com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.AnnotationIntrospector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Version;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Versioned;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ValueInstantiator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeResolverBuilder;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.Converter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.NameTransformer;
* Abstract class that defines API used for introspecting annotation-based
* configuration for serialization and deserialization. Separated
* so that different sets of annotations can be supported, and support
* plugged-in dynamically.
* NOTE: due to rapid addition of new methods (and changes to existing methods),
* it is strongly recommended that custom implementations should not directly
* extend this class, but rather extend {@link NopAnnotationIntrospector}.
* This way added methods will not break backwards compatibility of custom annotation
* introspectors.
public abstract class AnnotationIntrospector
implements Versioned, java.io.Serializable
/* Helper types
* Value type used with managed and back references; contains type and
* logic name, used to link related references
public static class ReferenceProperty
public enum Type {
* Reference property that Jackson manages and that is serialized normally (by serializing
* reference object), but is used for resolving back references during
* deserialization.
* Usually this can be defined by using
* {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonManagedReference}
* Reference property that Jackson manages by suppressing it during serialization,
* and reconstructing during deserialization.
* Usually this can be defined by using
* {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonBackReference}
private final Type _type;
private final String _name;
public ReferenceProperty(Type t, String n) {
_type = t;
_name = n;
public static ReferenceProperty managed(String name) { return new ReferenceProperty(Type.MANAGED_REFERENCE, name); }
public static ReferenceProperty back(String name) { return new ReferenceProperty(Type.BACK_REFERENCE, name); }
public Type getType() { return _type; }
public String getName() { return _name; }
public boolean isManagedReference() { return _type == Type.MANAGED_REFERENCE; }
public boolean isBackReference() { return _type == Type.BACK_REFERENCE; }
/* Factory methods
* Factory method for accessing "no operation" implementation
* of introspector: instance that will never find any annotation-based
* configuration.
public static AnnotationIntrospector nopInstance() {
return NopAnnotationIntrospector.instance;
public static AnnotationIntrospector pair(AnnotationIntrospector a1, AnnotationIntrospector a2) {
return new AnnotationIntrospectorPair(a1, a2);
/* Access to possibly chained introspectors (1.7)
* Method that can be used to collect all "real" introspectors that
* this introspector contains, if any; or this introspector
* if it is not a container. Used to get access to all container
* introspectors in their priority order.
* Default implementation returns a Singleton list with this introspector
* as contents.
* This usually works for sub-classes, except for proxy or delegating "container
* introspectors" which need to override implementation.
public Collection allIntrospectors() {
return Collections.singletonList(this);
* Method that can be used to collect all "real" introspectors that
* this introspector contains, if any; or this introspector
* if it is not a container. Used to get access to all container
* introspectors in their priority order.
* Default implementation adds this introspector in result; this usually
* works for sub-classes, except for proxy or delegating "container
* introspectors" which need to override implementation.
public Collection allIntrospectors(Collection result) {
return result;
/* Default Versioned impl
public abstract Version version();
/* Meta-annotations (annotations for annotation types)
* Method for checking whether given annotation is considered an
* annotation bundle: if so, all meta-annotations it has will
* be used instead of annotation ("bundle") itself.
* @since 2.0
public boolean isAnnotationBundle(Annotation ann) {
return false;
/* General annotations (for classes, properties)
* Method for checking whether given annotated thing
* (type, or accessor) indicates that values
* referenced (values of type of annotated class, or
* values referenced by annotated property; latter
* having precedence) should include Object Identifier,
* and if so, specify details of Object Identity used.
* @since 2.0
public ObjectIdInfo findObjectIdInfo(Annotated ann) {
return null;
* Method for figuring out additional properties of an Object Identity reference
* @since 2.1
public ObjectIdInfo findObjectReferenceInfo(Annotated ann, ObjectIdInfo objectIdInfo) {
return objectIdInfo;
/* General class annotations
* Method for locating name used as "root name" (for use by
* some serializers when outputting root-level object -- mostly
* for XML compatibility purposes) for given class, if one
* is defined. Returns null if no declaration found; can return
* explicit empty String, which is usually ignored as well as null.
* NOTE: method signature changed in 2.1, to return {@link PropertyName}
* instead of String.
public PropertyName findRootName(AnnotatedClass ac) {
return null;
* Method for finding list of properties to ignore for given class
* (null is returned if not specified).
