javaslang.collection.HashMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* / \____ _ _ ____ ______ / \ ____ __ _______
* / / \/ \ / \/ \ / /\__\/ // \/ \ // /\__\ JΛVΛSLΛNG
* _/ / /\ \ \/ / /\ \\__\\ \ // /\ \ /\\/ \ /__\ \ Copyright 2014-2016 Javaslang, http://javaslang.io
* /___/\_/ \_/\____/\_/ \_/\__\/__/\__\_/ \_// \__/\_____/ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
package javaslang.collection;
import javaslang.Kind2;
import javaslang.Tuple;
import javaslang.Tuple2;
import javaslang.control.Option;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
* An immutable {@code HashMap} implementation based on a
* Hash array mapped trie (HAMT).
* @author Ruslan Sennov, Patryk Najda, Daniel Dietrich
* @since 2.0.0
public final class HashMap implements Kind2, K, V>, Map, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final HashMap, ?> EMPTY = new HashMap<>(HashArrayMappedTrie.empty());
private final HashArrayMappedTrie trie;
private HashMap(HashArrayMappedTrie trie) {
this.trie = trie;
* Returns a {@link java.util.stream.Collector} which may be used in conjunction with
* {@link java.util.stream.Stream#collect(java.util.stream.Collector)} to obtain a {@link javaslang.collection.HashMap}.
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A {@link javaslang.collection.HashMap} Collector.
public static Collector, ArrayList>, HashMap> collector() {
final Supplier>> supplier = ArrayList::new;
final BiConsumer>, Tuple2> accumulator = ArrayList::add;
final BinaryOperator>> combiner = (left, right) -> {
return left;
final Function>, HashMap> finisher = HashMap::ofEntries;
return Collector.of(supplier, accumulator, combiner, finisher);
public static HashMap empty() {
return (HashMap) EMPTY;
* Narrows a widened {@code HashMap extends K, ? extends V>} to {@code HashMap}
* by performing a type safe-cast. This is eligible because immutable/read-only
* collections are covariant.
* @param hashMap A {@code HashMap}.
* @param Key type
* @param Value type
* @return the given {@code hashMap} instance as narrowed type {@code HashMap}.
public static HashMap narrow(HashMap extends K, ? extends V> hashMap) {
return (HashMap) hashMap;
* Returns a singleton {@code HashMap}, i.e. a {@code HashMap} of one element.
* @param entry A map entry.
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given entry
public static HashMap of(Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V> entry) {
return new HashMap<>(HashArrayMappedTrie. empty().put(entry._1, entry._2));
* Returns a {@code HashMap}, from a source java.util.Map.
* @param map A map entry.
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given map
public static HashMap ofAll(java.util.Map extends K, ? extends V> map) {
Objects.requireNonNull(map, "map is null");
HashArrayMappedTrie tree = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty();
for (java.util.Map.Entry extends K, ? extends V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
tree = tree.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return wrap(tree);
* Returns a singleton {@code HashMap}, i.e. a {@code HashMap} of one element.
* @param key A singleton map key.
* @param value A singleton map value.
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given entry
public static HashMap of(K key, V value) {
return new HashMap<>(HashArrayMappedTrie. empty().put(key, value));
* Creates a HashMap of the given list of key-value pairs.
* @param pairs A list of key-value pairs
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given entries
public static HashMap of(Object... pairs) {
Objects.requireNonNull(pairs, "pairs is null");
if ((pairs.length & 1) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Odd length of key-value pairs list");
HashArrayMappedTrie trie = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i += 2) {
trie = trie.put((K) pairs[i], (V) pairs[i + 1]);
return wrap(trie);
* Returns an HashMap containing {@code n} values of a given Function {@code f}
* over a range of integer values from 0 to {@code n - 1}.
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @param n The number of elements in the HashMap
* @param f The Function computing element values
* @return An HashMap consisting of elements {@code f(0),f(1), ..., f(n - 1)}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code f} is null
public static HashMap tabulate(int n, Function super Integer, ? extends Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V>> f) {
Objects.requireNonNull(f, "f is null");
return ofEntries(Collections.tabulate(n, (Function super Integer, ? extends Tuple2>) f));
* Returns an HashMap containing {@code n} values supplied by a given Supplier {@code s}.
