org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2ReaderAdapter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.codehaus.stax2.ri;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.*;
import javax.xml.stream.util.StreamReaderDelegate;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variants;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedArrayDecoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedValueDecoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedXMLStreamException;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2Util;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.StringBase64Decoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.ValueDecoderFactory;
import org.codehaus.stax2.*;
import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.*;
* This adapter implements parts of {@link XMLStreamReader2}, the
* extended stream reader defined by Stax2 extension, by wrapping
* a vanilla Stax 1.0 {@link XMLStreamReader} implementation.
* Note: the implementation is incomplete as-is, since not all
* features needed are accessible via basic Stax 1.0 interface.
* As such, two main use cases for this wrapper are:
* - Serve as convenient base class for a complete implementation,
* which can use native accessors provided by the wrapped Stax
* implementation
* - To be used for tasks that make limited use of Stax2 API, such
* that missing parts are not needed
* @author Tatu Saloranta
public class Stax2ReaderAdapter
extends StreamReaderDelegate /* from Stax 1.0 */
implements XMLStreamReader2 /* From Stax2 */
final static int INT_SPACE = 0x0020;
final private static int MASK_GET_ELEMENT_TEXT =
(1 << CHARACTERS) | (1 << CDATA) | (1 << SPACE)
final protected static int MASK_TYPED_ACCESS_BINARY =
(1 << START_ELEMENT) // note: END_ELEMENT handled separately
| (1 << CHARACTERS) | (1 << CDATA) | (1 << SPACE)
* Factory used for constructing decoders we need for typed access
protected ValueDecoderFactory _decoderFactory;
* Lazily-constructed decoder object for decoding base64 encoded
* binary content.
protected StringBase64Decoder _base64Decoder = null;
* Number of open (start) elements currently.
protected int _depth = 0;
* Content temporarily cached to be used for decoding typed content
* that is in chunked mode (int/long/float/double arrays, base64
* encoded binary data)
protected String _typedContent;
// Life-cycle methods
protected Stax2ReaderAdapter(XMLStreamReader sr)
* Method that should be used to add dynamic support for
* {@link XMLStreamReader2}. Method will check whether the
* stream reader passed happens to be a {@link XMLStreamReader2};
* and if it is, return it properly cast. If not, it will create
* necessary wrapper.
public static XMLStreamReader2 wrapIfNecessary(XMLStreamReader sr)
if (sr instanceof XMLStreamReader2) {
return (XMLStreamReader2) sr;
return new Stax2ReaderAdapter(sr);
// Stax 1.0 methods overridden
public int next()
throws XMLStreamException
/* First special check: are we in the middle of chunked
* decode operation? If so, we'll just end it...
if (_typedContent != null) {
_typedContent = null;
return XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT;
int type = super.next();
if (type == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
} else if (type == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
return type;
* As per [WSTX-254], must override and add handling for depth calculation here.
public String getElementText() throws XMLStreamException
/* Should not succeed (as per specs) if not pointing to START_ELEMENT, but just in
* case some impls are more lenient, let's verify...
boolean hadStart = (getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT);
String text = super.getElementText();
if (hadStart) {
return text;
// TypedXMLStreamReader, element access
public boolean getElementAsBoolean() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.BooleanDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getBooleanDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public int getElementAsInt() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.IntDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public long getElementAsLong() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.LongDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getLongDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public float getElementAsFloat() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.FloatDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getFloatDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public double getElementAsDouble() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.DoubleDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDoubleDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public BigInteger getElementAsInteger() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.IntegerDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntegerDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public BigDecimal getElementAsDecimal() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.DecimalDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDecimalDecoder();
return dec.getValue();
public QName getElementAsQName() throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.QNameDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getQNameDecoder(getNamespaceContext());
return dec.getValue();
public byte[] getElementAsBinary() throws XMLStreamException
return getElementAsBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant());
public byte[] getElementAsBinary(Base64Variant v) throws XMLStreamException
// note: code here is similar to Base64DecoderBase.aggregateAll(), see comments there
Stax2Util.ByteAggregator aggr = _base64Decoder().getByteAggregator();
byte[] buffer = aggr.startAggregation();
while (true) {
int offset = 0;
int len = buffer.length;
do {
int readCount = readElementAsBinary(buffer, offset, len, v);
if (readCount < 1) { // all done!
