org.glassfish.jersey.client.ChunkedInput Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.glassfish.jersey.client;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.ReaderInterceptor;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.internal.LocalizationMessages;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.PropertiesDelegate;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.MessageBodyWorkers;
* Response entity type used for receiving messages in "typed" chunks.
* This data type is useful for consuming partial responses from large or continuous data
* input streams.
* @param chunk type.
* @author Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at oracle.com)
public class ChunkedInput extends GenericType implements Closeable {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ChunkedInput.class.getName());
private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private ChunkParser parser = createParser("\r\n");
private MediaType mediaType;
private final InputStream inputStream;
private final Annotation[] annotations;
private final MultivaluedMap headers;
private final MessageBodyWorkers messageBodyWorkers;
private final PropertiesDelegate propertiesDelegate;
* Create new chunk parser that will split the response entity input stream
* based on a fixed boundary string.
* @param boundary chunk boundary.
* @return new fixed boundary string-based chunk parser.
public static ChunkParser createParser(final String boundary) {
return new FixedBoundaryParser(boundary.getBytes());
* Create new chunk parser that will split the response entity input stream
* based on a fixed boundary sequence of bytes.
* @param boundary chunk boundary.
* @return new fixed boundary sequence-based chunk parser.
public static ChunkParser createParser(final byte[] boundary) {
return new FixedBoundaryParser(boundary);
private static class FixedBoundaryParser implements ChunkParser {
private final byte[] delimiter;
public FixedBoundaryParser(byte[] boundary) {
delimiter = Arrays.copyOf(boundary, boundary.length);
public byte[] readChunk(InputStream in) throws IOException {
final ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final byte[] delimiterBuffer = new byte[delimiter.length];
int data;
do {
int dPos = 0;
while ((data = in.read()) != -1) {
final byte b = (byte) data;
if (b == delimiter[dPos]) {
delimiterBuffer[dPos++] = b;
if (dPos == delimiter.length) {
// found chunk delimiter
} else {
if (dPos > 0) {
buffer.write(delimiterBuffer, 0, dPos);
dPos = 0;
} while (data != -1 && buffer.size() == 0);
if (buffer.size() > 0) {
return buffer.toByteArray();
return null;
* Package-private constructor used by the {@link ChunkedInputReader}.
* @param chunkType chunk type.
* @param inputStream response input stream.
* @param annotations annotations associated with response entity.
* @param mediaType response entity media type.
* @param headers response headers.
* @param messageBodyWorkers message body workers.
* @param propertiesDelegate properties delegate for this request/response.
protected ChunkedInput(
Type chunkType,
InputStream inputStream,
Annotation[] annotations,
MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap headers,
MessageBodyWorkers messageBodyWorkers,
PropertiesDelegate propertiesDelegate) {
this.inputStream = inputStream;
this.annotations = annotations;
this.mediaType = mediaType;
this.headers = headers;
this.messageBodyWorkers = messageBodyWorkers;
this.propertiesDelegate = propertiesDelegate;
* Get the underlying chunk parser.
* Note: Access to internal chunk parser is not a thread-safe operation and has to be explicitly synchronized
* in case the chunked input is used from multiple threads.
* @return underlying chunk parser.
public ChunkParser getParser() {
return parser;
* Set new chunk parser.
* Note: Access to internal chunk parser is not a thread-safe operation and has to be explicitly synchronized
* in case the chunked input is used from multiple threads.
* @param parser new chunk parser.
public void setParser(ChunkParser parser) {
this.parser = parser;
* Get chunk data media type.
* Default chunk data media type is derived from the value of the response
* {@value javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders#CONTENT_TYPE} header field.
* This default value may be manually overridden by {@link #setChunkType(javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType) setting}
* a custom non-{@code null} chunk media type value.
* Note: Access to internal chunk media type is not a thread-safe operation and has to
* be explicitly synchronized in case the chunked input is used from multiple threads.
* @return media type specific to each chunk of data.
public MediaType getChunkType() {
return mediaType;
* Set custom chunk data media type.
* By default, chunk data media type is derived from the value of the response
* {@value javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders#CONTENT_TYPE} header field.
* Using this methods will override the default chunk media type value and set it
* to a custom non-{@code null} chunk media type. Once this method is invoked,
* all subsequent {@link #read chunk reads} will use the newly set chunk media
* type when selecting the proper {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader} for
* chunk de-serialization.
* Note: Access to internal chunk media type is not a thread-safe operation and has to
* be explicitly synchronized in case the chunked input is used from multiple threads.
* @param mediaType custom chunk data media type. Must not be {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the {@code mediaType} is {@code null}.
public void setChunkType(MediaType mediaType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (mediaType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(LocalizationMessages.CHUNKED_INPUT_MEDIA_TYPE_NULL());
this.mediaType = mediaType;
* Set custom chunk data media type from a string value.
* Note: Access to internal chunk media type is not a thread-safe operation and has to
* be explicitly synchronized in case the chunked input is used from multiple threads.
* @param mediaType custom chunk data media type. Must not be {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the {@code mediaType} cannot be parsed into
* a valid {@link MediaType} instance or is {@code null}.
* @see #setChunkType(javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType)
public void setChunkType(String mediaType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
this.mediaType = MediaType.valueOf(mediaType);
public void close() {
if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Check if the chunked input has been closed.
* @return {@code true} if this chunked input has been closed, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isClosed() {
return closed.get();
* Read next chunk from the response stream and convert it to a Java instance
* using the {@link #getChunkType() chunk media type}. The method returns {@code null}
* if the underlying entity input stream has been closed (either implicitly or explicitly
* by calling the {@link #close()} method).
* Note: Access to internal chunk parser is not a thread-safe operation and has to be explicitly
* synchronized in case the chunked input is used from multiple threads.
* @return next streamed chunk or {@code null} if the underlying entity input stream
* has been closed while reading next chunk data.
* @throws IllegalStateException in case this chunked input has been closed.
public T read() throws IllegalStateException {
if (closed.get()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(LocalizationMessages.CHUNKED_INPUT_CLOSED());
try {
final byte[] chunk = parser.readChunk(inputStream);
if (chunk == null) {
} else {
ByteArrayInputStream chunkStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(chunk);
// TODO: add interceptors: interceptors are used in ChunkedOutput, so the stream should
// be intercepted in the ChunkedInput too. Interceptors cannot be easily added to the readFrom
// method as they should wrap the stream before it is processed by ChunkParser. Also please check todo
// in ChunkedInput (this should be fixed together with this todo)
// issue: JERSEY-1809
return (T) messageBodyWorkers.readFrom(
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.FINE, e.getMessage(), e);
return null;