org.jooq.RenderContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Data Geekery GmbH (http://www.datageekery.com)
* All rights reserved.
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* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.jooq;
import org.jooq.conf.ParamType;
import org.jooq.conf.RenderKeywordStyle;
import org.jooq.conf.Settings;
* The render context is used for rendering {@link QueryPart}'s to SQL.
* A new render context is instantiated every time a {@link Query} is rendered.
* QueryPart
's will then pass the same context to their components
* @author Lukas Eder
* @see BindContext
public interface RenderContext extends Context {
* Peek the next alias that will be generated by {@link #nextAlias()}.
String peekAlias();
* Return a new alias that is unique for the scope of one query. These
* aliases are sometimes needed when unaliased projections are defined in
* subqueries, which can lead to syntax errors.
String nextAlias();
* Render the context's underlying SQL statement.
String render();
* Render a query part in a new context derived from this one. The rendered
* SQL will not be appended to this context.
String render(QueryPart part);
* Append a SQL keyword to the context's contained {@link StringBuilder}.
* Use this to have your SQL keyword rendered in {@link RenderKeywordStyle}.
RenderContext keyword(String keyword);
* Append some SQL to the context's contained {@link StringBuilder}.
RenderContext sql(String sql);
* Append some SQL to the context's contained {@link StringBuilder}.
* Set literal = true
to indicate that the
* RenderContext
shall not format the argument SQL.
RenderContext sql(String sql, boolean literal);
* Append some SQL to the context's contained {@link StringBuilder}.
RenderContext sql(char sql);
* Append some SQL to the context's contained {@link StringBuilder}.
RenderContext sql(int sql);
* Recurse rendering.
* @deprecated - 3.2.0 - [#2666] - Use {@link #visit(QueryPart)} instead
RenderContext sql(QueryPart part);
* Override the value of {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()}.
RenderContext format(boolean format);
* The value of {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()}.
boolean format();
* Render a new line character (only if {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()}
* is set to true
RenderContext formatNewLine();
* Render a new line character (only if {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()}
* is set to true
, and the {@link #formatPrintMargin(int)} has
* been exceeded).
RenderContext formatNewLineAfterPrintMargin();
* Render a new line character (only if {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()}
* is set to true
), or a whitespace separator character
* otherwise.
RenderContext formatSeparator();
* Start indenting subsequent SQL by one level (two characters), if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
* This is the same as calling {@link #formatIndentStart(int)} with a
* parameter of 2
RenderContext formatIndentStart();
* Start indenting subsequent SQL by a number of characters, if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
RenderContext formatIndentStart(int indent);
* Start indenting subsequent SQL at the same level as the current line, if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
RenderContext formatIndentLockStart();
* Stop indenting subsequent SQL by one level (two characters), if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
* This is the same as calling {@link #formatIndentEnd(int)} with a
* parameter of 2
RenderContext formatIndentEnd();
* Stop indenting subsequent SQL by a number of characters, if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
RenderContext formatIndentEnd(int indent);
* Stop indenting subsequent SQL at the same level as the current line, if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
RenderContext formatIndentLockEnd();
* Set a print margin that will be applied to formatted SQL, if
* {@link Settings#isRenderFormatted()} is set to true
* The default print margin is 80
. Setting this to zero or a
* negative value means that no print margin will be applied.
* The print margin is applied to any of these QueryParts
* - {@link Field#in(Field...)} and related expressions
RenderContext formatPrintMargin(int margin);
* Append some (quoted) literal to the context's contained
* {@link StringBuilder}.
RenderContext literal(String literal);
* Whether bind variables should be inlined, rather than rendered as
* '?'
* @deprecated - 3.1.0 - [#2414] - This method should no longer be used. Use
* {@link #paramType()} instead.
boolean inline();
* Set the new context value for {@link #inline()}.
* @deprecated - 3.1.0 - [#2414] - This method should no longer be used. Use
* {@link #paramType(ParamType)} instead.
RenderContext inline(boolean inline);
* Whether query parts should render qualified names or not.
boolean qualify();
* Sett the new context value for {@link #qualify()}.
RenderContext qualify(boolean qualify);
* Whether bind variables should be rendered as named parameters:
* :1, :2, :custom_name
* or as JDBC bind variables
* ?
* @deprecated - 3.1.0 - [#2414] - This method should no longer be used. Use
* {@link #paramType()} instead.
boolean namedParams();
* Set the new context value for {@link #namedParams()}.
* @deprecated - 3.1.0 - [#2414] - This method should no longer be used. Use
* {@link #paramType(ParamType)} instead.
RenderContext namedParams(boolean renderNamedParams);
* Specify, how bind values should be rendered.
* - As {@link ParamType#INDEXED} parameters:
* ?, ?, ?
* - As {@link ParamType#NAMED} parameters:
* :1, :2, :custom_name
* - As {@link ParamType#INLINED} parameters:
* 1, 'A', null
ParamType paramType();
* Set the new context value for {@link #paramType()}.
RenderContext paramType(ParamType paramType);
* The currently applied cast mode for bind values.
CastMode castMode();
* Set the new cast mode for {@link #castMode()}.
RenderContext castMode(CastMode mode);
* Whether casting must be applied. The result follows this logic:
* CastMode
* result
* true
* false
* true
or false
depending on the dialect
* null
* @deprecated - [#3703] - 3.5.0 - Do not use this any longer
Boolean cast();
* Set the new cast mode to {@link CastMode#SOME} for a list of dialects.
* @deprecated - [#3703] - 3.5.0 - Do not use this any longer
RenderContext castModeSome(SQLDialect... dialects);
* The cast mode for bind values.
* @see RenderContext#castMode()
enum CastMode {
* Cast all bind values to their respective type.
* Cast no bind values to their respective type.
* Cast bind values only in some dialects. The specified dialects assume
* {@link #ALWAYS} behaviour, all the other dialects assume
* {@link #NEVER}.
* @deprecated - [#3703] - 3.5.0 - Do not use this any longer
* Cast when needed. This is the default mode if not specified
* otherwise.