org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.glassfish.jersey.server.model;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.ws.rs.NameBinding;
import javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MediaTypes;
import org.glassfish.jersey.model.NameBound;
import org.glassfish.jersey.process.Inflector;
import org.glassfish.jersey.uri.PathPattern;
import jersey.repackaged.com.google.common.base.Function;
import jersey.repackaged.com.google.common.collect.Collections2;
import jersey.repackaged.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import jersey.repackaged.com.google.common.collect.Sets;
* Model of a method available on a resource. Covers resource method, sub-resource
* method and sub-resource locator.
* @author Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at oracle.com)
public final class ResourceMethod implements ResourceModelComponent, Producing, Consuming, Suspendable, NameBound {
* Resource method classification based on the recognized JAX-RS
* resource method types.
public static enum JaxrsType {
* JAX-RS resource method.
* Does not have a path template assigned. Is assigned to a particular HTTP method.
PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate) {
// template is ignored.
return PathPattern.END_OF_PATH_PATTERN;
* JAX-RS sub-resource method.
* Has a sub-path template assigned and is assigned to a particular HTTP method.
PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate) {
return new PathPattern(pathTemplate, PathPattern.RightHandPath.capturingZeroSegments);
* JAX-RS sub-resource locator.
* Has a sub-path template assigned but is not assigned to any particular HTTP method.
* Instead it produces a sub-resource instance that should be further
* used in the request URI matching.
PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate) {
return new PathPattern(pathTemplate, PathPattern.RightHandPath.capturingZeroOrMoreSegments);
* Create a proper matching path pattern from the provided template for
* the selected method type.
* @param pathTemplate method path template.
* @return method matching path pattern.
/* package */
abstract PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate);
private static JaxrsType classify(String httpMethod) {
if (httpMethod != null && !httpMethod.isEmpty()) {
} else {
* Resource method model builder.
public static final class Builder {
private final Resource.Builder parent;
// HttpMethod
private String httpMethod;
// Consuming & Producing
private final Set consumedTypes;
private final Set producedTypes;
// Suspendable
private boolean managedAsync;
private boolean suspended;
private long suspendTimeout;
private TimeUnit suspendTimeoutUnit;
// Invocable
private Class> handlerClass;
private Object handlerInstance;
private Method definitionMethod;
private Method handlingMethod;
private boolean encodedParams;
private Type routingResponseType;
// NameBound
private final Collection> nameBindings;
private boolean extended;
* Create a resource method builder.
* The supplied parent resource model builder will be called to register
* the newly created resource method instance as part of the {@link #build()}
* method invocation.
* Note that the {@link #build()} method does not have to be invoked manually
* as the registration will happen automatically as part of the
* {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resource.Builder#build()} method
* invocation.
* @param parent parent resource model builder.
/* package */ Builder(final Resource.Builder parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.httpMethod = null;
this.consumedTypes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
this.producedTypes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
this.suspended = false;
this.suspendTimeout = AsyncResponse.NO_TIMEOUT;
this.suspendTimeoutUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
this.encodedParams = false;
this.nameBindings = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
/* package */ Builder(final Resource.Builder parent, ResourceMethod originalMethod) {
this.parent = parent;
this.consumedTypes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(originalMethod.getConsumedTypes());
this.producedTypes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(originalMethod.getProducedTypes());
this.suspended = originalMethod.isSuspendDeclared();
this.suspendTimeout = originalMethod.getSuspendTimeout();
this.suspendTimeoutUnit = originalMethod.getSuspendTimeoutUnit();
this.nameBindings = originalMethod.getNameBindings();
this.httpMethod = originalMethod.getHttpMethod();
this.managedAsync = originalMethod.isManagedAsyncDeclared();
Invocable invocable = originalMethod.getInvocable();
this.handlingMethod = invocable.getHandlingMethod();
this.encodedParams = false;
this.routingResponseType = invocable.getRoutingResponseType();
this.extended = originalMethod.isExtended();
Method handlerMethod = invocable.getDefinitionMethod();
MethodHandler handler = invocable.getHandler();
if (handler.isClassBased()) {
handledBy(handler.getHandlerClass(), handlerMethod);
} else {
handledBy(handler.getHandlerInstance(), handlerMethod);
* Set the associated HTTP method name.
