;
import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;
import javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie;
import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
* A client request invocation.
* An invocation is a request that has been prepared and is ready for execution.
* Invocations provide a generic (command) interface that enables a separation of
* concerns between the creator and the submitter. In particular, the submitter
* does not need to know how the invocation was prepared, but only how it should
* be executed (synchronously or asynchronously) and when.
* @author Marek Potociar
* @see Invocation.Builder Invocation.Builder
public interface Invocation {
* A client request invocation builder.
* The builder, obtained via a call to one of the {@code request(...)}
* methods on a {@link WebTarget resource target}, provides methods for
* preparing a client request invocation. Once the request is prepared
* the invocation builder can be either used to build an {@link Invocation}
* with a generic execution interface:
* Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
* WebTarget resourceTarget = client.target("http://examples.jaxrs.com/");
* // Build a HTTP GET request that accepts "text/plain" response type
* // and contains a custom HTTP header entry "Foo: bar".
* Invocation invocation = resourceTarget.request("text/plain")
* .header("Foo", "bar").buildGet();
* // Invoke the request using generic interface
* String response = invocation.invoke(String.class);
* Alternatively, one of the inherited {@link SyncInvoker synchronous invocation
* methods} can be used to invoke the prepared request and return the server
* response in a single step, e.g.:
* Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
* WebTarget resourceTarget = client.target("http://examples.jaxrs.com/");
* // Build and invoke the get request in a single step
* String response = resourceTarget.request("text/plain")
* .header("Foo", "bar").get(String.class);
* Once the request is fully prepared for invoking, switching to an
* {@link AsyncInvoker asynchronous invocation} mode is possible by
* calling the {@link #async() } method on the builder, e.g.:
* Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
* WebTarget resourceTarget = client.target("http://examples.jaxrs.com/");
* // Build and invoke the get request asynchronously in a single step
* Future response = resourceTarget.request("text/plain")
* .header("Foo", "bar").async().get(String.class);
public static interface Builder extends SyncInvoker {
// Invocation builder methods
* Build a request invocation using an arbitrary request method name.
* @param method request method name.
* @return invocation encapsulating the built request.
public Invocation build(String method);
* Build a request invocation using an arbitrary request method name and
* request entity.
* @param method request method name.
* @param entity request entity, including it's full {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Variant} information.
* Any variant-related HTTP headers previously set (namely {@code Content-Type},
* {@code Content-Language} and {@code Content-Encoding}) will be overwritten using
* the entity variant information.
* @return invocation encapsulating the built request.
public Invocation build(String method, Entity> entity);
* Build a GET request invocation.
* @return invocation encapsulating the built GET request.
public Invocation buildGet();
* Build a DELETE request invocation.
* @return invocation encapsulating the built DELETE request.
public Invocation buildDelete();
* Build a POST request invocation.
* @param entity request entity, including it's full {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Variant} information.
* Any variant-related HTTP headers previously set (namely {@code Content-Type},
* {@code Content-Language} and {@code Content-Encoding}) will be overwritten using
* the entity variant information.
* @return invocation encapsulating the built POST request.
public Invocation buildPost(Entity> entity);
* Build a PUT request invocation.
* @param entity request entity, including it's full {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Variant} information.
* Any variant-related HTTP headers previously set (namely {@code Content-Type},
* {@code Content-Language} and {@code Content-Encoding}) will be overwritten using
* the entity variant information.
* @return invocation encapsulating the built PUT request.
public Invocation buildPut(Entity> entity);
* Access the asynchronous uniform request invocation interface to
* asynchronously invoke the built request.
* @return asynchronous uniform request invocation interface.
public AsyncInvoker async();
* Add the accepted response media types.
* @param mediaTypes accepted response media types.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder accept(String... mediaTypes);
* Add the accepted response media types.
* @param mediaTypes accepted response media types.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder accept(MediaType... mediaTypes);
* Add acceptable languages.
* @param locales an array of the acceptable languages.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder acceptLanguage(Locale... locales);
* Add acceptable languages.
* @param locales an array of the acceptable languages.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder acceptLanguage(String... locales);
* Add acceptable encodings.
* @param encodings an array of the acceptable encodings.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder acceptEncoding(String... encodings);
* Add a cookie to be set.
* @param cookie to be set.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder cookie(Cookie cookie);
* Add a cookie to be set.
* @param name the name of the cookie.
* @param value the value of the cookie.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder cookie(String name, String value);
* Set the cache control data of the message.
* @param cacheControl the cache control directives, if {@code null}
* any existing cache control directives will be removed.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder cacheControl(CacheControl cacheControl);
* Add an arbitrary header.
* @param name the name of the header
* @param value the value of the header, the header will be serialized
* using a {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate} if
* one is available via {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate#createHeaderDelegate(java.lang.Class)}
* for the class of {@code value} or using its {@code toString} method
* if a header delegate is not available. If {@code value} is {@code null}
* then all current headers of the same name will be removed.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder header(String name, Object value);
* Replaces all existing headers with the newly supplied headers.
* @param headers new headers to be set, if {@code null} all existing
* headers will be removed.
* @return the updated builder.
public Builder headers(MultivaluedMap headers);
* Set a new property in the context of a request represented by this invocation builder.
