org.h2.jdbc.JdbcCallableStatement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.jdbc;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.Ref;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.RowId;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.expression.ParameterInterface;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.TraceObject;
import org.h2.util.BitField;
import org.h2.util.New;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
* Represents a callable statement.
* @author Sergi Vladykin
* @author Thomas Mueller
public class JdbcCallableStatement extends JdbcPreparedStatement implements
CallableStatement {
private BitField outParameters;
private int maxOutParameters;
private HashMap namedParameters;
JdbcCallableStatement(JdbcConnection conn, String sql, int id,
int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) {
super(conn, sql, id, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false);
setTrace(session.getTrace(), TraceObject.CALLABLE_STATEMENT, id);
* Executes a statement (insert, update, delete, create, drop)
* and returns the update count.
* If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed
* (even if this statement fails).
* If auto commit is on, this statement will be committed.
* If the statement is a DDL statement (create, drop, alter) and does not
* throw an exception, the current transaction (if any) is committed after
* executing the statement.
* @return the update count (number of row affected by an insert, update or
* delete, or 0 if no rows or the statement was a create, drop,
* commit or rollback)
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed or invalid
public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
try {
if (command.isQuery()) {
return 0;
return super.executeUpdate();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw logAndConvert(e);
* Registers the given OUT parameter.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) - ignored
public void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType)
throws SQLException {
* Registers the given OUT parameter.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) - ignored
* @param typeName the SQL type name - ignored
public void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType,
String typeName) throws SQLException {
* Registers the given OUT parameter.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x)
* @param scale is ignored
public void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, int scale)
throws SQLException {
* Registers the given OUT parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) - ignored
* @param typeName the SQL type name - ignored
public void registerOutParameter(String parameterName, int sqlType,
String typeName) throws SQLException {
registerOutParameter(getIndexForName(parameterName), sqlType, typeName);
* Registers the given OUT parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) - ignored
* @param scale is ignored
public void registerOutParameter(String parameterName, int sqlType,
int scale) throws SQLException {
registerOutParameter(getIndexForName(parameterName), sqlType, scale);
* Registers the given OUT parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) - ignored
public void registerOutParameter(String parameterName, int sqlType)
throws SQLException {
registerOutParameter(getIndexForName(parameterName), sqlType);
* Returns whether the last column accessed was null.
* @return true if the last column accessed was null
public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().wasNull();
* [Not supported]
public URL getURL(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("url");
* Returns the value of the specified column as a String.
* @param parameterIndex (1,2,...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public String getString(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getString(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a boolean.
* @param parameterIndex (1,2,...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public boolean getBoolean(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getBoolean(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a byte.
* @param parameterIndex (1,2,...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public byte getByte(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getByte(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a short.
* @param parameterIndex (1,2,...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public short getShort(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getShort(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as an int.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public int getInt(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getInt(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a long.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public long getLong(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getLong(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a float.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public float getFloat(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getFloat(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a double.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public double getDouble(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getDouble(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
* @deprecated use {@link #getBigDecimal(int)}
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param scale is ignored
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, int scale)
throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getBigDecimal(parameterIndex, scale);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a byte array.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public byte[] getBytes(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getBytes(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Date.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Date getDate(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getDate(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Time.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Time getTime(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getTime(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Timestamp.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Timestamp getTimestamp(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getTimestamp(parameterIndex);
* Returns a column value as a Java object. The data is
* de-serialized into a Java object (on the client side).
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value or null
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Object getObject(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getObject(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getBigDecimal(parameterIndex);
* [Not supported] Gets a column as a object using the specified type
* mapping.
public Object getObject(int parameterIndex, Map> map)
throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("map");
* [Not supported] Gets a column as a reference.
public Ref getRef(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("ref");
* Returns the value of the specified column as a Blob.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Blob getBlob(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getBlob(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a Clob.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Clob getClob(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getClob(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as an Array.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Array getArray(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getArray(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Date using a
* specified time zone.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param cal the calendar
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Date getDate(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getDate(parameterIndex, cal);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Time using a
* specified time zone.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param cal the calendar
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Time getTime(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getTime(parameterIndex, cal);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Timestamp using a
* specified time zone.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param cal the calendar
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Timestamp getTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getTimestamp(parameterIndex, cal);
* [Not supported]
public URL getURL(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("url");
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Timestamp using a
* specified time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param cal the calendar
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Timestamp getTimestamp(String parameterName, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
return getTimestamp(getIndexForName(parameterName), cal);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Time using a
* specified time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param cal the calendar
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Time getTime(String parameterName, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
return getTime(getIndexForName(parameterName), cal);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Date using a
* specified time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param cal the calendar
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Date getDate(String parameterName, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
return getDate(getIndexForName(parameterName), cal);
* Returns the value of the specified column as an Array.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Array getArray(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getArray(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a Clob.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Clob getClob(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getClob(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a Blob.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Blob getBlob(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getBlob(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* [Not supported] Gets a column as a reference.
