com.ctc.wstx.msv.GenericMsvValidator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Woodstox XML processor
* Copyright (c) 2004- Tatu Saloranta, [email protected]
* Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
* included with the source code.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.ctc.wstx.msv;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.stream.Location;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.*;
import org.relaxng.datatype.Datatype;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.IDContextProvider2;
import com.sun.msv.util.DatatypeRef;
import com.sun.msv.util.StartTagInfo;
import com.sun.msv.util.StringRef;
import com.sun.msv.verifier.Acceptor;
import com.sun.msv.verifier.DocumentDeclaration;
import com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp.StringToken;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.ElementId;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.ElementIdMap;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.PrefixedName;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.TextAccumulator;
* Generic validator instance to be used for all Multi-Schema Validator
* backed implementations. A common class can be used since functionality
* is almost identical between variants (RNG, W3C SChema); minor
* differences that exist can be configured by settings provided.
* Note about id context provider interface: while it'd be nice to
* separate that part out, it is unfortunately closely tied to the
* validation process. Hence it's directly implemented by this class.
public final class GenericMsvValidator
extends XMLValidator
implements com.sun.msv.grammar.IDContextProvider2
// Configuration
final protected XMLValidationSchema mParentSchema;
final protected ValidationContext mContext;
final protected DocumentDeclaration mVGM;
// State, helper objects
final protected ArrayList mAcceptors = new ArrayList();
protected Acceptor mCurrAcceptor = null;
final protected TextAccumulator mTextAccumulator = new TextAccumulator();
* Map that contains information about element id (values of attributes
* or textual content with type ID) declarations and references
protected ElementIdMap mIdDefs;
// State, positions
protected String mCurrAttrPrefix;
protected String mCurrAttrLocalName;
* Sometimes a problem object has to be temporarily
* stored, and only reported later on. This happens
* when exceptions can not be thrown via code outside
* of Woodstox (like validation methods in MSV that do
* callbacks).
protected XMLValidationProblem mProblem;
// Helper objects
final StringRef mErrorRef = new StringRef();
* StartTagInfo instance need not be thread-safe, and it is not immutable
* so let's reuse one instance during a single validation.
final StartTagInfo mStartTag = new StartTagInfo("", "", "", null, (IDContextProvider2) null);
* This object provides limited access to attribute values of the
* currently validated element.
final AttributeProxy mAttributeProxy;
// Construction, configuration
public GenericMsvValidator(XMLValidationSchema parent, ValidationContext ctxt,
DocumentDeclaration vgm)
mParentSchema = parent;
mContext = ctxt;
mVGM = vgm;
mCurrAcceptor = mVGM.createAcceptor();
mAttributeProxy = new AttributeProxy(ctxt);
// IDContextProvider2 implementation:
// Core RelaxNG ValidationContext implementation
// (org.relaxng.datatype.ValidationContext, base interface
// of the id provider context)
public String getBaseUri()
return mContext.getBaseUri();
public boolean isNotation(String notationName)
return mContext.isNotationDeclared(notationName);
public boolean isUnparsedEntity(String entityName)
return mContext.isUnparsedEntityDeclared(entityName);
public String resolveNamespacePrefix(String prefix)
return mContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
// IDContextProvider2 implementation, extensions over
// core ValidationContext
* Note: we have to throw a dummy marker exception, which merely
* signals that a validation problem is to be reported.
