com.ctc.wstx.cfg.ErrorConsts Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.ctc.wstx.cfg;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;
* "Static" class that contains error message constants. Note that the
* error message constants are NOT made final; reason is that doing so
* would make compiler inline them in other classes. Doing so would increase
* class size (although not mem usage -- Strings do get interned), with
* minimal performance impact.
public class ErrorConsts
implements XMLStreamConstants
// // // Types of warnings we issue via XMLReporter
public static String WT_ENT_DECL = "entity declaration";
public static String WT_ELEM_DECL = "element declaration";
public static String WT_ATTR_DECL = "attribute declaration";
public static String WT_XML_DECL = "xml declaration";
public static String WT_DT_DECL = "doctype declaration";
public static String WT_NS_DECL = "namespace declaration";
* This is the generic type for warnings based on XMLValidationProblem
* objects.
public static String WT_VALIDATION = "schema validation";
// // And then warning strings
public static String W_UNDEFINED_ELEM = "Undefined element \"{0}\"; referred to by attribute(s)";
public static String W_MIXED_ENCODINGS = "Inconsistent text encoding; declared as \"{0}\" in xml declaration, application had passed \"{1}\"";
public static String W_MISSING_DTD = "Missing DOCTYPE declaration in validating mode; can not validate elements or attributes";
public static String W_DTD_DUP_ATTR = "Attribute \"{0}\" (for element <{1}>) declared multiple times";
public static String W_DTD_ATTR_REDECL = "Attribute \"{0}\" already declared for element <{1}>; ignoring re-declaration";
// // // Generic errors:
public static String ERR_INTERNAL = "Internal error";
public static String ERR_NULL_ARG = "Illegal to pass null as argument";
public static String ERR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE = "Unrecognized feature \"{0}\"";
// // // Wrong reader state:
public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_STELEM = "Current event not START_ELEMENT";
public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_ELEM = "Current event not START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT";
public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_PI = "Current event not PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION";
public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_ELEM_OR_TEXT = "Current event ({0}) not START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT, CHARACTERS or CDATA";
// // // XML declaration related problems
public static String ERR_XML_10_VS_11 = "XML 1.0 document can not refer to XML 1.1 parsed external entities";
// // // Structural problems, prolog/epilog:
public static String ERR_DTD_IN_EPILOG = "Can not have DOCTYPE declaration in epilog";
public static String ERR_DTD_DUP = "Duplicate DOCTYPE declaration";
public static String ERR_CDATA_IN_EPILOG = " (CDATA not allowed in prolog/epilog)";
// // // Illegal input:
public static String ERR_HYPHENS_IN_COMMENT = "String '--' not allowed in comment (missing '>'?)";
public static String ERR_BRACKET_IN_TEXT = "String ']]>' not allowed in textual content, except as the end marker of CDATA section";
// // // Generic parsing errors:
public static String ERR_UNEXP_KEYWORD = "Unexpected keyword \"{0}\"; expected \"{1}\"";
public static String ERR_WF_PI_MISSING_TARGET = "Missing processing instruction target";
public static String ERR_WF_PI_XML_TARGET = "Illegal processing instruction target (\"{0}\"); 'xml' (case insensitive) is reserved by the specs.";
public static String ERR_WF_PI_XML_MISSING_SPACE = "excepted either space or \"?>\" after PI target";
// // // Entity problems:
public static String ERR_WF_ENTITY_EXT_DECLARED = "Entity \"{0}\" declared externally, but referenced from a document declared 'standalone=\"yes\"'";
public static String ERR_WF_GE_UNDECLARED = "Undeclared general entity \"{0}\"";
public static String ERR_WF_GE_UNDECLARED_SA = "Undeclared general entity \"{0}\" (document in stand-alone mode; perhaps declared externally?)";