public Ref getRef(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("ref");
* [Not supported] Gets a column as a object using the specified type
* mapping.
public Object getObject(String parameterName, Map> map)
throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("map");
* Returns the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getBigDecimal(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns a column value as a Java object. The data is
* de-serialized into a Java object (on the client side).
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value or null
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Object getObject(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getObject(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Timestamp.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Timestamp getTimestamp(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getTimestamp(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Time.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Time getTime(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getTime(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Date.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Date getDate(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getDate(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a byte array.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public byte[] getBytes(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getBytes(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a double.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public double getDouble(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getDouble(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a float.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public float getFloat(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getFloat(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a long.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public long getLong(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getLong(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as an int.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public int getInt(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getInt(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a short.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public short getShort(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getShort(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a byte.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public byte getByte(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getByte(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a boolean.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public boolean getBoolean(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getBoolean(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a String.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public String getString(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getString(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* [Not supported] Returns the value of the specified column as a row id.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
public RowId getRowId(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("rowId");
* [Not supported] Returns the value of the specified column as a row id.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
public RowId getRowId(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("rowId");
* Returns the value of the specified column as a Clob.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public NClob getNClob(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getNClob(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a Clob.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public NClob getNClob(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getNClob(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* [Not supported] Returns the value of the specified column as a SQLXML
* object.
public SQLXML getSQLXML(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("SQLXML");
* [Not supported] Returns the value of the specified column as a SQLXML
* object.
public SQLXML getSQLXML(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("SQLXML");
* Returns the value of the specified column as a String.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public String getNString(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getNString(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a String.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public String getNString(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
return getNString(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a reader.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Reader getNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getNCharacterStream(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a reader.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Reader getNCharacterStream(String parameterName)
throws SQLException {
return getNCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName));
* Returns the value of the specified column as a reader.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Reader getCharacterStream(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException {
return getOpenResultSet().getCharacterStream(parameterIndex);
* Returns the value of the specified column as a reader.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @return the value
* @throws SQLException if the column is not found or if this object is
* closed
public Reader getCharacterStream(String parameterName)
throws SQLException {
return getCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName));
// =============================================================
* Sets a parameter to null.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x)
* @param typeName this parameter is ignored
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNull(String parameterName, int sqlType, String typeName)
throws SQLException {
setNull(getIndexForName(parameterName), sqlType, typeName);
* Sets a parameter to null.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param sqlType the data type (Types.x)
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNull(String parameterName, int sqlType) throws SQLException {
setNull(getIndexForName(parameterName), sqlType);
* Sets the timestamp using a specified time zone. The value will be
* converted to the local time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param cal the calendar
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setTimestamp(String parameterName, Timestamp x, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
setTimestamp(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, cal);
* Sets the time using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to
* the local time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param cal the calendar
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setTime(String parameterName, Time x, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
setTime(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, cal);
* Sets the date using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to
* the local time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param cal the calendar
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setDate(String parameterName, Date x, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
setDate(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, cal);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of characters
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setCharacterStream(String parameterName, Reader x, int length)
throws SQLException {
setCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side).
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x) throws SQLException {
setObject(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter. The object is converted, if required, to
* the specified data type before sending to the database.
* Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side).
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value, null is allowed
* @param targetSqlType the type as defined in java.sql.Types
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType)
throws SQLException {
setObject(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, targetSqlType);
* Sets the value of a parameter. The object is converted, if required, to
* the specified data type before sending to the database.
* Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side).
