com.ctc.wstx.io.InputBootstrapper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.ctc.wstx.io;
import java.io.*;
import javax.xml.stream.Location;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.ReaderConfig;
import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.ErrorConsts;
import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.XmlConsts;
import com.ctc.wstx.exc.*;
* Abstract base class that defines common API used with both stream and
* reader-based input sources. Class is responsible for opening the physical
* input source, figure out encoding (if necessary; only for streams), and
* then handle (optional) XML declaration.
public abstract class InputBootstrapper
// Shared string consts
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_KW_VERSION = "; expected keyword '"+XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_VERSION+"'";
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_KW_ENCODING = "; expected keyword '"+XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_ENCODING+"'";
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_KW_STANDALONE = "; expected keyword '"+XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_STANDALONE+"'";
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_END_MARKER = "; expected \"?>\" end marker";
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_EXP_SPACE = "; expected a white space";
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_EXP_EQ = "; expected '=' after ";
protected final static String ERR_XMLDECL_EXP_ATTRVAL = "; expected a quote character enclosing value for ";
// Other consts
public final static char CHAR_NULL = (char) 0;
public final static char CHAR_SPACE = (char) 0x0020;
public final static char CHAR_NEL = (char) 0x0085;
public final static byte CHAR_CR = '\r';
public final static byte CHAR_LF = '\n';
public final static byte BYTE_NULL = (byte) 0;
public final static byte BYTE_CR = (byte) '\r';
public final static byte BYTE_LF = (byte) '\n';
// Input source info
protected final String mPublicId;
protected final SystemId mSystemId;
// Input location data (similar to one in WstxInputData)
* Current number of characters that were processed in previous blocks,
* before contents of current input buffer.
protected int mInputProcessed = 0;
* Current row location of current point in input buffer, starting
* from 1
protected int mInputRow = 1;
* Current index of the first character of the current row in input
* buffer. Needed to calculate column position, if necessary; benefit
* of not having column itself is that this only has to be updated
* once per line.
protected int mInputRowStart = 0;
// Info from XML declaration
//boolean mHadDeclaration = false;
* XML declaration from the input (1.0, 1.1 or 'unknown')
int mDeclaredXmlVersion = XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN;
* Value of encoding pseudo-attribute from xml declaration, if
* one was found; null otherwise.
String mFoundEncoding;
String mStandalone;
* Flag that indicates whether input read from this input source
* needs to be xml 1.1 compliant or not; if not, xml 1.0 is assumed.
* State of this flag depends on parent context (if one existed), or if
* not, on xml declaration of this input source.
boolean mXml11Handling = false;
// Temporary data
* Need a short buffer to read in values of pseudo-attributes (version,
* encoding, standalone). Don't really need tons of space; just enough
* for the longest anticipated encoding id... and maybe few chars just
* in case (for additional white space that we ignore)
final char[] mKeyword = new char[60];
// Life-cycle
protected InputBootstrapper(String pubId, SystemId sysId)
mPublicId = pubId;
mSystemId = sysId;
protected void initFrom(InputBootstrapper src)
mInputProcessed = src.mInputProcessed;
mInputRow = src.mInputRow;
mInputRowStart = src.mInputRowStart;
mDeclaredXmlVersion = src.mDeclaredXmlVersion;
mFoundEncoding = src.mFoundEncoding;
mStandalone = src.mStandalone;
mXml11Handling = src.mXml11Handling;
// Public API
* @param xmlVersion Optional xml version identifier of the main parsed
* document (if not bootstrapping the main document).
* Currently only relevant for checking that XML 1.0 document does not
* include XML 1.1 external parsed entities.
