org.joda.time.chrono.BasicMonthOfYearDateTimeField Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Stephen Colebourne
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.joda.time.chrono;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeFieldType;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils;
import org.joda.time.DurationField;
import org.joda.time.ReadablePartial;
import org.joda.time.field.FieldUtils;
import org.joda.time.field.ImpreciseDateTimeField;
* Provides time calculations for the month of the year component of time.
* @author Guy Allard
* @author Stephen Colebourne
* @author Brian S O'Neill
* @since 1.2, refactored from GJMonthOfYearDateTimeField
class BasicMonthOfYearDateTimeField extends ImpreciseDateTimeField {
/** Serialization version */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8258715387168736L;
private static final int MIN = DateTimeConstants.JANUARY;
private final BasicChronology iChronology;
private final int iMax;
private final int iLeapMonth;
* Restricted constructor.
* @param leapMonth the month of year that leaps
BasicMonthOfYearDateTimeField(BasicChronology chronology, int leapMonth) {
super(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear(), chronology.getAverageMillisPerMonth());
iChronology = chronology;
iMax = iChronology.getMaxMonth();
iLeapMonth = leapMonth;
public boolean isLenient() {
return false;
* Get the Month component of the specified time instant.
* @see org.joda.time.DateTimeField#get(long)
* @see org.joda.time.ReadableDateTime#getMonthOfYear()
* @param instant the time instant in millis to query.
* @return the month extracted from the input.
public int get(long instant) {
return iChronology.getMonthOfYear(instant);
* Add the specified month to the specified time instant.
* The amount added may be negative.
* If the new month has less total days than the specified
* day of the month, this value is coerced to the nearest
* sane value. e.g.
* 07-31 - (1 month) = 06-30
* 03-31 - (1 month) = 02-28 or 02-29 depending
* @see org.joda.time.DateTimeField#add
* @see org.joda.time.ReadWritableDateTime#addMonths(int)
* @param instant the time instant in millis to update.
* @param months the months to add (can be negative).
* @return the updated time instant.
public long add(long instant, int months) {
if (months == 0) {
return instant; // the easy case
// Save time part first.
long timePart = iChronology.getMillisOfDay(instant);
// Get this year and month.
int thisYear = iChronology.getYear(instant);
int thisMonth = iChronology.getMonthOfYear(instant, thisYear);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Do not refactor without careful consideration.
// Order of calculation is important.
int yearToUse;
// Initially, monthToUse is zero-based
int monthToUse = thisMonth - 1 + months;
if (monthToUse >= 0) {
yearToUse = thisYear + (monthToUse / iMax);
monthToUse = (monthToUse % iMax) + 1;
} else {
yearToUse = thisYear + (monthToUse / iMax) - 1;
monthToUse = Math.abs(monthToUse);
int remMonthToUse = monthToUse % iMax;
// Take care of the boundary condition
if (remMonthToUse == 0) {
remMonthToUse = iMax;
monthToUse = iMax - remMonthToUse + 1;
// Take care of the boundary condition
if (monthToUse == 1) {
yearToUse += 1;
// End of do not refactor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Quietly force DOM to nearest sane value.
int dayToUse = iChronology.getDayOfMonth(instant, thisYear, thisMonth);
int maxDay = iChronology.getDaysInYearMonth(yearToUse, monthToUse);
if (dayToUse > maxDay) {
dayToUse = maxDay;
// get proper date part, and return result
long datePart =
iChronology.getYearMonthDayMillis(yearToUse, monthToUse, dayToUse);
return datePart + timePart;
public long add(long instant, long months) {
int i_months = (int)months;
if (i_months == months) {
return add(instant, i_months);
// Copied from add(long, int) and modified slightly:
long timePart = iChronology.getMillisOfDay(instant);
int thisYear = iChronology.getYear(instant);
int thisMonth = iChronology.getMonthOfYear(instant, thisYear);
long yearToUse;
long monthToUse = thisMonth - 1 + months;
if (monthToUse >= 0) {
yearToUse = thisYear + (monthToUse / iMax);
monthToUse = (monthToUse % iMax) + 1;
} else {
yearToUse = thisYear + (monthToUse / iMax) - 1;
monthToUse = Math.abs(monthToUse);
int remMonthToUse = (int)(monthToUse % iMax);
if (remMonthToUse == 0) {
remMonthToUse = iMax;
monthToUse = iMax - remMonthToUse + 1;
if (monthToUse == 1) {
yearToUse += 1;
if (yearToUse < iChronology.getMinYear() ||
yearToUse > iChronology.getMaxYear()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Magnitude of add amount is too large: " + months);
int i_yearToUse = (int)yearToUse;
int i_monthToUse = (int)monthToUse;
int dayToUse = iChronology.getDayOfMonth(instant, thisYear, thisMonth);
int maxDay = iChronology.getDaysInYearMonth(i_yearToUse, i_monthToUse);
if (dayToUse > maxDay) {
dayToUse = maxDay;
long datePart =
iChronology.getYearMonthDayMillis(i_yearToUse, i_monthToUse, dayToUse);
return datePart + timePart;
public int[] add(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd) {
// overridden as superclass algorithm can't handle
// 2004-02-29 + 48 months -> 2008-02-29 type dates
if (valueToAdd == 0) {
return values;
if (partial.size() > 0 && partial.getFieldType(0).equals(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear()) && fieldIndex == 0) {
// month is largest field and being added to, such as month-day
int curMonth0 = partial.getValue(0) - 1;
int newMonth = ((curMonth0 + (valueToAdd % 12) + 12) % 12) + 1;
return set(partial, 0, values, newMonth);
if (DateTimeUtils.isContiguous(partial)) {
long instant = 0L;
for (int i = 0, isize = partial.size(); i < isize; i++) {
instant = partial.getFieldType(i).getField(iChronology).set(instant, values[i]);
instant = add(instant, valueToAdd);
return iChronology.get(partial, instant);
} else {
return super.add(partial, fieldIndex, values, valueToAdd);
* Add to the Month component of the specified time instant
* wrapping around within that component if necessary.
