org.killbill.queue.DBBackedQueue Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2013 Ning, Inc.
* Copyright 2015 Groupon, Inc
* Copyright 2015 The Billing Project, LLC
* The Billing Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.killbill.queue;
import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.collect.Collections2;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.eventbus.AllowConcurrentEvents;
import com.google.common.eventbus.Subscribe;
import org.killbill.CreatorName;
import org.killbill.clock.Clock;
import org.killbill.commons.jdbi.notification.DatabaseTransactionEvent;
import org.killbill.commons.jdbi.notification.DatabaseTransactionEventType;
import org.killbill.commons.jdbi.notification.DatabaseTransactionNotificationApi;
import org.killbill.commons.profiling.Profiling;
import org.killbill.commons.profiling.ProfilingFeature;
import org.killbill.queue.api.PersistentQueueConfig;
import org.killbill.queue.api.PersistentQueueConfig.PersistentQueueMode;
import org.killbill.queue.api.PersistentQueueEntryLifecycleState;
import org.killbill.queue.dao.EventEntryModelDao;
import org.killbill.queue.dao.QueueSqlDao;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Transaction;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.TransactionStatus;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* This class abstract the interaction with the database tables which store the persistent entries for the bus events or
* notification events.
* This can be configured to either cache the recordId for the entries that are ready be fetched so that we avoid expansive
* queries to the database. Alternatively, the inflight queue is not used and the search query is always run when we need to retrieve
* new entries.
* @param
public class DBBackedQueue {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DBBackedQueue.class);
// This is somewhat arbitrary, and could made configurable; the correct value
// really depends on the size of inflightQ, rate of incoming events, polling interval
// number of nodes (if non sticky mode), and finally claimed size.
// The 'expected' use case is to have inflightQ size quite large and be left in a situation
// where we always restart we only a few elements available in the queue so we
// start right away with the inflightQ open for read/write.
private final static int RATIO_INFLIGHT_SIZE_TO_REOPEN_Q_FOR_WRITE = 10;
private static final int MAX_FETCHED_ENTRIES = 100;
private final static long INFLIGHT_POLLING_TIMEOUT_MSEC = 100;
// When running with inflightQ, add a polling every 5 minutes to detect if there are
// entries on disk that are old -- and therefore have been missed. This is purely for
// for peace of mind and verify the system is healthy.
private final static long POLLING_ORPHANS_MSEC = (5L * 60L * 1000L);
private final String DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID;
private final QueueSqlDao sqlDao;
private final Clock clock;
private final PersistentQueueConfig config;
private final boolean useInflightQueue;
private final LinkedBlockingQueue inflightEvents;
private final int thresholdToReopenQForWrite;
private final Counter totalInflightInsert;
private final Counter totalInflightFetched;
private final Counter totalInsert;
private final Counter totalFetched;
private final Counter totalClaimed;
private final Counter totalProcessedFirstFailures;
private final Counter totalProcessedSuccess;
private final Counter totalProcessedAborted;
private final Profiling prof;
private volatile boolean isQueueOpenForWrite;
private volatile boolean isQueueOpenForRead;
private long lastPollingOrphanTime;
private long lowestOrphanEntry;
// Per thread information to keep track or recordId while it is accessible and right before
// transaction gets committed/rollback
private final static AtomicInteger QUEUE_ID_CNT = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final int queueId;
private final TransientInflightQRowIdCache transientInflightQRowIdCache;
public DBBackedQueue(final Clock clock,
final QueueSqlDao sqlDao,
final PersistentQueueConfig config,
final String dbBackedQId,
final MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
@Nullable final DatabaseTransactionNotificationApi databaseTransactionNotificationApi) {
this.queueId = QUEUE_ID_CNT.incrementAndGet();
this.useInflightQueue = config.getPersistentQueueMode() == PersistentQueueMode.STICKY_EVENTS;
this.sqlDao = sqlDao;
this.config = config;
this.inflightEvents = useInflightQueue ? new LinkedBlockingQueue(config.getEventQueueCapacity()) : null;
this.isQueueOpenForWrite = false;
this.isQueueOpenForRead = false;
this.clock = clock;
this.prof = new Profiling();
if (useInflightQueue && databaseTransactionNotificationApi != null) {
// Metrics
// Number of entries written in the inflightQ since last boot time
this.totalInflightInsert = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalInflightInsert"));
// Number of entries fetched from inflightQ since last boot time (only entries that exist and are aavailable on disk are counted)
this.totalInflightFetched = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalInflightFetched"));
// Number of entries written on disk -- if transaction is rolled back, it is still counted.