return aggr.aggregateAll(buffer, offset);
offset += readCount;
len -= readCount;
} while (len > 0);
buffer = aggr.addFullBlock(buffer);
public void getElementAs(TypedValueDecoder tvd) throws XMLStreamException
String value = getElementText();
value = Stax2Util.trimSpaces(value);
try {
if (value == null) {
} else {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw _constructTypeException(iae, value);
public int readElementAsIntArray(int[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getIntArrayDecoder(value, from, length));
public int readElementAsLongArray(long[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getLongArrayDecoder(value, from, length));
public int readElementAsFloatArray(float[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getFloatArrayDecoder(value, from, length));
public int readElementAsDoubleArray(double[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getDoubleArrayDecoder(value, from, length));
public int readElementAsArray(TypedArrayDecoder tad) throws XMLStreamException
// Are we started?
if (_typedContent == null) { // nope, not yet (or not any more?)
int type = getEventType();
if (type == END_ELEMENT) { // already done
return -1;
if (type != START_ELEMENT) {
throw new IllegalStateException("First call to readElementAsArray() must be for a START_ELEMENT");
_typedContent = getElementText();
/* This will move current event to END_ELEMENT, too...
* But should we mask it (and claim it's, say, CHARACTERS)
* or expose as is? For now, let's do latter, simplest
// Ok, so what do we have left?
String input = _typedContent;
final int end = input.length();
int ptr = 0;
int count = 0;
String value = null;
try {
while (ptr < end) {
// First, any space to skip?
while (input.charAt(ptr) <= INT_SPACE) {
if (++ptr >= end) {
break decode_loop;
// Then let's figure out non-space char (token)
int start = ptr;
while (ptr < end && input.charAt(ptr) > INT_SPACE) {
// And there we have it
value = input.substring(start, ptr);
// Plus, can skip trailing space (or at end, just beyond it)
if (tad.decodeValue(value)) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// Need to convert to a checked stream exception
/* Hmmh. This is not an accurate location... but it's
* about the best we can do
Location loc = getLocation();
throw new TypedXMLStreamException(value, iae.getMessage(), loc, iae);
} finally {
int len = end-ptr;
// null works well as the marker for complete processing
_typedContent = (len < 1) ? null : input.substring(ptr);
return (count < 1) ? -1 : count;
// TypedXMLStreamReader2 implementation, binary data
public int readElementAsBinary(byte[] resultBuffer, int offset, int maxLength)
throws XMLStreamException
return readElementAsBinary(resultBuffer, offset, maxLength, Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant());
public int readElementAsBinary(byte[] resultBuffer, int offset, int maxLength, Base64Variant v)
throws XMLStreamException
if (resultBuffer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("resultBuffer is null");
if (offset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal offset ("+offset+"), must be [0, "+resultBuffer.length+"[");
if (maxLength < 1 || (offset + maxLength) > resultBuffer.length) {
if (maxLength == 0) { // special case, allowed, but won't do anything
return 0;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal maxLength ("+maxLength+"), has to be positive number, and offset+maxLength can not exceed"+resultBuffer.length);
final StringBase64Decoder dec = _base64Decoder();
int type = getEventType();
// First things first: must be acceptable start state:
if (((1 << type) & MASK_TYPED_ACCESS_BINARY) == 0) {
if (type == END_ELEMENT) {
// Minor complication: may have unflushed stuff (non-padded versions)
if (!dec.hasData()) {
return -1;
} else {
// Are we just starting (START_ELEMENT)?
