javaslang.collection.Traversable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* / \____ _ _ ____ ______ / \ ____ __ _______
* / / \/ \ / \/ \ / /\__\/ // \/ \ // /\__\ JΛVΛSLΛNG
* _/ / /\ \ \/ / /\ \\__\\ \ // /\ \ /\\/ \ /__\ \ Copyright 2014-2016 Javaslang, http://javaslang.io
* /___/\_/ \_/\____/\_/ \_/\__\/__/\__\_/ \_// \__/\_____/ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
package javaslang.collection;
import javaslang.Tuple2;
import javaslang.Tuple3;
import javaslang.Value;
import javaslang.control.Option;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* An interface for inherently recursive, multi-valued data structures. The order of elements is determined by
* {@link Iterable#iterator()}, which may vary each time it is called.
* Basic operations:
* - {@link #contains(Object)}
* - {@link #containsAll(Iterable)}
* - {@link #head()}
* - {@link #headOption()}
* - {@link #init()}
* - {@link #initOption()}
* - {@link #isEmpty()}
* - {@link #last()}
* - {@link #lastOption()}
* - {@link #length()}
* - {@link #size()}
* - {@link #tail()}
* - {@link #tailOption()}
* Iteration:
* - {@link #grouped(long)}
* - {@link #iterator()}
* - {@link #sliding(long)}
* - {@link #sliding(long, long)}
* Numeric operations:
* - {@link #average()}
* - {@link #max()}
* - {@link #maxBy(Comparator)}
* - {@link #maxBy(Function)}
* - {@link #min()}
* - {@link #minBy(Comparator)}
* - {@link #minBy(Function)}
* - {@link #product()}
* - {@link #sum()}
* Reduction/Folding:
* - {@link #count(Predicate)}
* - {@link #fold(Object, BiFunction)}
* - {@link #foldLeft(Object, BiFunction)}
* - {@link #foldRight(Object, BiFunction)}
* - {@link #mkString()}
* - {@link #mkString(CharSequence)}
* - {@link #mkString(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence)}
* - {@link #reduce(BiFunction)}
* - {@link #reduceOption(BiFunction)}
* - {@link #reduceLeft(BiFunction)}
* - {@link #reduceLeftOption(BiFunction)}
* - {@link #reduceRight(BiFunction)}
* - {@link #reduceRightOption(BiFunction)}
* Selection:
* - {@link #drop(long)}
* - {@link #dropRight(long)}
* - {@link #dropUntil(Predicate)}
* - {@link #dropWhile(Predicate)}
* - {@link #filter(Predicate)}
* - {@link #find(Predicate)}
* - {@link #findLast(Predicate)}
* - {@link #groupBy(Function)}
* - {@link #partition(Predicate)}
* - {@link #retainAll(Iterable)}
* - {@link #take(long)}
* - {@link #takeRight(long)}
* - {@link #takeUntil(Predicate)}
* - {@link #takeWhile(Predicate)}
* Tests:
* - {@link #existsUnique(Predicate)}
* - {@link #hasDefiniteSize()}
* - {@link #isTraversableAgain()}
* Transformation:
* - {@link #distinct()}
* - {@link #distinctBy(Comparator)}
* - {@link #distinctBy(Function)}
* - {@link #flatMap(Function)}
* - {@link #map(Function)}
* - {@link #replace(Object, Object)}
* - {@link #replaceAll(Object, Object)}
* - {@link #scan(Object, BiFunction)}
* - {@link #scanLeft(Object, BiFunction)}
* - {@link #scanRight(Object, BiFunction)}
* - {@link #span(Predicate)}
* - {@link #unzip(Function)}
* - {@link #unzip3(Function)}
* - {@link #zip(Iterable)}
* - {@link #zipAll(Iterable, Object, Object)}
* - {@link #zipWithIndex()}
* @param Component type
* @author Daniel Dietrich and others
* @since 1.1.0
public interface Traversable extends Foldable, Value {
* @param objects An Iterable instance containing zero or more objects.