* @param name HTTP method name.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder httpMethod(String name) {
this.httpMethod = name;
return this;
* Add produced media types supported by the component.
* @param types produced media types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder produces(String... types) {
return produces(MediaTypes.createFrom(types));
* Add produced media types supported by the component.
* @param types produced media types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder produces(MediaType... types) {
return produces(Arrays.asList(types));
* Add produced media types supported by the component.
* @param types produced media types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder produces(Collection types) {
return this;
* Add consumed media types supported by the component.
* @param types consumed media types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder consumes(String... types) {
return consumes(MediaTypes.createFrom(types));
* Add consumed media types supported by the component.
* @param types consumed media types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder consumes(MediaType... types) {
return consumes(Arrays.asList(types));
* Add consumed media types supported by the component.
* @param types consumed media types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder consumes(Collection types) {
return this;
* Adds name bindings. The passed annotation types not annotated with {@link javax.ws.rs.NameBinding}
* meta-annotation will be ignored.
* @param nameBindings collection of name binding annotation types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder nameBindings(final Collection> nameBindings) {
for (Class extends Annotation> nameBinding : nameBindings) {
if (nameBinding.getAnnotation(NameBinding.class) != null) {
return this;
* Adds name bindings. The passed annotation types not annotated with {@link javax.ws.rs.NameBinding}
* meta-annotation will be ignored.
* @param nameBindings name binding annotation types.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder nameBindings(final Class extends Annotation>... nameBindings) {
return nameBindings(Arrays.asList(nameBindings));
* Adds name bindings. The passed annotations not annotated with {@link javax.ws.rs.NameBinding}
* meta-annotation will be ignored.
* @param nameBindings name binding annotations.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder nameBindings(final Annotation... nameBindings) {
return nameBindings(Collections2.transform(Arrays.asList(nameBindings),
new Function>() {
public Class extends Annotation> apply(Annotation input) {
return input.annotationType();
* Mark the component for suspending.
* An invocation of a component (resource or sub-resource method) marked
* for suspending will be automatically suspended by the Jersey runtime.
* @param timeout suspend timeout value.
* @param unit suspend timeout time unit.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder suspended(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
suspended = true;
suspendTimeout = timeout;
suspendTimeoutUnit = unit;
return this;
* Set the managed async required flag on the method model to {@code true}.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder managedAsync() {
managedAsync = true;
return this;
* If set to {@code true}, the parameter values will not be automatically
* decoded.
* Defaults to {@code false}.
* @param value {@code true} if the automatic parameter decoding should be
* disabled, false otherwise.
* @return updated builder object.
* @see javax.ws.rs.Encoded
public Builder encodedParameters(boolean value) {
encodedParams = value;
return this;
* Define a resource method handler binding.
* @param handlerClass concrete resource method handler class.
* @param method method that will be executed as a resource method. The parameters initializes
* {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable#getDefinitionMethod() invocable
* definition method}.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder handledBy(Class> handlerClass, Method method) {
this.handlerInstance = null;
this.handlerClass = handlerClass;
this.definitionMethod = method;
return this;
* Define a resource method handler binding.
* @param handlerInstance concrete resource method handler instance.
* @param method handling method.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder handledBy(Object handlerInstance, Method method) {
this.handlerClass = null;
this.handlerInstance = handlerInstance;
this.definitionMethod = method;
return this;
* Define an inflector-based resource method handler binding.
* @param inflector inflector handling the resource method.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder handledBy(Inflector inflector) {
return handledBy(inflector, Invocable.APPLY_INFLECTOR_METHOD);
* Define an inflector-based resource method handler binding.
* @param inflectorClass class of the inflector handling the resource method.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder handledBy(Class extends Inflector> inflectorClass) {
return handledBy(inflectorClass, Invocable.APPLY_INFLECTOR_METHOD);
* Define a specific method of the handling class that will be executed. If the method
* is not defined then the method will be equal to the method initialized by
* one of the {@code handledBy()} builder methods.