* If null, no checks will be done; when bootstrapping parsing of the
* main document, null should be passed for this argument.
public abstract Reader bootstrapInput(ReaderConfig cfg, boolean mainDoc,
int xmlVersion)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException;
// // // Source information:
public String getPublicId() { return mPublicId; }
public SystemId getSystemId() { return mSystemId; }
// // // XML declaration data:
public int getDeclaredVersion()
return mDeclaredXmlVersion;
* @return True, if the input bootstrapped declared that it conforms
* to xml 1.1 (independent of where it was included from)
public boolean declaredXml11() {
return (mDeclaredXmlVersion == XmlConsts.XML_V_11);
public String getStandalone() {
return mStandalone;
* @return Encoding declaration found from the xml declaration, if any;
* null if none.
public String getDeclaredEncoding() {
return mFoundEncoding;
// // // Location/position info:
* @return Total number of characters read from bootstrapped input
* (stream, reader)
public abstract int getInputTotal();
public int getInputRow() {
return mInputRow;
public abstract int getInputColumn();
// // // Misc other info
* Actual character encoding used by the underlying input source;
* may have been passed by the application, or auto-detected
* by byte stream boot strapper (can not be determined from a
* Reader source).
* @return Input encoding in use, if it could be determined or was
* passed by the calling application
public abstract String getInputEncoding();
// Package methods, parsing
* @param xmlVersion Optional xml version identifier of the main parsed
* document (if not bootstrapping the main document).
* Currently only relevant for checking that XML 1.0 document does not
* include XML 1.1 external parsed entities.
* If null, no checks will be done; when bootstrapping parsing of the
* main document, null should be passed for this argument.
protected void readXmlDecl(boolean isMainDoc, int xmlVersion)
throws IOException, WstxException
int c = getNextAfterWs(false);
// First, version pseudo-attribute:
if (c != 'v') { // version info obligatory for main docs
if (isMainDoc) {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, ERR_XMLDECL_KW_VERSION);
} else { // ok, should be version
mDeclaredXmlVersion = readXmlVersion();
c = getWsOrChar('?');
/* 17-Feb-2006, TSa: Whether we are to be xml 1.1 compliant or not
* depends on parent context, if any; and if not, on actual
* xml declaration. But in former case, it is illegal to include
* xml 1.1 declared entities from xml 1.0 context.
boolean thisIs11 = (mDeclaredXmlVersion == XmlConsts.XML_V_11);
if (xmlVersion != XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN) { // happens when reading main doc
mXml11Handling = (XmlConsts.XML_V_11 == xmlVersion);
// Can not refer to xml 1.1 entities from 1.0 doc:
if (thisIs11 && !mXml11Handling) {
} else {
mXml11Handling = thisIs11;
// Then, 'encoding'
if (c != 'e') { // obligatory for external entities
if (!isMainDoc) {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, ERR_XMLDECL_KW_ENCODING);
} else {
mFoundEncoding = readXmlEncoding();
c = getWsOrChar('?');
// Then, 'standalone' (for main doc)
if (isMainDoc && c == 's') {
mStandalone = readXmlStandalone();
c = getWsOrChar('?');
// And finally, need to have closing markers
if (c != '?') {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, ERR_XMLDECL_END_MARKER);
c = getNext();
if (c != '>') {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, ERR_XMLDECL_END_MARKER);
* @return Xml version declaration read
private final int readXmlVersion()
throws IOException, WstxException
int c = checkKeyword(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_VERSION);
if (c != CHAR_NULL) {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_VERSION);
c = handleEq(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_VERSION);
int len = readQuotedValue(mKeyword, c);
if (len == 3) {
if (mKeyword[0] == '1' && mKeyword[1] == '.') {
c = mKeyword[2];
if (c == '0') {
return XmlConsts.XML_V_10;
if (c == '1') {
return XmlConsts.XML_V_11;
// Nope; error. -1 indicates run off...