if (type == START_ELEMENT) {
// Just need to locate the first text segment (or reach END_ELEMENT)
while (true) {
type = next();
if (type == END_ELEMENT) {
// Simple... no textual content
return -1;
if (type == COMMENT || type == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
if (((1 << type) & MASK_GET_ELEMENT_TEXT) == 0) {
dec.init(v, true, getText());
int totalCount = 0;
while (true) {
// Ok, decode:
int count;
try {
count = dec.decode(resultBuffer, offset, maxLength);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw _constructTypeException(iae, "");
offset += count;
totalCount += count;
maxLength -= count;
/* And if we filled the buffer we are done. Or, an edge
* case: reached END_ELEMENT (for non-padded variant)
if (maxLength < 1 || getEventType() == END_ELEMENT) {
// Otherwise need to advance to the next event
while (true) {
type = next();
|| type == SPACE) { // space is ignorable too
if (type == END_ELEMENT) {
/* Just need to verify we don't have partial stuff
* (missing one to three characters of a full quartet
* that encodes 1 - 3 bytes). Also: non-padding
* variants can be in incomplete state, from which
* data may need to be flushed...
int left = dec.endOfContent();
if (left < 0) { // incomplete, error
throw _constructTypeException("Incomplete base64 triplet at the end of decoded content", "");
} else if (left > 0) { // 1 or 2 more bytes of data, loop some more
continue main_loop;
// Otherwise, no more data, we are done
break main_loop;
if (((1 << type) & MASK_GET_ELEMENT_TEXT) == 0) {
dec.init(v, false, getText());
// If nothing was found, needs to be indicated via -1, not 0
return (totalCount > 0) ? totalCount : -1;
// TypedXMLStreamReader, attribute access
public int getAttributeIndex(String namespaceURI, String localName)
return findAttributeIndex(namespaceURI, localName);
public boolean getAttributeAsBoolean(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.BooleanDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getBooleanDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public int getAttributeAsInt(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.IntDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public long getAttributeAsLong(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.LongDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getLongDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public float getAttributeAsFloat(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.FloatDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getFloatDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public double getAttributeAsDouble(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.DoubleDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDoubleDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public BigInteger getAttributeAsInteger(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.IntegerDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntegerDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public BigDecimal getAttributeAsDecimal(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.DecimalDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDecimalDecoder();
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public QName getAttributeAsQName(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.QNameDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getQNameDecoder(getNamespaceContext());
getAttributeAs(index, dec);
return dec.getValue();
public void getAttributeAs(int index, TypedValueDecoder tvd) throws XMLStreamException
String value = getAttributeValue(index);
value = Stax2Util.trimSpaces(value);
try {
if (value == null) {
} else {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw _constructTypeException(iae, value);
public int[] getAttributeAsIntArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.IntArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntArrayDecoder();
_getAttributeAsArray(dec, getAttributeValue(index));
return dec.getValues();
public long[] getAttributeAsLongArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.LongArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getLongArrayDecoder();
_getAttributeAsArray(dec, getAttributeValue(index));
return dec.getValues();
public float[] getAttributeAsFloatArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.FloatArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getFloatArrayDecoder();
_getAttributeAsArray(dec, getAttributeValue(index));
return dec.getValues();
public double[] getAttributeAsDoubleArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
ValueDecoderFactory.DoubleArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDoubleArrayDecoder();
_getAttributeAsArray(dec, getAttributeValue(index));
return dec.getValues();
public int getAttributeAsArray(int index, TypedArrayDecoder tad) throws XMLStreamException
return _getAttributeAsArray(tad, getAttributeValue(index));
protected int _getAttributeAsArray(TypedArrayDecoder tad, String attrValue) throws XMLStreamException
int ptr = 0;
int start = 0;
final int end = attrValue.length();
String lexical = null;
int count = 0;
try {
while (ptr < end) {
// First, any space to skip?
while (attrValue.charAt(ptr) <= INT_SPACE) {
if (++ptr >= end) {
break decode_loop;
// Then let's figure out non-space char (token)
start = ptr;
while (ptr < end && attrValue.charAt(ptr) > INT_SPACE) {
int tokenEnd = ptr;
++ptr; // to skip trailing space (or, beyond end)
// And there we have it
lexical = attrValue.substring(start, tokenEnd);
if (tad.decodeValue(lexical)) {
if (!checkExpand(tad)) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// Need to convert to a checked stream exception
Location loc = getLocation();
throw new TypedXMLStreamException(lexical, iae.getMessage(), loc, iae);
return count;
* Internal method used to see if we can expand the buffer that
* the array decoder has. Bit messy, but simpler than having
* separately typed instances; and called rarely so that performance
* downside of instanceof is irrelevant.