* @see org.joda.time.DateTimeField#addWrapField
* @param instant the time instant in millis to update.
* @param months the months to add (can be negative).
* @return the updated time instant.
public long addWrapField(long instant, int months) {
return set(instant, FieldUtils.getWrappedValue(get(instant), months, MIN, iMax));
public long getDifferenceAsLong(long minuendInstant, long subtrahendInstant) {
if (minuendInstant < subtrahendInstant) {
return -getDifference(subtrahendInstant, minuendInstant);
int minuendYear = iChronology.getYear(minuendInstant);
int minuendMonth = iChronology.getMonthOfYear(minuendInstant, minuendYear);
int subtrahendYear = iChronology.getYear(subtrahendInstant);
int subtrahendMonth = iChronology.getMonthOfYear(subtrahendInstant, subtrahendYear);
long difference = (minuendYear - subtrahendYear) * ((long) iMax) + minuendMonth - subtrahendMonth;
// Before adjusting for remainder, account for special case of add
// where the day-of-month is forced to the nearest sane value.
int minuendDom = iChronology.getDayOfMonth
(minuendInstant, minuendYear, minuendMonth);
if (minuendDom == iChronology.getDaysInYearMonth(minuendYear, minuendMonth)) {
// Last day of the minuend month...
int subtrahendDom = iChronology.getDayOfMonth
(subtrahendInstant, subtrahendYear, subtrahendMonth);
if (subtrahendDom > minuendDom) {
// ...and day of subtrahend month is larger.
// Note: This works fine, but it ideally shouldn't invoke other
// fields from within a field.
subtrahendInstant = iChronology.dayOfMonth().set(subtrahendInstant, minuendDom);
// Inlined remainder method to avoid duplicate calls.
long minuendRem = minuendInstant
- iChronology.getYearMonthMillis(minuendYear, minuendMonth);
long subtrahendRem = subtrahendInstant
- iChronology.getYearMonthMillis(subtrahendYear, subtrahendMonth);
if (minuendRem < subtrahendRem) {
return difference;
* Set the Month component of the specified time instant.
* If the new month has less total days than the specified
* day of the month, this value is coerced to the nearest
* sane value. e.g.
* 07-31 to month 6 = 06-30
* 03-31 to month 2 = 02-28 or 02-29 depending
* @param instant the time instant in millis to update.
* @param month the month (1,12) to update the time to.
* @return the updated time instant.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if month is invalid
public long set(long instant, int month) {
FieldUtils.verifyValueBounds(this, month, MIN, iMax);
int thisYear = iChronology.getYear(instant);
int thisDom = iChronology.getDayOfMonth(instant, thisYear);
int maxDom = iChronology.getDaysInYearMonth(thisYear, month);
if (thisDom > maxDom) {
// Quietly force DOM to nearest sane value.
thisDom = maxDom;
// Return newly calculated millis value
return iChronology.getYearMonthDayMillis(thisYear, month, thisDom) +
public DurationField getRangeDurationField() {
return iChronology.years();
public boolean isLeap(long instant) {
int thisYear = iChronology.getYear(instant);
if (iChronology.isLeapYear(thisYear)) {
return (iChronology.getMonthOfYear(instant, thisYear) == iLeapMonth);
return false;
public int getLeapAmount(long instant) {
return isLeap(instant) ? 1 : 0;
public DurationField getLeapDurationField() {
return iChronology.days();
public int getMinimumValue() {
return MIN;
public int getMaximumValue() {
return iMax;
public long roundFloor(long instant) {
int year = iChronology.getYear(instant);
int month = iChronology.getMonthOfYear(instant, year);
return iChronology.getYearMonthMillis(year, month);
public long remainder(long instant) {
return instant - roundFloor(instant);
* Serialization singleton
private Object readResolve() {
return iChronology.monthOfYear();