* This is obviously messy, but has to do for now.
public void onID(Datatype datatype, StringToken idToken)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (mIdDefs == null) {
mIdDefs = new ElementIdMap();
int idType = datatype.getIdType();
Location loc = mContext.getValidationLocation();
PrefixedName elemPName = getElementPName();
PrefixedName attrPName = getAttrPName();
if (idType == Datatype.ID_TYPE_ID) {
String idStr = idToken.literal.trim();
ElementId eid = mIdDefs.addDefined(idStr, loc, elemPName, attrPName);
// We can detect dups by checking if Location is the one we passed:
if (eid.getLocation() != loc) {
mProblem = new XMLValidationProblem(loc, "Duplicate id '"+idStr+"', first declared at "+eid.getLocation());
} else if (idType == Datatype.ID_TYPE_IDREF) {
String idStr = idToken.literal.trim();
mIdDefs.addReferenced(idStr, loc, elemPName, attrPName);
} else if (idType == Datatype.ID_TYPE_IDREFS) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(idToken.literal);
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
mIdDefs.addReferenced(tokens.nextToken(), loc, elemPName, attrPName);
} else { // sanity check
throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: unexpected ID datatype: "+datatype);
// XMLValidator implementation
public XMLValidationSchema getSchema() {
return mParentSchema;
* Method called to update information about the newly encountered (start)
* element. At this point namespace information has been resolved, but
* no DTD validation has been done. Validator is to do these validations,
* including checking for attribute value (and existence) compatibility.
public void validateElementStart(String localName, String uri, String prefix)
throws XMLStreamException
/* [WSTX-200]: If sub-tree we were to validate has ended, we
* have no current acceptor, and must quite. Ideally we would
* really handle this more cleanly but...
if (mCurrAcceptor == null) {
// Very first thing: do we have text collected?
if (mTextAccumulator.hasText()) {
/* 31-Mar-2006, TSa: MSV seems to require empty String for empty/no
* namespace, not null.
if (uri == null) {
uri = "";
/* Do we need to properly fill it? Or could we just put local name?
* Looking at code, I do believe it's only used for error reporting
* purposes...
//String qname = (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) ? localName : (prefix + ":" +localName);
String qname = localName;
mStartTag.reinit(uri, localName, qname, mAttributeProxy, this);
mCurrAcceptor = mCurrAcceptor.createChildAcceptor(mStartTag, mErrorRef);
/* As per documentation, the side-effect of getting the error message
* is that we also get a recoverable non-null acceptor... thus, should
* never (?) see null acceptor being returned
if (mErrorRef.str != null) {
if (mProblem != null) { // pending problems (to throw exception on)?
XMLValidationProblem p = mProblem;
mProblem = null;
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix, String value)
throws XMLStreamException
mCurrAttrLocalName = localName;
mCurrAttrPrefix = prefix;
if (mCurrAcceptor != null) {
String qname = localName; // for now, let's assume we don't need prefixed version
DatatypeRef typeRef = null; // for now, let's not care
/* 31-Mar-2006, TSa: MSV seems to require empty String for empty/no
* namespace, not null.
if (uri == null) {
uri = "";
if (!mCurrAcceptor.onAttribute2(uri, localName, qname, value, this, mErrorRef, typeRef)
|| mErrorRef.str != null) {
if (mProblem != null) { // pending problems (to throw exception on)?
XMLValidationProblem p = mProblem;
mProblem = null;
/* No normalization done by RelaxNG, is there? (at least nothing
* visible to callers that is)
return null;
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix,
char[] valueChars, int valueStart,
int valueEnd)
throws XMLStreamException
int len = valueEnd - valueStart;
/* This is very sub-optimal... but MSV doesn't deal with char
* arrays.
return validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
new String(valueChars, valueStart, len));
public int validateElementAndAttributes()
throws XMLStreamException
// Not handling any attributes
mCurrAttrLocalName = mCurrAttrPrefix = "";
if (mCurrAcceptor != null) {
/* start tag info is still intact here (only attributes sent
* since child acceptor was created)
if (!mCurrAcceptor.onEndAttributes(mStartTag, mErrorRef)
|| mErrorRef.str != null) {
int stringChecks = mCurrAcceptor.getStringCareLevel();
switch (stringChecks) {
case Acceptor.STRING_PROHIBITED: // only WS
return XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS;
case Acceptor.STRING_IGNORE: // anything (mixed content models)
case Acceptor.STRING_STRICT: // validatable (data-oriented)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: unexpected string care level value return by MSV: "+stringChecks);
// If no acceptor, we are recovering, no need or use to validate text
* @return Validation state that should be effective for the parent
* element state
public int validateElementEnd(String localName, String uri, String prefix)
throws XMLStreamException
// Very first thing: do we have text collected?
