src.com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMErr Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) 2007 Timothy Wall, All Rights Reserved
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.sun.jna.platform.win32;
import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
* Ported from LMErr.h.
* @author dblock[at]dblock.org
* Windows SDK 6.0A
public interface LMErr extends StdCallLibrary {
public static final int NERR_Success = 0;
public static final int NERR_BASE = 2100;
public static final int NERR_NetNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 2; /* The workstation driver is not installed. */
public static final int NERR_UnknownServer = NERR_BASE + 3; /* The server could not be located. */
public static final int NERR_ShareMem = NERR_BASE + 4; /* An internal error occurred. The network cannot access a shared memory segment. */
public static final int NERR_NoNetworkResource = NERR_BASE + 5; /* A network resource shortage occurred . */
public static final int NERR_RemoteOnly = NERR_BASE + 6; /* This operation is not supported on workstations. */
public static final int NERR_DevNotRedirected = NERR_BASE + 7; /* The device is not connected. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 10 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 11 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 12 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 13 */
public static final int NERR_ServerNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 14; /* The Server service is not started. */
public static final int NERR_ItemNotFound = NERR_BASE + 15; /* The queue is empty. */
public static final int NERR_UnknownDevDir = NERR_BASE + 16; /* The device or directory does not exist. */
public static final int NERR_RedirectedPath = NERR_BASE + 17; /* The operation is invalid on a redirected resource. */
public static final int NERR_DuplicateShare = NERR_BASE + 18; /* The name has already been shared. */
public static final int NERR_NoRoom = NERR_BASE + 19; /* The server is currently out of the requested resource. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 20 */
public static final int NERR_TooManyItems = NERR_BASE + 21; /* Requested addition of items exceeds the maximum allowed. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidMaxUsers = NERR_BASE + 22; /* The Peer service supports only two simultaneous users. */
public static final int NERR_BufTooSmall = NERR_BASE + 23; /* The API return buffer is too small. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 24 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 25 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 26 */
public static final int NERR_RemoteErr = NERR_BASE + 27; /* A remote API error occurred. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 28 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 29 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 30 */
public static final int NERR_LanmanIniError = NERR_BASE + 31; /* An error occurred when opening or reading the configuration file. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 32 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 33 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 34 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 35 */
public static final int NERR_NetworkError = NERR_BASE + 36; /* A general network error occurred. */
public static final int NERR_WkstaInconsistentState = NERR_BASE + 37;
/* The Workstation service is in an inconsistent state. Restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service. */
public static final int NERR_WkstaNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 38; /* The Workstation service has not been started. */
public static final int NERR_BrowserNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 39; /* The requested information is not available. */
public static final int NERR_InternalError = NERR_BASE + 40; /* An internal Windows error occurred.*/
public static final int NERR_BadTransactConfig = NERR_BASE + 41; /* The server is not configured for transactions. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidAPI = NERR_BASE + 42; /* The requested API is not supported on the remote server. */
public static final int NERR_BadEventName = NERR_BASE + 43; /* The event name is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_DupNameReboot = NERR_BASE + 44; /* The computer name already exists on the network. Change it and restart the computer. */
* Config API related
* Error codes from BASE + 45 to BASE + 49
/* UNUSED BASE + 45 */
public static final int NERR_CfgCompNotFound = NERR_BASE + 46; /* The specified component could not be found in the configuration information. */
public static final int NERR_CfgParamNotFound = NERR_BASE + 47; /* The specified parameter could not be found in the configuration information. */
public static final int NERR_LineTooLong = NERR_BASE + 49; /* A line in the configuration file is too long. */
* Spooler API related
* Error codes from BASE + 50 to BASE + 79
public static final int NERR_QNotFound = NERR_BASE + 50; /* The printer does not exist. */
public static final int NERR_JobNotFound = NERR_BASE + 51; /* The print job does not exist. */
public static final int NERR_DestNotFound = NERR_BASE + 52; /* The printer destination cannot be found. */
public static final int NERR_DestExists = NERR_BASE + 53; /* The printer destination already exists. */
public static final int NERR_QExists = NERR_BASE + 54; /* The printer queue already exists. */
public static final int NERR_QNoRoom = NERR_BASE + 55; /* No more printers can be added. */
