org.h2.table.TableLink Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.table;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.Prepared;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.UndoLogRecord;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.index.IndexType;
import org.h2.index.LinkedIndex;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.result.RowList;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.util.JdbcUtils;
import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
import org.h2.util.New;
import org.h2.util.StatementBuilder;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueDate;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;
* A linked table contains connection information for a table accessible by
* JDBC. The table may be stored in a different database.
public class TableLink extends Table {
private static final int MAX_RETRY = 2;
private static final long ROW_COUNT_APPROXIMATION = 100000;
private final String originalSchema;
private String driver, url, user, password, originalTable, qualifiedTableName;
private TableLinkConnection conn;
private HashMap preparedMap = New.hashMap();
private final ArrayList indexes = New.arrayList();
private final boolean emitUpdates;
private LinkedIndex linkedIndex;
private DbException connectException;
private boolean storesLowerCase;
private boolean storesMixedCase;
private boolean storesMixedCaseQuoted;
private boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers;
private boolean globalTemporary;
private boolean readOnly;
public TableLink(Schema schema, int id, String name, String driver,
String url, String user, String password, String originalSchema,
String originalTable, boolean emitUpdates, boolean force) {
super(schema, id, name, false, true);
this.driver = driver;
this.url = url;
this.user = user;
this.password = password;
this.originalSchema = originalSchema;
this.originalTable = originalTable;
this.emitUpdates = emitUpdates;
try {
} catch (DbException e) {
if (!force) {
throw e;
Column[] cols = { };
linkedIndex = new LinkedIndex(this, id, IndexColumn.wrap(cols),
private void connect() {
connectException = null;
for (int retry = 0;; retry++) {
try {
conn = database.getLinkConnection(driver, url, user, password);
synchronized (conn) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// could be SQLException or RuntimeException
conn = null;
throw DbException.convert(e);
} catch (DbException e) {
if (retry >= MAX_RETRY) {
connectException = e;
throw e;
private void readMetaData() throws SQLException {
DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getConnection().getMetaData();
storesLowerCase = meta.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers();
storesMixedCase = meta.storesMixedCaseIdentifiers();
storesMixedCaseQuoted = meta.storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers();
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers = meta.supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers();
ResultSet rs = meta.getTables(null, originalSchema, originalTable, null);
if (rs.next() && rs.next()) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NAME_MUST_MATCH, originalTable);
rs = meta.getColumns(null, originalSchema, originalTable, null);
int i = 0;
ArrayList columnList = New.arrayList();
HashMap columnMap = New.hashMap();
String catalog = null, schema = null;
while (rs.next()) {
String thisCatalog = rs.getString("TABLE_CAT");
if (catalog == null) {
catalog = thisCatalog;
String thisSchema = rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM");
if (schema == null) {
schema = thisSchema;
if (!StringUtils.equals(catalog, thisCatalog) ||
!StringUtils.equals(schema, thisSchema)) {
// if the table exists in multiple schemas or tables,
// use the alternative solution
String n = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
n = convertColumnName(n);
int sqlType = rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE");
long precision = rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE");
precision = convertPrecision(sqlType, precision);
int scale = rs.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS");
scale = convertScale(sqlType, scale);
int displaySize = MathUtils.convertLongToInt(precision);
int type = DataType.convertSQLTypeToValueType(sqlType);
Column col = new Column(n, type, precision, scale, displaySize);
col.setTable(this, i++);
columnMap.put(n, col);
if (originalTable.indexOf('.') < 0 && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(schema)) {
qualifiedTableName = schema + "." + originalTable;
} else {
qualifiedTableName = originalTable;
// check if the table is accessible
Statement stat = null;
try {
stat = conn.getConnection().createStatement();
rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " +
qualifiedTableName + " T WHERE 1=0");
if (columnList.size() == 0) {
// alternative solution
ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData();
for (i = 0; i < rsMeta.getColumnCount();) {
String n = rsMeta.getColumnName(i + 1);
n = convertColumnName(n);
int sqlType = rsMeta.getColumnType(i + 1);
long precision = rsMeta.getPrecision(i + 1);
precision = convertPrecision(sqlType, precision);
int scale = rsMeta.getScale(i + 1);
scale = convertScale(sqlType, scale);
int displaySize = rsMeta.getColumnDisplaySize(i + 1);
int type = DataType.getValueTypeFromResultSet(rsMeta, i + 1);
Column col = new Column(n, type, precision, scale, displaySize);
col.setTable(this, i++);
columnMap.put(n, col);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1, e,
originalTable + "(" + e.toString() + ")");