* @param handlingMethod specific handling method.
* @return updated builder object.
public Builder handlingMethod(final Method handlingMethod) {
this.handlingMethod = handlingMethod;
return this;
* Define the response entity type used during the routing for
* selection of the resource methods. If this method is not called then
* the {@link Invocable#getRoutingResponseType()} will be equal to
* {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable#getResponseType()} which
* is the default configuration state.
* @param routingResponseType Routing response type.
* @return updated builder object.
* @see org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable#getRoutingResponseType()
public Builder routingResponseType(Type routingResponseType) {
this.routingResponseType = routingResponseType;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API.
* The method defines the
* flag available at {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod#isExtended()}.
* Extended resource model components are helper components that are not considered as a core of a
* RESTful API. These can be for example {@code OPTIONS} {@link ResourceMethod resource methods}
* added by {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelProcessor model processors}
* or {@code application.wadl} resource producing the WADL. Both resource are rather supportive
* than the core of RESTful API.
* @param extended If {@code true} then resource method is marked as extended.
* @return updated builder object.
* @see org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ExtendedResource
* @since 2.5.1
public Builder extended(boolean extended) {
this.extended = extended;
return this;
* Build the resource method model and register it with the parent
* {@link Resource.Builder Resource.Builder}.
* @return new resource method model.
public ResourceMethod build() {
final Data methodData = new Data(
parent.isExtended() || extended);
parent.onBuildMethod(this, methodData);
return new ResourceMethod(null, methodData);
private Invocable createInvocable() {
assert handlerClass != null || handlerInstance != null;
final MethodHandler handler;
if (handlerClass != null) {
handler = MethodHandler.create(handlerClass, encodedParams);
} else { // instance based
handler = MethodHandler.create(handlerInstance);
return Invocable.create(handler, definitionMethod, handlingMethod, encodedParams, routingResponseType);
* Immutable resource method data.
/* package */ static class Data {
// JAX-RS method type
private final JaxrsType type;
// HttpMethod
private final String httpMethod;
// Consuming & Producing
private final List consumedTypes;
private final List producedTypes;
// SuspendableComponent
private final boolean managedAsync;
private final boolean suspended;
private final long suspendTimeout;
private final TimeUnit suspendTimeoutUnit;
// Invocable
private final Invocable invocable;
// NameBound
private final Collection> nameBindings;
private final boolean extended;
private Data(final String httpMethod,
final Collection consumedTypes,
final Collection producedTypes,
boolean managedAsync, final boolean suspended,
final long suspendTimeout,
final TimeUnit suspendTimeoutUnit,
final Invocable invocable,
final Collection> nameBindings,
final boolean extended) {
this.managedAsync = managedAsync;
this.type = JaxrsType.classify(httpMethod);
this.httpMethod = (httpMethod == null) ? httpMethod : httpMethod.toUpperCase();
this.consumedTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(Lists.newArrayList(consumedTypes));
this.producedTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(Lists.newArrayList(producedTypes));
this.invocable = invocable;
this.suspended = suspended;
this.suspendTimeout = suspendTimeout;
this.suspendTimeoutUnit = suspendTimeoutUnit;
this.nameBindings = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Lists.newArrayList(nameBindings));
this.extended = extended;
* Get the JAX-RS method type.
* @return the JAX-RS method type.
/* package */ JaxrsType getType() {
return type;
* Get the associated HTTP method.
* May return {@code null} in case the method represents a sub-resource
* locator.
* @return the associated HTTP method, or {@code null} in case this method
* represents a sub-resource locator.
/* package */ String getHttpMethod() {
return httpMethod;
* Get consumable media types.
* @return consumable media types.
/* package */ List getConsumedTypes() {
return consumedTypes;
* Get produced media types.
* @return produced media types.
/* package */ List getProducedTypes() {
return producedTypes;
* Flag indicating whether managed async support declared on the method.
* @return {@code true} if managed async support is declared on the method, {@code false} otherwise.
/* package */ boolean isManagedAsync() {
return managedAsync;
* Flag indicating whether the method requires injection of suspended response context.