* List of property names is applied
* after other detection mechanisms, to filter out these specific
* properties from being serialized and deserialized.
public String[] findPropertiesToIgnore(Annotated ac) {
return null;
* Method for checking whether an annotation indicates that all unknown properties
public Boolean findIgnoreUnknownProperties(AnnotatedClass ac) { return null; }
* Method for checking whether properties that have specified type
* (class, not generics aware) should be completely ignored for
* serialization and deserialization purposes.
* @param ac Type to check
* @return Boolean.TRUE if properties of type should be ignored;
* Boolean.FALSE if they are not to be ignored, null for default
* handling (which is 'do not ignore')
public Boolean isIgnorableType(AnnotatedClass ac) { return null; }
* @deprecated Since 2.3: use the one that takes generic {@link Annotated}
public Object findFilterId(AnnotatedClass ac) { return findFilterId((Annotated) ac); }
* Method for finding if annotated class has associated filter; and if so,
* to return id that is used to locate filter.
* @return Id of the filter to use for filtering properties of annotated
* class, if any; or null if none found.
public Object findFilterId(Annotated ann) { return null; }
* Method for finding {@link PropertyNamingStrategy} for given
* class, if any specified by annotations; and if so, either return
* a {@link PropertyNamingStrategy} instance, or Class to use for
* creating instance
* @return Sub-class or instance of {@link PropertyNamingStrategy}, if one
* is specified for given class; null if not.
* @since 2.1
public Object findNamingStrategy(AnnotatedClass ac) { return null; }
/* Property auto-detection
* Method for checking if annotations indicate changes to minimum visibility levels
* needed for auto-detecting property elements (fields, methods, constructors).
* A baseline checker is given, and introspector is to either return it as is
* (if no annotations are found), or build and return a derived instance (using
* checker's build methods).
public VisibilityChecker> findAutoDetectVisibility(AnnotatedClass ac, VisibilityChecker> checker) {
return checker;
/* Class annotations for Polymorphic type handling (1.5+)
* Method for checking if given class has annotations that indicate
* that specific type resolver is to be used for handling instances.
* This includes not only
* instantiating resolver builder, but also configuring it based on
* relevant annotations (not including ones checked with a call to
* {@link #findSubtypes}
* @param config Configuration settings in effect (for serialization or deserialization)
* @param ac Annotated class to check for annotations
* @param baseType Base java type of value for which resolver is to be found
* @return Type resolver builder for given type, if one found; null if none
public TypeResolverBuilder> findTypeResolver(MapperConfig> config,
AnnotatedClass ac, JavaType baseType) {
return null;
* Method for checking if given property entity (field or method) has annotations
* that indicate that specific type resolver is to be used for handling instances.
* This includes not only
* instantiating resolver builder, but also configuring it based on
* relevant annotations (not including ones checked with a call to
* {@link #findSubtypes}
* @param config Configuration settings in effect (for serialization or deserialization)
* @param am Annotated member (field or method) to check for annotations
* @param baseType Base java type of property for which resolver is to be found
* @return Type resolver builder for properties of given entity, if one found;
* null if none
public TypeResolverBuilder> findPropertyTypeResolver(MapperConfig> config,
AnnotatedMember am, JavaType baseType) {
return null;
* Method for checking if given structured property entity (field or method that
* has nominal value of Map, Collection or array type) has annotations
* that indicate that specific type resolver is to be used for handling type
* information of contained values.
* This includes not only
* instantiating resolver builder, but also configuring it based on
* relevant annotations (not including ones checked with a call to
* {@link #findSubtypes}
* @param config Configuration settings in effect (for serialization or deserialization)
* @param am Annotated member (field or method) to check for annotations
* @param containerType Type of property for which resolver is to be found (must be a container type)
* @return Type resolver builder for values contained in properties of given entity,
* if one found; null if none
public TypeResolverBuilder> findPropertyContentTypeResolver(MapperConfig> config,
AnnotatedMember am, JavaType containerType) {
return null;
* Method for locating annotation-specified subtypes related to annotated
* entity (class, method, field). Note that this is only guaranteed to be
* a list of directly
* declared subtypes, no recursive processing is guarantees (i.e. caller
* has to do it if/as necessary)
* @param a Annotated entity (class, field/method) to check for annotations
public List findSubtypes(Annotated a) { return null; }
* Method for checking if specified type has explicit name.
* @param ac Class to check for type name annotations
public String findTypeName(AnnotatedClass ac) { return null; }
/* General member (field, method/constructor) annotations
* Method for checking if given member indicates that it is part
* of a reference (parent/child).
public ReferenceProperty findReferenceType(AnnotatedMember member) { return null; }
* Method called to check whether given property is marked to be "unwrapped"
* when being serialized (and appropriately handled in reverse direction,
* i.e. expect unwrapped representation during deserialization).