String got;
if (len < 0) {
got = "'"+new String(mKeyword)+"[..]'";
} else if (len == 0) {
got = "";
} else {
got = "'"+new String(mKeyword, 0, len)+"'";
reportPseudoAttrProblem(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_VERSION, got,
XmlConsts.XML_V_10_STR, XmlConsts.XML_V_11_STR);
return XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN; // never gets here, but compiler needs it
private final String readXmlEncoding()
throws IOException, WstxException
int c = checkKeyword(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_ENCODING);
if (c != CHAR_NULL) {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_ENCODING);
c = handleEq(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_ENCODING);
int len = readQuotedValue(mKeyword, c);
/* Hmmh. How about "too long" encodings? Maybe just truncate them,
* for now?
if (len == 0) { // let's still detect missing value...
reportPseudoAttrProblem(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_ENCODING, null,
null, null);
if (len < 0) { // will be truncated...
return new String(mKeyword);
return new String(mKeyword, 0, len);
private final String readXmlStandalone()
throws IOException, WstxException
int c = checkKeyword(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_STANDALONE);
if (c != CHAR_NULL) {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_STANDALONE);
c = handleEq(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_STANDALONE);
int len = readQuotedValue(mKeyword, c);
if (len == 2) {
if (mKeyword[0] == 'n' && mKeyword[1] == 'o') {
return XmlConsts.XML_SA_NO;
} else if (len == 3) {
if (mKeyword[0] == 'y' && mKeyword[1] == 'e'
&& mKeyword[2] == 's') {
return XmlConsts.XML_SA_YES;
// Nope; error. -1 indicates run off...
String got;
if (len < 0) {
got = "'"+new String(mKeyword)+"[..]'";
} else if (len == 0) {
got = "";
} else {
got = "'"+new String(mKeyword, 0, len)+"'";
reportPseudoAttrProblem(XmlConsts.XML_DECL_KW_STANDALONE, got,
XmlConsts.XML_SA_YES, XmlConsts.XML_SA_NO);
return got; // never gets here, but compiler can't figure it out
private final int handleEq(String attr)
throws IOException, WstxException
int c = getNextAfterWs(false);
if (c != '=') {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, ERR_XMLDECL_EXP_EQ+"'"+attr+"'");
c = getNextAfterWs(false);
if (c != '"' && c != '\'') {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, ERR_XMLDECL_EXP_ATTRVAL+"'"+attr+"'");
return c;
* Method that should get next character, which has to be either specified
* character (usually end marker), OR, any character as long as there'
* at least one space character before it.
private final int getWsOrChar(int ok)
throws IOException, WstxException
int c = getNext();
if (c == ok) {
return c;
if (c > CHAR_SPACE) {
reportUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected either '"+((char) ok)+"' or white space");
if (c == CHAR_LF || c == CHAR_CR) {
// Need to push it back to be processed properly
return getNextAfterWs(false);
// Abstract parsing methods for sub-classes to implement
protected abstract void pushback();
protected abstract int getNext()
throws IOException, WstxException;
protected abstract int getNextAfterWs(boolean reqWs)
throws IOException, WstxException;
* @return First character that does not match expected, if any;
* CHAR_NULL if match succeeded
protected abstract int checkKeyword(String exp)
throws IOException, WstxException;
protected abstract int readQuotedValue(char[] kw, int quoteChar)
throws IOException, WstxException;
protected abstract Location getLocation();
// Package methods available to sub-classes:
protected void reportNull()
throws WstxException
throw new WstxException("Illegal null byte in input stream",
protected void reportXmlProblem(String msg)
throws WstxException
throw new WstxParsingException(msg, getLocation());
protected void reportUnexpectedChar(int i, String msg)
throws WstxException
char c = (char) i;
String excMsg;
// WTF? JDK thinks null char is just fine as?!
if (Character.isISOControl(c)) {
excMsg = "Unexpected character (CTRL-CHAR, code "+i+")"+msg;
} else {
excMsg = "Unexpected character '"+c+"' (code "+i+")"+msg;
Location loc = getLocation();
throw new WstxUnexpectedCharException(excMsg, loc, c);
// Other private methods:
private final void reportPseudoAttrProblem(String attrName, String got,
String expVal1, String expVal2)
throws WstxException
String expStr = (expVal1 == null) ? "" :
("; expected \""+expVal1+"\" or \""+expVal2+"\"");
if (got == null || got.length() == 0) {
throw new WstxParsingException("Missing XML pseudo-attribute '"+attrName+"' value"+expStr,
throw new WstxParsingException("Invalid XML pseudo-attribute '"+attrName+"' value "+got+expStr,
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