org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2010, 2012). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.osgi.framework.wiring;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleReference;
import org.osgi.framework.namespace.IdentityNamespace;
import org.osgi.framework.namespace.PackageNamespace;
import org.osgi.resource.Capability;
import org.osgi.resource.Namespace;
import org.osgi.resource.Requirement;
import org.osgi.resource.Wire;
import org.osgi.resource.Wiring;
* A wiring for a bundle. Each time a bundle is resolved, a new bundle wiring
* for the bundle is created. A bundle wiring is associated with a bundle
* revision and represents the dependencies with other bundle wirings.
* The bundle wiring for a bundle is the {@link #isCurrent() current} bundle
* wiring if it is the most recent bundle wiring for the current bundle
* revision. A bundle wiring is {@link #isInUse() in use} if it is the current
* bundle wiring or if some other in use bundle wiring is dependent upon it. For
* example, another bundle wiring is wired to a capability provided by the
* bundle wiring. An in use bundle wiring for a non-fragment bundle has a class
* loader. All bundles with non-current, in use bundle wirings are considered
* removal pending. Once a bundle wiring is no longer in use, it is considered
* stale and is discarded by the framework.
* The current bundle wiring for a bundle can be obtained by calling
* {@link Bundle#adapt(Class) bundle.adapt}(BundleWiring.class). A bundle in the
* INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED state does not have a current wiring, adapting such
* a bundle returns {@code null}.
* @ThreadSafe
* @noimplement
* @version $Id: a3b3fd7ad7d289a5bfc6e4e02c875bc42a34df89 $
public interface BundleWiring extends BundleReference, Wiring {
* Returns {@code true} if this bundle wiring is the current bundle wiring.
* The bundle wiring for a bundle is the current bundle wiring if it is the
* most recent bundle wiring for the current bundle revision. All bundles
* with non-current, in use bundle wirings are considered
* {@link FrameworkWiring#getRemovalPendingBundles() removal pending}.
* @return {@code true} if this bundle wiring is the current bundle wiring;
* {@code false} otherwise.
boolean isCurrent();
* Returns {@code true} if this bundle wiring is in use. A bundle wiring is
* in use if it is the {@link #isCurrent() current} wiring or if some other
* in use bundle wiring is dependent upon it. Once a bundle wiring is no
* longer in use, it is considered stale and is discarded by the framework.
* @return {@code true} if this bundle wiring is in use; {@code false}
* otherwise.
boolean isInUse();
* Returns the capabilities provided by this bundle wiring.
* Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example,
* capabilities with {@link Namespace#CAPABILITY_EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE
* effective} directive not equal to {@link Namespace#EFFECTIVE_RESOLVE
* resolve} are not returned.
* A capability may not be required by any bundle wiring and thus there may
* be no {@link #getProvidedWires(String) wires} for the capability.
* A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision provides a subset of the
* declared capabilities from the bundle revision and all attached fragment
* revisions†. Not all declared capabilities may be
* provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is
* declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the
* other is discarded.
* A bundle wiring for a fragment revision with a symbolic name must provide
* exactly one {@link IdentityNamespace identity} capability.
* † The {@link IdentityNamespace identity} capability provided by
* attached fragment revisions must not be included in the capabilities of
* the host bundle wiring.
* @param namespace The namespace of the capabilities to return or
* {@code null} to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link BundleCapability}s, or
* an empty list if this bundle wiring provides no capabilities in
* the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
* {@link #isInUse() in use}, {@code null} will be returned. For a
* given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the
* capabilities were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getRevision() bundle revision} and the attached
* fragments† of this bundle wiring. There is no
* ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
List getCapabilities(String namespace);
* Returns the requirements of this bundle wiring.
* Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example,
* requirements with {@link Namespace#REQUIREMENT_EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE
* effective} directive not equal to {@link Namespace#EFFECTIVE_RESOLVE
* resolve} are not returned.
* A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision has a subset of the declared
* requirements from the bundle revision and all attached fragment
* revisions. Not all declared requirements may be present since some may be
* discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be optionally
* imported and is not actually imported, the requirement must be discarded.
* @param namespace The namespace of the requirements to return or
* {@code null} to return the requirements from all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link BundleRequirement}s,
* or an empty list if this bundle wiring uses no requirements in
* the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
* {@link #isInUse() in use}, {@code null} will be returned. For a
* given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the
* requirements were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getRevision() bundle revision} and the attached fragments
* of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between
* requirements in different namespaces.
List getRequirements(String namespace);
* Returns the {@link BundleWire}s to the provided {@link BundleCapability
* capabilities} of this bundle wiring.
* @param namespace The namespace of the capabilities for which to return
* wires or {@code null} to return the wires for the capabilities in
* all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link BundleWire}s for the
* {@link BundleCapability capabilities} of this bundle wiring, or
* an empty list if this bundle wiring has no capabilities in the
* specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
* {@link #isInUse() in use}, {@code null} will be returned. For a
* given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the
* capabilities were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getRevision() bundle revision} and the attached fragments
* of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between
* capabilities in different namespaces.
