org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Written by Robert Harder and released to the public domain, as explained at
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain
package org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.base64;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBufferFactory;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.HeapChannelBufferFactory;
* Utility class for {@link ChannelBuffer} that encodes and decodes to and from
* Base64 notation.
* The encoding and decoding algorithm in this class has been derived from
* Robert Harder's Public Domain
* Base64 Encoder/Decoder.
* @apiviz.landmark
* @apiviz.uses org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64Dialect
public final class Base64 {
/** Maximum line length (76) of Base64 output. */
private static final int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 76;
/** The equals sign (=) as a byte. */
private static final byte EQUALS_SIGN = (byte) '=';
/** The new line character (\n) as a byte. */
private static final byte NEW_LINE = (byte) '\n';
private static final byte WHITE_SPACE_ENC = -5; // Indicates white space in encoding
private static final byte EQUALS_SIGN_ENC = -1; // Indicates equals sign in encoding
private static byte[] alphabet(Base64Dialect dialect) {
if (dialect == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("dialect");
return dialect.alphabet;
private static byte[] decodabet(Base64Dialect dialect) {
if (dialect == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("dialect");
return dialect.decodabet;
private static boolean breakLines(Base64Dialect dialect) {
if (dialect == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("dialect");
return dialect.breakLinesByDefault;
public static ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer src) {
return encode(src, Base64Dialect.STANDARD);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer src, Base64Dialect dialect) {
return encode(src, breakLines(dialect), dialect);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return encode(src, Base64Dialect.STANDARD, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, Base64Dialect dialect, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return encode(src, breakLines(dialect), dialect, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer src, boolean breakLines) {
return encode(src, breakLines, Base64Dialect.STANDARD);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, boolean breakLines, Base64Dialect dialect) {
return encode(src, breakLines, dialect, HeapChannelBufferFactory.getInstance());
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, boolean breakLines, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return encode(src, breakLines, Base64Dialect.STANDARD, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, boolean breakLines, Base64Dialect dialect, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
if (src == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("src");
ChannelBuffer dest = encode(
src, src.readerIndex(), src.readableBytes(), breakLines, dialect, bufferFactory);
return dest;
public static ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len) {
return encode(src, off, len, Base64Dialect.STANDARD);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, Base64Dialect dialect) {
return encode(src, off, len, breakLines(dialect), dialect);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return encode(src, off, len, Base64Dialect.STANDARD, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, Base64Dialect dialect, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return encode(src, off, len, breakLines(dialect), dialect, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, boolean breakLines) {
return encode(src, off, len, breakLines, Base64Dialect.STANDARD);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len,
boolean breakLines, Base64Dialect dialect) {
return encode(src, off, len, breakLines, dialect, HeapChannelBufferFactory.getInstance());
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len,
boolean breakLines, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return encode(src, off, len, breakLines, Base64Dialect.STANDARD, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer encode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len,
boolean breakLines, Base64Dialect dialect, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
if (src == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("src");
if (dialect == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("dialect");
if (bufferFactory == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("bufferFactory");
int len43 = len * 4 / 3;
ChannelBuffer dest = bufferFactory.getBuffer(
len43 +
(len % 3 > 0? 4 : 0) + // Account for padding
(breakLines? len43 / MAX_LINE_LENGTH : 0)); // New lines
int d = 0;
int e = 0;
int len2 = len - 2;
int lineLength = 0;
for (; d < len2; d += 3, e += 4) {
encode3to4(src, d + off, 3, dest, e, dialect);
lineLength += 4;
if (breakLines && lineLength == MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
dest.setByte(e + 4, NEW_LINE);
e ++;
lineLength = 0;
} // end if: end of line
} // end for: each piece of array
if (d < len) {
encode3to4(src, d + off, len - d, dest, e, dialect);
e += 4;
} // end if: some padding needed
return dest.slice(0, e);
private static void encode3to4(
ChannelBuffer src, int srcOffset, int numSigBytes,
ChannelBuffer dest, int destOffset, Base64Dialect dialect) {
byte[] ALPHABET = alphabet(dialect);
// 1 2 3
// 01234567890123456789012345678901 Bit position
// --------000000001111111122222222 Array position from threeBytes
// --------| || || || | Six bit groups to index ALPHABET
// >>18 >>12 >> 6 >> 0 Right shift necessary
// 0x3f 0x3f 0x3f Additional AND
// Create buffer with zero-padding if there are only one or two
// significant bytes passed in the array.