this.totalInsert = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalInsert"));
// Number of entries fetched from disk -- if transaction is rolled back, it is still counted.
this.totalFetched = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalFetched"));
// Number of successfully claimed events
this.totalClaimed = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalClaimed"));
// Number of successfully processed events (move to history table) -- if transaction is rolled back, it is still counted.
this.totalProcessedSuccess = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalProcessedSuccess"));
// Number of first failures for a specific event
this.totalProcessedFirstFailures = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalProcessedFirstFailures"));
// Number of aborted events
this.totalProcessedAborted = metricRegistry.counter(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "totalProcessedAborted"));
// Export size of inflightQ
metricRegistry.register(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "inflightQ", "size"), new Gauge() {
public Integer getValue() {
return useInflightQueue ? inflightEvents.size() : 0;
metricRegistry.register(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "inflightQ", "isOpenForRead"), new Gauge() {
public Boolean getValue() {
return isQueueOpenForRead;
metricRegistry.register(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "inflightQ", "isOpenForWrite"), new Gauge() {
public Boolean getValue() {
return isQueueOpenForWrite;
metricRegistry.register(MetricRegistry.name(DBBackedQueue.class, dbBackedQId, "inflightQ", "lowestOrphanEntry"), new Gauge() {
public Long getValue() {
return lowestOrphanEntry;
this.thresholdToReopenQForWrite = config.getEventQueueCapacity() / RATIO_INFLIGHT_SIZE_TO_REOPEN_Q_FOR_WRITE;
this.lastPollingOrphanTime = clock.getUTCNow().getMillis();
this.lowestOrphanEntry = -1L;
this.transientInflightQRowIdCache = useInflightQueue ? new TransientInflightQRowIdCache(queueId) : null;
this.DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID = "DBBackedQueue-" + dbBackedQId + ": ";
public void initialize() {
if (useInflightQueue) {
final List entries = fetchReadyEntries(thresholdToReopenQForWrite);
if (entries.size() == 0) {
isQueueOpenForRead = true;
isQueueOpenForWrite = true;
} else {
isQueueOpenForRead = false;
isQueueOpenForWrite = entries.size() < thresholdToReopenQForWrite;
} else {
isQueueOpenForRead = false;
isQueueOpenForWrite = false;
// Reset counters.
log.info(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Initialized with queueId = " + queueId +
", mode = " + config.getPersistentQueueMode() +
", isQueueOpenForWrite = " + isQueueOpenForWrite +
", isQueueOpenForRead = " + isQueueOpenForRead);
public void insertEntry(final T entry) {
sqlDao.inTransaction(new Transaction>() {
public Void inTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final TransactionStatus status) {
insertEntryFromTransaction(transactional, entry);
return null;
public void insertEntryFromTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final T entry) {
final Long lastInsertId = safeInsertEntry(transactional, entry);
if (lastInsertId == 0) {
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Failed to insert entry, lastInsertedId " + lastInsertId);
// The current thread is in the middle of a transaction and this is the only times it knows about the recordId for the queue event;
// It keeps track of it as a per thread data. Very soon, when the transaction gets committed/rolled back it can then extract the info
// and insert the recordId into a blockingQ that is highly optimized to dispatch events.
if (useInflightQueue && isQueueOpenForWrite) {
//log.info(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Setting for thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", row = " + lastInsertId);
public List getReadyEntries() {
if (useInflightQueue) {
return getReadyEntriesUsingInflightQueue();
} else {
return getReadyEntriesUsingPollingMode();
private List getReadyEntriesUsingPollingMode() {
final List entriesToClaim = fetchReadyEntries(config.getMaxEntriesClaimed());
if (entriesToClaim.size() > 0) {
log.debug("Entries to claim: {}", entriesToClaim);
return claimEntries(entriesToClaim);
return ImmutableList.of();
private List getReadyEntriesUsingInflightQueue() {
List candidates;
if (isQueueOpenForRead) {
candidates = fetchReadyEntriesFromIds();
// There are entries in the Q, we just return those
if (candidates.size() > 0) {
// There is no need to claim entries in the mode as the thread holding the records is the only one which had access to the ids
return candidates;
// There are no more entries in the Q but the Q is not open for write so either there is nothing to be read, or
// the Q overflowed previously so we disable reading from the Q and continue below.