* @param Component type
* @return The hashcode
* @deprecated Will be removed in next major release.
static int hash(Iterable extends T> objects) {
int hashCode = 1;
for (Object o : objects) {
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + Objects.hashCode(o);
return hashCode;
* Narrows a widened {@code Traversable extends T>} to {@code Traversable}
* by performing a type safe-cast. This is eligible because immutable/read-only
* collections are covariant.
* @param traversable An {@code Traversable}.
* @param Component type of the {@code Traversable}.
* @return the given {@code traversable} instance as narrowed type {@code Traversable}.
static Traversable narrow(Traversable extends T> traversable) {
return (Traversable) traversable;
* Calculates the average of this elements. Returns {@code None} if this is empty, otherwise {@code Some(average)}.
* Supported component types are {@code Byte}, {@code Double}, {@code Float}, {@code Integer}, {@code Long},
* {@code Short}, {@code BigInteger} and {@code BigDecimal}.
* Examples:
* List.empty().average() // = None
* List.of(1, 2, 3).average() // = Some(2.0)
* List.of(0.1, 0.2, 0.3).average() // = Some(0.2)
* List.of("apple", "pear").average() // throws
* @return {@code Some(average)} or {@code None}, if there are no elements
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this elements are not numeric
default Option average() {
if (isEmpty()) {
return Option.none();
} else {
final Traversable> objects = isTraversableAgain() ? this : toStream();
final Object o = objects.head();
if (o instanceof Number) {
final Traversable numbers = (Traversable) objects;
final double d;
if (o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long || o instanceof Byte || o instanceof BigInteger || o instanceof Short) {
d = numbers.toJavaStream()
} else {
d = numbers.toJavaStream()
return Option.some(d);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not numeric");
* Tests if this Traversable contains all given elements.
* The result is equivalent to
* {@code elements.isEmpty() ? true : contains(elements.head()) && containsAll(elements.tail())} but implemented
* without recursion.
* @param elements A List of values of type T.
* @return true, if this List contains all given elements, false otherwise.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code elements} is null
default boolean containsAll(Iterable extends T> elements) {
Objects.requireNonNull(elements, "elements is null");
return List.ofAll(elements).distinct().find(e -> !this.contains(e)).isEmpty();
* Counts the elements which satisfy the given predicate.
* @param predicate A predicate
* @return A number {@code >= 0}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null.
default int count(Predicate super T> predicate) {
Objects.requireNonNull(predicate, "predicate is null");
return foldLeft(0, (i, t) -> predicate.test(t) ? i + 1 : i);
* Returns a new version of this which contains no duplicates. Elements are compared using {@code equals}.
* @return a new {@code Traversable} containing this elements without duplicates
Traversable distinct();
* Returns a new version of this which contains no duplicates. Elements are compared using the given
* {@code comparator}.
* @param comparator A comparator
* @return a new {@code Traversable} containing this elements without duplicates
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code comparator} is null.
Traversable distinctBy(Comparator super T> comparator);
* Returns a new version of this which contains no duplicates. Elements mapped to keys which are compared using
* {@code equals}.
* The elements of the result are determined in the order of their occurrence - first match wins.
* @param keyExtractor A key extractor
* @param key type
* @return a new {@code Traversable} containing this elements without duplicates
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code keyExtractor} is null
Traversable distinctBy(Function super T, ? extends U> keyExtractor);
* Drops the first n elements of this or all elements, if this length < n.
* @param n The number of elements to drop.
* @return a new instance consisting of all elements of this except the first n ones, or else the empty instance,
* if this has less than n elements.
Traversable drop(long n);
* Drops the last n elements of this or all elements, if this length < n.
* @param n The number of elements to drop.
* @return a new instance consisting of all elements of this except the last n ones, or else the empty instance,
* if this has less than n elements.
