org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.codehaus.stax2;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URL;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
* Extension of {@link XMLInputFactory} that adds some convenience factory
* methods as new standard properties that conforming stream
* reader factory and instance implementations need to
* recognize, and preferably support. There are also some profile-based
* configuration methods which allow implementations to set proper goal-based
* values for custom properties.
* NOTE: although actual values for the property names are
* visible, implementations should try to use the symbolic constants
* defined here instead, to avoid typos.
* @version 3.0 01/21/2007
* @author Tatu Saloranta ([email protected])
public abstract class XMLInputFactory2
extends XMLInputFactory
implements XMLStreamProperties
// We share some options with other factories
//public final static String XSP_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME
//public final static String XSP_IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION
//public final static String XSP_SUPPORTS_XML11
//public final static String XSP_NAMESPACE_AWARE
//public final static String XSP_PROBLEM_REPORTER
//public final static String XSP_SUPPORT_XMLID
// Additional standard configuration properties
// // // Parsing settings
* Whether reader will generate 'ignorable white space' events during
* prolog and epilog (before and after the main XML root element);
* if true, will generate those events; if false,
* will just ignore white space in these parts of the parsed document.
* Turning this feature off may give slight performance improvement,
* although usually effect should be negligible. This option is usually
* only turned on when round-trip output should be as similar to input
* as possible.
* Default value for this setting is implementation dependant.
public final static String P_REPORT_PROLOG_WHITESPACE = "org.codehaus.stax2.reportPrologWhitespace";
* Whether cursor-based reader will ever generate CDATA events; if true,
* CDATA events may be generated for non-coalesced CDATA sections. If
* false, all CDATA sections are reported as CHARACTERS types. It may
* still be possible for event methods to distinguish between underlying
* type, but event type code will be reported as CHARACTERS.
* State of property does not have any effect on performance.
* Default value for this setting is implementation dependant.
public final static String P_REPORT_CDATA = "http://java.sun.com/xml/stream/properties/report-cdata-event";
* Whether stream readers are allowed to do lazy parsing, meaning
* to parse minimal part of the event when
* {@link XMLStreamReader#next} is called, and only parse the rest
* as needed (or skip remainder of no extra information is needed).
* Alternative to lazy parsing is called "eager parsing", and is
* what most xml parsers use by default.
* Enabling lazy parsing can improve performance for tasks where
* number of textual events are skipped. The downside is that
* not all well-formedness problems are reported when
* {@link XMLStreamReader#next} is called, but only when the
* rest of event are read or skipped.
* Default value for this setting is implementation dependant.
public final static String P_LAZY_PARSING = "com.ctc.wstx.lazyParsing";
// // // Optimization settings
* Whether name symbols (element, attribute, entity and notation names,
* namespace prefixes)
* stream reader returns are guaranteed to have been String.intern()ed.
* Interning generally makes access faster (both internal and externally),
* and saves memory, but can add some overhead for processing.
* It may also be problematic for large symbol spaces; especially
* if xml content has unbounded value space for names.
* Default value for this setting is implementation dependant.
* Additionally implementations may have use different default for
* different types of stream readers.
public final static String P_INTERN_NAMES = "org.codehaus.stax2.internNames";
* Whether namespace URIs
* stream reader returns are guaranteed to have been String.intern()ed.
* Interning can make access by fully-qualified name faster as well
* as save memory, but it can also add
* some overhead when encountering a namespace URI for the first
* time.
* Default value for this setting is implementation dependant.
public final static String P_INTERN_NS_URIS = "org.codehaus.stax2.internNsUris";
* Property that determines whether stream reader instances are required
* to try to keep track of the parser Location in the input documents.
* When turned on, the stream reader should try to do its best to keep
* track of the locations, to be able to properly create
* XMLEvent
objects with accurate Location information.
* Similarly, implementation should keep track of the location for
* error reporting purposes, and include this information within
* XMLStreamException
* When turned off, implementations are allowed to optimize things,
* and only keep/pass partial Location information, or even none at
* all. Implementations are still encouraged to keep some location
* information for error reporting purposes, even if they do not
* maintain accurate
* XMLEvent
locations, or exact byte/character offsets.
* Default value for this setting is true.
public final static String P_PRESERVE_LOCATION = "org.codehaus.stax2.preserveLocation";
// // // Input source settings
* Whether stream reader is to close the underlying input source (input
* stream, reader) when stream reader is closed. Basic StAX2
* specification mandates this feature to be set to false by default
* (for sources that are passed by the application).