public static final int NERR_JobNoRoom = NERR_BASE + 56; /* No more print jobs can be added. */
public static final int NERR_DestNoRoom = NERR_BASE + 57; /* No more printer destinations can be added. */
public static final int NERR_DestIdle = NERR_BASE + 58; /* This printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations. */
public static final int NERR_DestInvalidOp = NERR_BASE + 59; /* This printer destination request contains an invalid control function. */
public static final int NERR_ProcNoRespond = NERR_BASE + 60; /* The print processor is not responding. */
public static final int NERR_SpoolerNotLoaded = NERR_BASE + 61; /* The spooler is not running. */
public static final int NERR_DestInvalidState = NERR_BASE + 62; /* This operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state. */
public static final int NERR_QInvalidState = NERR_BASE + 63; /* This operation cannot be performed on the printer queue in its current state. */
public static final int NERR_JobInvalidState = NERR_BASE + 64; /* This operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state. */
public static final int NERR_SpoolNoMemory = NERR_BASE + 65; /* A spooler memory allocation failure occurred. */
public static final int NERR_DriverNotFound = NERR_BASE + 66; /* The device driver does not exist. */
public static final int NERR_DataTypeInvalid = NERR_BASE + 67; /* The data type is not supported by the print processor. */
public static final int NERR_ProcNotFound = NERR_BASE + 68; /* The print processor is not installed. */
* Service API related
* Error codes from BASE + 80 to BASE + 99
public static final int NERR_ServiceTableLocked = NERR_BASE + 80; /* The service database is locked. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceTableFull = NERR_BASE + 81; /* The service table is full. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceInstalled = NERR_BASE + 82; /* The requested service has already been started. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceEntryLocked = NERR_BASE + 83; /* The service does not respond to control actions. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceNotInstalled = NERR_BASE + 84; /* The service has not been started. */
public static final int NERR_BadServiceName = NERR_BASE + 85; /* The service name is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceCtlTimeout = NERR_BASE + 86; /* The service is not responding to the control function. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceCtlBusy = NERR_BASE + 87; /* The service control is busy. */
public static final int NERR_BadServiceProgName = NERR_BASE + 88; /* The configuration file contains an invalid service program name. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceNotCtrl = NERR_BASE + 89; /* The service could not be controlled in its present state. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceKillProc = NERR_BASE + 90; /* The service ended abnormally. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceCtlNotValid = NERR_BASE + 91; /* The requested pause, continue, or stop is not valid for this service. */
public static final int NERR_NotInDispatchTbl = NERR_BASE + 92; /* The service control dispatcher could not find the service name in the dispatch table. */
public static final int NERR_BadControlRecv = NERR_BASE + 93; /* The service control dispatcher pipe read failed. */
public static final int NERR_ServiceNotStarting = NERR_BASE + 94; /* A thread for the new service could not be created. */
* Wksta and Logon API related
* Error codes from BASE + 100 to BASE + 118
public static final int NERR_AlreadyLoggedOn = NERR_BASE + 100; /* This workstation is already logged on to the local-area network. */
public static final int NERR_NotLoggedOn = NERR_BASE + 101; /* The workstation is not logged on to the local-area network. */
public static final int NERR_BadUsername = NERR_BASE + 102; /* The user name or group name parameter is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_BadPassword = NERR_BASE + 103; /* The password parameter is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_UnableToAddName_W = NERR_BASE + 104; /* @W The logon processor did not add the message alias. */
public static final int NERR_UnableToAddName_F = NERR_BASE + 105; /* The logon processor did not add the message alias. */
public static final int NERR_UnableToDelName_W = NERR_BASE + 106; /* @W The logoff processor did not delete the message alias. */
public static final int NERR_UnableToDelName_F = NERR_BASE + 107; /* The logoff processor did not delete the message alias. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 108 */
public static final int NERR_LogonsPaused = NERR_BASE + 109; /* Network logons are paused. */
public static final int NERR_LogonServerConflict = NERR_BASE + 110;/* A centralized logon-server conflict occurred. */
public static final int NERR_LogonNoUserPath = NERR_BASE + 111; /* The server is configured without a valid user path. */
public static final int NERR_LogonScriptError = NERR_BASE + 112; /* An error occurred while loading or running the logon script. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 113 */
public static final int NERR_StandaloneLogon = NERR_BASE + 114; /* The logon server was not specified. Your computer will be logged on as STANDALONE. */
public static final int NERR_LogonServerNotFound = NERR_BASE + 115; /* The logon server could not be found. */
public static final int NERR_LogonDomainExists = NERR_BASE + 116; /* There is already a logon domain for this computer. */