/* 27-Feb-2009, TSa: [WSTX-191]: Actually MSV expects us to call
* validation anyway, in case there might be restriction(s) on
* textual content. Otherwise we'll get an error.
/* [WSTX-200]: need to avoid problems when doing sub-tree
* validation... not a proper solution, but has to do for
* now
int lastIx = mAcceptors.size()-1;
if (lastIx < 0) {
return XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS;
Acceptor acc = (Acceptor)mAcceptors.remove(lastIx);
if (acc != null) { // may be null during error recovery? or not?
if (!acc.isAcceptState(mErrorRef) || mErrorRef.str != null) {
if (lastIx == 0) { // root closed
mCurrAcceptor = null;
} else {
mCurrAcceptor = (Acceptor) mAcceptors.get(lastIx-1);
if (mCurrAcceptor != null && acc != null) {
if (!mCurrAcceptor.stepForward(acc, mErrorRef)
|| mErrorRef.str != null) {
int stringChecks = mCurrAcceptor.getStringCareLevel();
switch (stringChecks) {
case Acceptor.STRING_PROHIBITED: // only WS
return XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS;
case Acceptor.STRING_IGNORE: // anything (mixed content models)
case Acceptor.STRING_STRICT: // validatable (data-oriented)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: unexpected string care level value return by MSV: "+stringChecks);
public void validateText(String text, boolean lastTextSegment)
throws XMLStreamException
/* If we got here, then it's likely we do need to call onText2().
* (not guaranteed, though; in case of multiple parallel validators,
* only one of them may actually be interested)
if (lastTextSegment) {
public void validateText(char[] cbuf, int textStart, int textEnd,
boolean lastTextSegment)
throws XMLStreamException
/* If we got here, then it's likely we do need to call onText().
* (not guaranteed, though; in case of multiple parallel validators,
* only one of them may actually be interested)
mTextAccumulator.addText(cbuf, textStart, textEnd);
if (lastTextSegment) {
public void validationCompleted(boolean eod)
throws XMLStreamException
/* Ok, so, we should verify that there are no undefined
* IDREF/IDREFS references. But only if we hit EOF, not
* if validation was cancelled.
if (eod) {
if (mIdDefs != null) {
ElementId ref = mIdDefs.getFirstUndefined();
if (ref != null) { // problem!
String msg = "Undefined ID '"+ref.getId()
+"': referenced from element <"
+ref.getElemName()+">, attribute '"
reportError(msg, ref.getLocation());
// Attribute info access
// // // Access to type info
public String getAttributeType(int index)
// !!! TBI
return null;
public int getIdAttrIndex()
// !!! TBI
return -1;
public int getNotationAttrIndex()
// !!! TBI
return -1;
// Internal methods
PrefixedName getElementPName()
return PrefixedName.valueOf(mContext.getCurrentElementName());
PrefixedName getAttrPName()
return new PrefixedName(mCurrAttrPrefix, mCurrAttrLocalName);
void doValidateText(TextAccumulator textAcc)
throws XMLStreamException
if (mCurrAcceptor != null) {
String str = textAcc.getAndClear();
DatatypeRef typeRef = null;
if (!mCurrAcceptor.onText2(str, this, mErrorRef, typeRef)
|| mErrorRef.str != null) {
private void reportError(StringRef errorRef)
throws XMLStreamException
String msg = errorRef.str;
errorRef.str = null;
if (msg == null) {
msg = "Unknown reason";
private void reportError(String msg)
throws XMLStreamException
reportError(msg, mContext.getValidationLocation());
private void reportError(String msg, Location loc)
throws XMLStreamException
XMLValidationProblem prob = new XMLValidationProblem(loc, msg, XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_ERROR);