if (!isQueueOpenForWrite) {
isQueueOpenForRead = false;
log.info(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + " Closing Q for read");
if (!isQueueOpenForRead) {
candidates = fetchReadyEntries(config.getMaxEntriesClaimed());
// There is a small number so we re-enable adding entries in the Q
// We optimize by first checking if the number of entries is smaller than config.getMaxEntriesClaimed()
// and if not then we perform the query (we could even optimize more by only performing that query with less frequency)
if (!isQueueOpenForWrite &&
(candidates.size() < config.getMaxEntriesClaimed() ||
(getNbReadyEntries() < thresholdToReopenQForWrite))) {
isQueueOpenForWrite = true;
log.info(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + " Opening Q for write");
// If we see that we catch up with entries in the inflightQ, we need to switch mode and remove entries we are processing
// Failure to remove the entries would NOT trigger a bug, but might waste cycles where getReadyEntries() would return less
// elements as expected, because entries have already been processed.
if (removeInflightEventsWhenSwitchingToQueueOpenForRead(candidates)) {
isQueueOpenForRead = true;
log.info(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + " Opening Q for read");
// Only keep as many candidates as we are allowed to
return claimEntries(candidates);
return ImmutableList.of();
private void checkForOrphanEntries() {
if (clock.getUTCNow().getMillis() > lastPollingOrphanTime + POLLING_ORPHANS_MSEC) {
final List entriesToClaim = fetchReadyEntries(1);
final Long previousLowestOrphanEntry = lowestOrphanEntry;
lowestOrphanEntry = (entriesToClaim.size() == 0) ? -1L : entriesToClaim.get(0).getRecordId();
if (previousLowestOrphanEntry > 0 && previousLowestOrphanEntry == lowestOrphanEntry) {
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Detected unprocessed bus event {}, may need to restart server...", previousLowestOrphanEntry);
lastPollingOrphanTime = clock.getUTCNow().getMillis();
private boolean removeInflightEventsWhenSwitchingToQueueOpenForRead(final List candidates) {
// There is no entry and yet Q is open for write so we can safely start reading from Q
if (candidates.size() == 0) {
return true;
boolean foundAllEntriesInInflightEvents = true;
final List entries = new ArrayList(candidates.size());
for (T entry : candidates) {
final boolean found = inflightEvents.remove(entry.getRecordId());
if (!found) {
foundAllEntriesInInflightEvents = false;
return foundAllEntriesInInflightEvents;
public void updateOnError(final T entry) {
// We are not (re)incrementing counters totalInflightInsert and totalInsert for these entries, this is a matter of semantics
sqlDao.inTransaction(new Transaction>() {
public Void inTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception {
transactional.updateOnError(entry.getRecordId(), clock.getUTCNow().toDate(), entry.getErrorCount(), config.getTableName());
if (entry.getErrorCount() == 1) {
if (useInflightQueue) {
return null;
public void moveEntryToHistory(final T entry) {
sqlDao.inTransaction(new Transaction>() {
public Void inTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception {
moveEntryToHistoryFromTransaction(transactional, entry);
return null;
public void moveEntryToHistoryFromTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final T entry) {
try {
switch (entry.getProcessingState()) {
case FAILED:
// Don't default for REMOVED since we could call this API 'manually' with that state.
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Unexpected terminal event state " + entry.getProcessingState() + " for record_id = " + entry.getRecordId());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Moving entry into history: recordId={} className={} json={}", entry.getRecordId(), entry.getClassName(), entry.getEventJson());
transactional.insertEntry(entry, config.getHistoryTableName());
transactional.removeEntry(entry.getRecordId(), config.getTableName());
} catch (final Exception e) {
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Failed to move entries [" + entry.getRecordId() + "] into history ", e);
public void moveEntriesToHistory(final Iterable entries) {
try {
sqlDao.inTransaction(new Transaction>() {
public Void inTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception {
moveEntriesToHistoryFromTransaction(transactional, entries);
return null;
} catch (final Exception e) {
final Iterable recordIds = Iterables.transform(entries, new Function() {
public Long apply(@Nullable T input) {
return input.getRecordId();
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Failed to move entries [" + Joiner.on(", ").join(recordIds) + "] into history ", e);
private void moveEntriesToHistoryFromTransaction(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final Iterable entries) {
if (!entries.iterator().hasNext()) {
for (T cur : entries) {
switch (cur.getProcessingState()) {
case FAILED:
// Don't default for REMOVED since we could call this API 'manually' with that state.