public static final int NERR_NonValidatedLogon = NERR_BASE + 117; /* The logon server could not validate the logon. */
* ACF API related = access, user, group;
* Error codes from BASE + 119 to BASE + 149
public static final int NERR_ACFNotFound = NERR_BASE + 119; /* The security database could not be found. */
public static final int NERR_GroupNotFound = NERR_BASE + 120; /* The group name could not be found. */
public static final int NERR_UserNotFound = NERR_BASE + 121; /* The user name could not be found. */
public static final int NERR_ResourceNotFound = NERR_BASE + 122; /* The resource name could not be found. */
public static final int NERR_GroupExists = NERR_BASE + 123; /* The group already exists. */
public static final int NERR_UserExists = NERR_BASE + 124; /* The account already exists. */
public static final int NERR_ResourceExists = NERR_BASE + 125; /* The resource permission list already exists. */
public static final int NERR_NotPrimary = NERR_BASE + 126; /* This operation is only allowed on the primary domain controller of the domain. */
public static final int NERR_ACFNotLoaded = NERR_BASE + 127; /* The security database has not been started. */
public static final int NERR_ACFNoRoom = NERR_BASE + 128; /* There are too many names in the user accounts database. */
public static final int NERR_ACFFileIOFail = NERR_BASE + 129; /* A disk I/O failure occurred.*/
public static final int NERR_ACFTooManyLists = NERR_BASE + 130; /* The limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded. */
public static final int NERR_UserLogon = NERR_BASE + 131; /* Deleting a user with a session is not allowed. */
public static final int NERR_ACFNoParent = NERR_BASE + 132; /* The parent directory could not be located. */
public static final int NERR_CanNotGrowSegment = NERR_BASE + 133; /* Unable to add to the security database session cache segment. */
public static final int NERR_SpeGroupOp = NERR_BASE + 134; /* This operation is not allowed on this special group. */
public static final int NERR_NotInCache = NERR_BASE + 135; /* This user is not cached in user accounts database session cache. */
public static final int NERR_UserInGroup = NERR_BASE + 136; /* The user already belongs to this group. */
public static final int NERR_UserNotInGroup = NERR_BASE + 137; /* The user does not belong to this group. */
public static final int NERR_AccountUndefined = NERR_BASE + 138; /* This user account is undefined. */
public static final int NERR_AccountExpired = NERR_BASE + 139; /* This user account has expired. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidWorkstation = NERR_BASE + 140; /* The user is not allowed to log on from this workstation. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidLogonHours = NERR_BASE + 141; /* The user is not allowed to log on at this time. */
public static final int NERR_PasswordExpired = NERR_BASE + 142; /* The password of this user has expired. */
public static final int NERR_PasswordCantChange = NERR_BASE + 143; /* The password of this user cannot change. */
public static final int NERR_PasswordHistConflict = NERR_BASE + 144; /* This password cannot be used now. */
public static final int NERR_PasswordTooShort = NERR_BASE + 145; /* The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. */
public static final int NERR_PasswordTooRecent = NERR_BASE + 146; /* The password of this user is too recent to change. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidDatabase = NERR_BASE + 147; /* The security database is corrupted. */
public static final int NERR_DatabaseUpToDate = NERR_BASE + 148; /* No updates are necessary to this replicant network/local security database. */
public static final int NERR_SyncRequired = NERR_BASE + 149; /* This replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required. */
* Use API related
* Error codes from BASE + 150 to BASE + 169
public static final int NERR_UseNotFound = NERR_BASE + 150; /* The network connection could not be found. */
public static final int NERR_BadAsgType = NERR_BASE + 151; /* This asg_type is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_DeviceIsShared = NERR_BASE + 152; /* This device is currently being shared. */
public static final int NERR_SameAsComputerName = NERR_BASE + 153; /* The user name may not be same as computer name. */
* Message Server related
* Error codes BASE + 170 to BASE + 209
public static final int NERR_NoComputerName = NERR_BASE + 170; /* The computer name could not be added as a message alias. The name may already exist on the network. */
public static final int NERR_MsgAlreadyStarted = NERR_BASE + 171; /* The Messenger service is already started. */
public static final int NERR_MsgInitFailed = NERR_BASE + 172; /* The Messenger service failed to start. */
public static final int NERR_NameNotFound = NERR_BASE + 173; /* The message alias could not be found on the network. */
public static final int NERR_AlreadyForwarded = NERR_BASE + 174; /* This message alias has already been forwarded. */
public static final int NERR_AddForwarded = NERR_BASE + 175; /* This message alias has been added but is still forwarded. */
public static final int NERR_AlreadyExists = NERR_BASE + 176; /* This message alias already exists locally. */
public static final int NERR_TooManyNames = NERR_BASE + 177; /* The maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded. */
public static final int NERR_DelComputerName = NERR_BASE + 178; /* The computer name could not be deleted.*/
public static final int NERR_LocalForward = NERR_BASE + 179; /* Messages cannot be forwarded back to the same workstation. */
