org.postgresql.PGProperty Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
package org.postgresql;
import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.postgresql.util.GT;
import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException;
import org.postgresql.util.PSQLState;
* All connection parameters that can be either set in JDBC URL, in Driver properties or in datasource setters.
public enum PGProperty
* Database name to connect to (may be specified directly in the JDBC URL)
PG_DBNAME("PGDBNAME", null, "Database name to connect to (may be specified directly in the JDBC URL)", true),
* Hostname of the PostgreSQL server (may be specified directly in the JDBC URL)
PG_HOST("PGHOST", null, "Hostname of the PostgreSQL server (may be specified directly in the JDBC URL)", false),
* Port of the PostgreSQL server (may be specified directly in the JDBC URL)
PG_PORT("PGPORT", null, "Port of the PostgreSQL server (may be specified directly in the JDBC URL)"),
* Username to connect to the database as.
USER("user", null, "Username to connect to the database as.", true),
* Password to use when authenticating.
PASSWORD("password", null, "Password to use when authenticating.", false),
* Force use of a particular protocol version when connecting, if set, disables protocol version fallback.
PROTOCOL_VERSION("protocolVersion", null, "Force use of a particular protocol version when connecting, if set, disables protocol version fallback.", false, "2", "3"),
* The loglevel.
* Can be one of {@link Driver#DEBUG}, {@link Driver#INFO}, {@link Driver#OFF}.
LOG_LEVEL("loglevel", "0", "The log level", false, "0", "1", "2"),
* Sets the default threshold for enabling server-side prepare. A value of {@code -1} stands for forceBinary
PREPARE_THRESHOLD("prepareThreshold", "5", "Statement prepare threshold. A value of {@code -1} stands for forceBinary"),
* Use binary format for sending and receiving data if possible.
BINARY_TRANSFER("binaryTransfer", "true", "Use binary format for sending and receiving data if possible"),
* Force compatibility of some features with an older version of the driver.
COMPATIBLE("compatible", Driver.MAJORVERSION + "." + Driver.MINORVERSION, "Force compatibility of some features with an older version of the driver"),
* Puts this connection in read-only mode.
READ_ONLY("readOnly", "false", "Puts this connection in read-only mode"),
* Comma separated list of types to enable binary transfer. Either OID numbers or names
BINARY_TRANSFER_ENABLE("binaryTransferEnable", "", "Comma separated list of types to enable binary transfer. Either OID numbers or names"),
* Comma separated list of types to disable binary transfer. Either OID numbers or names. Overrides values in the driver default set and values set with binaryTransferEnable.
BINARY_TRANSFER_DISABLE("binaryTransferDisable", "", "Comma separated list of types to disable binary transfer. Either OID numbers or names. Overrides values in the driver default set and values set with binaryTransferEnable."),
* Bind String to either {@code unspecified} or {@code varchar}. Default is {@code varchar} for 8.0+ backends.
STRING_TYPE("stringtype", null, "The type to bind String parameters as (usually 'varchar', 'unspecified' allows implicit casting to other types)", false, new String[] { "unspecified", "varchar" }),
* Specifies the length to return for types of unknown length.
UNKNOWN_LENGTH("unknownLength", Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE), "Specifies the length to return for types of unknown length"),
* When connections that are not explicitly closed are garbage collected, log the stacktrace from the opening of the connection to trace the leak source.
LOG_UNCLOSED_CONNECTIONS("logUnclosedConnections", "false", "When connections that are not explicitly closed are garbage collected, log the stacktrace from the opening of the connection to trace the leak source"),
* Enable optimization that disables column name sanitiser.
DISABLE_COLUMN_SANITISER("disableColumnSanitiser", "false", "Enable optimization that disables column name sanitiser"),
* Control use of SSL (any non-null value causes SSL to be required).
SSL("ssl", null, "Control use of SSL (any non-null value causes SSL to be required)"),
* Parameter governing the use of SSL.
* The allowed values are {@code require}, {@code verify-ca}, {@code verify-full}, or {@code disable} ({@code allow} and {@code prefer} are not implemented)
* If not set, the {@code ssl} property may be checked to enable SSL mode.
SSL_MODE("sslmode", null, "Parameter governing the use of SSL"),
* Classname of the SSL Factory to use (instance of {@code javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory}).
SSL_FACTORY("sslfactory", null, "Provide a SSLSocketFactory class when using SSL."),
* The String argument to give to the constructor of the SSL Factory
SSL_FACTORY_ARG("sslfactoryarg", null, "Argument forwarded to constructor of SSLSocketFactory class."),
* Classname of the SSL HostnameVerifier to use (instance of {@code javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier}).