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Unexpected terminal event state " + cur.getProcessingState() + " for record_id = " + cur.getRecordId());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Moving entry into history: recordId={} className={} json={}", cur.getRecordId(), cur.getClassName(), cur.getEventJson());
final Iterable toBeRemovedRecordIds = Iterables.transform(entries, new Function() {
public Object apply(T input) {
return input.getRecordId();
transactional.insertEntries(entries, config.getHistoryTableName());
transactional.removeEntries(ImmutableList.copyOf(toBeRemovedRecordIds), config.getTableName());
private List fetchReadyEntriesFromIds() {
// Drain the inflightEvents queue up to a maximum (MAX_FETCHED_ENTRIES)
final List recordIds = new ArrayList(MAX_FETCHED_ENTRIES);
inflightEvents.drainTo(recordIds, MAX_FETCHED_ENTRIES);
if (recordIds.size() == 0) {
try {
// We block until we see the first entry or reach the timeout (in which case we will rerun the doProcessEvents() loop and come back here).
final Long entryId = inflightEvents.poll(INFLIGHT_POLLING_TIMEOUT_MSEC, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (entryId != null) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Got interrupted ");
return ImmutableList.of();
if (recordIds.size() > 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "fetchReadyEntriesFromIds, size = " + recordIds.size() + ", ids = " + Joiner.on(", ").join(recordIds));
return sqlDao.getEntriesFromIds(recordIds, config.getTableName());
return ImmutableList.of();
private List fetchReadyEntries(int size) {
final Date now = clock.getUTCNow().toDate();
final String owner = config.getPersistentQueueMode() == PersistentQueueMode.POLLING ? null : CreatorName.get();
final List entries = sqlDao.getReadyEntries(now, size, owner, config.getTableName());
return entries;
private long getNbReadyEntries() {
final Date now = clock.getUTCNow().toDate();
final String owner = CreatorName.get();
return sqlDao.getNbReadyEntries(now, owner, config.getTableName());
private List claimEntries(final List candidates) {
switch (config.getPersistentQueueMode()) {
return sequentialClaimEntries(candidates);
// There is no claiming in STICKY_EVENTS mode except when the inflightQ overflow and we revert to STICKY_POLLING
return batchClaimEntries(candidates);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported PersistentQueueMode " + config.getPersistentQueueMode());
private List batchClaimEntries(final List candidates) {
if (candidates.size() == 0) {
return ImmutableList.of();
final Date nextAvailable = clock.getUTCNow().plus(config.getClaimedTime().getMillis()).toDate();
final Collection recordIds = Collections2.transform(candidates, new Function() {
public Long apply(T input) {
return input.getRecordId();
final int resultCount = sqlDao.claimEntries(recordIds, clock.getUTCNow().toDate(), CreatorName.get(), nextAvailable, config.getTableName());
// We should ALWAYS see the same number since we are in STICKY_POLLING mode and there is only one thread claiming entries.
// We keep the 2 cases below for safety (code was written when this was MT-threaded), and we log with warn (will eventually remove it in the future)
if (resultCount == candidates.size()) {
log.debug("batchClaimEntries claimed: {}", candidates);
return candidates;
// Nothing... the synchronized block let go another concurrent thread
} else if (resultCount == 0) {
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "batchClaimEntries see 0 entries");
return ImmutableList.of();
} else {
final List maybeClaimedEntries = sqlDao.getEntriesFromIds(ImmutableList.copyOf(recordIds), config.getTableName());
final Iterable claimed = Iterables.filter(maybeClaimedEntries, new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(T input) {
return input.getProcessingState() == PersistentQueueEntryLifecycleState.IN_PROCESSING && input.getProcessingOwner().equals(CreatorName.get());
final List result = ImmutableList.copyOf(claimed);
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "batchClaimEntries only claimed partial entries " + candidates.size() + "/" + result.size());
return result;
// In non sticky mode, we don't optimize claim update because we can't synchronize easily -- we could rely on global lock,
// but we are looking for performance and that does not the right choice.