// // // Namespace problems:
public static String ERR_NS_UNDECLARED = "Undeclared namespace prefix \"{0}\"";
public static String ERR_NS_UNDECLARED_FOR_ATTR = "Undeclared namespace prefix \"{0}\" (for attribute \"{1}\")";
public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XML = "Trying to redeclare prefix 'xml' from its default URI '"
+"' to \"{0}\"";
public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XMLNS = "Trying to declare prefix 'xmlns' (illegal as per NS 1.1 #4)";
public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XML_URI = "Trying to bind URI '"
+XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI+" to prefix \"{0}\" (can only bind to 'xml')";
public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XMLNS_URI = "Trying to bind URI '"
+XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI+" to prefix \"{0}\" (can not be explicitly bound)";
public static String ERR_NS_EMPTY =
"Non-default namespace can not map to empty URI (as per Namespace 1.0 # 2) in XML 1.0 documents";
// // // DTD-specific:
public static String ERR_DTD_MAINLEVEL_KEYWORD = "; expected a keyword (ATTLIST, ELEMENT, ENTITY, NOTATION), comment, or conditional section";
public static String ERR_DTD_ATTR_TYPE = "; expected one of type (CDATA, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES NOTATION, NMTOKEN or NMTOKENS)";
public static String ERR_DTD_DEFAULT_TYPE = "; expected #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED or #FIXED";
public static String ERR_DTD_ELEM_REDEFD =
"Trying to redefine element \"{0}\" (originally defined at {1})";
public static String ERR_DTD_NOTATION_REDEFD =
"Trying to redefine notation \"{0}\" (originally defined at {1})";
public static String ERR_DTD_UNDECLARED_ENTITY =
"Undeclared {0} entity \"{1}\"";
public static String ERR_DTD_XML_SPACE = "Attribute xml:space has to be defined of type enumerated, and have 1 or 2 values, 'default' and/or 'preserve'";
public static String ERR_DTD_XML_ID = "Attribute xml:id has to have attribute type of ID, as per Xml:id specification";
// // // DTD-validation:
public static String ERR_VLD_UNKNOWN_ELEM = "Undefined element <{0}> encountered";
public static String ERR_VLD_EMPTY = "Element <{0}> has EMPTY content specification; can not contain {1}";
public static String ERR_VLD_NON_MIXED = "Element <{0}> has non-mixed content specification; can not contain non-white space text, or any CDATA sections";
public static String ERR_VLD_ANY = "Element <{0}> has ANY content specification; can not contain {1}";
public static String ERR_VLD_UNKNOWN_ATTR = "Element <{0}> has no attribute \"{1}\"";
public static String ERR_VLD_WRONG_ROOT = "Unexpected root element <{0}>; expected <{0}> as per DOCTYPE declaration";
// // // Output problems:
public static String WERR_PROLOG_CDATA =
"Trying to output a CDATA block outside main element tree (in prolog or epilog)";
public static String WERR_PROLOG_NONWS_TEXT =
"Trying to output non-whitespace characters outside main element tree (in prolog or epilog)";
public static String WERR_PROLOG_SECOND_ROOT =
"Trying to output second root, <{0}>";
public static String WERR_CDATA_CONTENT =
"Illegal input: CDATA block has embedded ']]>' in it (index {0})";
public static String WERR_COMMENT_CONTENT =
"Illegal input: comment content has embedded '--' in it (index {0})";
public static String WERR_ATTR_NO_ELEM =
"Trying to write an attribute when there is no open start element.";
public static String WERR_NAME_EMPTY = "Illegal to pass empty name";
public static String WERR_NAME_ILLEGAL_FIRST_CHAR = "Illegal first name character {0}";
public static String WERR_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHAR = "Illegal name character {0}";
// Utility methods
public static String tokenTypeDesc(int type)
switch (type) {
return "END_ELEMENT";
return "END_DOCUMENT";
return "CHARACTERS";
case CDATA:
return "CDATA";
case SPACE:
return "SPACE";
return "COMMENT";
case DTD:
return "DTD";
return "["+type+"]";
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