Traversable dropRight(long n);
* Drops elements until the predicate holds for the current element.
* Note: This is essentially the same as {@code dropWhile(predicate.negate())}. It is intended to be used with
* method references, which cannot be negated directly.
* @param predicate A condition tested subsequently for this elements.
* @return a new instance consisting of all elements starting from the first one which does satisfy the given
* predicate.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
Traversable dropUntil(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Drops elements while the predicate holds for the current element.
* @param predicate A condition tested subsequently for this elements starting with the first.
* @return a new instance consisting of all elements starting from the first one which does not satisfy the
* given predicate.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
Traversable dropWhile(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Checks, if a unique elements exists such that the predicate holds.
* @param predicate A Predicate
* @return true, if predicate holds for a unique element, false otherwise
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
default boolean existsUnique(Predicate super T> predicate) {
Objects.requireNonNull(predicate, "predicate is null");
boolean exists = false;
for (T t : this) {
if (predicate.test(t)) {
if (exists) {
return false;
} else {
exists = true;
return exists;
* Returns a new traversable consisting of all elements which satisfy the given predicate.
* @param predicate A predicate
* @return a new traversable
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
Traversable filter(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Returns the first element of this which satisfies the given predicate.
* @param predicate A predicate.
* @return Some(element) or None, where element may be null (i.e. {@code List.of(null).find(e -> e == null)}).
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
default Option find(Predicate super T> predicate) {
Objects.requireNonNull(predicate, "predicate is null");
for (T a : this) {
if (predicate.test(a)) {
return Option.some(a); // may be Some(null)
return Option.none();
* Returns the last element of this which satisfies the given predicate.
* Same as {@code reverse().find(predicate)}.
* @param predicate A predicate.
* @return Some(element) or None, where element may be null (i.e. {@code List.of(null).find(e -> e == null)}).
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
default Option findLast(Predicate super T> predicate) {
Objects.requireNonNull(predicate, "predicate is null");
return iterator().findLast(predicate);
* FlatMaps this Traversable.
* @param mapper A mapper
* @param The resulting component type.
* @return A new Traversable instance.
Traversable flatMap(Function super T, ? extends Iterable extends U>> mapper);
* Accumulates the elements of this Traversable by successively calling the given function {@code f} from the left,
* starting with a value {@code zero} of type B.
* Example: Reverse and map a Traversable in one pass
* List.of("a", "b", "c").foldLeft(List.empty(), (xs, x) -> xs.prepend(x.toUpperCase()))
* // = List("C", "B", "A")
* @param zero Value to start the accumulation with.
* @param f The accumulator function.
* @param Result type of the accumulator.
* @return an accumulated version of this.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code f} is null
default U foldLeft(U zero, BiFunction super U, ? super T, ? extends U> f) {
Objects.requireNonNull(f, "f is null");
U xs = zero;
for (T x : this) {
xs = f.apply(xs, x);
return xs;
* Accumulates the elements of this Traversable by successively calling the given function {@code f} from the right,
* starting with a value {@code zero} of type B.
* Example: {@code List.of("a", "b", "c").foldRight("", (x, xs) -> x + xs) = "abc"}
* @param zero Value to start the accumulation with.
* @param f The accumulator function.
* @param Result type of the accumulator.
* @return an accumulated version of this.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code f} is null
U foldRight(U zero, BiFunction super T, ? super U, ? extends U> f);
default T get() {
return iterator().next();
* Groups this elements by classifying the elements.
* @param classifier A function which classifies elements into classes
* @param classified class type
* @return A Map containing the grouped elements
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code classifier} is null.
Map> groupBy(Function super T, ? extends C> classifier);
* Groups this {@code Traversable} into fixed size blocks.
* Let length be the length of this Iterable. Then grouped is defined as follows:
* - If {@code this.isEmpty()}, the resulting {@code Iterator} is empty.