} finally {
Column[] cols = new Column[columnList.size()];
int id = getId();
linkedIndex = new LinkedIndex(this, id, IndexColumn.wrap(cols),
try {
rs = meta.getPrimaryKeys(null, originalSchema, originalTable);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Some ODBC bridge drivers don't support it:
// some combinations of "DataDirect SequeLink(R) for JDBC"
// http://www.datadirect.com/index.ssp
rs = null;
String pkName = "";
ArrayList list;
if (rs != null && rs.next()) {
// the problem is, the rows are not sorted by KEY_SEQ
list = New.arrayList();
do {
int idx = rs.getInt("KEY_SEQ");
if (pkName == null) {
pkName = rs.getString("PK_NAME");
while (list.size() < idx) {
String col = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
col = convertColumnName(col);
Column column = columnMap.get(col);
if (idx == 0) {
// workaround for a bug in the SQLite JDBC driver
} else {
list.set(idx - 1, column);
} while (rs.next());
addIndex(list, IndexType.createPrimaryKey(false, false));
try {
rs = meta.getIndexInfo(null, originalSchema, originalTable, false, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Oracle throws an exception if the table is not found or is a
rs = null;
String indexName = null;
list = New.arrayList();
IndexType indexType = null;
if (rs != null) {
while (rs.next()) {
if (rs.getShort("TYPE") == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic) {
// ignore index statistics
String newIndex = rs.getString("INDEX_NAME");
if (pkName.equals(newIndex)) {
if (indexName != null && !indexName.equals(newIndex)) {
addIndex(list, indexType);
indexName = null;
if (indexName == null) {
indexName = newIndex;
boolean unique = !rs.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE");
indexType = unique ? IndexType.createUnique(false, false) :
String col = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
col = convertColumnName(col);
Column column = columnMap.get(col);
if (indexName != null) {
addIndex(list, indexType);
private static long convertPrecision(int sqlType, long precision) {
// workaround for an Oracle problem:
// for DATE columns, the reported precision is 7
// for DECIMAL columns, the reported precision is 0
switch (sqlType) {
case Types.DECIMAL:
case Types.NUMERIC:
if (precision == 0) {
precision = 65535;
case Types.DATE:
precision = Math.max(ValueDate.PRECISION, precision);
case Types.TIMESTAMP:
precision = Math.max(ValueTimestamp.PRECISION, precision);
case Types.TIME:
precision = Math.max(ValueTime.PRECISION, precision);
return precision;
private static int convertScale(int sqlType, int scale) {
// workaround for an Oracle problem:
// for DECIMAL columns, the reported precision is -127
switch (sqlType) {
case Types.DECIMAL:
case Types.NUMERIC:
if (scale < 0) {
scale = 32767;
return scale;
private String convertColumnName(String columnName) {
if ((storesMixedCase || storesLowerCase) &&
columnName.equals(StringUtils.toLowerEnglish(columnName))) {
columnName = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(columnName);
} else if (storesMixedCase && !supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers) {
// TeraData
columnName = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(columnName);
} else if (storesMixedCase && storesMixedCaseQuoted) {
// MS SQL Server (identifiers are case insensitive even if quoted)
columnName = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(columnName);
return columnName;
private void addIndex(ArrayList list, IndexType indexType) {
Column[] cols = new Column[list.size()];
Index index = new LinkedIndex(this, 0, IndexColumn.wrap(cols), indexType);
public String getDropSQL() {
return "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + getSQL();
public String getCreateSQL() {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("CREATE FORCE ");
if (isTemporary()) {
if (globalTemporary) {
buff.append("GLOBAL ");
} else {
buff.append("LOCAL ");
buff.append("TEMPORARY ");
buff.append("LINKED TABLE ").append(getSQL());
if (comment != null) {
buff.append(" COMMENT ").append(StringUtils.quoteStringSQL(comment));
append(", ").
append(", ").
append(", ").
append(", ").
if (emitUpdates) {
buff.append(" EMIT UPDATES");
if (readOnly) {
buff.append(" READONLY");
buff.append(" /*" + JdbcSQLException.HIDE_SQL + "*/");
return buff.toString();
public Index addIndex(Session session, String indexName, int indexId,
IndexColumn[] cols, IndexType indexType, boolean create,
String indexComment) {
throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("LINK");
public boolean lock(Session session, boolean exclusive, boolean forceLockEvenInMvcc) {
// nothing to do
return false;
public boolean isLockedExclusively() {
return false;
public Index getScanIndex(Session session) {
return linkedIndex;
private void checkReadOnly() {
if (readOnly) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_READ_ONLY);
public void removeRow(Session session, Row row) {
getScanIndex(session).remove(session, row);
public void addRow(Session session, Row row) {
getScanIndex(session).add(session, row);
public void close(Session session) {
if (conn != null) {
try {
} finally {
conn = null;
public synchronized long getRowCount(Session session) {
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + qualifiedTableName;
try {
PreparedStatement prep = execute(sql, null, false);
ResultSet rs = prep.getResultSet();
long count = rs.getLong(1);
reusePreparedStatement(prep, sql);
return count;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw wrapException(sql, e);
* Wrap a SQL exception that occurred while accessing a linked table.
