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org.antlr.codegen.templates.JavaScript.JavaScript.stg Maven / Gradle / Ivy
group JavaScript implements ANTLRCore;
/** The overall file structure of a recognizer; stores methods for rules
* and cyclic DFAs plus support code.
outputFile(LEXER,PARSER,TREE_PARSER, actionScope, actions,
docComment, recognizer,
name, tokens, tokenNames, rules, cyclicDFAs,
bitsets, buildTemplate, buildAST, rewriteMode, profile,
backtracking, synpreds, memoize, numRules,
fileName, ANTLRVersion, generatedTimestamp, trace,
scopes, superClass, literals) ::=
lexer(grammar, name, tokens, scopes, rules, numRules, labelType="Token",
filterMode, superClass="org.antlr.runtime.Lexer") ::= <<
var = function(input, state}>) {
// alternate constructor @todo
// public (CharStream input }>)
// public (CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state }>) {
if (!state) {
state = new org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState();
= new .DFA(this);}; separator="\n">, input, state);
this.state.ruleMemo = {};
= new (input, state}>, this);}; separator="\n">
= ;}; separator="\n">
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(, {
: }; separator=",\n">
var HIDDEN = org.antlr.runtime.Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL,
EOF = org.antlr.runtime.Token.EOF;
org.antlr.lang.extend(, <@superClassName><@end>, {
: ,}; separator="\n">
getGrammarFileName: function() { return ""; }
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(.prototype, {
}; separator=",\n">
}, true); // important to pass true to overwrite default implementations
/** A override of Lexer.nextToken() that backtracks over mTokens() looking
* for matches. No error can be generated upon error; just rewind, consume
* a token and then try again. backtracking needs to be set as well.
* Make rule memoization happen only at levels above 1 as we start mTokens
* at backtracking==1.
filteringNextToken() ::= <<
nextToken: function() {
while (true) {
if ( this.input.LA(1)==org.antlr.runtime.CharStream.EOF ) {
return org.antlr.runtime.Token.EOF_TOKEN;
this.state.token = null; = org.antlr.runtime.Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
this.state.tokenStartCharIndex = this.input.index();
this.state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine = this.input.getCharPositionInLine();
this.state.tokenStartLine = this.input.getLine();
this.state.text = null;
try {
var m = this.input.mark();
if ( this.state.failed ) {
else {
return this.state.token;
catch (re) {
// shouldn't happen in backtracking mode, but...
if (re instanceof org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException) {
} else {
throw re;
memoize: function(input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex) {
if (this.state.backtracking>1) {, input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex);
alreadyParsedRule: function(input, ruleIndex) {
if (this.state.backtracking>1) {
return, input, ruleIndex);
return false;
actionGate() ::= "this.state.backtracking===0"
filteringActionGate() ::= "this.state.backtracking===1"
/** How to generate a parser */
genericParser(grammar, name, scopes, tokens, tokenNames, rules, numRules,
bitsets, inputStreamType, superClass,
ASTLabelType="Object", labelType, members, rewriteElementType) ::= <<
var = function(input, state}>) {
if (!state) {
state = new org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState();
}).call(this);, input, state);
= new .DFA(this);}; separator="\n">
= new (input, state}>, this);}; separator="\n">
= .;}; separator="\n">
/* @todo only create adaptor if output=AST */
this.adaptor = new org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor();<\n>
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(, {
: }; separator=",\n">
// public class variables
var = }; separator=",\n ">;
var UP = org.antlr.runtime.Token.UP,
DOWN = org.antlr.runtime.Token.DOWN;
// public instance methods/vars
org.antlr.lang.extend(, org.antlr.runtime.<@superClassName><@end>, {
getTokenNames: function() { return .tokenNames; },
getGrammarFileName: function() { return ""; }
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(.prototype, {
// Delegated rules
: function() \{ return this..(}; separator=", ">); \}}>
}; separator=",\n">
}, true); // important to pass true to overwrite default implementations
// public class variables
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(, {
tokenNames: ["\", "\", "\", "\", ],<\n>
words64=it.bits); separator=",\n">
parserCtorBody() ::= <<
this.state.ruleMemo = {};<\n>
= ;}; separator="\n">
parser(grammar, name, scopes, tokens, tokenNames, rules, numRules, bitsets, ASTLabelType="Object", superClass="Parser", labelType="Token", members={}) ::= <<
/** How to generate a tree parser; same as parser except the input
* stream is a different type.