* - If {@code size <= length}, the resulting {@code Iterator} will contain {@code length / size} blocks of size
* {@code size} and maybe a non-empty block of size {@code length % size}, if there are remaining elements.
* - If {@code size > length}, the resulting {@code Iterator} will contain one block of size {@code length}.
* Examples:
* [].grouped(1) = []
* [].grouped(0) throws
* [].grouped(-1) throws
* [1,2,3,4].grouped(2) = [[1,2],[3,4]]
* [1,2,3,4,5].grouped(2) = [[1,2],[3,4],[5]]
* [1,2,3,4].grouped(5) = [[1,2,3,4]]
* Please note that {@code grouped(int)} is a special case of {@linkplain #sliding(long, long)}, i.e.
* {@code grouped(size)} is the same as {@code sliding(size, size)}.
* @param size a positive block size
* @return A new Iterator of grouped blocks of the given size
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size} is negative or zero
Iterator extends Traversable> grouped(long size);
* Checks if this Traversable is known to have a finite size.
* This method should be implemented by classes only, i.e. not by interfaces.
* @return true, if this Traversable is known to hafe a finite size, false otherwise.
boolean hasDefiniteSize();
* Returns the first element of a non-empty Traversable.
* @return The first element of this Traversable.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this is empty
T head();
* Returns the first element of a non-empty Traversable as {@code Option}.
* @return {@code Some(element)} or {@code None} if this is empty.
default Option headOption() {
return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(head());
* Dual of {@linkplain #tail()}, returning all elements except the last.
* @return a new instance containing all elements except the last.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is empty
Traversable init();
* Dual of {@linkplain #tailOption()}, returning all elements except the last as {@code Option}.
* @return {@code Some(traversable)} or {@code None} if this is empty.
default Option extends Traversable> initOption() {
return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(init());
* Checks if this Traversable is empty.
* @return true, if this Traversable contains no elements, false otherwise.
default boolean isEmpty() {
return length() == 0;
* Each of Javaslang's collections may contain more than one element.
* @return {@code false}
default boolean isSingleValued() {
return false;
* Checks if this Traversable can be repeatedly traversed.
* This method should be implemented by classes only, i.e. not by interfaces.
* @return true, if this Traversable is known to be traversable repeatedly, false otherwise.
boolean isTraversableAgain();
* An iterator by means of head() and tail(). Subclasses may want to override this method.
* @return A new Iterator of this Traversable elements.
default Iterator iterator() {
final Traversable that = this;
return new AbstractIterator() {
Traversable traversable = that;
public boolean hasNext() {
return !traversable.isEmpty();
public T getNext() {
final T result = traversable.head();
traversable = traversable.tail();
return result;
* Dual of {@linkplain #head()}, returning the last element.
* @return the last element.
* @throws NoSuchElementException is this is empty
default T last() {
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("last of empty Traversable");
} else {
final Iterator it = iterator();
T result = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
result = it.next();
return result;
* Dual of {@linkplain #headOption()}, returning the last element as {@code Opiton}.
* @return {@code Some(element)} or {@code None} if this is empty.
default Option lastOption() {
return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(last());
* Computes the number of elements of this Traversable.
* Same as {@link #size()}.
* @return the number of elements
int length();
* Maps the elements of this {@code Traversable} to elements of a new type preserving their order, if any.
* @param mapper A mapper.
* @param Component type of the target Traversable
* @return a mapped Traversable
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code mapper} is null
Traversable map(Function super T, ? extends U> mapper);
* Calculates the maximum of this elements according to the underlying element {@code Comparator} if exists,
* or the natural order of elements.
* @return {@code Some(maximum)} of this elements or {@code None} if this is empty or no {@code Comparator} is applicable
default Option max() {
final Traversable ts = isTraversableAgain() ? this : toStream();
if (isEmpty() || !(ts.head() instanceof Comparable)) {
return Option.none();
} else {
return ts.maxBy((o1, o2) -> ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2));
* Calculates the maximum of this elements using a specific comparator.
