com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.impl.CsvWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.impl;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.IOContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvSchema;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Low-level helper class that handles actual output of CSV, purely
* based on indexes given without worrying about reordering etc.
public class CsvWriter
/* As an optimization we try coalescing short writes into
* buffer; but pass longer directly.
final protected static int SHORT_WRITE = 32;
/* Also: only do check for optional quotes for short
* values; longer ones will always be quoted.
final protected static int MAX_QUOTE_CHECK = 24;
final protected BufferedValue[] NO_BUFFERED = new BufferedValue[0];
private final static char[] TRUE_CHARS = "true".toCharArray();
private final static char[] FALSE_CHARS = "false".toCharArray();
/* Configuration
final protected IOContext _ioContext;
* Underlying {@link Writer} used for output.
final protected Writer _out;
final protected char _cfgColumnSeparator;
final protected int _cfgQuoteCharacter;
final protected char[] _cfgLineSeparator;
final protected int _cfgLineSeparatorLength;
protected int _cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars;
* Lowest-valued character that is safe to output without using
* quotes around value
final protected int _cfgMinSafeChar;
protected int _csvFeatures;
* Marker flag used to determine if to do optimal (aka "strict") quoting
* checks or not (looser conservative check)
* @since 2.4
protected boolean _cfgOptimalQuoting;
* @since 2.4
protected boolean _cfgIncludeMissingTail;
/* Output state
* @since 2.4
protected int _columnCount;
* Index of column we expect to write next
protected int _nextColumnToWrite = 0;
* And if output comes in shuffled order we will need to do
* bit of ordering.
protected BufferedValue[] _buffered = NO_BUFFERED;
* Index of the last buffered value
protected int _lastBuffered = -1;
/* Output buffering, low-level
* Intermediate buffer in which contents are buffered before
* being written using {@link #_out}.
protected char[] _outputBuffer;
* Flag that indicates whether the _outputBuffer
is recyclable (and
* needs to be returned to recycler once we are done) or not.
protected boolean _bufferRecyclable;
* Pointer to the next available byte in {@link #_outputBuffer}
protected int _outputTail = 0;
* Offset to index after the last valid index in {@link #_outputBuffer}.
* Typically same as length of the buffer.
protected final int _outputEnd;
* Let's keep track of how many bytes have been output, may prove useful
* when debugging. This does not include bytes buffered in
* the output buffer, just bytes that have been written using underlying
* stream writer.
protected int _charsWritten;
/* Construction, (re)configuration
public CsvWriter(IOContext ctxt, int csvFeatures, Writer out, CsvSchema schema)
_ioContext = ctxt;
_csvFeatures = csvFeatures;
_cfgOptimalQuoting = CsvGenerator.Feature.STRICT_CHECK_FOR_QUOTING.enabledIn(csvFeatures);
_cfgIncludeMissingTail = !CsvGenerator.Feature.OMIT_MISSING_TAIL_COLUMNS.enabledIn(_csvFeatures);
_outputBuffer = ctxt.allocConcatBuffer();
_bufferRecyclable = true;
_outputEnd = _outputBuffer.length;
_out = out;
_cfgColumnSeparator = schema.getColumnSeparator();
_cfgQuoteCharacter = schema.getQuoteChar();
_cfgLineSeparator = schema.getLineSeparator();
_cfgLineSeparatorLength = (_cfgLineSeparator == null) ? 0 : _cfgLineSeparator.length;
_columnCount = schema.size();
_cfgMinSafeChar = _calcSafeChar();
_cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars = MAX_QUOTE_CHECK;
@Deprecated // since 2.4, remove in 2.5
public CsvWriter(IOContext ctxt, Writer out,
char columnSeparator, char quoteChar, char[] linefeed)
this(ctxt, CsvGenerator.Feature.collectDefaults(),
out, columnSeparator, quoteChar, linefeed);
@Deprecated // since 2.4, remove in 2.5
public CsvWriter(IOContext ctxt, int csvFeatures, Writer out,
char columnSeparator, char quoteChar, char[] linefeed)
_ioContext = ctxt;
_csvFeatures = csvFeatures;
_cfgOptimalQuoting = CsvGenerator.Feature.STRICT_CHECK_FOR_QUOTING.enabledIn(csvFeatures);
_cfgIncludeMissingTail = !CsvGenerator.Feature.OMIT_MISSING_TAIL_COLUMNS.enabledIn(_csvFeatures);
_outputBuffer = ctxt.allocConcatBuffer();
_bufferRecyclable = true;
_outputEnd = _outputBuffer.length;
_out = out;
_cfgColumnSeparator = columnSeparator;
_cfgQuoteCharacter = quoteChar;
_cfgLineSeparator = linefeed;
_cfgLineSeparatorLength = linefeed.length;
_cfgMinSafeChar = _calcSafeChar();
_cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars = MAX_QUOTE_CHECK;
// not sure how this would be figured out so...