private final boolean checkExpand(TypedArrayDecoder tad)
if (tad instanceof ValueDecoderFactory.BaseArrayDecoder) {
((ValueDecoderFactory.BaseArrayDecoder) tad).expand();
return true;
return false;
public byte[] getAttributeAsBinary(int index) throws XMLStreamException
return getAttributeAsBinary(index, Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant());
public byte[] getAttributeAsBinary(int index, Base64Variant v) throws XMLStreamException
String lexical = getAttributeValue(index);
final StringBase64Decoder dec = _base64Decoder();
dec.init(v, true, lexical);
try {
return dec.decodeCompletely();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new TypedXMLStreamException(lexical, iae.getMessage(), getLocation(), iae);
// XMLStreamReader2 (StAX2) implementation
// // // StAX2, per-reader configuration
public Object getFeature(String name)
// No features defined
return null;
public void setFeature(String name, Object value)
// No features defined
// NOTE: getProperty() defined in Stax 1.0 interface
public boolean isPropertySupported(String name) {
/* No way to cleanly implement this using just Stax 1.0
* interface, so let's be conservative and decline any knowledge
* of properties...
return false;
public boolean setProperty(String name, Object value)
return false; // could throw an exception too
// // // StAX2, additional traversal methods
public void skipElement() throws XMLStreamException
if (getEventType() != START_ELEMENT) {
int nesting = 1; // need one more end elements than start elements
while (true) {
int type = next();
if (type == START_ELEMENT) {
} else if (type == END_ELEMENT) {
if (--nesting == 0) {
// // // StAX2, additional attribute access
public AttributeInfo getAttributeInfo() throws XMLStreamException
if (getEventType() != START_ELEMENT) {
return this;
// // // StAX2, Additional DTD access
public DTDInfo getDTDInfo() throws XMLStreamException
if (getEventType() != DTD) {
return null;
return this;
// // // StAX2, Additional location information
* Location information is always accessible, for this reader.
public final LocationInfo getLocationInfo() {
return this;
// // // StAX2, Pass-through text accessors
public int getText(Writer w, boolean preserveContents)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
char[] cbuf = getTextCharacters();
int start = getTextStart();
int len = getTextLength();
if (len > 0) {
w.write(cbuf, start, len);
return len;
// // // StAX 2, Other accessors
* @return Number of open elements in the stack; 0 when parser is in
* prolog/epilog, 1 inside root element and so on.
public int getDepth()
/* 16-Jun-2008, tatus: Need to compensate for the fact
* that END_ELEMENT decrements "too early"
if (getEventType() == END_ELEMENT) {
return _depth+1;
return _depth;
* Alas, there is no way to find this out via Stax 1.0, so this
* implementation always returns false.
public boolean isEmptyElement() throws XMLStreamException
return false;
public NamespaceContext getNonTransientNamespaceContext()
/* Too hard to construct without other info: let's bail
* and return null; this is better than return a transient
* one.
return null;
public String getPrefixedName()
switch (getEventType()) {
String prefix = getPrefix();
String ln = getLocalName();
if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) {
return ln;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(ln.length() + 1 + prefix.length());
return sb.toString();
return getLocalName();
return getPITarget();
case DTD:
return getDTDRootName();
public void closeCompletely() throws XMLStreamException
/* As usual, Stax 1.0 offers no generic way of doing just this.