* @param comparator A non-null element comparator
* @return {@code Some(maximum)} of this elements or {@code None} if this is empty
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code comparator} is null
default Option maxBy(Comparator super T> comparator) {
Objects.requireNonNull(comparator, "comparator is null");
if (isEmpty()) {
return Option.none();
} else {
final T value = reduce((t1, t2) -> comparator.compare(t1, t2) >= 0 ? t1 : t2);
return Option.some(value);
* Calculates the maximum of this elements within the co-domain of a specific function.
* @param f A function that maps this elements to comparable elements
* @param The type where elements are compared
* @return The element of type T which is the maximum within U
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code f} is null.
default > Option maxBy(Function super T, ? extends U> f) {
Objects.requireNonNull(f, "f is null");
if (isEmpty()) {
return Option.none();
} else {
final Iterator iter = iterator();
T tm = iter.next();
U um = f.apply(tm);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final T t = iter.next();
final U u = f.apply(t);
if (u.compareTo(um) > 0) {
um = u;
tm = t;
return Option.some(tm);
* Calculates the minimum of this elements according to the underlying element {@code Comparator} if exists,
* or the natural order of elements.
* @return {@code Some(minimum)} of this elements or {@code None} if this is empty or no {@code Comparator} is applicable
default Option min() {
final Traversable ts = isTraversableAgain() ? this : toStream();
if (isEmpty() || !(ts.head() instanceof Comparable)) {
return Option.none();
} else {
return ts.minBy((o1, o2) -> ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2));
* Calculates the minimum of this elements using a specific comparator.
* @param comparator A non-null element comparator
* @return {@code Some(minimum)} of this elements or {@code None} if this is empty
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code comparator} is null
default Option minBy(Comparator super T> comparator) {
Objects.requireNonNull(comparator, "comparator is null");
if (isEmpty()) {
return Option.none();
} else {
final T value = reduce((t1, t2) -> comparator.compare(t1, t2) <= 0 ? t1 : t2);
return Option.some(value);
* Calculates the minimum of this elements within the co-domain of a specific function.
* @param f A function that maps this elements to comparable elements
* @param The type where elements are compared
* @return The element of type T which is the minimum within U
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code f} is null.
default > Option minBy(Function super T, ? extends U> f) {
Objects.requireNonNull(f, "f is null");
if (isEmpty()) {
return Option.none();
} else {
final Iterator iter = iterator();
T tm = iter.next();
U um = f.apply(tm);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final T t = iter.next();
final U u = f.apply(t);
if (u.compareTo(um) < 0) {
um = u;
tm = t;
return Option.some(tm);
* Joins the elements of this by concatenating their string representations.
* This has the same effect as calling {@code mkString("", "", "")}.
* @return a new String
default String mkString() {
return mkString("", "", "");
* Joins the string representations of this elements using a specific delimiter.
* This has the same effect as calling {@code mkString(delimiter, "", "")}.
* @param delimiter A delimiter string put between string representations of elements of this
* @return A new String
default String mkString(CharSequence delimiter) {
return mkString("", delimiter, "");
* Joins the string representations of this elements using a specific delimiter, prefix and suffix.
* Example: {@code List.of("a", "b", "c").mkString(", ", "Chars(", ")") = "Chars(a, b, c)"}
* @param prefix prefix of the resulting string
* @param delimiter A delimiter string put between string representations of elements of this
* @param suffix suffix of the resulting string
* @return a new String
default String mkString(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence suffix) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(prefix);
return builder.append(suffix).toString();
* Checks, this {@code Traversable} is not empty.
* The call is equivalent to {@code !isEmpty()}.
* @return true, if an underlying value is present, false otherwise.
default boolean nonEmpty() {
return !isEmpty();
* Creates a partition of this {@code Traversable} by splitting this elements in two in distinct tarversables
* according to a predicate.