public static final int NERR_GrpMsgProcessor = NERR_BASE + 180; /* An error occurred in the domain message processor. */
public static final int NERR_PausedRemote = NERR_BASE + 181; /* The message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service. */
public static final int NERR_BadReceive = NERR_BASE + 182; /* The message was sent but not received. */
public static final int NERR_NameInUse = NERR_BASE + 183; /* The message alias is currently in use. Try again later. */
public static final int NERR_MsgNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 184; /* The Messenger service has not been started. */
public static final int NERR_NotLocalName = NERR_BASE + 185; /* The name is not on the local computer. */
public static final int NERR_NoForwardName = NERR_BASE + 186; /* The forwarded message alias could not be found on the network. */
public static final int NERR_RemoteFull = NERR_BASE + 187; /* The message alias table on the remote station is full. */
public static final int NERR_NameNotForwarded = NERR_BASE + 188; /* Messages for this alias are not currently being forwarded. */
public static final int NERR_TruncatedBroadcast = NERR_BASE + 189; /* The broadcast message was truncated. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidDevice = NERR_BASE + 194; /* This is an invalid device name. */
public static final int NERR_WriteFault = NERR_BASE + 195; /* A write fault occurred. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 196 */
public static final int NERR_DuplicateName = NERR_BASE + 197; /* A duplicate message alias exists on the network. */
public static final int NERR_DeleteLater = NERR_BASE + 198; /* @W This message alias will be deleted later. */
public static final int NERR_IncompleteDel = NERR_BASE + 199; /* The message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks. */
public static final int NERR_MultipleNets = NERR_BASE + 200; /* This operation is not supported on computers with multiple networks. */
* Server API related
* Error codes BASE + 210 to BASE + 229
public static final int NERR_NetNameNotFound = NERR_BASE + 210; /* This shared resource does not exist.*/
public static final int NERR_DeviceNotShared = NERR_BASE + 211; /* This device is not shared. */
public static final int NERR_ClientNameNotFound = NERR_BASE + 212; /* A session does not exist with that computer name. */
public static final int NERR_FileIdNotFound = NERR_BASE + 214; /* There is not an open file with that identification number. */
public static final int NERR_ExecFailure = NERR_BASE + 215; /* A failure occurred when executing a remote administration command. */
public static final int NERR_TmpFile = NERR_BASE + 216; /* A failure occurred when opening a remote temporary file. */
public static final int NERR_TooMuchData = NERR_BASE + 217; /* The data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64K. */
public static final int NERR_DeviceShareConflict = NERR_BASE + 218; /* This device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a non-spooled resource. */
public static final int NERR_BrowserTableIncomplete = NERR_BASE + 219; /* The information in the list of servers may be incorrect. */
public static final int NERR_NotLocalDomain = NERR_BASE + 220; /* The computer is not active in this domain. */
public static final int NERR_IsDfsShare = NERR_BASE + 221; /* The share must be removed from the Distributed File System before it can be deleted. */
* CharDev API related
* Error codes BASE + 230 to BASE + 249
/* UNUSED BASE + 230 */
public static final int NERR_DevInvalidOpCode = NERR_BASE + 231; /* The operation is invalid for this device. */
public static final int NERR_DevNotFound = NERR_BASE + 232; /* This device cannot be shared. */
public static final int NERR_DevNotOpen = NERR_BASE + 233; /* This device was not open. */
public static final int NERR_BadQueueDevString = NERR_BASE + 234; /* This device name list is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_BadQueuePriority = NERR_BASE + 235; /* The queue priority is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_NoCommDevs = NERR_BASE + 237; /* There are no shared communication devices. */
public static final int NERR_QueueNotFound = NERR_BASE + 238; /* The queue you specified does not exist. */
public static final int NERR_BadDevString = NERR_BASE + 240; /* This list of devices is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_BadDev = NERR_BASE + 241; /* The requested device is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_InUseBySpooler = NERR_BASE + 242; /* This device is already in use by the spooler. */
public static final int NERR_CommDevInUse = NERR_BASE + 243; /* This device is already in use as a communication device. */
* NetICanonicalize and NetIType and NetIMakeLMFileName
* NetIListCanon and NetINameCheck
* Error codes BASE + 250 to BASE + 269
public static final int NERR_InvalidComputer = NERR_BASE + 251; /* This computer name is invalid. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 252 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 253 */
public static final int NERR_MaxLenExceeded = NERR_BASE + 254; /* The string and prefix specified are too long. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 255 */
public static final int NERR_BadComponent = NERR_BASE + 256; /* This path component is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_CantType = NERR_BASE + 257; /* Could not determine the type of input. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 258 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 259 */