_columnCount = -1;
public CsvWriter(CsvWriter base, CsvSchema newSchema)
_ioContext = base._ioContext;
_csvFeatures = base._csvFeatures;
_cfgOptimalQuoting = base._cfgOptimalQuoting;
_cfgIncludeMissingTail = base._cfgIncludeMissingTail;
_outputBuffer = base._outputBuffer;
_bufferRecyclable = base._bufferRecyclable;
_outputEnd = base._outputEnd;
_out = base._out;
_cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars = base._cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars;
_cfgColumnSeparator = newSchema.getColumnSeparator();
_cfgQuoteCharacter = newSchema.getQuoteChar();
_cfgLineSeparator = newSchema.getLineSeparator();
_cfgLineSeparatorLength = _cfgLineSeparator.length;
_cfgMinSafeChar = _calcSafeChar();
_columnCount = newSchema.size();
private final int _calcSafeChar()
// note: quote char may be -1 to signify "no quoting":
int min = Math.max(_cfgColumnSeparator, _cfgQuoteCharacter);
for (int i = 0; i < _cfgLineSeparatorLength; ++i) {
min = Math.max(min, _cfgLineSeparator[i]);
return min+1;
public CsvWriter withSchema(CsvSchema schema) {
return new CsvWriter(this, schema);
public CsvWriter setFeatures(int feat) {
if (feat != _csvFeatures) {
_csvFeatures = feat;
_cfgOptimalQuoting = CsvGenerator.Feature.STRICT_CHECK_FOR_QUOTING.enabledIn(feat);
return this;
/* Read-access to output state
public Object getOutputTarget() {
return _out;
public int nextColumnIndex() {
return _nextColumnToWrite;
/* Writer API, writes from generator
public final void write(int columnIndex, String value) throws IOException
// easy case: all in order
if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) {
_buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value));
public final void write(int columnIndex, char[] ch, int offset, int len) throws IOException
// !!! TODO: optimize
write(columnIndex, new String(ch, offset, len));
public final void write(int columnIndex, int value) throws IOException
// easy case: all in order
if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) {
_buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value));
public final void write(int columnIndex, long value) throws IOException
// easy case: all in order
if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) {
_buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value));
public final void write(int columnIndex, float value) throws IOException
// easy case: all in order
if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) {
_buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value));
public final void write(int columnIndex, double value) throws IOException
// easy case: all in order
if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) {
_buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value));
public final void write(int columnIndex, boolean value) throws IOException
// easy case: all in order
if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) {
_buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value));
public final void writeColumnName(String name) throws IOException
public void endRow() throws IOException
// First things first; any buffered?
if (_lastBuffered >= 0) {
final int last = _lastBuffered;
_lastBuffered = -1;
for (; _nextColumnToWrite <= last; ++_nextColumnToWrite) {
BufferedValue value = _buffered[_nextColumnToWrite];
if (value != null) {
_buffered[_nextColumnToWrite] = null;
} else if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { // ) {
// note: write method triggers prepending of separator; but for missing
// values we need to do it explicitly.
} else if (_nextColumnToWrite <= 0) { // empty line; do nothing
// Any missing values?
if (_nextColumnToWrite < _columnCount) {
if (_cfgIncludeMissingTail) {
do {
} while (++_nextColumnToWrite < _columnCount);
// write line separator
_nextColumnToWrite = 0;
if ((_outputTail + _cfgLineSeparatorLength) > _outputEnd) {
System.arraycopy(_cfgLineSeparator, 0, _outputBuffer, _outputTail, _cfgLineSeparatorLength);
_outputTail += _cfgLineSeparatorLength;
/* Writer API, writes via buffered values
protected void appendValue(String value) throws IOException
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) {
/* First: determine if we need quotes; simple heuristics;
* only check for short Strings, stop if something found
final int len = value.length();
if (_mayNeedQuotes(value, len)) {
} else {
protected void appendValue(int value) throws IOException
// up to 10 digits and possible minus sign, leading comma
if ((_outputTail + 12) > _outputTail) {
if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator;
_outputTail = NumberOutput.outputInt(value, _outputBuffer, _outputTail);
protected void appendValue(long value) throws IOException
// up to 20 digits, minus sign, leading comma
if ((_outputTail + 22) > _outputTail) {
if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator;
_outputTail = NumberOutput.outputLong(value, _outputBuffer, _outputTail);
protected void appendValue(float value) throws IOException
String str = NumberOutput.toString(value);
final int len = str.length();
if ((_outputTail + len) >= _outputTail) { // >= to include possible comma too
if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator;
protected void appendValue(double value) throws IOException
String str = NumberOutput.toString(value);
final int len = str.length();
if ((_outputTail + len) >= _outputTail) { // >= to include possible comma too
if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator;
protected void appendValue(boolean value) throws IOException
char[] ch = value ? TRUE_CHARS : FALSE_CHARS;
