net.sf.ehcache.constructs.scheduledrefresh.ScheduledRefreshConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright Terracotta, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.sf.ehcache.constructs.scheduledrefresh;
import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Configuration for a {@link ScheduledRefreshCacheExtension}. Can be
* initialized from a {@link Properties} object. Currently, the use of a
* clustered {@link org.terracotta.quartz.TerracottaJobStore} is not supported.
* This usage will be supported in the future.
* @author cschanck
public class ScheduledRefreshConfiguration implements Serializable, Cloneable {
* Property keys for configuration.
public enum PropKey {
* Properties key for the batch size attribute.
* Properties key for the key generator class name.
* Properties key for cron expression used to schedule this job.
* Properties key for enabling bulk load mode prior to exection of the
* refresh.
* Properties key for the quartz job count attribute.
* Properties key for the terracotta config url.
* Properties key for the unique name identifier.
* Properties key for the seed job polling interval.
* Properties key for evictions on refresh fail.
* Properties key for the job store factory.
* Properties key for the job store factory.
* Default setting for null eviction.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_NULL_EVICTS = true;
* Default setting for using bulkload.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_BULKLOAD = false;
* Default batch size for key refresh processing.
public static final int DEFAULT_BATCHSIZE = 100;
* Default simultaneous Quartz thread count per node.
public static final int DEFAULT_QUARTZ_THREADCOUNT = 2;
* Default number of in process job count over the entire cluster.
* Default polling timeout for monitoring refresh jobs.
public static final int DEFAULT_POLL_TIME_MS = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private static final String DEFAULT_KEY_GENERATOR_CLASS = SimpleScheduledRefreshKeyGenerator.class.getName();
private static final String DEFAULT_JOB_STORE_FACTORY_CLASS = ScheduledRefreshRAMJobStoreFactory.class.getName();
* The Constant serialVersionUID.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6877036694574988955L;
* The batch size.
private int batchSize = DEFAULT_BATCHSIZE;
* The use bulkload.
private boolean useBulkload = DEFAULT_USE_BULKLOAD;
* The cron expression.
private String cronExpression = null;
* The quartz thread count.
private int quartzThreadCount = DEFAULT_QUARTZ_THREADCOUNT;
* Default parallel job count
private int parallelJobCount = DEFAULT_PARALLEL_JOB_COUNT;
* The key generator class.
private String keyGeneratorClass = DEFAULT_KEY_GENERATOR_CLASS;
* The unique name part.
private String scheduledRefreshName = null;
* The job store factory class name.
private String jobStoreFactoryClassName = DEFAULT_JOB_STORE_FACTORY_CLASS;
* the terracootta config url
private String tcConfigUrl = null;
* The poll time ms.
private int pollTimeMs = DEFAULT_POLL_TIME_MS;
* The load miss evicts.
private boolean evictOnLoadMiss = DEFAULT_NULL_EVICTS;
* The valid.
private volatile boolean valid = false;
* Excess properties passed to the extension
private Properties excessProperties = new Properties();
* Frozen flag. Once build() is called, the config is frozen.
private volatile boolean frozen = false;
* Create a default, valid configuration.
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration() {
* Initialize this configuration from a {@link Properties} object. Will be
* validated before returning.
* @param properties the properties
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration fromProperties(Properties properties) {
valid = false;
frozen = false;
if (properties != null) {
for (String property : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
String stringValue = properties.getProperty(property).trim();
PropKey pk;
try {
pk = PropKey.valueOf(property);
} catch (Exception e) {
pk = null;
if (pk != null) {
switch (pk) {
case batchSize:
case useBulkload:
case cronExpression:
case jobStoreFactory:
case quartzJobCount:
case parallelJobCount:
case pollTimeMs:
case evictOnLoadMiss:
case tcConfigUrl:
case keyGenerator:
throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled property key: " + pk);
} else {
excessProperties.put(property, stringValue);
return build();
* Express this configuration as a {@link Properties} object.
* @return properties version of this config
public Properties toProperties() {
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty(PropKey.batchSize.name(), Long.toString(getBatchSize()));
p.setProperty(PropKey.useBulkload.name(), Boolean.toString(isUseBulkload()));
p.setProperty(PropKey.evictOnLoadMiss.name(), Boolean.toString(isEvictOnLoadMiss()));
p.setProperty(PropKey.cronExpression.name(), getCronExpression());
p.setProperty(PropKey.jobStoreFactory.name(), getJobStoreFactoryClass());
p.setProperty(PropKey.quartzJobCount.name(), Integer.toString(getQuartzThreadCount()));
p.setProperty(PropKey.parallelJobCount.name(), Integer.toString(getParallelJobCount()));
p.setProperty(PropKey.pollTimeMs.name(), Integer.toString(getPollTimeMs()));
p.setProperty(PropKey.keyGenerator.name(), getKeyGeneratorClass());
p.setProperty(PropKey.tcConfigUrl.name(), getTerracottaConfigUrl());
for (String property : excessProperties.stringPropertyNames()) {
String stringValue = excessProperties.getProperty(property).trim();
p.put(property, stringValue);
return p;
* Validate and mark this configuration good to use.