public static final int NERR_TooManyEntries = NERR_BASE + 262; /* The buffer for types is not big enough. */
* NetProfile
* Error codes BASE + 270 to BASE + 276
public static final int NERR_ProfileFileTooBig = NERR_BASE + 270; /* Profile files cannot exceed 64K. */
public static final int NERR_ProfileOffset = NERR_BASE + 271; /* The start offset is out of range. */
public static final int NERR_ProfileCleanup = NERR_BASE + 272; /* The system cannot delete current connections to network resources. */
public static final int NERR_ProfileUnknownCmd = NERR_BASE + 273; /* The system was unable to parse the command line in this file.*/
public static final int NERR_ProfileLoadErr = NERR_BASE + 274; /* An error occurred while loading the profile file. */
public static final int NERR_ProfileSaveErr = NERR_BASE + 275; /* @W Errors occurred while saving the profile file. The profile was partially saved. */
* NetAudit and NetErrorLog
* Error codes BASE + 277 to BASE + 279
public static final int NERR_LogOverflow = NERR_BASE + 277; /* Log file %1 is full. */
public static final int NERR_LogFileChanged = NERR_BASE + 278; /* This log file has changed between reads. */
public static final int NERR_LogFileCorrupt = NERR_BASE + 279; /* Log file %1 is corrupt. */
* NetRemote
* Error codes BASE + 280 to BASE + 299
public static final int NERR_SourceIsDir = NERR_BASE + 280; /* The source path cannot be a directory. */
public static final int NERR_BadSource = NERR_BASE + 281; /* The source path is illegal. */
public static final int NERR_BadDest = NERR_BASE + 282; /* The destination path is illegal. */
public static final int NERR_DifferentServers = NERR_BASE + 283; /* The source and destination paths are on different servers. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 284 */
public static final int NERR_RunSrvPaused = NERR_BASE + 285; /* The Run server you requested is paused. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 286 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 287 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 288 */
public static final int NERR_ErrCommRunSrv = NERR_BASE + 289; /* An error occurred when communicating with a Run server. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 290 */
public static final int NERR_ErrorExecingGhost = NERR_BASE + 291; /* An error occurred when starting a background process. */
public static final int NERR_ShareNotFound = NERR_BASE + 292; /* The shared resource you are connected to could not be found.*/
/* UNUSED BASE + 293 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 294 */
* NetWksta.sys = redir; returned error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 300-329;
public static final int NERR_InvalidLana = NERR_BASE + 300; /* The LAN adapter number is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_OpenFiles = NERR_BASE + 301; /* There are open files on the connection. */
public static final int NERR_ActiveConns = NERR_BASE + 302; /* Active connections still exist. */
public static final int NERR_BadPasswordCore = NERR_BASE + 303; /* This share name or password is invalid. */
public static final int NERR_DevInUse = NERR_BASE + 304; /* The device is being accessed by an active process. */
public static final int NERR_LocalDrive = NERR_BASE + 305; /* The drive letter is in use locally. */
* Alert error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 330-339;
public static final int NERR_AlertExists = NERR_BASE + 330; /* The specified client is already registered for the specified event. */
public static final int NERR_TooManyAlerts = NERR_BASE + 331; /* The alert table is full. */
public static final int NERR_NoSuchAlert = NERR_BASE + 332; /* An invalid or nonexistent alert name was raised. */
public static final int NERR_BadRecipient = NERR_BASE + 333; /* The alert recipient is invalid.*/
public static final int NERR_AcctLimitExceeded = NERR_BASE + 334; /* A user's session with this server has been deleted
* because the user's logon hours are no longer valid. */
* Additional Error and Audit log codes.
* NERR_BASE + (340-343;
public static final int NERR_InvalidLogSeek = NERR_BASE + 340; /* The log file does not contain the requested record number. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 341 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 342 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 343 */
* Additional UAS and NETLOGON codes
* NERR_BASE + (350-359;
public static final int NERR_BadUasConfig = NERR_BASE + 350; /* The user accounts database is not configured correctly. */
public static final int NERR_InvalidUASOp = NERR_BASE + 351; /* This operation is not permitted when the Netlogon service is running. */
public static final int NERR_LastAdmin = NERR_BASE + 352; /* This operation is not allowed on the last administrative account. */
public static final int NERR_DCNotFound = NERR_BASE + 353; /* Could not find domain controller for this domain. */
public static final int NERR_LogonTrackingError = NERR_BASE + 354; /* Could not set logon information for this user. */
public static final int NERR_NetlogonNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 355; /* The Netlogon service has not been started. */
public static final int NERR_CanNotGrowUASFile = NERR_BASE + 356; /* Unable to add to the user accounts database. */
public static final int NERR_TimeDiffAtDC = NERR_BASE + 357; /* This server's clock is not synchronized with the primary domain controller's clock. */
public static final int NERR_PasswordMismatch = NERR_BASE + 358; /* A password mismatch has been detected. */
* Server Integration error codes.