* @param sql the SQL statement
* @param ex the exception from the remote database
* @return the wrapped exception
public static DbException wrapException(String sql, Exception ex) {
SQLException e = DbException.toSQLException(ex);
return DbException.get(ErrorCode.ERROR_ACCESSING_LINKED_TABLE_2,
e, sql, e.toString());
public String getQualifiedTable() {
return qualifiedTableName;
* Execute a SQL statement using the given parameters. Prepared
* statements are kept in a hash map to avoid re-creating them.
* @param sql the SQL statement
* @param params the parameters or null
* @param reusePrepared if the prepared statement can be re-used immediately
* @return the prepared statement, or null if it is re-used
public PreparedStatement execute(String sql, ArrayList params,
boolean reusePrepared) {
if (conn == null) {
throw connectException;
for (int retry = 0;; retry++) {
try {
synchronized (conn) {
PreparedStatement prep = preparedMap.remove(sql);
if (prep == null) {
prep = conn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) {
StatementBuilder buff = new StatementBuilder();
if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {
buff.append(" {");
int i = 1;
for (Value v : params) {
buff.appendExceptFirst(", ");
buff.append(i++).append(": ").append(v.getSQL());
if (params != null) {
for (int i = 0, size = params.size(); i < size; i++) {
Value v = params.get(i);
v.set(prep, i + 1);
if (reusePrepared) {
reusePreparedStatement(prep, sql);
return null;
return prep;
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (retry >= MAX_RETRY) {
throw DbException.convert(e);
public void unlock(Session s) {
// nothing to do
public void checkRename() {
// ok
public void checkSupportAlter() {
throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("LINK");
public void truncate(Session session) {
throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("LINK");
public boolean canGetRowCount() {
return true;
public boolean canDrop() {
return true;
public String getTableType() {
return Table.TABLE_LINK;
public void removeChildrenAndResources(Session session) {
database.removeMeta(session, getId());
driver = null;
url = user = password = originalTable = null;
preparedMap = null;
public boolean isOracle() {
return url.startsWith("jdbc:oracle:");
public ArrayList getIndexes() {
return indexes;
public long getMaxDataModificationId() {
// data may have been modified externally
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public Index getUniqueIndex() {
for (Index idx : indexes) {
if (idx.getIndexType().isUnique()) {
return idx;
return null;
public void updateRows(Prepared prepared, Session session, RowList rows) {
boolean deleteInsert;
if (emitUpdates) {
for (rows.reset(); rows.hasNext();) {
Row oldRow = rows.next();
Row newRow = rows.next();
linkedIndex.update(oldRow, newRow);
session.log(this, UndoLogRecord.DELETE, oldRow);
session.log(this, UndoLogRecord.INSERT, newRow);
deleteInsert = false;
} else {
deleteInsert = true;
if (deleteInsert) {
super.updateRows(prepared, session, rows);
public void setGlobalTemporary(boolean globalTemporary) {
this.globalTemporary = globalTemporary;
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
this.readOnly = readOnly;
public long getRowCountApproximation() {
public long getDiskSpaceUsed() {
return 0;
* Add this prepared statement to the list of cached statements.
* @param prep the prepared statement
* @param sql the SQL statement
public void reusePreparedStatement(PreparedStatement prep, String sql) {
synchronized (conn) {
preparedMap.put(sql, prep);
public boolean isDeterministic() {
return false;
* Linked tables don't know if they are readonly. This overwrites
* the default handling.
public void checkWritingAllowed() {
// only the target database can verify this
* Convert the values if required. Default values are not set (kept as
* null).
* @param session the session
* @param row the row
public void validateConvertUpdateSequence(Session session, Row row) {
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
Value value = row.getValue(i);
if (value != null) {
// null means use the default value
Column column = columns[i];
Value v2 = column.validateConvertUpdateSequence(session, value);
if (v2 != value) {
row.setValue(i, v2);
* Get or generate a default value for the given column. Default values are
* not set (kept as null).
* @param session the session
* @param column the column
* @return the value
public Value getDefaultValue(Session session, Column column) {
return null;
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