* Return value is the name transformation to use, if wrapping/unwrapping
* should be done, or null if not -- note that transformation may simply
* be identity transformation (no changes).
public NameTransformer findUnwrappingNameTransformer(AnnotatedMember member) { return null; }
* Method called to check whether given property is marked to
* be ignored. This is used to determine whether to ignore
* properties, on per-property basis, usually combining
* annotations from multiple accessors (getters, setters, fields,
* constructor parameters).
public boolean hasIgnoreMarker(AnnotatedMember m) { return false; }
* Method called to find out whether given member expectes a value
* to be injected, and if so, what is the identifier of the value
* to use during injection.
* Type if identifier needs to be compatible with provider of
* values (of type {@link InjectableValues}); often a simple String
* id is used.
* @param m Member to check
* @return Identifier of value to inject, if any; null if no injection
* indicator is found
public Object findInjectableValueId(AnnotatedMember m) { return null; }
* Method that can be called to check whether this member has
* an annotation that suggests whether value for matching property
* is required or not.
* @since 2.0
public Boolean hasRequiredMarker(AnnotatedMember m) { return null; }
* Method for checking if annotated property (represented by a field or
* getter/setter method) has definitions for views it is to be included in.
* If null is returned, no view definitions exist and property is always
* included (or always excluded as per default view inclusion configuration);
* otherwise it will only be included for views included in returned
* array. View matches are checked using class inheritance rules (sub-classes
* inherit inclusions of super-classes)
* @param a Annotated property (represented by a method, field or ctor parameter)
* @return Array of views (represented by classes) that the property is included in;
* if null, always included (same as returning array containing Object.class
public Class>[] findViews(Annotated a) { return null; }
* Method for finding format annotations for property or class.
* Return value is typically used by serializers and/or
* deserializers to customize presentation aspects of the
* serialized value.
* @since 2.1
public JsonFormat.Value findFormat(Annotated memberOrClass) { return null; }
* Method for checking whether given accessor claims to represent
* type id: if so, its value may be used as an override,
* instead of generated type id.
public Boolean isTypeId(AnnotatedMember member) { return null; }
* Method used to check if specified property has annotation that indicates
* that it should be wrapped in an element; and if so, name to use.
* Note that not all serializers and deserializers support use this method:
* currently (2.1) it is only used by XML-backed handlers.
* @return Wrapper name to use, if any, or {@link PropertyName#USE_DEFAULT}
* to indicate that no wrapper element should be used.
* @since 2.1
public PropertyName findWrapperName(Annotated ann) { return null; }
* Method used to check whether specified property member (accessor
* or mutator) defines human-readable description to use for documentation.
* There are no further definitions for contents; for example, whether
* these may be marked up using HTML is not defined.
* @return Human-readable description, if any.
* @since 2.3
public String findPropertyDescription(Annotated ann) { return null; }
* Method used to check whether specified property member (accessor
* or mutator) defines numeric index, and if so, what is the index value.
* Possible use cases for index values included use by underlying data format
* (some binary formats mandate use of index instead of name) and ordering
* of properties (for documentation, or during serialization).
* @since 2.4
* @return Explicitly specified index for the property, if any
public Integer findPropertyIndex(Annotated ann) { return null; }
* Method for finding implicit name for a property that given annotated
* member (field, method, creator parameter) may represent.
* This is different from explicit, annotation-based property name, in that
* it is "weak" and does not either proof that a property exists (for example,
* if visibility is not high enough), or override explicit names.
* In practice this method is used to introspect optional names for creator
* parameters (which may or may not be available and can not be detected
* by standard databind); or to provide alternate name mangling for
* fields, getters and/or setters.
* @since 2.4
public String findImplicitPropertyName(AnnotatedMember member) { return null; }
/* Serialization: general annotations
* Method for getting a serializer definition on specified method
* or field. Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonSerializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public Object findSerializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for getting a serializer definition for keys of associated Map
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonSerializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public Object findKeySerializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for getting a serializer definition for content (values) of
* associated Collection
, array
or Map
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonSerializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public Object findContentSerializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for getting a serializer definition for serializer to use
* for nulls (null values) of associated property or type.
* @since 2.3
public Object findNullSerializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for checking whether given annotated entity (class, method,
* field) defines which Bean/Map properties are to be included in
* serialization.