* NERR_BASE + (360-369;
public static final int NERR_NoSuchServer = NERR_BASE + 360; /* The server identification does not specify a valid server. */
public static final int NERR_NoSuchSession = NERR_BASE + 361; /* The session identification does not specify a valid session. */
public static final int NERR_NoSuchConnection = NERR_BASE + 362; /* The connection identification does not specify a valid connection. */
public static final int NERR_TooManyServers = NERR_BASE + 363; /* There is no space for another entry in the table of available servers. */
public static final int NERR_TooManySessions = NERR_BASE + 364; /* The server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports. */
public static final int NERR_TooManyConnections = NERR_BASE + 365; /* The server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports. */
public static final int NERR_TooManyFiles = NERR_BASE + 366; /* The server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number. */
public static final int NERR_NoAlternateServers = NERR_BASE + 367; /* There are no alternate servers registered on this server. */
/* UNUSED BASE + 368 */
/* UNUSED BASE + 369 */
public static final int NERR_TryDownLevel = NERR_BASE + 370; /* Try down-level = remote admin protocol; version of API instead. */
* UPS error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 380-384;
public static final int NERR_UPSDriverNotStarted = NERR_BASE + 380; /* The UPS driver could not be accessed by the UPS service. */
public static final int NERR_UPSInvalidConfig = NERR_BASE + 381; /* The UPS service is not configured correctly. */
public static final int NERR_UPSInvalidCommPort = NERR_BASE + 382; /* The UPS service could not access the specified Comm Port. */
public static final int NERR_UPSSignalAsserted = NERR_BASE + 383; /* The UPS indicated a line fail or low battery situation. Service not started. */
public static final int NERR_UPSShutdownFailed = NERR_BASE + 384; /* The UPS service failed to perform a system shut down. */
* Remoteboot error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 400-419;
* Error codes 400 - 405 are used by RPLBOOT.SYS.
* Error codes 403, 407 - 416 are used by RPLLOADR.COM,
* Error code 417 is the alerter message of REMOTEBOOT = RPLSERVR.EXE;.
* Error code 418 is for when REMOTEBOOT can't start
* Error code 419 is for a disallowed 2nd rpl connection
public static final int NERR_BadDosRetCode = NERR_BASE + 400; /* The program below returned an MS-DOS error code:*/
public static final int NERR_ProgNeedsExtraMem = NERR_BASE + 401; /* The program below needs more memory:*/
public static final int NERR_BadDosFunction = NERR_BASE + 402; /* The program below called an unsupported MS-DOS function:*/
public static final int NERR_RemoteBootFailed = NERR_BASE + 403; /* The workstation failed to boot.*/
public static final int NERR_BadFileCheckSum = NERR_BASE + 404; /* The file below is corrupt.*/
public static final int NERR_NoRplBootSystem = NERR_BASE + 405; /* No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file.*/
public static final int NERR_RplLoadrNetBiosErr = NERR_BASE + 406; /* NetBIOS returned an error: The NCB and SMB are dumped above.*/
public static final int NERR_RplLoadrDiskErr = NERR_BASE + 407; /* A disk I/O error occurred.*/
public static final int NERR_ImageParamErr = NERR_BASE + 408; /* Image parameter substitution failed.*/
public static final int NERR_TooManyImageParams = NERR_BASE + 409; /* Too many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries.*/
public static final int NERR_NonDosFloppyUsed = NERR_BASE + 410; /* The image was not generated from an MS-DOS diskette formatted with /S.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootRestart = NERR_BASE + 411; /* Remote boot will be restarted later.*/
public static final int NERR_RplSrvrCallFailed = NERR_BASE + 412; /* The call to the Remoteboot server failed.*/
public static final int NERR_CantConnectRplSrvr = NERR_BASE + 413; /* Cannot connect to the Remoteboot server.*/
public static final int NERR_CantOpenImageFile = NERR_BASE + 414; /* Cannot open image file on the Remoteboot server.*/
public static final int NERR_CallingRplSrvr = NERR_BASE + 415; /* Connecting to the Remoteboot server...*/
public static final int NERR_StartingRplBoot = NERR_BASE + 416; /* Connecting to the Remoteboot server...*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootServiceTerm = NERR_BASE + 417; /* Remote boot service was stopped; check the error log for the cause of the problem.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootStartFailed = NERR_BASE + 418; /* Remote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem.*/
public static final int NERR_RPL_CONNECTED = NERR_BASE + 419; /* A second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed.*/
* FTADMIN API error codes
* NERR_BASE + = 425-434;
* = Currently not used in NT;
* Browser service API error codes
* NERR_BASE + = 450-475;