* But let's at least call the lame basic close()
// AttributeInfo implementation (StAX 2)
// Already part of XMLStreamReader
//public int getAttributeCount();
public int findAttributeIndex(String nsURI, String localName)
if ("".equals(nsURI)) {
nsURI = null;
for (int i = 0, len = getAttributeCount(); i < len; ++i) {
if (getAttributeLocalName(i).equals(localName)) {
String otherUri = getAttributeNamespace(i);
if (nsURI == null) {
if (otherUri == null || otherUri.length() == 0) {
return i;
} else {
if (nsURI.equals(otherUri)) {
return i;
return -1;
public int getIdAttributeIndex()
for (int i = 0, len = getAttributeCount(); i < len; ++i) {
if ("ID".equals(getAttributeType(i))) {
return i;
return -1;
public int getNotationAttributeIndex()
for (int i = 0, len = getAttributeCount(); i < len; ++i) {
if ("NOTATION".equals(getAttributeType(i))) {
return i;
return -1;
// DTDInfo implementation (StAX 2)
public Object getProcessedDTD() {
return null;
public String getDTDRootName() {
return null;
public String getDTDPublicId() {
return null;
public String getDTDSystemId() {
return null;
* @return Internal subset portion of the DOCTYPE declaration, if any;
* empty String if none
public String getDTDInternalSubset()
/* According to basic Stax API, getText() should return
* the internal subset. Not all implementations agree, so
* this may or may not work.
if (getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.DTD) {
return getText();
return null;
// // StAX2, v2.0
public DTDValidationSchema getProcessedDTDSchema() {
return null;
// LocationInfo implementation (StAX 2)
// // // First, the "raw" offset accessors:
public long getStartingByteOffset() {
return -1L;
public long getStartingCharOffset() {
return 0;
public long getEndingByteOffset() throws XMLStreamException
return -1;
public long getEndingCharOffset() throws XMLStreamException
return -1;
// // // and then the object-based access methods:
public XMLStreamLocation2 getStartLocation()
/* We don't really know whether location given is current,
* start or end, but it's the best approximation we have
* without knowing more about impl:
return getCurrentLocation();
public XMLStreamLocation2 getCurrentLocation()
// Just need to adapt; no info on parent context, if any:
return new Stax2LocationAdapter(getLocation());
public final XMLStreamLocation2 getEndLocation()
throws XMLStreamException
/* We don't really know whether location given is current,
* start or end, but it's the best approximation we have
* without knowing more about impl:
return getCurrentLocation();
// Stax2 validation
public XMLValidator validateAgainst(XMLValidationSchema schema)
throws XMLStreamException
return null;
public XMLValidator stopValidatingAgainst(XMLValidationSchema schema)
throws XMLStreamException
return null;
public XMLValidator stopValidatingAgainst(XMLValidator validator)
throws XMLStreamException
return null;
public ValidationProblemHandler setValidationProblemHandler(ValidationProblemHandler h)
return null;
// Internal methods
protected ValueDecoderFactory _decoderFactory()
if (_decoderFactory == null) {
_decoderFactory = new ValueDecoderFactory();
return _decoderFactory;
protected StringBase64Decoder _base64Decoder()
if (_base64Decoder == null) {
_base64Decoder = new StringBase64Decoder();
return _base64Decoder;
protected void throwUnsupported()
throws XMLStreamException
throw new XMLStreamException("Unsupported method");
protected void throwNotStartElem(int type)
throw new IllegalStateException("Current event ("+Stax2Util.eventTypeDesc(type)+") not START_ELEMENT");
protected void throwNotStartElemOrTextual(int type)
throw new IllegalStateException("Current event ("+Stax2Util.eventTypeDesc(type)+") not START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT, CHARACTERS or CDATA");
* Method called to wrap or convert given conversion-fail exception
* into a full {@link TypedXMLStreamException},
* @param iae Problem as reported by converter
* @param lexicalValue Lexical value (element content, attribute value)
* that could not be converted succesfully.
protected TypedXMLStreamException _constructTypeException(IllegalArgumentException iae, String lexicalValue)
String msg = iae.getMessage();
if (msg == null) {
msg = "";
Location loc = getStartLocation();
if (loc == null) {
return new TypedXMLStreamException(lexicalValue, msg, iae);
return new TypedXMLStreamException(lexicalValue, msg, loc, iae);
protected TypedXMLStreamException _constructTypeException(String msg, String lexicalValue)
Location loc = getStartLocation();
if (loc == null) {
return new TypedXMLStreamException(lexicalValue, msg);
return new TypedXMLStreamException(lexicalValue, msg, loc);
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