// We have to shift left 24 in order to flush out the 1's that appear
// when Java treats a value as negative that is cast from a byte to an int.
int inBuff =
(numSigBytes > 0? src.getByte(srcOffset) << 24 >>> 8 : 0) |
(numSigBytes > 1? src.getByte(srcOffset + 1) << 24 >>> 16 : 0) |
(numSigBytes > 2? src.getByte(srcOffset + 2) << 24 >>> 24 : 0);
switch (numSigBytes) {
case 3:
dest.setByte(destOffset , ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 18 ]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 1, ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 12 & 0x3f]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 2, ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 6 & 0x3f]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 3, ALPHABET[inBuff & 0x3f]);
case 2:
dest.setByte(destOffset , ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 18 ]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 1, ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 12 & 0x3f]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 2, ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 6 & 0x3f]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 3, EQUALS_SIGN);
case 1:
dest.setByte(destOffset , ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 18 ]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 1, ALPHABET[inBuff >>> 12 & 0x3f]);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 2, EQUALS_SIGN);
dest.setByte(destOffset + 3, EQUALS_SIGN);
public static ChannelBuffer decode(ChannelBuffer src) {
return decode(src, Base64Dialect.STANDARD);
public static ChannelBuffer decode(ChannelBuffer src, Base64Dialect dialect) {
return decode(src, dialect, HeapChannelBufferFactory.getInstance());
public static ChannelBuffer decode(ChannelBuffer src, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return decode(src, Base64Dialect.STANDARD, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer decode(ChannelBuffer src, Base64Dialect dialect, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
if (src == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("src");
ChannelBuffer dest = decode(src, src.readerIndex(), src.readableBytes(), dialect, bufferFactory);
return dest;
public static ChannelBuffer decode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len) {
return decode(src, off, len, Base64Dialect.STANDARD);
public static ChannelBuffer decode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, Base64Dialect dialect) {
return decode(src, off, len, dialect, HeapChannelBufferFactory.getInstance());
public static ChannelBuffer decode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
return decode(src, off, len, Base64Dialect.STANDARD, bufferFactory);
public static ChannelBuffer decode(
ChannelBuffer src, int off, int len, Base64Dialect dialect,
ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory) {
if (src == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("src");
if (dialect == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("dialect");
if (bufferFactory == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("bufferFactory");
byte[] DECODABET = decodabet(dialect);
int len34 = len * 3 / 4;
ChannelBuffer dest = bufferFactory.getBuffer(src.order(), len34); // Upper limit on size of output
int outBuffPosn = 0;
byte[] b4 = new byte[4];
int b4Posn = 0;
int i;
byte sbiCrop;
byte sbiDecode;
for (i = off; i < off + len; i ++) {
sbiCrop = (byte) (src.getByte(i) & 0x7f); // Only the low seven bits
sbiDecode = DECODABET[sbiCrop];
if (sbiDecode >= WHITE_SPACE_ENC) { // White space, Equals sign or better
if (sbiDecode >= EQUALS_SIGN_ENC) { // Equals sign or better?
b4[b4Posn ++] = sbiCrop;
if (b4Posn > 3) { // Quartet built?
outBuffPosn += decode4to3(
b4, 0, dest, outBuffPosn, dialect);
b4Posn = 0;
// If that was the equals sign, break out of 'for' loop
if (sbiCrop == EQUALS_SIGN) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"bad Base64 input character at " + i + ": " +
src.getUnsignedByte(i) + " (decimal)");
return dest.slice(0, outBuffPosn);
private static int decode4to3(
byte[] src, int srcOffset,
ChannelBuffer dest, int destOffset, Base64Dialect dialect) {
byte[] DECODABET = decodabet(dialect);
if (src[srcOffset + 2] == EQUALS_SIGN) {
// Example: Dk==
int outBuff =
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset ]] & 0xFF) << 18 |
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset + 1]] & 0xFF) << 12;
dest.setByte(destOffset, (byte) (outBuff >>> 16));
return 1;
} else if (src[srcOffset + 3] == EQUALS_SIGN) {
// Example: DkL=
int outBuff =
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset ]] & 0xFF) << 18 |
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset + 1]] & 0xFF) << 12 |
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset + 2]] & 0xFF) << 6;
dest.setByte(destOffset , (byte) (outBuff >>> 16));
dest.setByte(destOffset + 1, (byte) (outBuff >>> 8));
return 2;
} else {
// Example: DkLE
int outBuff;
try {
outBuff =
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset ]] & 0xFF) << 18 |
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset + 1]] & 0xFF) << 12 |
(DECODABET[src[srcOffset + 2]] & 0xFF) << 6 |
DECODABET[src[srcOffset + 3]] & 0xFF;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not encoded in Base64");
dest.setByte(destOffset , (byte) (outBuff >> 16));
dest.setByte(destOffset + 1, (byte) (outBuff >> 8));
dest.setByte(destOffset + 2, (byte) outBuff);
return 3;
private Base64() {
// Unused