net.sf.ehcache.management.sampled.CacheSampler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright Terracotta, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.sf.ehcache.management.sampled;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.ManagementAttribute;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.counter.sampled.SampledCounter;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.counter.sampled.SampledRateCounter;
* An interface for exposing cache statistics.
* Extends from both {@link LiveCacheStatistics} and {@link LegacyCacheStatistics}
* @author Abhishek Sanoujam
* @author byoukste
public interface CacheSampler extends LegacyCacheStatistics {
* Is the cache enabled?.
* @return true, if is enabled
boolean isEnabled();
* Enabled/disable bulk-load mode for this node.
* @param bulkLoadEnabled the new node bulk load enabled
void setNodeBulkLoadEnabled(boolean bulkLoadEnabled);
* Is the cache in bulk-load mode cluster-wide?.
* @return true, if is cluster bulk load enabled
boolean isClusterBulkLoadEnabled();
* Is the cache in bulk-load mode locally?.
* @return true, if is node bulk load enabled
boolean isNodeBulkLoadEnabled();
* Enabled/disable the cache.
* @param enabled the new enabled
void setEnabled(boolean enabled);
* Removes all cached items.
void removeAll();
* Flushes all cache items from memory to the disk store, and from the
* DiskStore to disk.
void flush();
* Gets the status attribute of the Cache.
* @return The status value from the Status enum class
String getStatus();
* Is the cache configured with Terracotta clustering?.
* @return true if clustered with terracotta
boolean isTerracottaClustered();
* Returns a textual description of a Terracotta-clustered cache's consistency mode.
* @return "STRONG", "EVENTUAL", or "na" if the cache is not Terracotta-clustered
String getTerracottaConsistency();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max entries local heap config setting value
long getMaxEntriesLocalHeap();
* setMaxEntriesLocalHeap.
* @param maxEntries the new max entries local heap
void setMaxEntriesLocalHeap(long maxEntries);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max bytes local heap config setting value
long getMaxBytesLocalHeap();
* setMaxBytesLocalHeap.
* @param maxBytes the new max bytes local heap
void setMaxBytesLocalHeap(long maxBytes);
* setMaxBytesLocalHeap.
* @param maxBytes the new max bytes local heap as string
void setMaxBytesLocalHeapAsString(String maxBytes);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max bytes local heap config setting value as string
String getMaxBytesLocalHeapAsString();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max bytes local offheap config setting value
long getMaxBytesLocalOffHeap();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max bytes local offheap config setting value as string
String getMaxBytesLocalOffHeapAsString();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max entries local disk config setting value
long getMaxEntriesLocalDisk();
* setMaxEntriesLocalDisk.
* @param maxEntries the new max entries local disk
void setMaxEntriesLocalDisk(long maxEntries);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max elements on disk config setting value
int getMaxElementsOnDisk();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max entries in cache config setting value
long getMaxEntriesInCache();
* setMaxElementsOnDisk.
* @param maxElements the new max elements on disk
void setMaxElementsOnDisk(int maxElements);
* setMaxEntriesInCache.
* @param maxEntries the new max entries in cache
void setMaxEntriesInCache(long maxEntries);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max bytes local disk config setting value
long getMaxBytesLocalDisk();
* setMaxBytesLocalDisk.
* @param maxBytes the new max bytes local disk
void setMaxBytesLocalDisk(long maxBytes);
* setMaxBytesLocalDisk.
* @param maxBytes the new max bytes local disk as string
void setMaxBytesLocalDiskAsString(String maxBytes);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return Max bytes local disk config setting value as string
String getMaxBytesLocalDiskAsString();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return a String representation of the policy
String getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy();
* setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.
* @param evictionPolicy the new memory store eviction policy
void setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy(String evictionPolicy);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return true if set to eternal in config
boolean isEternal();
* setEternal.
* @param eternal the new eternal
void setEternal(boolean eternal);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return TTI in config
long getTimeToIdleSeconds();
* setTimeToIdleSeconds.
* @param tti the new time to idle seconds
void setTimeToIdleSeconds(long tti);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return TTL in config
long getTimeToLiveSeconds();
* setTimeToLiveSeconds.
* @param ttl the new time to live seconds
void setTimeToLiveSeconds(long ttl);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return true if overflow to disk specified in config
boolean isOverflowToDisk();
* setOverflowToDisk.
* @param overflowToDisk the new overflow to disk
void setOverflowToDisk(boolean overflowToDisk);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return true if configured with disk persistence
boolean isDiskPersistent();
* setDiskPersistent.
