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* Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.mvstore.MVMap;
import org.h2.mvstore.MVStore;
import org.h2.mvstore.StreamStore;
import org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTableEngine.Store;
import org.h2.util.IOUtils;
import org.h2.util.New;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueLobDb;
* This class stores LOB objects in the database, in maps. This is the back-end
* i.e. the server side of the LOB storage.
public class LobStorageMap implements LobStorageInterface {
private static final boolean TRACE = false;
private final Database database;
private boolean init;
private Object nextLobIdSync = new Object();
private long nextLobId;
* The lob metadata map. It contains the mapping from the lob id
* (which is a long) to the stream store id (which is a byte array).
* Key: lobId (long)
* Value: { streamStoreId (byte[]), tableId (int),
* byteCount (long), hash (long) }.
private MVMap lobMap;
* The reference map. It is used to remove data from the stream store: if no
* more entries for the given streamStoreId exist, the data is removed from
* the stream store.
* Key: { streamStoreId (byte[]), lobId (long) }.
* Value: true (boolean).
private MVMap refMap;
* The stream store data map.
* Key: stream store block id (long).
* Value: data (byte[]).
private MVMap dataMap;
private StreamStore streamStore;
public LobStorageMap(Database database) {
this.database = database;
public void init() {
if (init) {
init = true;
Store s = database.getMvStore();
MVStore mvStore;
if (s == null) {
// in-memory database
mvStore =;
} else {
mvStore = s.getStore();
lobMap = mvStore.openMap("lobMap");
refMap = mvStore.openMap("lobRef");
dataMap = mvStore.openMap("lobData");
streamStore = new StreamStore(dataMap);
// garbage collection of the last blocks
if (database.isReadOnly()) {
if (dataMap.isEmpty()) {
// search the last referenced block
// (a lob may not have any referenced blocks if data is kept inline,
// so we need to loop)
long lastUsedKey = -1;
Long lobId = lobMap.lastKey();
while (lobId != null) {
Object[] v = lobMap.get(lobId);
byte[] id = (byte[]) v[0];
lastUsedKey = streamStore.getMaxBlockKey(id);
if (lastUsedKey >= 0) {
lobId = lobMap.floorKey(lobId);
// delete all blocks that are newer
while (true) {
Long last = dataMap.lastKey();
if (last == null || last <= lastUsedKey) {
public Value createBlob(InputStream in, long maxLength) {
int type = Value.BLOB;
if (maxLength < 0) {
maxLength = Long.MAX_VALUE;
int max = (int) Math.min(maxLength, database.getMaxLengthInplaceLob());
try {
if (max != 0 && max < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
BufferedInputStream b = new BufferedInputStream(in, max);
byte[] small = new byte[max];
int len = IOUtils.readFully(b, small, max);
if (len < max) {
if (len < small.length) {
small = Arrays.copyOf(small, len);
return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(type, small);
in = b;
return createLob(in, type);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.OBJECT_CLOSED, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw DbException.convertIOException(e, null);
public Value createClob(Reader reader, long maxLength) {
int type = Value.CLOB;
if (maxLength < 0) {
maxLength = Long.MAX_VALUE;
int max = (int) Math.min(maxLength, database.getMaxLengthInplaceLob());
try {
if (max != 0 && max < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(reader, max);
char[] small = new char[max];
int len = IOUtils.readFully(b, small, max);
if (len < max) {
if (len < small.length) {
small = Arrays.copyOf(small, len);
byte[] utf8 = new String(small, 0, len).getBytes(Constants.UTF8);
return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(type, utf8);
reader = b;
CountingReaderInputStream in =
new CountingReaderInputStream(reader, maxLength);
ValueLobDb lob = createLob(in, type);