public static final int NERR_BrowserConfiguredToNotRun = NERR_BASE + 450; /* The browser service was configured with MaintainServerList = No. */
* Additional Remoteboot error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 510-550;
public static final int NERR_RplNoAdaptersStarted = NERR_BASE + 510; /*Service failed to start since none of the network adapters started with this service.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBadRegistry = NERR_BASE + 511; /*Service failed to start due to bad startup information in the registry.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBadDatabase = NERR_BASE + 512; /*Service failed to start because its database is absent or corrupt.*/
public static final int NERR_RplRplfilesShare = NERR_BASE + 513; /*Service failed to start because RPLFILES share is absent.*/
public static final int NERR_RplNotRplServer = NERR_BASE + 514; /*Service failed to start because RPLUSER group is absent.*/
public static final int NERR_RplCannotEnum = NERR_BASE + 515; /*Cannot enumerate service records.*/
public static final int NERR_RplWkstaInfoCorrupted = NERR_BASE + 516; /*Workstation record information has been corrupted.*/
public static final int NERR_RplWkstaNotFound = NERR_BASE + 517; /*Workstation record was not found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplWkstaNameUnavailable = NERR_BASE + 518; /*Workstation name is in use by some other workstation.*/
public static final int NERR_RplProfileInfoCorrupted = NERR_BASE + 519; /*Profile record information has been corrupted.*/
public static final int NERR_RplProfileNotFound = NERR_BASE + 520; /*Profile record was not found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplProfileNameUnavailable = NERR_BASE + 521; /*Profile name is in use by some other profile.*/
public static final int NERR_RplProfileNotEmpty = NERR_BASE + 522; /*There are workstations using this profile.*/
public static final int NERR_RplConfigInfoCorrupted = NERR_BASE + 523; /*Configuration record information has been corrupted.*/
public static final int NERR_RplConfigNotFound = NERR_BASE + 524; /*Configuration record was not found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplAdapterInfoCorrupted = NERR_BASE + 525; /*Adapter id record information has been corrupted.*/
public static final int NERR_RplInternal = NERR_BASE + 526; /*An internal service error has occurred.*/
public static final int NERR_RplVendorInfoCorrupted = NERR_BASE + 527; /*Vendor id record information has been corrupted.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootInfoCorrupted = NERR_BASE + 528; /*Boot block record information has been corrupted.*/
public static final int NERR_RplWkstaNeedsUserAcct = NERR_BASE + 529; /*The user account for this workstation record is missing.*/
public static final int NERR_RplNeedsRPLUSERAcct = NERR_BASE + 530; /*The RPLUSER local group could not be found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootNotFound = NERR_BASE + 531; /*Boot block record was not found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplIncompatibleProfile = NERR_BASE + 532; /*Chosen profile is incompatible with this workstation.*/
public static final int NERR_RplAdapterNameUnavailable = NERR_BASE + 533; /*Chosen network adapter id is in use by some other workstation.*/
public static final int NERR_RplConfigNotEmpty = NERR_BASE + 534; /*There are profiles using this configuration.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootInUse = NERR_BASE + 535; /*There are workstations, profiles or configurations using this boot block.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBackupDatabase = NERR_BASE + 536; /*Service failed to backup Remoteboot database.*/
public static final int NERR_RplAdapterNotFound = NERR_BASE + 537; /*Adapter record was not found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplVendorNotFound = NERR_BASE + 538; /*Vendor record was not found.*/
public static final int NERR_RplVendorNameUnavailable = NERR_BASE + 539; /*Vendor name is in use by some other vendor record.*/
public static final int NERR_RplBootNameUnavailable = NERR_BASE + 540; /*(boot name, vendor id; is in use by some other boot block record.*/
public static final int NERR_RplConfigNameUnavailable = NERR_BASE + 541; /*Configuration name is in use by some other configuration.*/
* Dfs API error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 560-590;
public static final int NERR_DfsInternalCorruption = NERR_BASE + 560; /*The internal database maintained by the DFS service is corrupt*/
public static final int NERR_DfsVolumeDataCorrupt = NERR_BASE + 561; /*One of the records in the internal DFS database is corrupt*/
public static final int NERR_DfsNoSuchVolume = NERR_BASE + 562; /*There is no DFS name whose entry path matches the input Entry Path*/
public static final int NERR_DfsVolumeAlreadyExists = NERR_BASE + 563; /*A root or link with the given name already exists*/