* @param diskPersistent the new disk persistent
void setDiskPersistent(boolean diskPersistent);
* isOverflowToOffHeap
* @return true if configured for offheap
boolean isOverflowToOffHeap();
* getPersistenceStrategy
* @return the strategy name
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.PersistenceConfiguration
String getPersistenceStrategy();
* Configuration property accessor
* @return Value for disk expiry thread interval in seconds specified in config
long getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds();
* setDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds.
* @param seconds the new disk expiry thread interval seconds
void setDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds(long seconds);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return true if logging is enabled on the cache
boolean isLoggingEnabled();
* setLoggingEnabled.
* @param enabled the new logging enabled
void setLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled);
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return true if the cache is pinned
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.PinningConfiguration
boolean isPinned();
* Configuration property accessor.
* @return the store to which this cache is pinned
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.PinningConfiguration
String getPinnedToStore();
* Is there a registered Write-behind CacheWriter.
* @return the checks for write behind writer
boolean getHasWriteBehindWriter();
* Returns the total length of all write-behind queues for this cache.
* @return writer-behind queue length
long getWriterQueueLength();
* Get the timestamp in nanos of the last rejoin.
* @return the most recent rejoin time stamp millis
long getMostRecentRejoinTimeStampMillis();
* Returns the maximum size of any write-behind queues.
* @return Maximum elements that can be queued for processing by the write-behind writer
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheWriterConfiguration#getWriteBehindMaxQueueSize()
int getWriterMaxQueueSize();
* Returns the number of configured write-behind queues/threads.
* @return Number of configured processing queues/threads for use by the write-behind writer
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheWriterConfiguration#getWriteBehindConcurrency()
int getWriterConcurrency();
* Is the cache a transactional one.
* @return the transactional
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode
boolean getTransactional();
* Gets the transaction commit rate.
* @return Xa commit rate
long getTransactionCommitRate();
* Gets the transaction rollback rate.
* @return Xa rollback rate
long getTransactionRollbackRate();
* Is the cache configured for search.
* @return the searchable
* @see net.sf.ehcache.config.Searchable
boolean getSearchable();
* Get the declared search attributes and their type names.
* Note: doesn't deal with DynamicAttributeExctractor.
* @return map of search attribute name -> type name
Map getSearchAttributes();
* Gets the cache search rate.
* @return search rate
long getCacheSearchRate();
* Gets the average search time.
* @return search time
long getAverageSearchTime();
* Gets the cache hit rate.
* @return hit rate
long getCacheHitRate();
* Gets the cache in memory hit rate.
* @return in-memory hit rate
long getCacheInMemoryHitRate();
* Gets the cache off heap hit rate.
* @return off-heap hit rate
long getCacheOffHeapHitRate();
* Gets the cache on disk hit rate.
* @return on-disk hit rate
long getCacheOnDiskHitRate();
* Gets the cache miss rate.
* @return miss rate
long getCacheMissRate();
* Gets the cache in memory miss rate.
* @return in-memory miss rate
long getCacheInMemoryMissRate();
* Gets the cache off heap miss rate.
* @return off-heap miss rate
long getCacheOffHeapMissRate();
* Gets the cache on disk miss rate.
* @return on-disk miss rate
long getCacheOnDiskMissRate();
* Gets the cache put rate.
* @return put rate
long getCachePutRate();
* Gets the cache update rate.
* @return update rate
long getCacheUpdateRate();
* Gets the cache remove rate.
* @return remove rate
long getCacheRemoveRate();
* Gets the cache eviction rate.
* @return eviction rate
long getCacheEvictionRate();
* Gets the cache expiration rate.
* @return expiration rate
long getCacheExpirationRate();
* Gets the average get time.
* @return average get time (nanos.)
long getAverageGetTime();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for cache hit.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache hit count
SampledCounter getCacheHitSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for cache hit ratio.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache hit ratio
SampledCounter getCacheHitRatioSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for in-memory cache hit.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache hit count in memory
SampledCounter getCacheHitInMemorySample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for off-heap cache hit.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache hit count in off-heap
SampledCounter getCacheHitOffHeapSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for on-disk cache hit.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache hit count on disk
SampledCounter getCacheHitOnDiskSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for cache miss.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache miss count
SampledCounter getCacheMissSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for in-memory cache miss.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache miss count in memory
SampledCounter getCacheMissInMemorySample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for off-heap cache miss.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache miss count in off-heap
SampledCounter getCacheMissOffHeapSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for on-disk cache miss.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache miss count on disk
SampledCounter getCacheMissOnDiskSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for cache miss as result of the element getting
* expired.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache miss count and the reason for miss
* being the element got expired
SampledCounter getCacheMissExpiredSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for cache miss as result of the element not found
* in cache.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache miss not found count
SampledCounter getCacheMissNotFoundSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} element evicted from cache.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for element evicted count
SampledCounter getCacheElementEvictedSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} element removed from cache.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for element removed count
SampledCounter getCacheElementRemovedSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} element expired from cache.