* If no annotation is found, method should return given second
* argument; otherwise value indicated by the annotation
* @return Enumerated value indicating which properties to include
* in serialization
public JsonInclude.Include findSerializationInclusion(Annotated a, JsonInclude.Include defValue) {
return defValue;
* Method for accessing annotated type definition that a
* method/field can have, to be used as the type for serialization
* instead of the runtime type.
* Type returned (if any) needs to be widening conversion (super-type).
* Declared return type of the method is also considered acceptable.
* @return Class to use instead of runtime type
public Class> findSerializationType(Annotated a) {
return null;
* Method for finding possible widening type definition that a property
* value can have, to define less specific key type to use for serialization.
* It should be only be used with {@link java.util.Map} types.
* @return Class specifying more general type to use instead of
* declared type, if annotation found; null if not
public Class> findSerializationKeyType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
return null;
* Method for finding possible widening type definition that a property
* value can have, to define less specific key type to use for serialization.
* It should be only used with structured types (arrays, collections, maps).
* @return Class specifying more general type to use instead of
* declared type, if annotation found; null if not
public Class> findSerializationContentType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
return null;
* Method for accessing declared typing mode annotated (if any).
* This is used for type detection, unless more granular settings
* (such as actual exact type; or serializer to use which means
* no type information is needed) take precedence.
* @return Typing mode to use, if annotation is found; null otherwise
public JsonSerialize.Typing findSerializationTyping(Annotated a) {
return null;
* Method for finding {@link Converter} that annotated entity
* (property or class) has indicated to be used as part of
* serialization. If not null, either has to be actual
* {@link Converter} instance, or class for such converter;
* and resulting converter will be used first to convert property
* value to converter target type, and then serializer for that
* type is used for actual serialization.
* This feature is typically used to convert internal values into types
* that Jackson can convert.
* Note also that this feature does not necessarily work well with polymorphic
* type handling, or object identity handling; if such features are needed
* an explicit serializer is usually better way to handle serialization.
* @param a Annotated property (field, method) or class to check for
* annotations
* @since 2.2
public Object findSerializationConverter(Annotated a) {
return null;
* Method for finding {@link Converter} that annotated property
* has indicated needs to be used for values of container type
* (this also means that method should only be called for properties
* of container types, List/Map/array properties).
* If not null, either has to be actual
* {@link Converter} instance, or class for such converter;
* and resulting converter will be used first to convert property
* value to converter target type, and then serializer for that
* type is used for actual serialization.
* Other notes are same as those for {@link #findSerializationConverter}
* @param a Annotated property (field, method) to check.
* @since 2.2
public Object findSerializationContentConverter(AnnotatedMember a) {
return null;
/* Serialization: class annotations
* Method for accessing defined property serialization order (which may be
* partial). May return null if no ordering is defined.
public String[] findSerializationPropertyOrder(AnnotatedClass ac) {
return null;
* Method for checking whether an annotation indicates that serialized properties
* for which no explicit is defined should be alphabetically (lexicograpically)
* ordered
public Boolean findSerializationSortAlphabetically(Annotated ann) {
return null;
@Deprecated // since 2.4
public Boolean findSerializationSortAlphabetically(AnnotatedClass ac) {
return null;
/* Serialization: property annotations
* Method for checking whether given property accessors (method,
* field) has an annotation that suggests property name to use
* for serialization.
* Should return null if no annotation
* is found; otherwise a non-null name (possibly
* {@link PropertyName#USE_DEFAULT}, which means "use default heuristics").
* @param a Property accessor to check
* @return Name to use if found; null if not.
* @since 2.1
public PropertyName findNameForSerialization(Annotated a) {
if (name != null) {
if (name.length() == 0) { // empty String means 'default'
return PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT;
return new PropertyName(name);
return null;
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests that the return value of annotated method
* should be used as "the value" of the object instance; usually
* serialized as a primitive value such as String or number.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled);
* false if no enabled annotation is found
public boolean hasAsValueAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
return false;
* Method for determining the String value to use for serializing
* given enumeration entry; used when serializing enumerations
* as Strings (the standard method).
* @return Serialized enum value.
public String findEnumValue(Enum> value) {
// as per [JACKSON-875], should use default here
return value.name();
/* Deserialization: general annotations
* Method for getting a deserializer definition on specified method
* or field.
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonDeserializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public Object findDeserializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for getting a deserializer definition for keys of
* associated Map
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonDeserializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public Object findKeyDeserializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for getting a deserializer definition for content (values) of
* associated Collection
, array
* Map
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonDeserializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public Object findContentDeserializer(Annotated am) {
return null;
* Method for accessing annotated type definition that a
* method can have, to be used as the type for serialization
* instead of the runtime type.