treeParser(grammar, name, scopes, tokens, tokenNames, globalAction, rules, numRules, bitsets, labelType={}, ASTLabelType="var", superClass="tree.TreeParser", members={}, filterMode) ::= <<
/** A simpler version of a rule template that is specific to the imaginary
* rules created for syntactic predicates. As they never have return values
* nor parameters etc..., just give simplest possible method. Don't do
* any of the normal memoization stuff in here either; it's a waste.
* As predicates cannot be inlined into the invoking rule, they need to
* be in a rule by themselves.
synpredRule(ruleName, ruleDescriptor, block, description, nakedBlock) ::=
// $ANTLR start ""
_fragment: function() {
this.traceIn("_fragment", );
try {
finally {
this.traceOut("_fragment", );
// $ANTLR end ""
synpred(name) ::= <<
: function() {
var start = this.input.mark();
try {
this._fragment(); // can never throw exception
} catch (re) {
alert("impossible: "+re.toString());
var success = !this.state.failed;
return success;
lexerSynpred(name) ::= <<
ruleMemoization(name) ::= <<
if ( this.state.backtracking>0 && this.alreadyParsedRule(this.input, ) ) { return ; }
/** How to test for failure and return from rule */
checkRuleBacktrackFailure() ::= <<
if (this.state.failed) return ;
/** This rule has failed, exit indicating failure during backtrack */
ruleBacktrackFailure() ::= <<
if (this.state.backtracking>0) {this.state.failed=true; return ;}
/** How to generate code for a rule. This includes any return type
* data aggregates required for multiple return values.
rule(ruleName,ruleDescriptor,block,emptyRule,description,exceptions,finally,memoize) ::= <<
// :
// $ANTLR start ""
: function() {
this.traceIn("", );
try {
catch (re) {
if (re instanceof org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException) {
} else {
throw re;
finally {
this.traceOut("", );
return ;
catch(decl,action) ::= <<
catch () {
ruleDeclarations() ::= <<
var retval = new ();
retval.start = this.input.LT(1);<\n>
= null;
var _StartIndex = this.input.index();
ruleScopeSetUp() ::= <<
_stack.push({});}; separator="\n">
_stack.push({});}; separator="\n">
ruleScopeCleanUp() ::= <<
_stack.pop();}; separator="\n">
_stack.pop();}; separator="\n">
ruleLabelDefs() ::= <<
:{var = null;}; separator="\n"
:{var list_=null;}; separator="\n"
= null;}; separator="\n">
lexerRuleLabelDefs() ::= <<
:{var =null;}; separator="\n"
;}; separator="\n">
:{var list_=null;}; separator="\n"
ruleReturnValue() ::= <<
ruleCleanUp() ::= <<
retval.stop = this.input.LT(-1);<\n>
memoize() ::= <<
if ( this.state.backtracking>0 ) { this.memoize(this.input, , _StartIndex); }
/** How to generate a rule in the lexer; naked blocks are used for
* fragment rules.
lexerRule(ruleName,nakedBlock,ruleDescriptor,block,memoize) ::= <<
// $ANTLR start
m: function() {
this.traceIn("", );
try {
var _type = this.;
var _channel = org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
this.state.type = _type; = _channel;
finally {
this.traceOut("", );
// $ANTLR end ""
/** How to generate code for the implicitly-defined lexer grammar rule
* that chooses between lexer rules.
tokensRule(ruleName,nakedBlock,args,block,ruleDescriptor) ::= <<
mTokens: function() {
// S U B R U L E S
/** A (...) subrule with multiple alternatives */
block(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,maxK,maxAlt,description) ::= <<