* @return Most recent value for element expired count
SampledCounter getCacheElementExpiredSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} element puts in the cache.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for number of element puts
SampledCounter getCacheElementPutSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} element updates , i.e. put() on elements with
* already existing keys in the cache
* @return the {@code SampledCounter}d value for element update count
SampledCounter getCacheElementUpdatedSample();
* Get the {@link SampledRateCounter} for average time taken for get() operation in the
* cache.
* @return the {@code SampledRateCounter} of average get time taken for a get operation
SampledRateCounter getAverageGetTimeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledRateCounter} for average search execution time for searches finishing within the last sample period.
* @return the {@code SampledRateCounter} of average search time taken
SampledRateCounter getAverageSearchTimeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for number of searches that have finished in the interval.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for number of searches
SampledCounter getSearchesPerSecondSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for number of XA Transaction commits that have completed in the interval.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for number XA Transaction commits
SampledCounter getCacheXaCommitsSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for number of XA Transaction rollbacks that have completed in the interval.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for number XA Transaction rollbacks
SampledCounter getCacheXaRollbacksSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for cache size.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for cache size
SampledCounter getSizeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for local heap size.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for local heap size
SampledCounter getLocalHeapSizeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for local heap size in bytes.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for local heap size in bytes
SampledCounter getLocalHeapSizeInBytesSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for local offheap size.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for local offheap size
SampledCounter getLocalOffHeapSizeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for local offheap size in bytes.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for local offheap size in bytes
SampledCounter getLocalOffHeapSizeInBytesSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for local disk size.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for local disk size
SampledCounter getLocalDiskSizeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for local disk size in bytes.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for local disk size in bytes
SampledCounter getLocalDiskSizeInBytesSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for remote size.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for remote size
SampledCounter getRemoteSizeSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for writer queue length.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for writer queue length
SampledCounter getWriterQueueLengthSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for last rejoin timestamp.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for last rejoin timestamp
SampledCounter getMostRecentRejoinTimestampMillisSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for offline cache cluster events.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for offline cache cluster events
SampledCounter getCacheClusterOfflineSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for online cache cluster events.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for online cache cluster events
SampledCounter getCacheClusterOnlineSample();
* Get the {@link SampledCounter} for rejoin cache cluster events.
* @return the {@code SampledCounter} for rejoin cache cluster events
SampledCounter getCacheClusterRejoinSample();
* Gets the nonstop success sample.
* @return the nonstop success sample
SampledCounter getNonStopSuccessSample();
* Gets the nonstop failure sample.
* @return the nonstop failure sample
SampledCounter getNonStopFailureSample();
* Gets the nonstop rejoin sample.
* @return the nonstop rejoin sample
SampledCounter getNonStopRejoinTimeoutSample();
* Gets the nonstop timeout sample.
* @return the nonstop timeout sample
SampledCounter getNonStopTimeoutSample();
* Gets the non stop success most recent sample.
* @return the non stop success most recent sample
long getNonStopSuccessRate();
* Gets the non stop failure most recent sample.
* @return the non stop failure most recent sample
long getNonStopFailureRate();
* Gets the non stop rejoin most recent sample.
* @return the non stop rejoin most recent sample
long getNonStopRejoinTimeoutRate();
* Gets the non stop timeout most recent sample.
* @return the non stop timeout most recent sample
long getNonStopTimeoutRate();
* Gets the one arg replace success sample
* @return one arg success sample
SampledCounter getReplaceOneArgSuccessSample();
* Gets the one arg replace miss sample
* @return one arg miss sample
SampledCounter getReplaceOneArgMissSample();
* Gets the two arg replace success sample
* @return two arg success sample
SampledCounter getReplaceTwoArgSuccessSample();
* Gets the two arg replace miss sample
* @return two arg miss sample
SampledCounter getReplaceTwoArgMissSample();
* Gets the putIfAbsent success sample
* @return putIfAbsent success sample
SampledCounter getPutIfAbsentSuccessSample();
* Gets the putIfAbsent miss sample
* @return putIfAbsent miss sample
SampledCounter getPutIfAbsentMissSample();
* Gets the removeElement success sample
* @return removeElement success sample
SampledCounter getRemoveElementSuccessSample();
* Gets the removeElement miss sample
* @return removeElement miss sample
SampledCounter getRemoveElementMissSample();
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