* @return validated configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration build() {
return this;
private void checkFrozen() {
if(frozen) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't modify a frozen configuration.");
* Validate this configuration.
public void validate() {
if (cronExpression == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cron Schedule cannot be unspecified");
if(parallelJobCount<2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parallelJobCount must be >= 2 ["+parallelJobCount+"]");
if(quartzThreadCount<2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("quartzThreadCount must be >= 2 ["+quartzThreadCount+"]");
if(batchSize<1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("batchSize must be >= 1 ["+batchSize+"]");
if(pollTimeMs<0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pollTimeMS must be >=0 ["+pollTimeMs+"]");
final long oneMinuteMS=TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
if(pollTimeMs>oneMinuteMS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pollTimeMS must be < "+oneMinuteMS+" ["+pollTimeMs+"]");
if (jobStoreFactoryClassName == null) {
if (keyGeneratorClass == null) {
valid = true;
* is this configuration valid to use?.
* @return true if it is valid
public boolean isValid() {
return valid;
* Get the batch size with which refresh requests will be processed.
* @return batch size
public int getBatchSize() {
return batchSize;
* Set the batch size for processing refresh requests. This is the number of
* keys will be processed in a batch.
* @param batchSize maximum batch size
public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) {
valid = false;
this.batchSize = batchSize;
* Fluently set the batch size for processing refresh requests.
* @param batchSize maximum batch size
* @return this configuration object
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration batchSize(int batchSize) {
return this;
* Get whether the cache will be put in bulk load mode prior to refresh.
* @return true if bulk load mode will be used for loading
public boolean isUseBulkload() {
return useBulkload;
* Set the flag to use bulk load for refreshing the keys. If true, the cache
* will be put in bulkLoade mode prior to running the refresh, and after all
* the jobs are finished, it will be restored to it's prior state.
* @param useBulkload the new use bulkload
public void setUseBulkload(boolean useBulkload) {
valid = false;
this.useBulkload = useBulkload;
* Fluently set the bulk load flag.
* @param yes the yes
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration useBulkload(boolean yes) {
return this;
* Return the string cron expression which will be passed to Quartz to
* schedule the refresh.
* @return cron expression string
public String getCronExpression() {
return cronExpression;
* Set the cron expression Quartz will use for scheduling this refresh job.
* See Quartz documentation for a further explanation.
* @param cronExpression the new cron expression
public void setCronExpression(String cronExpression) {
valid = false;
this.cronExpression = cronExpression;
* Fluently set the cron expression Quartz will use for scheduling this
* refresh job.
* @param cronExpression the cron expression
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration cronExpression(String cronExpression) {
return this;
* Get the quartz thread count.
* @return the quartz thread count
public int getQuartzThreadCount() {
return quartzThreadCount;
* Set the Quartz thread count. This is the number of concurrent refresh
* batches which can be processed at one time. The overseeing job will poll
* and not schedule more than this many jobs at one time.
* @param quartzThreadCount the new quartz thread count
public void setQuartzThreadCount(int quartzThreadCount) {
valid = false;
this.quartzThreadCount = quartzThreadCount;
* Fluently set the Quartz thread count.
* @param quartzThreadCount the quartz thread count
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration quartzThreadCount(int quartzThreadCount) {
return this;
* Get the key generator class used to generate the list of keys to refresh.
* @return the fully qualified class name of the
* {@link ScheduledRefreshKeyGenerator} class
public String getKeyGeneratorClass() {
return keyGeneratorClass;
* Set the key generator class used to generate the list of keys to refresh.
* This is the class used to generate keys from the target cache. A simple
* implementation of the naive getKeys() approach is supplied.
* @param keyGeneratorClass the new key generator class
public void setKeyGeneratorClass(String keyGeneratorClass) {
this.keyGeneratorClass = keyGeneratorClass;
* Fluently set the key generator class used to generate the list of keys to
* refresh.
* @param keyGeneratorClass the key generator class
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration keyGeneratorClass(String keyGeneratorClass) {
return this;
* Get an additional identifier used in addition to the cache manager and
* cache name for this extension, and for the job scheduler, and job group.
* If you are going to have multiple scheduled refresh extensions on the same
* cache, this is necessary.
* @return An additional unique identifier for the scheduler and it's jobs
public String getScheduledRefreshName() {
return scheduledRefreshName;
* Set an additional identifier used in addition to the cache manager and
* cache name for this extension, and for the job scheduler, and job group.
* If you are going to have multiple scheduled refresh extensions on the same
* cache, this is necessary.