private List sequentialClaimEntries(List candidates) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(Collections2.filter(candidates, new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(final T input) {
return claimEntry(input);
private boolean claimEntry(T entry) {
final Date nextAvailable = clock.getUTCNow().plus(config.getClaimedTime().getMillis()).toDate();
final boolean claimed = (sqlDao.claimEntry(entry.getRecordId(), clock.getUTCNow().toDate(), CreatorName.get(), nextAvailable, config.getTableName()) == 1);
if (claimed) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Claiming entry " + entry.getRecordId());
return claimed;
public QueueSqlDao getSqlDao() {
return sqlDao;
public boolean isQueueOpenForWrite() {
return isQueueOpenForWrite;
public boolean isQueueOpenForRead() {
return isQueueOpenForRead;
public long getTotalInflightFetched() {
return totalInflightFetched.getCount();
public long getTotalFetched() {
return totalFetched.getCount();
public long getTotalInflightInsert() {
return totalInflightInsert.getCount();
public long getTotalInsert() {
return totalInsert.getCount();
public void handleDatabaseTransactionEvent(final DatabaseTransactionEvent event) {
// Either a transaction we are not interested in, or for the wrong queue; just return.
if (transientInflightQRowIdCache == null || !transientInflightQRowIdCache.isValid()) {
// This is a ROLLBACK, clear the threadLocal and return
if (event.getType() == DatabaseTransactionEventType.ROLLBACK) {
try {
// Add entry in the inflightQ and clear threadlocal
final Iterator entries = transientInflightQRowIdCache.iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
final Long entry = entries.next();
final boolean result = inflightEvents.offer(entry);
if (result) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Inserting entry " + entry +
(result ? " into inflightQ" : " into disk"));
// Q overflowed, which means we will stop writing entries into the Q, and as a result, we will end up stop reading
// from the Q and return to polling mode
} else if (isQueueOpenForWrite) {
isQueueOpenForWrite = false;
log.warn(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Closing Q for write: Overflowed with recordId = " + entry);
} finally {
// Hide the ThreadLocal logic required for inflightQ algorithm in that class and export an easy to use interface.
private static class TransientInflightQRowIdCache {
private final ThreadLocal rowRefThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal();
private final int queueId;
private TransientInflightQRowIdCache(int queueId) {
this.queueId = queueId;
public boolean isValid() {
final RowRef entry = rowRefThreadLocal.get();
return (entry != null && entry.queueId == queueId);
public void addRowId(final Long rowId) {
RowRef entry = rowRefThreadLocal.get();
if (entry == null) {
entry = new RowRef(queueId);
public void reset() {
public Iterator iterator() {
final RowRef entry = rowRefThreadLocal.get();
return entry.iterator();
// Internal structure to keep track of recordId per queue
private final class RowRef {
private final int queueId;
private final List rowIds;
public RowRef(int queueId) {
this.queueId = queueId;
this.rowIds = new ArrayList();
public void addRowId(long rowId) {
public Iterator iterator() {
return rowIds.iterator();
private Long safeInsertEntry(final QueueSqlDao transactional, final T entry) {
return prof.executeWithProfiling(ProfilingFeature.ProfilingFeatureType.DAO, "QueueSqlDao:insert", new Profiling.WithProfilingCallback() {
public Long execute() throws RuntimeException {
// LAST_INSERT_ID is kept at the transaction level; we reset it to 0 so that in case insert fails, we don't end up with a previous
// value that would end up corrupting the inflightQ
// Note! This is a no-op for H2 (see QueueSqlDao.sql.stg and https://github.com/killbill/killbill/issues/223)
transactional.insertEntry(entry, config.getTableName());
final Long lastInsertId = transactional.getLastInsertId();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(DB_QUEUE_LOG_ID + "Inserting entry: lastInsertId={} recordId={} className={} json={}", lastInsertId, entry.getRecordId(), entry.getClassName(), entry.getEventJson());
return lastInsertId;