* Note: if set to true, readers are also allowed (but not required) to
* close the underlying input source when they do not need it any more,
* for example when encountering EOF, or when throwing an unrecoverable
* parsing exception
public final static String P_AUTO_CLOSE_INPUT = "org.codehaus.stax2.closeInputSource";
// // // Validation settings
* Property used to specify the source for DTD external subset to use
* instead of DTD specified by the XML document itself (if any).
public final static String P_DTD_OVERRIDE = "org.codehaus.stax2.propDtdOverride";
// Life-cycle
protected XMLInputFactory2() {
// // // New event reader creation methods:
* Factory method that allows for parsing a document accessible via
* specified URL. Note that URL may refer to all normal URL accessible
* resources, from files to web- and ftp-accessible documents.
public abstract XMLEventReader2 createXMLEventReader(URL src)
throws XMLStreamException;
* Convenience factory method that allows for parsing a document
* stored in the specified file.
public abstract XMLEventReader2 createXMLEventReader(File f)
throws XMLStreamException;
// // // New stream reader creation methods:
* Factory method that allows for parsing a document accessible via
* specified URL. Note that URL may refer to all normal URL accessible
* resources, from files to web- and ftp-accessible documents.
public abstract XMLStreamReader2 createXMLStreamReader(URL src)
throws XMLStreamException;
* Convenience factory method that allows for parsing a document
* stored in the specified file.
public abstract XMLStreamReader2 createXMLStreamReader(File f)
throws XMLStreamException;
// Configuring using profiles
* Method to call to make Reader created conform as closely to XML
* standard as possible, doing all checks and transformations mandated
* by the XML specification (linefeed conversions, attr value
* normalizations).
* Regarding the default StAX property settings,
* implementations are suggested to do following:
* - Enable
* - Enable
* - Enable
* - Enable
* All the other standard settings should be left as is.
* In addition, implementations should set implementation-dependant
* settings appropriately, to be as strict as possible with regards
* to XML specification mandated checks and transformations.
public abstract void configureForXmlConformance();
* Method to call to make Reader created be as "convenient" to use
* as possible; ie try to avoid having to deal with some of things
* like segmented text chunks. This may incur some slight performance
* penalties, but should not affect XML conformance.
* Regarding the default StAX property settings,
* implementations are suggested to do following:
* - Enable
(text coalescing)
* - Enable
* - Disable
(StAX2); so
* that the application need not skip possible SPACE
* (and COMMENT
* events.
* - Enable
* - Enable
* All the other standard settings should be left as is.
* In addition, implementations should set implementation-dependant
* settings appropriately as well.
public abstract void configureForConvenience();
* Method to call to make the Reader created be as fast as possible reading
* documents, especially for long-running processes where caching is
* likely to help. This means reducing amount of information collected
* (ignorable white space in prolog/epilog, accurate Location information
* for Event API), and possibly even including simplifying handling
* of XML-specified transformations (skip attribute value and text
* linefeed normalization).
* Potential downsides are somewhat increased memory usage
* (for full-sized input buffers), and reduced XML conformance (will not
* do some of transformations).
* Regarding the default StAX property settings,
* implementations are suggested to do following:
* - Disable
(text coalescing)
* - Disable
* - Disable
* - Enable
* - Enable
* All the other standard settings should be left as is.
* In addition, implementations should set implementation-dependant
* settings appropriately as well.
public abstract void configureForSpeed();
* Method to call to minimize the memory usage of the stream/event reader;
* both regarding Objects created, and the temporary memory usage during
* parsing.
* This generally incurs some performance penalties, due to using
* smaller input buffers.
* Regarding the default StAX property settings,
* implementations are suggested to do following:
* - Disable
(text coalescing, can force
* longer internal result buffers to be used)
* - Disable
(StAX) to reduce
* temporary memory usage.
* All the other standard settings should be left as is.
* In addition, implementations should set implementation-dependant
* settings appropriately so that the memory usage is minimized.
public abstract void configureForLowMemUsage();
* Method to call to make Reader try to preserve as much of input
* formatting as possible, so that round-tripping would be as lossless
* as possible. This means that the matching writer should be able to
* reproduce output as closely matching input format as possible
* (most implementations won't be able to provide 100% vis-a-vis;
* white space between attributes is generally lost, as well as use
* of character entities).
* Regarding the default StAX property settings,
* implementations are suggested to do following:
* - Disable
(to prevent CDATA and Text
* segments from getting combined)
* -
- Disable
to allow for
* preserving explicitly declared general entity references (that is,
* there is no way to preserve character entities, or pre-defined
* entities like 'gt', 'lt', 'amp', 'apos' and 'quot').
* -
- Disable
* (so that CDATA sections are not reported as 'normal' text)
* -
- Enable
* All the other standard settings should be left as is.
* In addition, implementations should set implementation-dependant
* settings appropriately as well.
public abstract void configureForRoundTripping();