org.killbill.billing.entitlement.api.Entitlement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2013 Ning, Inc.
* Ning licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.killbill.billing.entitlement.api;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.BillingActionPolicy;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.Plan;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.PlanPhase;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.PlanPhasePriceOverride;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.PriceList;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.Product;
import org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.ProductCategory;
import org.killbill.billing.payment.api.PluginProperty;
import org.killbill.billing.security.RequiresPermissions;
import org.killbill.billing.util.callcontext.CallContext;
import org.killbill.billing.util.entity.Entity;
import static org.killbill.billing.security.Permission.ENTITLEMENT_CAN_CANCEL;
import static org.killbill.billing.security.Permission.ENTITLEMENT_CAN_CHANGE_PLAN;
import static org.killbill.billing.security.Permission.ENTITLEMENT_CAN_CREATE;
* An Entitlement is created using the EntitlementApi
* It contains apis to return entitlement state (i.e information about whether the user can access the service purchased through the subscription), and also
* apis to modify the state of the subscription (upgrade, downgrade, cancellation).
* The apis cancelEntitlement
and changePlan
are relying on either dates and/or policies to achieve correct result.
* The dates provided are LocalDate
and they are interpreted by the system using the the account timezone:
* Example: Let's assume for instance a point in time set to 2017-04-24:, and a user that makes a changePlan
api call by
* specifying an effective date of 2017-04-24 for an account with a UTC-8 TZ. In the account timezone, the clock shows 2017-04-23:, and
* so the change will be effective in the future, any time during the 24 hours period that starts at 2017-04-24:, with no specific guarantee
* about the time.
* In order to ensure that the api call happens immediately (as the call returns), one can pass a null effective date.
* The policies provide an easy way to achieve desired results without having to do any date computation. However, when using the IMMEDIATE
* it is interesting to notice that the policy will be converted into an effective date and so the same principle discussed earlier with interpreting the date into
* the account timezone will occur, resulting in the operation to not necessarily happen immediately (as the call returns) but instead within the 24 hours window.
* The result will be correct in the sense that the service will move to the new Plan on the right day, and if necessary billing pro-ration will show the correct amount.
* In the case of PENDING
subscriptions, that is for which the (billing and/or entitlement) effective start date are in the future, providing an IMMEDIATE
* policy or a null effective date will default to the effective start date of the subscription.
* @see org.killbill.billing.entitlement.api.EntitlementApi
public interface Entitlement extends Entity {
* Used to control the effective date that should be used on Plan change or on cancellation.
public enum EntitlementActionPolicy {
/* Immediate */
/* End of Term */
* Possible states of an Entitlement
public enum EntitlementState {
/* The entitlement was created in the future */
/* The entitlement was created in that initial state */
/* The system blocked the entitlement */
/* The user cancelled the entitlement */
/* The entitlement has expired (FIXEDTERM use case) */
* Possible Entitlement
source types.
public enum EntitlementSourceType {
* @return the unique id of the base entitlement
public UUID getBaseEntitlementId();
* @return external key
public String getExternalKey();
* @return the unique Id of the SubscriptionBundle
public UUID getBundleId();
* @return the bundle external key associated with this entitlement
public String getBundleExternalKey();
* @return the account id
public UUID getAccountId();
* @return the state of the entitlement
public EntitlementState getState();
* @return the entitlement source type
public EntitlementSourceType getSourceType();
* @return the start date of the entitlement
public LocalDate getEffectiveStartDate();
* @return the end date of the entitlement, that is the date at which it got cancelled.
public LocalDate getEffectiveEndDate();
* @return the last Product
prior to cancellation
public Product getLastActiveProduct();
* @return the last Plan
prior to cancellation
public Plan getLastActivePlan();
* @return the last Phase
prior to cancellation
public PlanPhase getLastActivePhase();
* @return the last active PriceList
public PriceList getLastActivePriceList();
* @return the last active ProductCategory
public ProductCategory getLastActiveProductCategory();
* The billCycleDay should be interpreted in the account timezone.
* The billCycleDay is used to determine when to bill a specific subscription
* @return the billCycleDay for that subscription
public Integer getBillCycleDayLocal();
* Cancels the Entitlement
at the specified date.
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the entitlement should be cancelled
* @param overrideBillingEffectiveDate use effectiveDate for billing cancellation date as well, instead of relying on default catalog policies.
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the cancellation was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if cancellation failed
* The date is interpreted by the system to be in the timezone specified at the Account
public Entitlement cancelEntitlementWithDate(final LocalDate effectiveDate, final boolean overrideBillingEffectiveDate, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Cancel the Entitlement
with a policy.
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* The billing effective date will be computed from the default catalog policies.
* @param policy the policy that is used by the system to calculate the entitlement cancellation date
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the cancellation was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if cancellation failed
public Entitlement cancelEntitlementWithPolicy(final EntitlementActionPolicy policy, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Cancels the Entitlement
at the specified date
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the entitlement should be cancelled
* @param billingPolicy the billingPolicy that should be use to compute the billing cancellation date
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the cancellation was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if cancellation failed
public Entitlement cancelEntitlementWithDateOverrideBillingPolicy(final LocalDate effectiveDate, final BillingActionPolicy billingPolicy, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Cancels the Entitlement
at the specified date and overrides the default billing policy.
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* @param policy the policy that is used by the system to calculate the cancellation date
* @param billingPolicy the override billing policy
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the cancellation was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if cancellation failed
public Entitlement cancelEntitlementWithPolicyOverrideBillingPolicy(final EntitlementActionPolicy policy, final BillingActionPolicy billingPolicy, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Removes a pending future cancellation on an entitlement.
* The call will only succeed if the entitlement has been cancelled previously and if the effectiveDate of the cancellation
* did not occur yet. In such a case it will remove both the cancellation event at the entitlement and billing level-- regardless
* of when is the effectiveDate of the billing cancellation event.
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
public void uncancelEntitlement(final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Change Entitlement
plan using default policy.
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* @param spec the product specification for the change
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the change was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if change failed
public Entitlement changePlan(final EntitlementSpecifier spec, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @throws EntitlementApiException
public void undoChangePlan(final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Change Entitlement
plan at the specified date.
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* @param spec the product specification for the change
* @param effectiveDate the effective date at which the entitlement and billing should be changed
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the change was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if change failed
public Entitlement changePlanWithDate(final EntitlementSpecifier spec, final LocalDate effectiveDate, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Change Entitlement
plan at the specified date and overrides the billing policy.
* After this operation, the existing object becomes stale.
* The date is interpreted by the system to be in the timezone specified at the Account
* @param spec the product specification for the change
* @param effectiveDate unused (reserved for future use)
* @param billingPolicy the overriden billing policy that will determine effective date for the changePlan operation.
* @param properties plugin specific properties
* @param context the context
* @return the new Entitlement
after the change was performed
* @throws EntitlementApiException if change failed
public Entitlement changePlanOverrideBillingPolicy(final EntitlementSpecifier spec, final LocalDate effectiveDate,
final BillingActionPolicy billingPolicy, final Iterable properties, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* @param bcd the new BCD for that subscription
* @param effectiveFromDate date after which that BCD change becomes active
* @param context the context
* @throws EntitlementApiException
public void updateBCD(final int bcd, final LocalDate effectiveFromDate, final CallContext context) throws EntitlementApiException;