List getProvidedWires(String namespace);
* Returns the {@link BundleWire}s to the {@link BundleRequirement
* requirements} in use by this bundle wiring.
* This method may return different results if this bundle wiring adds wires
* to more requirements. For example, dynamically importing a package will
* establish a new wire to the dynamically imported package.
* @param namespace The namespace of the requirements for which to return
* wires or {@code null} to return the wires for the requirements in
* all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link BundleWire}s for the
* {@link BundleRequirement requirements} of this bundle wiring, or
* an empty list if this bundle wiring has no requirements in the
* specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
* {@link #isInUse() in use}, {@code null} will be returned. For a
* given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the
* requirements were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getRevision() bundle revision} and the attached fragments
* of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between
* requirements in different namespaces.
List getRequiredWires(String namespace);
* Returns the bundle revision for the bundle in this bundle wiring. Since a
* bundle update can change the entries in a bundle, different bundle
* wirings for the same bundle can have different bundle revisions.
* The bundle object {@link BundleReference#getBundle() referenced} by the
* returned {@code BundleRevision} may return different information than the
* returned {@code BundleRevision} since the returned {@code BundleRevision}
* may refer to an older revision of the bundle.
* @return The bundle revision for this bundle wiring.
* @see BundleRevision#getWiring()
BundleRevision getRevision();
* Returns the class loader for this bundle wiring. Since a bundle refresh
* creates a new bundle wiring for a bundle, different bundle wirings for
* the same bundle will have different class loaders.
* @return The class loader for this bundle wiring. If this bundle wiring is
* not {@link #isInUse() in use} or this bundle wiring is for a
* fragment revision, {@code null} will be returned.
* @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
* {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")}, and the Java Runtime
* Environment supports permissions.
ClassLoader getClassLoader();
* Returns entries in this bundle wiring's {@link #getRevision() bundle
* revision} and its attached fragment revisions. This bundle wiring's class
* loader is not used to search for entries. Only the contents of this
* bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions are
* searched for the specified entries.
* This method takes into account that the "contents" of this
* bundle wiring can have attached fragments. This "bundle space"
* is not a namespace with unique members; the same entry name can be
* present multiple times. This method therefore returns a list of URL
* objects. These URLs can come from different JARs but have the same path
* name. This method can either return only entries in the specified path or
* recurse into subdirectories returning entries in the directory tree
* beginning at the specified path.
* URLs for directory entries must have their path end with "/".
* Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries.
* URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do
* not contain directory entries.
* @param path The path name in which to look. The path is always relative
* to the root of this bundle wiring and may begin with
* "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of
* this bundle wiring.
* @param filePattern The file name pattern for selecting entries in the
* specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last
* element of the entry path. If the entry is a directory then the
* trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching. Substring
* matching is supported, as specified in the Filter specification,
* using the wildcard character ("*"). If {@code null} is
* specified, this is equivalent to "*" and matches all
* files.
* @param options The options for listing resource names. See
* {@link #FINDENTRIES_RECURSE}. The method must ignore unrecognized
* options.
* @return An unmodifiable list of URL objects for each matching entry, or
* an empty list if no matching entry could be found, if this bundle
* wiring is for a fragment revision or if the caller does not have
* the appropriate {@code AdminPermission[bundle,RESOURCE]} and the
* Java Runtime Environment supports permissions. The list is
* ordered such that entries from the {@link #getRevision() bundle
* revision} are returned first followed by the entries from
* attached fragment revisions in attachment order. If this bundle
* wiring is not {@link #isInUse() in use}, {@code null} must be
* returned.
* @see Bundle#findEntries(String, String, boolean)
List findEntries(String path, String filePattern, int options);
* The find entries operation must recurse into subdirectories.
* This bit may be set when calling
* {@link #findEntries(String, String, int)} to specify the result must
* include the matching entries from the specified path and its
* subdirectories. If this bit is not set, then the result must only include
* matching entries from the specified path.
* @see #findEntries(String, String, int)
int FINDENTRIES_RECURSE = 0x00000001;
* Returns the names of resources visible to this bundle wiring's
* {@link #getClassLoader() class loader}. The returned names can be used to
* access the resources via this bundle wiring's class loader.
* - Only the resource names for resources in bundle wirings will be
* returned. The names of resources visible to a bundle wiring's parent
* class loader, such as the bootstrap class loader, must not be included in
* the result.
- Only established wires will be examined for resources. This method
* must not cause new wires for dynamic imports to be established.
* @param path The path name in which to look. The path is always relative
* to the root of this bundle wiring's class loader and may begin
* with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the
* root of this bundle wiring's class loader.
* @param filePattern The file name pattern for selecting resource names in
* the specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last
* element of the resource path. If the resource is a directory then
* the trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching.
* Substring matching is supported, as specified in the Filter
* specification, using the wildcard character ("*"). If
* {@code null} is specified, this is equivalent to "*" and
* matches all files.
* @param options The options for listing resource names. See
* This method must ignore unrecognized options.