* @param predicate A predicate which classifies an element if it is in the first or the second traversable.
* @return A disjoint union of two traversables. The first {@code Traversable} contains all elements that satisfy the given {@code predicate}, the second {@code Traversable} contains all elements that don't. The original order of elements is preserved.
* @throws NullPointerException if predicate is null
Tuple2 extends Traversable, ? extends Traversable> partition(Predicate super T> predicate);
Traversable peek(Consumer super T> action);
* Calculates the product of this elements. Supported component types are {@code Byte}, {@code Double}, {@code Float},
* {@code Integer}, {@code Long}, {@code Short}, {@code BigInteger} and {@code BigDecimal}.
* Examples:
* List.empty().product() // = 1
* List.of(1, 2, 3).product() // = 6L
* List.of(0.1, 0.2, 0.3).product() // = 0.006
* List.of("apple", "pear").product() // throws
* @return a {@code Number} representing the sum of this elements
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this elements are not numeric
default Number product() {
if (isEmpty()) {
return 1;
} else {
final Iterator> iter = iterator();
final Object o = iter.next();
if (o instanceof Number) {
final Number head = (Number) o;
final Iterator numbers = (Iterator) iter;
if (head instanceof Integer || head instanceof Long || head instanceof Byte || head instanceof BigInteger || head instanceof Short) {
return numbers.toJavaStream().mapToLong(Number::longValue).reduce(head.longValue(), (l1, l2) -> l1 * l2);
} else {
return numbers.toJavaStream().mapToDouble(Number::doubleValue).reduce(head.doubleValue(), (d1, d2) -> d1 * d2);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not numeric");
* Accumulates the elements of this Traversable by successively calling the given operation {@code op} from the left.
* @param op A BiFunction of type T
* @return the reduced value.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this is empty
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code op} is null
default T reduceLeft(BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T> op) {
Objects.requireNonNull(op, "op is null");
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("reduceLeft on Nil");
} else {
return tail().foldLeft(head(), op);
* Shortcut for {@code isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(reduceLeft(op))}.
* @param op A BiFunction of type T
* @return a reduced value
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code op} is null
default Option reduceLeftOption(BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T> op) {
Objects.requireNonNull(op, "op is null");
return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(reduceLeft(op));
* Accumulates the elements of this Traversable by successively calling the given operation {@code op} from the right.
* @param op An operation of type T
* @return the reduced value.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this is empty
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code op} is null
default T reduceRight(BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T> op) {
Objects.requireNonNull(op, "op is null");
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("reduceRight on empty");
} else {
return iterator().reduceRight(op);
* Shortcut for {@code isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(reduceRight(op))}.
* @param op An operation of type T
* @return a reduced value
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code op} is null
default Option reduceRightOption(BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T> op) {
Objects.requireNonNull(op, "op is null");
return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(reduceRight(op));
* Replaces the first occurrence (if exists) of the given currentElement with newElement.
* @param currentElement An element to be substituted.
* @param newElement A replacement for currentElement.
* @return a Traversable containing all elements of this where the first occurrence of currentElement is replaced with newELement.
Traversable replace(T currentElement, T newElement);
* Replaces all occurrences of the given currentElement with newElement.
* @param currentElement An element to be substituted.
* @param newElement A replacement for currentElement.
* @return a Traversable containing all elements of this where all occurrences of currentElement are replaced with newELement.
Traversable replaceAll(T currentElement, T newElement);
* Keeps all occurrences of the given elements from this.
* @param elements Elements to be kept.
* @return a Traversable containing all occurrences of the given elements.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code elements} is null
Traversable retainAll(Iterable extends T> elements);
* Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.
* Note: The neutral element z may be applied more than once.
* @param zero neutral element for the operator op
* @param operation the associative operator for the scan
* @return a new traversable collection containing the prefix scan of the elements in this traversable collection
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code operation} is null.
Traversable scan(T zero, BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T> operation);
* Produces a collection containing cumulative results of applying the
* operator going left to right.
* Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.
* Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the
* underlying collection type is ordered.
* @param the type of the elements in the resulting collection
* @param zero the initial value
* @param operation the binary operator applied to the intermediate result and the element
* @return collection with intermediate results
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code operation} is null.
Traversable scanLeft(U zero, BiFunction super U, ? super T, ? extends U> operation);
* Produces a collection containing cumulative results of applying the
* operator going right to left. The head of the collection is the last
* cumulative result.
* Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.
* Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the
* underlying collection type is ordered.
* @param the type of the elements in the resulting collection
* @param zero the initial value
* @param operation the binary operator applied to the intermediate result and the element
* @return collection with intermediate results
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code operation} is null.
Traversable scanRight(U zero, BiFunction super T, ? super U, ? extends U> operation);
* Computes the number of elements of this Traversable.
* Same as {@link #length()}.
* @return the number of elements
default int size() {
return length();
* Slides a window of a specific {@code size} and step size 1 over this {@code Traversable} by calling
* {@link #sliding(long, long)}.
* @param size a positive window size
* @return a new Iterator of windows of a specific size using step size 1
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size} is negative or zero
Iterator extends Traversable> sliding(long size);
* Slides a window of a specific {@code size} and {@code step} size over this {@code Traversable}.
* Examples:
* [].sliding(1,1) = []
* [1,2,3,4,5].sliding(2,3) = [[1,2],[4,5]]
* [1,2,3,4,5].sliding(2,4) = [[1,2],[5]]
* [1,2,3,4,5].sliding(2,5) = [[1,2]]
* [1,2,3,4].sliding(5,3) = [[1,2,3,4],[4]]
* @param size a positive window size
* @param step a positive step size
* @return a new Iterator of windows of a specific size using a specific step size
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size} or {@code step} are negative or zero
Iterator extends Traversable> sliding(long size, long step);
* Returns a tuple where the first element is the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given
* {@code predicate} and the second element is the remainder.
* @param predicate A predicate.
* @return a Tuple containing the longest prefix of elements that satisfy p and the remainder.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
Tuple2 extends Traversable, ? extends Traversable> span(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Calculates the sum of this elements. Supported component types are {@code Byte}, {@code Double}, {@code Float},
* {@code Integer}, {@code Long}, {@code Short}, {@code BigInteger} and {@code BigDecimal}.
* Examples:
* List.empty().sum() // = 0
* List.of(1, 2, 3).sum() // = 6L
* List.of(0.1, 0.2, 0.3).sum() // = 0.6
* List.of("apple", "pear").sum() // throws
* @return a {@code Number} representing the sum of this elements
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this elements are not numeric
default Number sum() {
if (isEmpty()) {
return 0;
} else {
final Iterator> iter = iterator();
final Object o = iter.next();
if (o instanceof Number) {
final Number head = (Number) o;
final Iterator numbers = (Iterator) iter;
if (head instanceof Integer || head instanceof Long || head instanceof Byte || head instanceof BigInteger || head instanceof Short) {
return numbers.foldLeft(head.longValue(), (n1, n2) -> n1 + n2.longValue());
} else {
return numbers.foldLeft(head.doubleValue(), (n1, n2) -> n1 + n2.doubleValue());
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not numeric");
* Drops the first element of a non-empty Traversable.
* @return A new instance of Traversable containing all elements except the first.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is empty
Traversable tail();
* Drops the first element of a non-empty Traversable and returns an {@code Option}.
* @return {@code Some(traversable)} or {@code None} if this is empty.
Option extends Traversable> tailOption();
* Takes the first n elements of this or all elements, if this length < n.
* The result is equivalent to {@code sublist(0, max(0, min(length(), n)))} but does not throw if {@code n < 0} or
* {@code n > length()}.
* In the case of {@code n < 0} the empty instance is returned, in the case of {@code n > length()} this is returned.
* @param n The number of elements to take.