SSL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER("sslhostnameverifier", null, "A class, implementing javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier that can verify the server"),
* File containing the SSL Certificate.
* Default will be the file {@code postgresql.crt} in {@code $HOME/.postgresql} (*nix) or {@code %APPDATA%\postgresql} (windows).
SSL_CERT("sslcert", null, "The location of the client's SSL certificate"),
* File containing the SSL Key.
* Default will be the file {@code postgresql.pk8} in {@code $HOME/.postgresql} (*nix) or {@code %APPDATA%\postgresql} (windows).
SSL_KEY("sslkey", null, "The location of the client's PKCS#8 SSL key"),
* File containing the root certificate when validating server ({@code sslmode} = {@code verify-ca} or {@code verify-full}).
* Default will be the file {@code root.crt} in {@code $HOME/.postgresql} (*nix) or {@code %APPDATA%\postgresql} (windows).
SSL_ROOT_CERT("sslrootcert", null, "The location of the root certificate for authenticating the server."),
* The SSL password to use in the default CallbackHandler.
SSL_PASSWORD("sslpassword", null, "The password for the client's ssl key (ignored if sslpasswordcallback is set)"),
* The classname instantiating {@code javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler} to use
SSL_PASSWORD_CALLBACK("sslpasswordcallback", null, "A class, implementing javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler that can handle PassworCallback for the ssl password."),
* Enable or disable TCP keep-alive. The default is {@code false}.
TCP_KEEP_ALIVE("tcpKeepAlive", "false", "Enable or disable TCP keep-alive. The default is {@code false}."),
* Specify how long to wait for establishment of a database connection.
* The timeout is specified in seconds.
LOGIN_TIMEOUT("loginTimeout", "0", "Specify how long to wait for establishment of a database connection."),
* The timeout value used for socket connect operations. If connecting
* to the server takes longer than this value, the connection is broken.
* The timeout is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that
* it is disabled.
CONNECT_TIMEOUT("connectTimeout", "0", "The timeout value used for socket connect operations."),
* The timeout value used for socket read operations. If reading
* from the server takes longer than this value, the connection is
* closed. This can be used as both a brute force global query
* timeout and a method of detecting network problems. The timeout
* is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that it is disabled.
SOCKET_TIMEOUT("socketTimeout", "0", "The timeout value used for socket read operations."),
* Socket read buffer size (SO_RECVBUF). A value of {@code -1}, which is the default, means system default.
RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE("receiveBufferSize", "-1", "Socket read buffer size"),
* Socket write buffer size (SO_SNDBUF). A value of {@code -1}, which is the default, means system default.
SEND_BUFFER_SIZE("sendBufferSize", "-1", "Socket write buffer size"),
* Assume the server is at least that version
ASSUME_MIN_SERVER_VERSION("assumeMinServerVersion", null, "Assume the server is at least that version"),
* The application name (require server version >= 9.0)
APPLICATION_NAME("ApplicationName", null, "name of the application (backend >= 9.0)"),
* Specifies the name of the JAAS system or application login configuration.
JAAS_APPLICATION_NAME("jaasApplicationName", null, "Specifies the name of the JAAS system or application login configuration."),
* The Kerberos service name to use when authenticating with GSSAPI. This is equivalent to libpq's PGKRBSRVNAME environment variable.
KERBEROS_SERVER_NAME("kerberosServerName", null, "The Kerberos service name to use when authenticating with GSSAPI."),
* Use SPNEGO in SSPI authentication requests
USE_SPNEGO("useSpnego", "false", "Use SPNEGO in SSPI authentication requests"),
* Force one of
* - SSPI (Windows transparent single-sign-on)
* - GSSAPI (Kerberos, via JSSE)
* to be used when the server requests Kerberos or SSPI authentication.
GSS_LIB("gsslib", "auto", "Force SSSPI or GSSAPI", false, "auto", "sspi", "gssapi"),
* Specifies the name of the SSPI service class
* that forms the service class part of the SPN.
* The default, {@code POSTGRES}, is almost always correct.
SSPI_SERVICE_CLASS("sspiServiceClass", "POSTGRES", "The Windows SSPI service class for SPN"),
* The character set to use for data sent to the database or received
* from the database. This property is only relevant for server
* versions less than or equal to 7.2.
CHARSET("charSet", null, "The character set to use for data sent to the database or received from the database (for backend <= 7.2)"),
* When using the V3 protocol the driver monitors changes in certain
* server configuration parameters that should not be touched by
* end users. The {@code client_encoding} setting is set
* by the driver and should not be altered. If the driver detects
* a change it will abort the connection.