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value, null is allowed
* @param targetSqlType the type as defined in java.sql.Types
* @param scale is ignored
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType,
int scale) throws SQLException {
setObject(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, targetSqlType, scale);
* Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of bytes
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBinaryStream(String parameterName, InputStream x, int length)
throws SQLException {
setBinaryStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of bytes
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException {
setAsciiStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setTimestamp(String parameterName, Timestamp x)
throws SQLException {
setTimestamp(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the time using a specified time zone.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setTime(String parameterName, Time x) throws SQLException {
setTime(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setDate(String parameterName, Date x) throws SQLException {
setDate(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a byte array.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBytes(String parameterName, byte[] x) throws SQLException {
setBytes(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setString(String parameterName, String x) throws SQLException {
setString(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBigDecimal(String parameterName, BigDecimal x)
throws SQLException {
setBigDecimal(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setDouble(String parameterName, double x) throws SQLException {
setDouble(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setFloat(String parameterName, float x) throws SQLException {
setFloat(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setLong(String parameterName, long x) throws SQLException {
setLong(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setInt(String parameterName, int x) throws SQLException {
setInt(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setShort(String parameterName, short x) throws SQLException {
setShort(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setByte(String parameterName, byte x) throws SQLException {
setByte(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBoolean(String parameterName, boolean x) throws SQLException {
setBoolean(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* [Not supported]
public void setURL(String parameterName, URL val) throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("url");
* [Not supported] Sets the value of a parameter as a row id.
public void setRowId(String parameterName, RowId x)
throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("rowId");
* Sets the value of a parameter.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNString(String parameterName, String x)
throws SQLException {
setNString(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of characters
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader x, long length) throws SQLException {
setNCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNClob(String parameterName, NClob x)
throws SQLException {
setNClob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of characters
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setClob(String parameterName, Reader x,
long length) throws SQLException {
setClob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of bytes
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBlob(String parameterName, InputStream x,
long length) throws SQLException {
setBlob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of characters
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNClob(String parameterName, Reader x,
long length) throws SQLException {
setNClob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBlob(String parameterName, Blob x)
throws SQLException {
setBlob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setClob(String parameterName, Clob x) throws SQLException {
setClob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setAsciiStream(String parameterName, InputStream x)
throws SQLException {
setAsciiStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of bytes
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException {
setAsciiStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x) throws SQLException {
setBinaryStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of bytes
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException {
setBinaryStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob.
* This method does not close the stream.
* The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setBlob(String parameterName, InputStream x)
throws SQLException {
setBlob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setCharacterStream(String parameterName, Reader x)
throws SQLException {
setCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @param length the maximum number of characters
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader x, long length) throws SQLException {
setCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x, length);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setClob(String parameterName, Reader x) throws SQLException {
setClob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNCharacterStream(String parameterName, Reader x)
throws SQLException {
setNCharacterStream(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
* This method does not close the reader.
* The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param x the value
* @throws SQLException if this object is closed
public void setNClob(String parameterName, Reader x)
throws SQLException {
setNClob(getIndexForName(parameterName), x);
* [Not supported] Sets the value of a parameter as a SQLXML object.
public void setSQLXML(String parameterName, SQLXML x)
throws SQLException {
throw unsupported("SQLXML");
* [Not supported]
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
* @param type the class of the returned value
/*## Java 1.7 ##
public T getObject(int parameterIndex, Class type) {
return null;
* [Not supported]
* @param parameterName the parameter name
* @param type the class of the returned value
/*## Java 1.7 ##
public T getObject(String parameterName, Class type) {
return null;
private ResultSetMetaData getCheckedMetaData() throws SQLException {
ResultSetMetaData meta = getMetaData();
if (meta == null) {
throw DbException.getUnsupportedException(
"Supported only for calling stored procedures");
return meta;
private void checkIndexBounds(int parameterIndex) {
if (parameterIndex < 1 || parameterIndex > maxOutParameters) {
throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("parameterIndex", parameterIndex);
private void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
try {
if (outParameters == null) {
maxOutParameters = Math.min(
outParameters = new BitField();
ParameterInterface param = command.getParameters().get(--parameterIndex);
if (!param.isValueSet()) {
param.setValue(ValueNull.INSTANCE, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw logAndConvert(e);
private void checkRegistered(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException {
try {
if (!outParameters.get(parameterIndex - 1)) {
throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("parameterIndex", parameterIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw logAndConvert(e);
private int getIndexForName(String parameterName) throws SQLException {
try {
if (namedParameters == null) {
ResultSetMetaData meta = getCheckedMetaData();
int columnCount = meta.getColumnCount();
HashMap map = New.hashMap(columnCount);
for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) {
map.put(meta.getColumnLabel(i), i);
namedParameters = map;
Integer index = namedParameters.get(parameterName);
if (index == null) {
throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("parameterName", parameterName);
return index;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw logAndConvert(e);
private JdbcResultSet getOpenResultSet() throws SQLException {
try {
if (resultSet == null) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.NO_DATA_AVAILABLE);
if (resultSet.isBeforeFirst()) {
return resultSet;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw logAndConvert(e);
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