// the length is not correct
lob = ValueLobDb.create(type, database,
lob.getTableId(), lob.getLobId(), null, in.getLength());
return lob;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.OBJECT_CLOSED, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw DbException.convertIOException(e, null);
private ValueLobDb createLob(InputStream in, int type) throws IOException {
byte[] streamStoreId;
try {
streamStoreId = streamStore.put(in);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw DbException.convertToIOException(e);
long lobId = generateLobId();
long length = streamStore.length(streamStoreId);
int tableId = LobStorageFrontend.TABLE_TEMP;
Object[] value = new Object[] { streamStoreId, tableId, length, 0 };
lobMap.put(lobId, value);
Object[] key = new Object[] { streamStoreId, lobId };
refMap.put(key, Boolean.TRUE);
ValueLobDb lob = ValueLobDb.create(
type, database, tableId, lobId, null, length);
if (TRACE) {
trace("create " + tableId + "/" + lobId);
return lob;
private long generateLobId() {
synchronized (nextLobIdSync) {
if (nextLobId == 0) {
Long id = lobMap.lastKey();
nextLobId = id == null ? 1 : id + 1;
return nextLobId++;
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return database.isReadOnly();
public ValueLobDb copyLob(ValueLobDb old, int tableId, long length) {
int type = old.getType();
long oldLobId = old.getLobId();
long oldLength = old.getPrecision();
if (oldLength != length) {
throw DbException.throwInternalError("Length is different");
Object[] value = lobMap.get(oldLobId);
value = Arrays.copyOf(value, value.length);
byte[] streamStoreId = (byte[]) value[0];
long lobId = generateLobId();
value[1] = tableId;
lobMap.put(lobId, value);
Object[] key = new Object[] { streamStoreId, lobId };
refMap.put(key, Boolean.TRUE);
ValueLobDb lob = ValueLobDb.create(
type, database, tableId, lobId, null, length);
if (TRACE) {
trace("copy " + old.getTableId() + "/" + old.getLobId() +
" > " + tableId + "/" + lobId);
return lob;
public InputStream getInputStream(ValueLobDb lob, byte[] hmac, long byteCount)
throws IOException {
Object[] value = lobMap.get(lob.getLobId());
if (value == null) {
throw DbException.throwInternalError("Lob not found: " + lob.getLobId());
byte[] streamStoreId = (byte[]) value[0];
return streamStore.get(streamStoreId);
public void setTable(ValueLobDb lob, int tableId) {
long lobId = lob.getLobId();
Object[] value = lobMap.remove(lobId);
if (TRACE) {
trace("move " + lob.getTableId() + "/" + lob.getLobId() +
" > " + tableId + "/" + lobId);
value[1] = tableId;
lobMap.put(lobId, value);
public void removeAllForTable(int tableId) {
if (database.getMvStore().getStore().isClosed()) {
// this might not be very efficient -
// to speed it up, we would need yet another map
ArrayList list = New.arrayList();
for (Entry e : lobMap.entrySet()) {
Object[] value = e.getValue();
int t = (Integer) value[1];
if (t == tableId) {
for (long lobId : list) {
removeLob(tableId, lobId);
if (tableId == LobStorageFrontend.TABLE_ID_SESSION_VARIABLE) {
public void removeLob(ValueLobDb lob) {
int tableId = lob.getTableId();
long lobId = lob.getLobId();
removeLob(tableId, lobId);
private void removeLob(int tableId, long lobId) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("remove " + tableId + "/" + lobId);
Object[] value = lobMap.remove(lobId);
if (value == null) {
// already removed
byte[] streamStoreId = (byte[]) value[0];
Object[] key = new Object[] {streamStoreId, lobId };
// check if there are more entries for this streamStoreId
key = new Object[] {streamStoreId, 0L };
value = refMap.ceilingKey(key);
boolean hasMoreEntries = false;
if (value != null) {
byte[] s2 = (byte[]) value[0];
if (Arrays.equals(streamStoreId, s2)) {
hasMoreEntries = true;
if (!hasMoreEntries) {
private static void trace(String op) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " LOB " + op);