ALLOW_ENCODING_CHANGES("allowEncodingChanges", "false", "Allow for changes in client_encoding"),
* Specify the schema to be set in the search-path. This schema will be used
* to resolve unqualified object names used in statements over this connection.
CURRENT_SCHEMA("currentSchema", null, "Specify the schema to be set in the search-path"),
TARGET_SERVER_TYPE("targetServerType", "any", "Specifies what kind of server to connect", false, "any", "master", "slave", "preferSlave"),
LOAD_BALANCE_HOSTS("loadBalanceHosts", "false", "If disabled hosts are connected in the given order. If enabled hosts are chosen randomly from the set of suitable candidates"),
HOST_RECHECK_SECONDS("hostRecheckSeconds", "10", "Specifies period (seconds) after host statuses are checked again in case they have changed");
private String _name;
private String _defaultValue;
private boolean _required;
private String _description;
private String[] _choices;
private PGProperty(String name, String defaultValue, String description)
this(name, defaultValue, description, false);
private PGProperty(String name, String defaultValue, String description, boolean required)
this(name, defaultValue, description, required, (String[]) null);
private PGProperty(String name, String defaultValue, String description, boolean required, String... choices)
_name = name;
_defaultValue = defaultValue;
_required = required;
_description = description;
_choices = choices;
* Returns the name of the connection parameter.
* The name is the key that must be used in JDBC URL or in Driver properties
* @return the name of the connection parameter
public String getName()
return _name;
* Returns the default value for this connection parameter
* @return the default value for this connection parameter or null
public String getDefaultValue()
return _defaultValue;
* Returns the available values for this connection parameter
* @return the available values for this connection parameter or null
public String[] getChoices()
return _choices;
* Returns the value of the connection parameters according to the given {@code Properties} or the
* default value
* @param properties properties to take actual value from
* @return evaluated value for this connection parameter
public String get(Properties properties)
return properties.getProperty(_name, _defaultValue);
* Set the value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}
* @param properties properties in which the value should be set
* @param value value for this connection parameter
public void set(Properties properties, String value)
if (value == null)
properties.setProperty(_name, value);
* Return the boolean value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}
* @param properties properties to take actual value from
* @return evaluated value for this connection parameter converted to boolean
public boolean getBoolean(Properties properties)
return Boolean.valueOf(get(properties)).booleanValue();
* Return the int value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}.
* Prefer the use of {@link #getInt(Properties)} anywhere you can throw an {@link java.sql.SQLException}
* @param properties properties to take actual value from
* @return evaluated value for this connection parameter converted to int
* @throws NumberFormatException if it cannot be converted to int.
public int getIntNoCheck(Properties properties)
String value = get(properties);
return Integer.parseInt(value);
* Return the int value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}
* @param properties properties to take actual value from
* @return evaluated value for this connection parameter converted to int
* @throws PSQLException if it cannot be converted to int.
public int getInt(Properties properties) throws PSQLException
String value = get(properties);
return Integer.parseInt(value);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
throw new PSQLException(
GT.tr("{0} parameter value must be an integer but was: {1}", new Object[] { getName(), value }),
* Return the {@code Integer} value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}
* @param properties properties to take actual value from
* @return evaluated value for this connection parameter converted to Integer or null
* @throws PSQLException
public Integer getInteger(Properties properties) throws PSQLException
String value = get(properties);
if (value == null)
return null;
return Integer.parseInt(value);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
throw new PSQLException(
GT.tr("{0} parameter value must be an integer but was: {1}", new Object[] { getName(), value }),
* Set the boolean value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}
* @param properties properties in which the value should be set
* @param value boolean value for this connection parameter
public void set(Properties properties, boolean value)
properties.setProperty(_name, Boolean.toString(value));
* Set the int value for this connection parameter in the given {@code Properties}
* @param properties properties in which the value should be set
* @param value int value for this connection parameter
public void set(Properties properties, int value)
properties.setProperty(_name, Integer.toString(value));
* Test whether this property is present in the given {@code Properties}
* @return true if the parameter is specified in the given properties
public boolean isPresent(Properties properties)
return get(properties) != null;
* Convert this connection parameter and the value read from the given {@code Properties} into
* a {@code DriverPropertyInfo}
* @param properties properties to take actual value from
* @return a DriverPropertyInfo representing this connection parameter
public DriverPropertyInfo toDriverPropertyInfo(Properties properties)
DriverPropertyInfo propertyInfo = new DriverPropertyInfo(_name, get(properties));
propertyInfo.required = _required;
propertyInfo.description = _description;
propertyInfo.choices = _choices;
return propertyInfo;
public static PGProperty forName(String name)
for (PGProperty property : PGProperty.values())
if (property.getName().equals(name))
return property;
return null;