* @return A new instance consisting the first n elements of this or all elements, if this has less than n elements.
Traversable take(long n);
* Takes the last n elements of this or all elements, if this length < n.
* The result is equivalent to {@code sublist(max(0, min(length(), length() - n)), n)}, i.e. takeRight will not
* throw if {@code n < 0} or {@code n > length()}.
* In the case of {@code n < 0} the empty instance is returned, in the case of {@code n > length()} this is returned.
* @param n The number of elements to take.
* @return A new instance consisting the first n elements of this or all elements, if this has less than n elements.
Traversable takeRight(long n);
* Takes elements until the predicate holds for the current element.
* Note: This is essentially the same as {@code takeWhile(predicate.negate())}. It is intended to be used with
* method references, which cannot be negated directly.
* @param predicate A condition tested subsequently for this elements.
* @return a new instance consisting of all elements until the first which does satisfy the given predicate.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
Traversable takeUntil(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Takes elements while the predicate holds for the current element.
* @param predicate A condition tested subsequently for the contained elements.
* @return a new instance consisting of all elements until the first which does not satisfy the given predicate.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code predicate} is null
Traversable takeWhile(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Unzips this elements by mapping this elements to pairs which are subsequently split into two distinct
* sets.
* @param unzipper a function which converts elements of this to pairs
* @param 1st element type of a pair returned by unzipper
* @param 2nd element type of a pair returned by unzipper
* @return A pair of set containing elements split by unzipper
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code unzipper} is null
Tuple2 extends Traversable, ? extends Traversable> unzip(
Function super T, Tuple2 extends T1, ? extends T2>> unzipper);
* Unzips this elements by mapping this elements to triples which are subsequently split into three distinct
* sets.
* @param unzipper a function which converts elements of this to pairs
* @param 1st element type of a triplet returned by unzipper
* @param 2nd element type of a triplet returned by unzipper
* @param 3rd element type of a triplet returned by unzipper
* @return A triplet of set containing elements split by unzipper
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code unzipper} is null
Tuple3 extends Traversable, ? extends Traversable, ? extends Traversable> unzip3(
Function super T, Tuple3 extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3>> unzipper);
* Returns a traversable formed from this traversable and another Iterable collection by combining
* corresponding elements in pairs. If one of the two iterables is longer than the other, its remaining elements
* are ignored.
* The length of the returned traversable is the minimum of the lengths of this traversable and {@code that}
* iterable.
* @param The type of the second half of the returned pairs.
* @param that The Iterable providing the second half of each result pair.
* @return a new traversable containing pairs consisting of corresponding elements of this traversable and {@code that} iterable.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code that} is null
Traversable> zip(Iterable extends U> that);
* Returns a traversable formed from this traversable and another Iterable by combining corresponding elements in
* pairs. If one of the two collections is shorter than the other, placeholder elements are used to extend the
* shorter collection to the length of the longer.
* The length of the returned traversable is the maximum of the lengths of this traversable and {@code that}
* iterable.
* Special case: if this traversable is shorter than that elements, and that elements contains duplicates, the
* resulting traversable may be shorter than the maximum of the lengths of this and that because a traversable
* contains an element at most once.
* If this Traversable is shorter than that, thisElem values are used to fill the result.
* If that is shorter than this Traversable, thatElem values are used to fill the result.
* @param The type of the second half of the returned pairs.
* @param that The Iterable providing the second half of each result pair.
* @param thisElem The element to be used to fill up the result if this traversable is shorter than that.
* @param thatElem The element to be used to fill up the result if that is shorter than this traversable.
* @return A new traversable containing pairs consisting of corresponding elements of this traversable and that.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code that} is null
Traversable> zipAll(Iterable extends U> that, T thisElem, U thatElem);
* Zips this traversable with its indices.
* @return A new traversable containing all elements of this traversable paired with their index, starting with 0.
Traversable> zipWithIndex();