final int len = ch.length;
if ((_outputTail + len) >= _outputTail) { // >= to include possible comma too
if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator;
System.arraycopy(ch, 0, _outputBuffer, _outputTail, len);
_outputTail += len;
protected void appendColumnSeparator() throws IOException {
if (_outputTail >= _outputTail) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator;
/* Output methods, unprocessed ("raw")
public void _writeQuoted(String text) throws IOException
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
// NOTE: caller should guarantee quote char is valid (not -1) at this point:
final char q = (char) _cfgQuoteCharacter;
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q;
// simple case: if we have enough room, no need for boundary checks
final int len = text.length();
if ((_outputTail + len + len) >= _outputEnd) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (c == q) { // double up
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q;
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = c;
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q;
private final void _writeLongQuoted(String text) throws IOException
final int len = text.length();
// NOTE: caller should guarantee quote char is valid (not -1) at this point:
final char q = (char) _cfgQuoteCharacter;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (c == q) { // double up
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q;
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = c;
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q;
public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException
// Nothing to check, can just output as is
int len = text.length();
int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail;
if (room == 0) {
room = _outputEnd - _outputTail;
// But would it nicely fit in? If yes, it's easy
if (room >= len) {
text.getChars(0, len, _outputBuffer, _outputTail);
_outputTail += len;
} else {
public void writeRaw(String text, int start, int len) throws IOException
// Nothing to check, can just output as is
int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail;
if (room < len) {
room = _outputEnd - _outputTail;
// But would it nicely fit in? If yes, it's easy
if (room >= len) {
text.getChars(start, start+len, _outputBuffer, _outputTail);
_outputTail += len;
} else {
writeRawLong(text.substring(start, start+len));
public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
// Only worth buffering if it's a short write?
if (len < SHORT_WRITE) {
int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail;
if (len > room) {
System.arraycopy(text, offset, _outputBuffer, _outputTail, len);
_outputTail += len;
// Otherwise, better just pass through:
_out.write(text, offset, len);
public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException
if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) {
_outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = c;
private void writeRawLong(String text) throws IOException
int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail;
// If not, need to do it by looping
text.getChars(0, room, _outputBuffer, _outputTail);
_outputTail += room;
int offset = room;
int len = text.length() - room;
while (len > _outputEnd) {
int amount = _outputEnd;
text.getChars(offset, offset+amount, _outputBuffer, 0);
_outputTail = amount;
offset += amount;
len -= amount;
// And last piece (at most length of buffer)
text.getChars(offset, offset+len, _outputBuffer, 0);
_outputTail = len;
/* Writer API, state changes
public void flush(boolean flushStream) throws IOException
if (flushStream) {
public void close(boolean autoClose) throws IOException
if (autoClose) {
} else {
// If we can't close it, we should at least flush
// Internal buffer(s) generator has can now be released as well
/* Internal methods
* Helper method that determines whether given String is likely
* to require quoting; check tries to optimize for speed.
protected boolean _mayNeedQuotes(String value, int length)
// 21-Mar-2014, tatu: If quoting disabled, don't quote
if (_cfgQuoteCharacter < 0) {
return false;
// may skip checks unless we want exact checking
if (_cfgOptimalQuoting) {
return _needsQuotingStrict(value);
if (length > _cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars) {
return true;
return _needsQuotingLoose(value);
* NOTE: final since checking is not expected to be changed here; override
* calling method (_mayNeedQuotes
) instead, if necessary.
* @since 2.4
protected final boolean _needsQuotingLoose(String value)
for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; ++i) {
if (value.charAt(i) < _cfgMinSafeChar) {
return true;
return false;
* @since 2.4
protected boolean _needsQuotingStrict(String value)
for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; ++i) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
if (c < _cfgMinSafeChar) {
if (c == _cfgColumnSeparator || c == _cfgQuoteCharacter
|| c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
return true;
return false;
protected void _buffer(int index, BufferedValue v)
_lastBuffered = Math.max(_lastBuffered, index);
if (index >= _buffered.length) {
_buffered = Arrays.copyOf(_buffered, Math.max(index+1, _columnCount));
_buffered[index] = v;
protected void _flushBuffer() throws IOException
if (_outputTail > 0) {
_charsWritten += _outputTail;
_out.write(_outputBuffer, 0, _outputTail);
_outputTail = 0;
public void _releaseBuffers()
char[] buf = _outputBuffer;
if (buf != null && _bufferRecyclable) {
_outputBuffer = null;