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @param n The number of elements in the HashMap
* @param s The Supplier computing element values
* @return An HashMap of size {@code n}, where each element contains the result supplied by {@code s}.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code s} is null
public static HashMap fill(int n, Supplier extends Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V>> s) {
Objects.requireNonNull(s, "s is null");
return ofEntries(Collections.fill(n, (Supplier extends Tuple2>) s));
* Creates a HashMap of the given entries.
* @param entries Map entries
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given entries
public static HashMap ofEntries(java.util.Map.Entry extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
Objects.requireNonNull(entries, "entries is null");
HashArrayMappedTrie trie = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty();
for (java.util.Map.Entry extends K, ? extends V> entry : entries) {
trie = trie.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return wrap(trie);
* Creates a HashMap of the given entries.
* @param entries Map entries
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given entries
public static HashMap ofEntries(Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
Objects.requireNonNull(entries, "entries is null");
HashArrayMappedTrie trie = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty();
for (Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V> entry : entries) {
trie = trie.put(entry._1, entry._2);
return wrap(trie);
* Creates a HashMap of the given entries.
* @param entries Map entries
* @param The key type
* @param The value type
* @return A new Map containing the given entries
public static HashMap ofEntries(Iterable extends Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V>> entries) {
Objects.requireNonNull(entries, "entries is null");
if (entries instanceof HashMap) {
return (HashMap) entries;
} else {
HashArrayMappedTrie trie = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty();
for (Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V> entry : entries) {
trie = trie.put(entry._1, entry._2);
return wrap(trie);
public HashMap bimap(Function super K, ? extends K2> keyMapper, Function super V, ? extends V2> valueMapper) {
Objects.requireNonNull(keyMapper, "keyMapper is null");
Objects.requireNonNull(valueMapper, "valueMapper is null");
final Iterator> entries = iterator().map(entry -> Tuple.of(keyMapper.apply(entry._1), valueMapper.apply(entry._2)));
return HashMap.ofEntries(entries);
public boolean containsKey(K key) {
return trie.containsKey(key);
public HashMap distinct() {
return Maps.distinct(this);
public HashMap distinctBy(Comparator super Tuple2> comparator) {
return Maps.distinctBy(this, this::createFromEntries, comparator);
public HashMap distinctBy(Function super Tuple2, ? extends U> keyExtractor) {
return Maps.distinctBy(this, this::createFromEntries, keyExtractor);
public HashMap drop(long n) {
return Maps.drop(this, this::createFromEntries, HashMap::empty, n);
public HashMap dropRight(long n) {
return Maps.dropRight(this, this::createFromEntries, HashMap::empty, n);
public HashMap dropUntil(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.dropUntil(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public HashMap dropWhile(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.dropWhile(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public HashMap filter(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.filter(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public HashMap flatMap(BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends Iterable>> mapper) {
Objects.requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper is null");
return foldLeft(HashMap. empty(), (acc, entry) -> {
for (Tuple2 extends K2, ? extends V2> mappedEntry : mapper.apply(entry._1, entry._2)) {
acc = acc.put(mappedEntry);
return acc;
public Option get(K key) {
return trie.get(key);
public Map> groupBy(Function super Tuple2, ? extends C> classifier) {
return Maps.groupBy(this, this::createFromEntries, classifier);
public Iterator> grouped(long size) {
return Maps.grouped(this, this::createFromEntries, size);
public Tuple2 head() {
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty HashMap");
} else {
return iterator().next();
public HashMap init() {
if (trie.isEmpty()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("init of empty HashMap");
} else {