public static final int NERR_DfsAlreadyShared = NERR_BASE + 564; /*The server share specified is already shared in the DFS*/
public static final int NERR_DfsNoSuchShare = NERR_BASE + 565; /*The indicated server share does not support the indicated DFS namespace*/
public static final int NERR_DfsNotALeafVolume = NERR_BASE + 566; /*The operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace*/
public static final int NERR_DfsLeafVolume = NERR_BASE + 567; /*The operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace*/
public static final int NERR_DfsVolumeHasMultipleServers = NERR_BASE + 568; /*The operation is ambiguous because the link has multiple servers*/
public static final int NERR_DfsCantCreateJunctionPoint = NERR_BASE + 569; /*Unable to create a link*/
public static final int NERR_DfsServerNotDfsAware = NERR_BASE + 570; /*The server is not DFS Aware*/
public static final int NERR_DfsBadRenamePath = NERR_BASE + 571; /*The specified rename target path is invalid*/
public static final int NERR_DfsVolumeIsOffline = NERR_BASE + 572; /*The specified DFS link is offline*/
public static final int NERR_DfsNoSuchServer = NERR_BASE + 573; /*The specified server is not a server for this link*/
public static final int NERR_DfsCyclicalName = NERR_BASE + 574; /*A cycle in the DFS name was detected*/
public static final int NERR_DfsNotSupportedInServerDfs = NERR_BASE + 575; /*The operation is not supported on a server-based DFS*/
public static final int NERR_DfsDuplicateService = NERR_BASE + 576; /*This link is already supported by the specified server-share*/
public static final int NERR_DfsCantRemoveLastServerShare = NERR_BASE + 577; /*Can't remove the last server-share supporting this root or link*/
public static final int NERR_DfsVolumeIsInterDfs = NERR_BASE + 578; /*The operation is not supported for an Inter-DFS link*/
public static final int NERR_DfsInconsistent = NERR_BASE + 579; /*The internal state of the DFS Service has become inconsistent*/
public static final int NERR_DfsServerUpgraded = NERR_BASE + 580; /*The DFS Service has been installed on the specified server*/
public static final int NERR_DfsDataIsIdentical = NERR_BASE + 581; /*The DFS data being reconciled is identical*/
public static final int NERR_DfsCantRemoveDfsRoot = NERR_BASE + 582; /*The DFS root cannot be deleted - Uninstall DFS if required*/
public static final int NERR_DfsChildOrParentInDfs = NERR_BASE + 583; /*A child or parent directory of the share is already in a DFS*/
public static final int NERR_DfsInternalError = NERR_BASE + 590; /*DFS internal error*/
* Net setup error codes.
* NERR_BASE + = 591-600;
public static final int NERR_SetupAlreadyJoined = NERR_BASE + 591; /*This machine is already joined to a domain.*/
public static final int NERR_SetupNotJoined = NERR_BASE + 592; /*This machine is not currently joined to a domain.*/
public static final int NERR_SetupDomainController = NERR_BASE + 593; /*This machine is a domain controller and cannot be unjoined from a domain.*/
public static final int NERR_DefaultJoinRequired = NERR_BASE + 594; /*The destination domain controller does not support creating machine accounts in OUs.*/
public static final int NERR_InvalidWorkgroupName = NERR_BASE + 595; /*The specified workgroup name is invalid.*/
public static final int NERR_NameUsesIncompatibleCodePage = NERR_BASE + 596; /*The specified computer name is incompatible with the default language used on the domain controller.*/
public static final int NERR_ComputerAccountNotFound = NERR_BASE + 597; /*The specified computer account could not be found. Contact an administrator to verify the account is in the domain. If the account has been deleted unjoin, reboot, and rejoin the domain.*/
public static final int NERR_PersonalSku = NERR_BASE + 598; /*This version of Windows cannot be joined to a domain.*/
public static final int NERR_SetupCheckDNSConfig = NERR_BASE + 599; /*An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server that can resolve DNS names in the target domain.*/
* Some Password and account error results
* NERR_BASE + = 601 - 608;
public static final int NERR_PasswordMustChange = NERR_BASE + 601; /* Password must change at next logon */
public static final int NERR_AccountLockedOut = NERR_BASE + 602; /* Account is locked out */
public static final int NERR_PasswordTooLong = NERR_BASE + 603; /* Password is too long */
public static final int NERR_PasswordNotComplexEnough = NERR_BASE + 604; /* Password doesn't meet the complexity policy */
public static final int NERR_PasswordFilterError = NERR_BASE + 605; /* Password doesn't meet the requirements of the filter dll's */
/***********WARNING ****************
*The range 2750-2799 has been *
*allocated to the IBM LAN Server *
/***********WARNING ****************
*The range 2900-2999 has been *
*reserved for Microsoft OEMs *
public static final int MAX_NERR = NERR_BASE + 899; /* This is the last error in NERR range. */
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