* @return An unmodifiable collection of resource names for each matching
* resource, or an empty collection if no matching resource could be
* found, if this bundle wiring is for a fragment revision or if the
* caller does not have the appropriate
* {@code AdminPermission[bundle,RESOURCE]} and the Java Runtime
* Environment supports permissions. The collection is unordered and
* must contain no duplicate resource names. If this bundle wiring
* is not {@link #isInUse() in use}, {@code null} must be returned.
Collection listResources(String path, String filePattern, int options);
* The list resource names operation must recurse into subdirectories.
* This bit may be set when calling
* {@link #listResources(String, String, int)} to specify the result must
* include the names of matching resources from the specified path and its
* subdirectories. If this bit is not set, then the result must only include
* names of matching resources from the specified path.
* @see #listResources(String, String, int)
* The list resource names operation must limit the result to the names of
* matching resources contained in this bundle wiring's
* {@link #getRevision() bundle revision} and its attached fragment
* revisions. The result must not include resource names for resources in
* {@link PackageNamespace package} names which are
* {@link #getRequiredWires(String) imported} by this wiring.
* This bit may be set when calling
* {@link #listResources(String, String, int)} to specify the result must
* only include the names of matching resources contained in this bundle
* wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions. If this bit
* is not set, then the result must include the names of matching resources
* reachable from this bundle wiring's class loader which may include the
* names of matching resources contained in imported packages and required
* bundles.
* @see #listResources(String, String, int)
int LISTRESOURCES_LOCAL = 0x00000002;
* Returns the capabilities provided by this wiring.
* Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example,
* capabilities with {@link Namespace#CAPABILITY_EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE
* effective} directive not equal to {@link Namespace#EFFECTIVE_RESOLVE
* resolve} are not returned.
* A capability may not be required by any wiring and thus there may be no
* {@link #getProvidedResourceWires(String) wires} for the capability.
* A wiring for a non-fragment resource provides a subset of the declared
* capabilities from the resource and all attached fragment
* resources†. Not all declared capabilities may be
* provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is
* declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the
* other is discarded.
* A wiring for a fragment resource with a symbolic name must provide
* exactly one {@code osgi.identity} capability.
* † The {@code osgi.identity} capability provided by attached
* fragment resource must not be included in the capabilities of the host
* wiring.
* This method returns the same value as {@link #getCapabilities(String)}.
* @param namespace The namespace of the capabilities to return or
* {@code null} to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link Capability}s, or an
* empty list if this wiring provides no capabilities in the
* specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the
* wires in the order the capabilities were specified in the
* manifests of the {@link #getResource() resource} and the attached
* fragment resources† of this wiring. There is no
* ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
* @since 1.1
List getResourceCapabilities(String namespace);
* Returns the requirements of this wiring.
* Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example,
* requirements with {@link Namespace#REQUIREMENT_EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE
* effective} directive not equal to {@link Namespace#EFFECTIVE_RESOLVE
* resolve} are not returned.
* A wiring for a non-fragment resource has a subset of the declared
* requirements from the resource and all attached fragment resources. Not
* all declared requirements may be present since some may be discarded. For
* example, if a package is declared to be optionally imported and is not
* actually imported, the requirement must be discarded.
* This method returns the same value as {@link #getRequirements(String)}.
* @param namespace The namespace of the requirements to return or
* {@code null} to return the requirements from all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link Requirement}s, or an
* empty list if this wiring uses no requirements in the specified
* namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in
* the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getResource() resource} and the attached fragment
* resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between
* requirements in different namespaces.
* @since 1.1
List getResourceRequirements(String namespace);
* Returns the {@link Wire}s to the provided {@link Capability capabilities}
* of this wiring.
* This method returns the same value as {@link #getProvidedWires(String)}.
* @param namespace The namespace of the capabilities for which to return
* wires or {@code null} to return the wires for the capabilities in
* all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link Wire}s for the
* {@link Capability capabilities} of this wiring, or an empty list
* if this wiring has no capabilities in the specified namespace.
* For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order
* the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getResource() resource} and the attached fragment
* resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between
* capabilities in different namespaces.
* @since 1.1
List getProvidedResourceWires(String namespace);
* Returns the {@link Wire}s to the {@link Requirement requirements} in use
* by this wiring.
* This method returns the same value as {@link #getRequiredWires(String)}.
* @param namespace The namespace of the requirements for which to return
* wires or {@code null} to return the wires for the requirements in
* all namespaces.
* @return A list containing a snapshot of the {@link Wire}s for the
* {@link Requirement requirements} of this wiring, or an empty list
* if this wiring has no requirements in the specified namespace.
* For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order
* the requirements were specified in the manifests of the
* {@link #getResource() resource} and the attached fragment
* resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between
* requirements in different namespaces.
* @since 1.1
List getRequiredResourceWires(String namespace);
* Returns the resource associated with this wiring.
* This method returns the same value as {@link #getRevision()}.
* @return The resource associated with this wiring.
* @since 1.1
BundleRevision getResource();