return remove(last()._1);
public Option> initOption() {
return Maps.initOption(this);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return trie.isEmpty();
public Iterator> iterator() {
return trie.iterator();
public Set keySet() {
return HashSet.ofAll(iterator().map(Tuple2::_1));
public HashMap map(BiFunction super K, ? super V, Tuple2> mapper) {
Objects.requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper is null");
return foldLeft(HashMap.empty(), (acc, entry) -> acc.put(entry.map(mapper)));
public HashMap mapValues(Function super V, ? extends V2> valueMapper) {
Objects.requireNonNull(valueMapper, "valueMapper is null");
return map((k, v) -> Tuple.of(k, valueMapper.apply(v)));
public HashMap merge(Map extends K, ? extends V> that) {
return Maps.merge(this, this::createFromEntries, that);
public HashMap merge(Map extends K, U> that,
BiFunction super V, ? super U, ? extends V> collisionResolution) {
return Maps.merge(this, this::createFromEntries, that, collisionResolution);
public Tuple2, HashMap> partition(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.partition(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public HashMap peek(Consumer super Tuple2> action) {
return Maps.peek(this, action);
public HashMap put(K key, V value) {
return new HashMap<>(trie.put(key, value));
public HashMap put(Tuple2 extends K, ? extends V> entry) {
return Maps.put(this, entry);
public HashMap remove(K key) {
final HashArrayMappedTrie result = trie.remove(key);
return result.size() == trie.size() ? this : wrap(result);
public HashMap removeAll(Iterable extends K> keys) {
Objects.requireNonNull(keys, "keys is null");
HashArrayMappedTrie result = trie;
for (K key : keys) {
result = result.remove(key);
return result.size() == trie.size() ? this : wrap(result);
public HashMap replace(Tuple2 currentElement, Tuple2 newElement) {
return Maps.replace(this, currentElement, newElement);
public HashMap replaceAll(Tuple2 currentElement, Tuple2 newElement) {
return Maps.replaceAll(this, currentElement, newElement);
public HashMap retainAll(Iterable extends Tuple2> elements) {
Objects.requireNonNull(elements, "elements is null");
HashArrayMappedTrie tree = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty();
for (Tuple2 entry : elements) {
if (contains(entry)) {
tree = tree.put(entry._1, entry._2);
return wrap(tree);
public HashMap scan(
Tuple2 zero,
BiFunction super Tuple2, ? super Tuple2, ? extends Tuple2> operation) {
return Maps.scan(this, HashMap::empty, zero, operation);
public int size() {
return trie.size();
public Iterator> sliding(long size) {
return Maps.sliding(this, this::createFromEntries, size);
public Iterator> sliding(long size, long step) {
return Maps.sliding(this, this::createFromEntries, size, step);
public Tuple2, HashMap> span(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.span(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public HashMap tail() {
if (trie.isEmpty()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tail of empty HashMap");
} else {
return remove(head()._1);
public Option> tailOption() {
return Maps.tailOption(this);
public HashMap take(long n) {
return Maps.take(this, this::createFromEntries, n);
public HashMap takeRight(long n) {
return Maps.takeRight(this, this::createFromEntries, n);
public HashMap takeUntil(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.takeUntil(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public HashMap takeWhile(Predicate super Tuple2> predicate) {
return Maps.takeWhile(this, this::createFromEntries, predicate);
public java.util.HashMap toJavaMap() {
return toJavaMap(java.util.HashMap::new, t -> t);
public Seq values() {
return map(Tuple2::_2);
public int hashCode() {
return trie.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof HashMap) {
final HashMap, ?> that = (HashMap, ?>) o;
return this.trie.equals(that.trie);
} else {
return false;
private Object readResolve() {
return isEmpty() ? EMPTY : this;
public String stringPrefix() {
return "HashMap";
public String toString() {
return mkString(stringPrefix() + "(", ", ", ")");
private static HashMap wrap(HashArrayMappedTrie trie) {
return trie.isEmpty() ? empty() : new HashMap<>(trie);
// We need this method to narrow the argument of `ofEntries`.
// If this method is static with type args , the jdk fails to infer types at the call site.
private HashMap createFromEntries(Iterable> tuples) {
return HashMap.ofEntries(tuples);
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