org.aopalliance.instrument.Instrumentor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.aopalliance.instrument;
import org.aopalliance.reflect.Code;
import org.aopalliance.reflect.Class;
import org.aopalliance.reflect.CodeLocator;
import org.aopalliance.reflect.ClassLocator;
import org.aopalliance.reflect.UnitLocator;
* This interface defines all the methods that perform program
* instrumentations that are useful for AOP.
* The modifications definitions rely on an abstract representation
* of locators, as defined in the {@link org.aopalliance.reflect}
* package.
* @see org.aopalliance.reflect.Locator
* @see org.aopalliance.reflect.ClassLocator
* @see org.aopalliance.reflect.CodeLocator */
public interface Instrumentor {
* Creates a new class.
* @return the locator that corresponds to the newly created class
ClassLocator createClass(String name) throws InstrumentationError;
* Adds a new implemented interface to a given class location.
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addInterface(ClassLocator location,
String newInterfaceName)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Sets or replaces the current superclass of a class location.
The new superclass should be a subtype of the replaced one in
* order to maintain backward compatibility.
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation setSuperClass(ClassLocator location,
String newSuperClassName)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Introduces a class into the class location (mixin).
Similarely to a mixin, the whole set of fields and methods
* are introduced into the location's class, all the implemented
* interface of the introduced class are also added as interfaces
* of the location's class.
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addClass(ClassLocator location,String className)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Adds a new method to the class location.
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addMethod(ClassLocator location,
String name,
String[] parameterTypeNames,
String[] parameterNames,
Code body)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Adds a new field to the target class.
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addField(ClassLocator location,
String name,
String typeName,
Code initializator)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Adds some code before a given method code body.
* @param location the modification locator that can represent a
* method invocation, a field set/get, or a constructor (at callee
* or caller side)
* @param beforeCode the code to be added before
* @param before the modification that must stay before this
* before code
* @param after the modification that must stay after this
* before code
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addBeforeCode(CodeLocator location,
Code beforeCode,
Instrumentation before,
Instrumentation after)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Adds some code after a given method code body.
* @param location the modification locator that can represent a
* method invocation, a field set/get, or a constructor (at callee
* or caller side)
* @param afterCode the code to be added after
* @param before the modification that must stay before this
* after code
* @param after the modification that must stay after this
* after code
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addAfterCode(CodeLocator location,
Code afterCode,
Instrumentation before,
Instrumentation after)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Adds some code around a given method code body.
An around code is a code that calls a proceed method
* one or several times. When the proceed method is invoked, the
* location is executed (for compile approched, the proceed method
* call is subsituted by the location).
The proceed method name is parameterized by the
* proceedMethodName
argument (can be
* proceed
, invokeNext
* runNext
, etc).
Note that if the around code does not call the proceed
* method, then the around instrumentation is similar to a
* replacement of the location. This is not aspect-safe but can be
* useful in some instrumentation process to build AO systems.
* @param location the modification locator that can represent a
* method invocation, a field set/get, or a constructor (at callee
* or caller side)
* @param aroundCode the code to be added after
* @param proceedMethodName the name of the proceed method
* @param before the modification that must stay before this
* after code
* @param after the modification that must stay after this
* after code
* @return the object that corresponds to this instrumentation
* @throws InstrumentationError if something went wrong with this
* instrumentation
* @see #undo(Instrumentation) */
Instrumentation addAroundCode(CodeLocator location,
Code aroundCode,
String proceedMethodName,
Instrumentation before,
Instrumentation after)
throws InstrumentationError;
* Cancels an instrumentation.
* @param instrumentation the instrumentation to cancel
* @throws UndoNotSupportedException when the implementation does
* not support instrumentation cancellation for the given
* instrumentation */
void undo(Instrumentation instrumentation)
throws UndoNotSupportedException;