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com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 8.1.2
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package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.GeneratorBase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.impl.CsvWriter;

public class CsvGenerator extends GeneratorBase
     * Enumeration that defines all togglable features for CSV writers
     * (if any: currently none)
    public enum Feature {
         * Feature that determines how much work is done before determining that
         * a column value requires quoting: when set as true, full
         * check is made to only use quoting when it is strictly necessary;
         * but when false, a faster but more conservative check
         * is made, and possibly quoting is used for values that might not need it.
         * Trade-offs is basically between optimal/minimal quoting (true), and
         * faster handling (false).
         * Faster check involves only checking first N characters of value, as well
         * as possible looser checks.

* Note, however, that regardless setting, all values that need to be quoted * will be: it is just that when set to false, other values may * also be quoted (to avoid having to do more expensive checks). *

* Default value is false for "loose" (approximate, conservative) * checking. * * @since 2.4 */ STRICT_CHECK_FOR_QUOTING(false), /** * Feature that determines whether columns without matching value may be omitted, * when they are the last values of the row. * If true, values and separators between values may be omitted, to slightly reduce * length of the row; if false, separators need to stay in place and values * are indicated by empty Strings. * * @since 2.4 */ OMIT_MISSING_TAIL_COLUMNS(false), ; protected final boolean _defaultState; protected final int _mask; /** * Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that * are enabled by default. */ public static int collectDefaults() { int flags = 0; for (Feature f : values()) { if (f.enabledByDefault()) { flags |= f.getMask(); } } return flags; } private Feature(boolean defaultState) { _defaultState = defaultState; _mask = (1 << ordinal()); } public boolean enabledIn(int flags) { return (flags & getMask()) != 0; } public boolean enabledByDefault() { return _defaultState; } public int getMask() { return _mask; } } protected final static long MIN_INT_AS_LONG = Integer.MIN_VALUE; protected final static long MAX_INT_AS_LONG = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************** */ private final static CsvSchema EMPTY_SCHEMA; static { EMPTY_SCHEMA = CsvSchema.emptySchema(); } final protected IOContext _ioContext; /** * Bit flag composed of bits that indicate which * {@link CsvGenerator.Feature}s * are enabled. */ protected int _csvFeatures; /** * Definition of columns being written, if available. */ protected CsvSchema _schema = EMPTY_SCHEMA; // note: can not be final since we may need to re-create it for new schema protected CsvWriter _writer; /* /********************************************************** /* Output state /********************************************************** */ /** * Flag that indicates that we need to write header line, if * one is needed. Used because schema may be specified after * instance is constructed. */ protected boolean _handleFirstLine = true; /** * Index of column that we will be getting next, based on * field name call that was made. */ protected int _nextColumnByName = -1; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************** */ /** * @deprecated Since 2.4 */ @Deprecated public CsvGenerator(IOContext ctxt, int jsonFeatures, int csvFeatures, ObjectCodec codec, Writer out, char columnSeparator, char quoteChar, char[] linefeed) { this(ctxt, jsonFeatures, csvFeatures, codec, new CsvWriter(ctxt, csvFeatures, out, columnSeparator, quoteChar, linefeed)); } /** * @since 2.4 */ public CsvGenerator(IOContext ctxt, int jsonFeatures, int csvFeatures, ObjectCodec codec, Writer out, CsvSchema schema) { super(jsonFeatures, codec); _ioContext = ctxt; _csvFeatures = csvFeatures; _schema = schema; _writer = new CsvWriter(ctxt, csvFeatures, out, schema); } public CsvGenerator(IOContext ctxt, int jsonFeatures, int csvFeatures, ObjectCodec codec, CsvWriter csvWriter) { super(jsonFeatures, codec); _ioContext = ctxt; _csvFeatures = csvFeatures; _writer = csvWriter; } /* /********************************************************** /* Versioned /********************************************************** */ @Override public Version version() { return PackageVersion.VERSION; } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridden methods, configuration /********************************************************** */ /** * No way (or need) to indent anything, so let's block any attempts. * (should we throw an exception instead?) */ @Override public CsvGenerator useDefaultPrettyPrinter() { return this; } /** * No way (or need) to indent anything, so let's block any attempts. * (should we throw an exception instead?) */ @Override public CsvGenerator setPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter pp) { return this; } @Override public Object getOutputTarget() { return _writer.getOutputTarget(); } @Override public void setSchema(FormatSchema schema) { if (schema instanceof CsvSchema) { if (_schema != schema) { _schema = (CsvSchema) schema; _writer = _writer.withSchema(_schema); } } else { super.setSchema(schema); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API, capability introspection methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean canUseSchema(FormatSchema schema) { return (schema instanceof CsvSchema); } @Override public boolean canOmitFields() { // Nope: CSV requires at least a placeholder return false; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridden methods; writing field names /********************************************************************** */ /* And then methods overridden to make final, streamline some * aspects... */ @Override public final void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (_writeContext.writeFieldName(name) == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) { _reportError("Can not write a field name, expecting a value"); } _writeFieldName(name); } @Override public final void writeFieldName(SerializableString name) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { // Object is a value, need to verify it's allowed if (_writeContext.writeFieldName(name.getValue()) == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) { _reportError("Can not write a field name, expecting a value"); } _writeFieldName(name.getValue()); } @Override public final void writeStringField(String fieldName, String value) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (_writeContext.writeFieldName(fieldName) == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) { _reportError("Can not write a field name, expecting a value"); } _writeFieldName(fieldName); writeString(value); } private final void _writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { // just find the matching index -- must have schema for that if (_schema == null) { _reportError("Unrecognized column '"+name+"', can not resolve without CsvSchema"); } CsvSchema.Column col = _schema.column(name); if (col == null) { _reportError("Unrecognized column '"+name+"': known columns: "+_schema.getColumnDesc()); } // and all we do is just note index to use for following value write _nextColumnByName = col.getIndex(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended API, configuration /********************************************************** */ public CsvGenerator enable(Feature f) { _csvFeatures |= f.getMask(); _writer.setFeatures(_csvFeatures); return this; } public CsvGenerator disable(Feature f) { _csvFeatures &= ~f.getMask(); return this; } public final boolean isEnabled(Feature f) { return (_csvFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0; } public CsvGenerator configure(Feature f, boolean state) { if (state) { return enable(f); } return disable(f); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API: low-level I/O /********************************************************** */ @Override public final void flush() throws IOException { _writer.flush(isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM)); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); // Let's mark row as closed, if we had any... finishRow(); _writer.close(_ioContext.isResourceManaged() || isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API: structural output /********************************************************** */ @Override public final void writeStartArray() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("start an array"); /* Ok to create root-level array to contain Objects/Arrays, but * can not nest arrays in objects */ if (_writeContext.inObject()) { _reportError("CSV generator does not support Array values for properties"); } _writeContext = _writeContext.createChildArrayContext(); // and that's about it, really } @Override public final void writeEndArray() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (!_writeContext.inArray()) { _reportError("Current context not an ARRAY but "+_writeContext.getTypeDesc()); } _writeContext = _writeContext.getParent(); // not 100% fool-proof, but chances are row should be done now finishRow(); } @Override public final void writeStartObject() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("start an object"); /* No nesting for objects; can write Objects inside logical * root-level arrays. */ if (_writeContext.inObject()) { _reportError("CSV generator does not support Object values for properties"); } _writeContext = _writeContext.createChildObjectContext(); } @Override public final void writeEndObject() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (!_writeContext.inObject()) { _reportError("Current context not an object but "+_writeContext.getTypeDesc()); } _writeContext = _writeContext.getParent(); // not 100% fool-proof, but chances are row should be done now finishRow(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, textual /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeString(String text) throws IOException,JsonGenerationException { if (text == null) { writeNull(); return; } _verifyValueWrite("write String value"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), text); } @Override public void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write String value"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), text, offset, len); } @Override public final void writeString(SerializableString sstr) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write String value"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), sstr.getValue()); } @Override public void writeRawUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public final void writeUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { writeString(new String(text, offset, len, "UTF-8")); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, unprocessed ("raw") /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRaw(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRawValue(String text) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRawValue(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRawValue(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, base64-encoded binary /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (data == null) { writeNull(); return; } _verifyValueWrite("write Binary value"); // ok, better just Base64 encode as a String... if (offset > 0 || (offset+len) != data.length) { data = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset+len); } String encoded = b64variant.encode(data); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), encoded); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, primitive /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeBoolean(boolean state) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write boolean value"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), state); } @Override public void writeNull() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write null value"); // !!! TODO: empty String vs String null? _writer.write(_columnIndex(), ""); } @Override public void writeNumber(int i) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write number"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), i); } @Override public void writeNumber(long l) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { // First: maybe 32 bits is enough? if (l <= MAX_INT_AS_LONG && l >= MIN_INT_AS_LONG) { writeNumber((int) l); return; } _verifyValueWrite("write number"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), l); } @Override public void writeNumber(BigInteger v) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (v == null) { writeNull(); return; } _verifyValueWrite("write number"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), v.toString()); } @Override public void writeNumber(double d) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write number"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), d); } @Override public void writeNumber(float f) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("write number"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), f); } @Override public void writeNumber(BigDecimal dec) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (dec == null) { writeNull(); return; } _verifyValueWrite("write number"); String str = isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN) ? dec.toPlainString() : dec.toString(); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), str); } @Override public void writeNumber(String encodedValue) throws IOException,JsonGenerationException, UnsupportedOperationException { if (encodedValue == null) { writeNull(); return; } _verifyValueWrite("write number"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), encodedValue); } /* /********************************************************** /* Overrides for field methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeOmittedField(String fieldName) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { // basically combination of "writeFieldName()" and "writeNull()" if (_writeContext.writeFieldName(fieldName) == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) { _reportError("Can not skip a field, expecting a value"); } // Hmmh. Should we require a match? Actually, let's use logic: if field found, // assumption is we must add a placeholder; if not, we can merely ignore CsvSchema.Column col = _schema.column(fieldName); if (col == null) { // assumed to have been removed from schema too } else { // and all we do is just note index to use for following value write _nextColumnByName = col.getIndex(); // We can basically copy what 'writeNull()' does... _verifyValueWrite("skip positional value due to filtering"); _writer.write(_columnIndex(), ""); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Implementations for methods from base class /********************************************************** */ @Override protected final void _verifyValueWrite(String typeMsg) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { int status = _writeContext.writeValue(); if (status == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_NAME) { _reportError("Can not "+typeMsg+", expecting field name"); } if (_handleFirstLine) { _handleFirstLine(); } } @Override protected void _releaseBuffers() { _writer._releaseBuffers(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods /********************************************************** */ protected final int _columnIndex() { int ix = _nextColumnByName; if (ix < 0) { // if we had one, remove now ix = _writer.nextColumnIndex(); } return ix; } /** * Method called when the current row is complete; typically * will flush possibly buffered column values, append linefeed * and reset state appropriately. */ protected void finishRow() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _writer.endRow(); _nextColumnByName = -1; } protected void _handleFirstLine() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _handleFirstLine = false; if (_schema.useHeader()) { int count = _schema.size(); if (count == 0) { _reportError("Schema specified that header line is to be written; but contains no column names"); } for (CsvSchema.Column column : _schema) { _writer.writeColumnName(column.getName()); } _writer.endRow(); } } }

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