* @param part the new unique name part
public void setScheduledRefreshName(String part) {
this.scheduledRefreshName = part;
* Fluently set an additional identifier used in addition to the cache
* manager and cache name for this extension, and for the job scheduler, and
* job group. If you are going to have multiple scheduled refresh extensions
* on the same cache, this is necessary.
* @param part unique identifier used to distinguish this scheduled refresh
* instance from others on the same cache
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration scheduledRefreshName(String part) {
return this;
* Get whether now value found in all CacheLoaders will force an eviction
* prematurely from the underlying cache.
* @return true if refresh will remove keys it annot load through the cache
* loaders
public boolean isEvictOnLoadMiss() {
return evictOnLoadMiss;
* Set whether now value found in all CacheLoaders will force an eviction
* prematurely from the underlying cache.
* @param loadMissEvicts true to evict
public void setEvictOnLoadMiss(boolean loadMissEvicts) {
valid = false;
this.evictOnLoadMiss = loadMissEvicts;
* Fluently set whether now value found in all CacheLoaders will force an
* eviction eviction prematurely from the underlying cache.
* @param loadMissEvicts true to evict
* @return this configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration evictOnLoadMiss(boolean loadMissEvicts) {
return this;
* Get the time interval the {@link OverseerJob} will use to poll for job
* completion.
* @return time in milliseconds the controlling job will poll the scheduler's
* {@link org.quartz.spi.JobStore} in order to schedule the next
* batch of keys.
public int getPollTimeMs() {
return pollTimeMs;
* Set the time interval the {@link OverseerJob} will use to poll for job
* completion.
* @param pollTimeMs time in milliseconds the controlling job will poll the
* scheduler's {@link org.quartz.spi.JobStore} in order to schedule
* the next batch of keys.
public void setPollTimeMs(int pollTimeMs) {
valid = false;
this.pollTimeMs = pollTimeMs;
* Fluently set the time interval the {@link OverseerJob} will use to poll
* for job completion.
* @param pollTimeMs time in milliseconds the controlling job will poll the
* scheduler's
* @return this configuration {@link org.quartz.spi.JobStore} in order to
* schedule the next batch of keys.
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration pollTimeMs(int pollTimeMs) {
return this;
* Gets the job store factory class.
* @return the job store factory class
public String getJobStoreFactoryClass() {
return jobStoreFactoryClassName;
* Sets the job store factory class name.
* @param className the new job store factory class name
public void setJobStoreFactoryClassName(String className) {
this.jobStoreFactoryClassName = className;
* Fluently set the Job store factory.
* @param className the class name
* @return the scheduled refresh configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration jobStoreFactory(String className) {
return this;
* Get any unrecognized properties that were passed to this config when
* constructed via a Properties object.
* @return properties
public Properties getExcessProperties() {
return excessProperties;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return "ScheduledRefreshConfiguration{" + "terracottaConfigUrl=" + getTerracottaConfigUrl() +
", batchSize=" + batchSize + ", useBulkload=" + useBulkload
+ ", cronExpression='" + cronExpression + '\'' + ", quartzThreadCount=" + quartzThreadCount
+ ", parallelJobCount=" + parallelJobCount
+ ", keyGeneratorClass='" + keyGeneratorClass + '\'' + ", uniqueNamePart='" + scheduledRefreshName + '\''
+ ", pollTimeMs=" + pollTimeMs + ", loadMissEvicts=" + evictOnLoadMiss + ", valid=" + valid + '}';
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
ScheduledRefreshConfiguration clone = (ScheduledRefreshConfiguration) super.clone();
return clone;
* Sets terracotta config url. Also sets (or clears) the job store factory
* to {@link ScheduledRefreshTerracottaJobStoreFactory} or null.
* @param terracottaConfigUrl the terracotta config url
public void setTerracottaConfigUrl(String terracottaConfigUrl) {
valid = false;
this.tcConfigUrl = terracottaConfigUrl;
if (terracottaConfigUrl == null) {
} else {
* Set the Terracotta config url, fluently.
* @param terracottaConfigUrl the terracotta config url
* @return the scheduled refresh configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration terracottaConfigUrl(String terracottaConfigUrl) {
return this;
* Gets terracotta config url.
* @return the terracotta config url
public String getTerracottaConfigUrl() {
return tcConfigUrl;
* Sets parallel job count.
* @param parallelJobCount the parallel job count
public void setParallelJobCount(int parallelJobCount) {
this.parallelJobCount = parallelJobCount;
valid = false;
* Parallel job count.
* @param parallelJobCount the parallel job count
* @return the scheduled refresh configuration
public ScheduledRefreshConfiguration parallelJobCount(int parallelJobCount) {
return this;
* Gets parallel job count.
* @return the parallel job count
public int getParallelJobCount() {
return parallelJobCount;
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