io.swagger.client.model.DisputeResponseData Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Qualpay Platform API
* This document describes the Qualpay Platform API.
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.9
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* Do not edit the class manually.
package io.swagger.client.model;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Arrays;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* DisputeResponseData
public class DisputeResponseData {
private String message = null;
private String cbrResponseType = null;
private Double amtTran = null;
private String referenceNumber = null;
private String batchDate = null;
private String cbrCeType = null;
private String downloadDescription = null;
private String downloadTimestamp = null;
private List ceIndicators = null;
private String tranDate = null;
private Double amtPurch = null;
private String cbrIdType = null;
private String cancellationDate = null;
private String reasonDesc = null;
public DisputeResponseData message(String message) {
this.message = message;
return this;
* Response Reason Description<br><strong>Maximum Length: </strong>5000
* @return message
@ApiModelProperty(example = "Please see attached doc", value = "Response Reason Description
Maximum Length: 5000")
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public DisputeResponseData cbrResponseType(String cbrResponseType) {
this.cbrResponseType = cbrResponseType;
return this;
* The type of Response Reason. For all types, please refer to <a href=\"/developer/api/reference#response-reason\"target=\"_blank\">Response Reason</a>
* @return cbrResponseType
@ApiModelProperty(example = "CE", value = "The type of Response Reason. For all types, please refer to Response Reason")
public String getCbrResponseType() {
return cbrResponseType;
public void setCbrResponseType(String cbrResponseType) {
this.cbrResponseType = cbrResponseType;
public DisputeResponseData amtTran(Double amtTran) {
this.amtTran = amtTran;
return this;
* The amount of the original settled transaction.
* @return amtTran
@ApiModelProperty(example = "58.94", value = "The amount of the original settled transaction.")
public Double getAmtTran() {
return amtTran;
public void setAmtTran(Double amtTran) {
this.amtTran = amtTran;
public DisputeResponseData referenceNumber(String referenceNumber) {
this.referenceNumber = referenceNumber;
return this;
* The bank reference number of the deposit.<br><strong>Maximum Length: </strong>23
* @return referenceNumber
@ApiModelProperty(example = "24050835204212000000011", value = "The bank reference number of the deposit.
Maximum Length: 23")
public String getReferenceNumber() {
return referenceNumber;
public void setReferenceNumber(String referenceNumber) {
this.referenceNumber = referenceNumber;
public DisputeResponseData batchDate(String batchDate) {
this.batchDate = batchDate;
return this;
* The date the batch was settled to Qualpay <br><strong>Date: </strong>2011-12-03
* @return batchDate
@ApiModelProperty(example = "2016-07-01", value = "The date the batch was settled to Qualpay
Date: 2011-12-03")
public String getBatchDate() {
return batchDate;
public void setBatchDate(String batchDate) {
this.batchDate = batchDate;
public DisputeResponseData cbrCeType(String cbrCeType) {
this.cbrCeType = cbrCeType;
return this;
* The type of Compelling Evidence. For all types, please refer to <a href=\"/developer/api/reference#compelling-evidence\"target=\"_blank\">Compelling Evidence</a><ul><li>for CE09 Required fileds are tran_date, amt_purch, reference_number</li></ul>
* @return cbrCeType
@ApiModelProperty(example = "CE04", value = "The type of Compelling Evidence. For all types, please refer to Compelling Evidence- for CE09 Required fileds are tran_date, amt_purch, reference_number
public String getCbrCeType() {
return cbrCeType;
public void setCbrCeType(String cbrCeType) {
this.cbrCeType = cbrCeType;
public DisputeResponseData downloadDescription(String downloadDescription) {
this.downloadDescription = downloadDescription;
return this;
* Description of downloaded content only required incase of cbr_ce_type=CE04 <br><strong>Maximum Length: </strong>5000
* @return downloadDescription
@ApiModelProperty(example = "Audio Book", value = "Description of downloaded content only required incase of cbr_ce_type=CE04
Maximum Length: 5000")
public String getDownloadDescription() {
return downloadDescription;
public void setDownloadDescription(String downloadDescription) {
this.downloadDescription = downloadDescription;
public DisputeResponseData downloadTimestamp(String downloadTimestamp) {
this.downloadTimestamp = downloadTimestamp;
return this;
* Timestamp of downloaded content only required incase of cbr_ce_type=CE04 <br><strong>Time Stamp: </strong>2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00
* @return downloadTimestamp
@ApiModelProperty(example = "2011-12-03T10:15:30", value = "Timestamp of downloaded content only required incase of cbr_ce_type=CE04
Time Stamp: 2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00")
public String getDownloadTimestamp() {
return downloadTimestamp;
public void setDownloadTimestamp(String downloadTimestamp) {
this.downloadTimestamp = downloadTimestamp;
public DisputeResponseData ceIndicators(List ceIndicators) {
this.ceIndicators = ceIndicators;
return this;
public DisputeResponseData addCeIndicatorsItem(String ceIndicatorsItem) {
if (this.ceIndicators == null) {
this.ceIndicators = new ArrayList();
return this;
* String Array of possible list of options for CE04 all possible list of options <a href=\"/developer/api/reference#digital-goods-download\"target=\"_blank\">Digital Goods Download</a> for CE09 all possible list of options <a href=\"/developer/api/reference#evidence-of-disputed-payments\"target=\"_blank\">Evidence of Disputed Payments</a> ; only required when cbr_ce_type=CE04 or CE09<ul><li>for CE04 if ce_indicators is prev_not_disputed, Required fields are tran_date, amt_purch, reference_number</li></ul>
* @return ceIndicators
@ApiModelProperty(example = "\"String Array of possible list of options\"", value = "String Array of possible list of options for CE04 all possible list of options Digital Goods Download for CE09 all possible list of options Evidence of Disputed Payments ; only required when cbr_ce_type=CE04 or CE09- for CE04 if ce_indicators is prev_not_disputed, Required fields are tran_date, amt_purch, reference_number
public List getCeIndicators() {
return ceIndicators;
public void setCeIndicators(List ceIndicators) {
this.ceIndicators = ceIndicators;
public DisputeResponseData tranDate(String tranDate) {
this.tranDate = tranDate;
return this;
* The date the transaction was captured by the merchant.