* Type must be a narrowing conversion
* (i.e.subtype of declared type).
* Declared return type of the method is also considered acceptable.
* @param baseType Assumed type before considering annotations
* @return Class to use for deserialization instead of declared type
public Class> findDeserializationType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
return null;
* Method for accessing additional narrowing type definition that a
* method can have, to define more specific key type to use.
* It should be only be used with {@link java.util.Map} types.
* @param baseKeyType Assumed key type before considering annotations
* @return Class specifying more specific type to use instead of
* declared type, if annotation found; null if not
public Class> findDeserializationKeyType(Annotated am, JavaType baseKeyType) {
return null;
* Method for accessing additional narrowing type definition that a
* method can have, to define more specific content type to use;
* content refers to Map values and Collection/array elements.
* It should be only be used with Map, Collection and array types.
* @param baseContentType Assumed content (value) type before considering annotations
* @return Class specifying more specific type to use instead of
* declared type, if annotation found; null if not
public Class> findDeserializationContentType(Annotated am, JavaType baseContentType) {
return null;
* Method for finding {@link Converter} that annotated entity
* (property or class) has indicated to be used as part of
* deserialization.
* If not null, either has to be actual
* {@link Converter} instance, or class for such converter;
* and resulting converter will be used after Jackson has deserializer
* data into intermediate type (Converter input type), and Converter
* needs to convert this into its target type to be set as property value.
* This feature is typically used to convert intermediate Jackson types
* (that default deserializers can produce) into custom type instances.
* Note also that this feature does not necessarily work well with polymorphic
* type handling, or object identity handling; if such features are needed
* an explicit deserializer is usually better way to handle deserialization.
* @param a Annotated property (field, method) or class to check for
* annotations
* @since 2.2
public Object findDeserializationConverter(Annotated a) {
return null;
* Method for finding {@link Converter} that annotated property
* has indicated needs to be used for values of container type
* (this also means that method should only be called for properties
* of container types, List/Map/array properties).
* If not null, either has to be actual
* {@link Converter} instance, or class for such converter;
* and resulting converter will be used after Jackson has deserializer
* data into intermediate type (Converter input type), and Converter
* needs to convert this into its target type to be set as property value.
* Other notes are same as those for {@link #findDeserializationConverter}
* @param a Annotated property (field, method) to check.
* @since 2.2
public Object findDeserializationContentConverter(AnnotatedMember a) {
return null;
/* Deserialization: class annotations
* Method getting {@link ValueInstantiator} to use for given
* type (class): return value can either be an instance of
* instantiator, or class of instantiator to create.
public Object findValueInstantiator(AnnotatedClass ac) {
return null;
* Method for finding Builder object to use for constructing
* value instance and binding data (sort of combining value
* instantiators that can construct, and deserializers
* that can bind data).
* Note that unlike accessors for some helper Objects, this
* method does not allow returning instances: the reason is
* that builders have state, and a separate instance needs
* to be created for each deserialization call.
* @since 2.0
public Class> findPOJOBuilder(AnnotatedClass ac) {
return null;
* @since 2.0
public JsonPOJOBuilder.Value findPOJOBuilderConfig(AnnotatedClass ac) {
return null;
/* Deserialization: property annotations
* Method for checking whether given property accessors (method,
* field) has an annotation that suggests property name to use
* for deserialization (reading JSON into POJOs).
* Should return null if no annotation
* is found; otherwise a non-null name (possibly
* {@link PropertyName#USE_DEFAULT}, which means "use default heuristics").
* @param a Property accessor to check
* @return Name to use if found; null if not.
* @since 2.1
public PropertyName findNameForDeserialization(Annotated a) {
if (name != null) {
if (name.length() == 0) { // empty String means 'default'
return PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT;
return new PropertyName(name);
return null;
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests that the method is to serve as "any setter";
* method to be used for setting values of any properties for
* which no dedicated setter method is found.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled),
* false otherwise
public boolean hasAnySetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
return false;
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests that the method is to serve as "any setter";
* method to be used for accessing set of miscellaneous "extra"
* properties, often bound with matching "any setter" method.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled),
* false otherwise
public boolean hasAnyGetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
return false;
* Method for checking whether given annotated item (method, constructor)
* has an annotation
* that suggests that the method is a "creator" (aka factory)
* method to be used for construct new instances of deserialized
* values.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled),
* false otherwise
public boolean hasCreatorAnnotation(Annotated a) {
return false;