* @return {@code true} if the method requires injection of suspended response context, {@code false} otherwise.
/* package */ boolean isSuspended() {
return suspended;
* Get the suspended timeout value for the method.
* @return the suspended timeout value for the method.
/* package */ long getSuspendTimeout() {
return suspendTimeout;
* Get the suspended timeout time unit for the method.
* @return the suspended timeout time unit for the method.
/* package */ TimeUnit getSuspendTimeoutUnit() {
return suspendTimeoutUnit;
* Get the invocable method model.
* @return invocable method model.
/* package */ Invocable getInvocable() {
return invocable;
* Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API.
* @return {@code true} if resource is extended.
/* package */ boolean isExtended() {
return extended;
* Get the collection of name bindings attached to this method.
* @return collection of name binding annotation types attached to the method.
/* package */ Collection> getNameBindings() {
return nameBindings;
public String toString() {
return "httpMethod=" + httpMethod +
", consumedTypes=" + consumedTypes +
", producedTypes=" + producedTypes +
", suspended=" + suspended +
", suspendTimeout=" + suspendTimeout +
", suspendTimeoutUnit=" + suspendTimeoutUnit +
", invocable=" + invocable +
", nameBindings=" + nameBindings;
* Transform a collection of resource method data into resource method models.
* @param parent parent resource model.
* @param list resource method data collection.
* @return transformed resource method models.
static List transform(final Resource parent, final List list) {
return Lists.transform(list, new Function() {
public ResourceMethod apply(Data data) {
return (data == null) ? null : new ResourceMethod(parent, data);
private final Data data;
private final Resource parent;
* Create new resource method model instance.
* @param parent parent resource model.
* @param data resource method model data.
ResourceMethod(final Resource parent, final Data data) {
this.parent = parent;
this.data = data;
* Get model data represented by this resource method.
* @return model data represented by this resource method.
/* package */ Data getData() {
return data;
* Get the parent resource for this resource method model.
* May return {@code null} in case the resource method is not bound to an existing resource.
* This is typical for resource method models returned directly from the
* {@link ResourceMethod.Builder#build() ResourceMethod.Builder.build()} method.
* @return parent resource, or {@code null} if there is no parent resource associated with the method.
* @since 2.1
public Resource getParent() {
return parent;
* Get the JAX-RS method type.
* @return the JAX-RS method type.
public JaxrsType getType() {
return data.getType();
* Get the associated HTTP method.
* May return {@code null} in case the method represents a sub-resource
* locator.
* @return the associated HTTP method, or {@code null} in case this method
* represents a sub-resource locator.
public String getHttpMethod() {
return data.getHttpMethod();
* Get the invocable method model.
* @return invocable method model.
public Invocable getInvocable() {
return data.getInvocable();
* Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API.
* Extended resource model components are helper components that are not considered as a core of a
* RESTful API. These can be for example {@code OPTIONS} {@link ResourceMethod resource methods}
* added by {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelProcessor model processors}
* or {@code application.wadl} resource producing the WADL. Both resource are rather supportive
* than the core of RESTful API.
* If not set the resource will not be defined as extended by default.
* @return {@code true} if the method is extended.
* @see org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ExtendedResource
* @since 2.5.1
public boolean isExtended() {
return data.extended;
// Consuming
public List getConsumedTypes() {
return data.getConsumedTypes();
// Producing
public List getProducedTypes() {
return data.getProducedTypes();
// Suspendable
public long getSuspendTimeout() {
return data.getSuspendTimeout();
public TimeUnit getSuspendTimeoutUnit() {
return data.getSuspendTimeoutUnit();
public boolean isSuspendDeclared() {
return data.isSuspended();
public boolean isManagedAsyncDeclared() {
return data.isManagedAsync();
// ResourceModelComponent
public List extends ResourceModelComponent> getComponents() {
return Arrays.asList(data.getInvocable());
public void accept(ResourceModelVisitor visitor) {
// NameBound
public boolean isNameBound() {
return !data.getNameBindings().isEmpty();
public Collection> getNameBindings() {
return data.getNameBindings();
public String toString() {
return "ResourceMethod{" + data.toString() + '}';