* The property is available for a later retrieval via {@link ClientRequestContext#getProperty(String)}
* or {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext#getProperty(String)}.
* If a property with a given name is already set in the request context,
* the existing value of the property will be updated.
* Setting a {@code null} value into a property effectively removes the property
* from the request property bag.
* @param name property name.
* @param value (new) property value. {@code null} value removes the property
* with the given name.
* @return the updated builder.
* @see Invocation#property(String, Object)
public Builder property(String name, Object value);
* Set a new property in the context of a request represented by this invocation.
* The property is available for a later retrieval via {@link ClientRequestContext#getProperty(String)}
* or {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext#getProperty(String)}.
* If a property with a given name is already set in the request context,
* the existing value of the property will be updated.
* Setting a {@code null} value into a property effectively removes the property
* from the request property bag.
* @param name property name.
* @param value (new) property value. {@code null} value removes the property
* with the given name.
* @return the updated invocation.
* @see Invocation.Builder#property(String, Object)
public Invocation property(String name, Object value);
* Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response back.
* @return {@link Response response} object as a result of the request
* invocation.
* @throws ResponseProcessingException in case processing of a received HTTP response fails (e.g. in a filter
* or during conversion of the response entity data to an instance
* of a particular Java type).
* @throws ProcessingException in case the request processing or subsequent I/O operation fails.
public Response invoke();
* Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response of the specified
* type back.
* @param response type
* @param responseType Java type the response should be converted into.
* @return response object of the specified type as a result of the request
* invocation.
* @throws ResponseProcessingException in case processing of a received HTTP response fails (e.g. in a filter
* or during conversion of the response entity data to an instance
* of a particular Java type).
* @throws ProcessingException in case the request processing or subsequent I/O operation fails.
* @throws WebApplicationException in case the response status code of the response
* returned by the server is not
* {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family#SUCCESSFUL
* successful}.
public T invoke(Class responseType);
* Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response of the specified
* generic type back.
* @param generic response type
* @param responseType type literal representing a generic Java type the
* response should be converted into.
* @return response object of the specified generic type as a result of the
* request invocation.
* @throws ResponseProcessingException in case processing of a received HTTP response fails (e.g. in a filter
* or during conversion of the response entity data to an instance
* of a particular Java type).
* @throws ProcessingException in case the request processing or subsequent I/O operation fails.
* @throws WebApplicationException in case the response status code of the response
* returned by the server is not
* {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family#SUCCESSFUL
* successful}.
public T invoke(GenericType responseType);
* Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and receive a future
* response back.
* Note that calling the {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#get()} method on the returned
* {@code Future} instance may throw an {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException}
* that wraps a {@link ProcessingException} thrown in case of an invocation processing
* failure.
* In case a processing of a properly received response fails, the wrapped processing exception
* will be of {@link ResponseProcessingException} type and will contain the {@link Response}
* instance whose processing has failed.
* @return future {@link Response response} object as a result of the request
* invocation.
public Future submit();
* Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and receive a future
* response of the specified type back.
* Note that calling the {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#get()} method on the returned
* {@code Future} instance may throw an {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException}
* that wraps either a {@link ProcessingException} thrown in case of an invocation processing
* failure or a {@link WebApplicationException} or one of its subclasses thrown in case the
* received response status code is not {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family#SUCCESSFUL
* successful} and the specified response type is not {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response}.
* In case a processing of a properly received response fails, the wrapped processing exception
* will be of {@link ResponseProcessingException} type and will contain the {@link Response}
* instance whose processing has failed.
* @param response type
* @param responseType Java type the response should be converted into.
* @return future response object of the specified type as a result of the
* request invocation.
public Future submit(Class responseType);
* Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and receive a future
* response of the specified generic type back.
* Note that calling the {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#get()} method on the returned
* {@code Future} instance may throw an {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException}
* that wraps either a {@link ProcessingException} thrown in case of an invocation processing
* failure or a {@link WebApplicationException} or one of its subclasses thrown in case the
* received response status code is not {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family#SUCCESSFUL
* successful} and the specified response type is not {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response}.
* In case a processing of a properly received response fails, the wrapped processing exception
* will be of {@link ResponseProcessingException} type and will contain the {@link Response}
* instance whose processing has failed.
* @param generic response type
* @param responseType type literal representing a generic Java type the
* response should be converted into.
* @return future response object of the specified generic type as a result
* of the request invocation.
public Future submit(GenericType responseType);
* Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and register an
* {@link InvocationCallback} to process the future result of the invocation.
* Note that calling the {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#get()} method on the returned
* {@code Future} instance may throw an {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException}
* that wraps either a {@link ProcessingException} thrown in case of an invocation processing
* failure or a {@link WebApplicationException} or one of its subclasses thrown in case the
* received response status code is not {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family#SUCCESSFUL
* successful} and the generic type of the supplied response callback is not
* {@link javax.ws.rs.core.Response}.
* In case a processing of a properly received response fails, the wrapped processing exception
* will be of {@link ResponseProcessingException} type and will contain the {@link Response}
* instance whose processing has failed.
* @param response type
* @param callback invocation callback for asynchronous processing of the
* request invocation result.
* @return future response object of the specified type as a result of the
* request invocation.
public Future submit(InvocationCallback callback);