* @return tranDate
@ApiModelProperty(example = "2016-07-01", value = "The date the transaction was captured by the merchant.")
public String getTranDate() {
return tranDate;
public void setTranDate(String tranDate) {
this.tranDate = tranDate;
public DisputeResponseData amtPurch(Double amtPurch) {
this.amtPurch = amtPurch;
return this;
* Transaction Amount
* @return amtPurch
@ApiModelProperty(example = "10.99", value = "Transaction Amount")
public Double getAmtPurch() {
return amtPurch;
public void setAmtPurch(Double amtPurch) {
this.amtPurch = amtPurch;
public DisputeResponseData cbrIdType(String cbrIdType) {
this.cbrIdType = cbrIdType;
return this;
* The type of Invalid Dispute. For all types, please refer to <a href=\"/developer/api/reference#invalid-dispute\"target=\"_blank\">Invalid Dispute</a>
* @return cbrIdType
@ApiModelProperty(example = "The type of Invalid Dispute.For all possible list of options", value = "The type of Invalid Dispute. For all types, please refer to Invalid Dispute")
public String getCbrIdType() {
return cbrIdType;
public void setCbrIdType(String cbrIdType) {
this.cbrIdType = cbrIdType;
public DisputeResponseData cancellationDate(String cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
return this;
* Cancellation date for Invalid Dispute. Only required incase of cbr_id_type = IDRC3<br><strong>Date: </strong>2011-12-03
* @return cancellationDate
@ApiModelProperty(example = "2016-07-01", value = "Cancellation date for Invalid Dispute. Only required incase of cbr_id_type = IDRC3
Date: 2011-12-03")
public String getCancellationDate() {
return cancellationDate;
public void setCancellationDate(String cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
public DisputeResponseData reasonDesc(String reasonDesc) {
this.reasonDesc = reasonDesc;
return this;
* Brief invalid dispute reason that was not listed. Only required incase of cbr_id_type = IDRC25<br><strong>Maximum Length: </strong>100
* @return reasonDesc
@ApiModelProperty(example = "Test", value = "Brief invalid dispute reason that was not listed. Only required incase of cbr_id_type = IDRC25
Maximum Length: 100")
public String getReasonDesc() {
return reasonDesc;
public void setReasonDesc(String reasonDesc) {
this.reasonDesc = reasonDesc;
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
DisputeResponseData disputeResponseData = (DisputeResponseData) o;
return Objects.equals(this.message, disputeResponseData.message) &&
Objects.equals(this.cbrResponseType, disputeResponseData.cbrResponseType) &&
Objects.equals(this.amtTran, disputeResponseData.amtTran) &&
Objects.equals(this.referenceNumber, disputeResponseData.referenceNumber) &&
Objects.equals(this.batchDate, disputeResponseData.batchDate) &&
Objects.equals(this.cbrCeType, disputeResponseData.cbrCeType) &&
Objects.equals(this.downloadDescription, disputeResponseData.downloadDescription) &&
Objects.equals(this.downloadTimestamp, disputeResponseData.downloadTimestamp) &&
Objects.equals(this.ceIndicators, disputeResponseData.ceIndicators) &&
Objects.equals(this.tranDate, disputeResponseData.tranDate) &&
Objects.equals(this.amtPurch, disputeResponseData.amtPurch) &&
Objects.equals(this.cbrIdType, disputeResponseData.cbrIdType) &&
Objects.equals(this.cancellationDate, disputeResponseData.cancellationDate) &&
Objects.equals(this.reasonDesc, disputeResponseData.reasonDesc);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(message, cbrResponseType, amtTran, referenceNumber, batchDate, cbrCeType, downloadDescription, downloadTimestamp, ceIndicators, tranDate, amtPurch, cbrIdType, cancellationDate, reasonDesc);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("class DisputeResponseData {\n");
sb.append(" message: ").append(toIndentedString(message)).append("\n");
sb.append(" cbrResponseType: ").append(toIndentedString(cbrResponseType)).append("\n");
sb.append(" amtTran: ").append(toIndentedString(amtTran)).append("\n");
sb.append(" referenceNumber: ").append(toIndentedString(referenceNumber)).append("\n");
sb.append(" batchDate: ").append(toIndentedString(batchDate)).append("\n");
sb.append(" cbrCeType: ").append(toIndentedString(cbrCeType)).append("\n");
sb.append(" downloadDescription: ").append(toIndentedString(downloadDescription)).append("\n");
sb.append(" downloadTimestamp: ").append(toIndentedString(downloadTimestamp)).append("\n");
sb.append(" ceIndicators: ").append(toIndentedString(ceIndicators)).append("\n");
sb.append(" tranDate: ").append(toIndentedString(tranDate)).append("\n");
sb.append(" amtPurch: ").append(toIndentedString(amtPurch)).append("\n");
sb.append(" cbrIdType: ").append(toIndentedString(cbrIdType)).append("\n");
sb.append(" cancellationDate: ").append(toIndentedString(cancellationDate)).append("\n");
sb.append(" reasonDesc: ").append(toIndentedString(reasonDesc)).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
* Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
* (except the first line).
private String toIndentedString(java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return "null";
return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n ");
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