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import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.isNull;
import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions.checkArgumentNotNull;
import static org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings.f;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.With;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils;
import org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiEvictingQueues;
import org.slf4j.event.Level;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* A {@link Runnable} that cleans a given directory of files and/or directories that are older than a specified
* retention threshold.
* NOTE: This class relies on classes in commons-io, so you will need to add it as a dependency to your project!
* @implNote This is intended to be run in a single thread, e.g., using a {@link java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService}
* with one thread. Results are undefined (and probably bad) if multiple threads execute the same instance of this
* class concurrently. Note also that accessing the delete error count, recent delete errors, etc. is thread-safe.
public class TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner implements Runnable {
private static final int MAX_RECENT_DELETE_ERRORS = 500;
private static final boolean SUPPRESS_LEADING_ZERO_ELEMENTS = true;
private static final boolean SUPPRESS_TRAILING_ZERO_ELEMENTS = true;
private static final File[] EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY = new File[0];
private final Queue recentDeleteErrors = KiwiEvictingQueues.synchronizedEvictingQueue(MAX_RECENT_DELETE_ERRORS);
private final AtomicLong deleteCount = new AtomicLong();
private final AtomicInteger deleteErrorCount = new AtomicInteger();
private final File directory;
private final long retentionThresholdInMillis;
@VisibleForTesting final Level deleteErrorLogLevel;
private final String retentionThresholdDescription;
* Value class representing a file delete error.
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public static class DeleteError {
private final long timestamp;
private final String fileName;
private final String exceptionType;
private final String exceptionMessage;
public static DeleteError of(String fileName) {
checkArgumentNotNull(fileName, "fileName is required");
return new DeleteError(System.currentTimeMillis(), fileName, null, null);
public static DeleteError of(FileDeleteResult deleteResult) {
checkArgumentNotNull(deleteResult, "deleteResult is required");
checkState(deleteResult.deleteAttemptedAndFailed(), "must be an attempted delete that failed");
return new DeleteError(System.currentTimeMillis(), deleteResult.absolutePath, null, null);
public static DeleteError of(Exception ex) {
checkArgumentNotNull(ex, "exception is required");
return new DeleteError(System.currentTimeMillis(), null, ex.getClass().getName(), ex.getMessage());
public boolean isExceptionError() {
return nonNull(exceptionType);
public boolean isFileDeleteError() {
return nonNull(fileName);
* Create a new TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner instance.
* @param directoryPath the directory to be cleaned
* @param retentionThreshold how long the directory contents should be retained before deletion
* @param deleteErrorLogLevel the log level; should be a string corresponding to an SLF4J {@link Level}
* @implNote No validation on whether the directoryPath points to a valid directory at this point; we assume it
* will exist at some point, e.g., if some other component creates it the first time it is written to, we don't want
* to throw exceptions from here.
public TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner(String directoryPath, Duration retentionThreshold, String deleteErrorLogLevel) {
checkArgumentNotNull(directoryPath, "directoryPath is required");
checkArgumentNotNull(retentionThreshold, "retentionThreshold is required");
directory = new File(directoryPath);
retentionThresholdInMillis = retentionThreshold.toMillis();
checkArgument(retentionThresholdInMillis > 0, "retentionThreshold cannot be negative");
retentionThresholdDescription = durationDescription(retentionThresholdInMillis);
this.deleteErrorLogLevel = isNull(deleteErrorLogLevel) ? Level.WARN : resolveLevelOrDefaultToWarn(deleteErrorLogLevel);
private static Level resolveLevelOrDefaultToWarn(String deleteErrorLogLevel) {
try {
return Level.valueOf(deleteErrorLogLevel);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.warn("Level {} is not a valid SLF4J level, defaulting to WARN. Valid levels: {}",
deleteErrorLogLevel, Arrays.toString(Level.values()));
LOG.trace("Actual exception:", e);
return Level.WARN;
private static String durationDescription(long milliseconds) {
if (milliseconds < 1_000) {
return milliseconds + " milliseconds";
return DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationWords(milliseconds,
* Returns the absolute path of the directory being cleaned.
* @return directory path
public String getDirectoryPath() {
return directory.getAbsolutePath();
* Returns the retention threshold as a {@link Duration}
* @return retention threshold
public Duration getRetentionThreshold() {
return Duration.ofMillis(retentionThresholdInMillis);
* Returns the total number of deletes this instance has counted.
* @return the total delete count
* @implNote A directory that is deleted is counted as ONE deletion, regardless of how many files were inside.
public long getDeleteCount() {
return deleteCount.get();
* Returns the total number of delete errors this instance has counted.
* @return the total delete error count
public int getDeleteErrorCount() {
return deleteErrorCount.get();
* Returns the number of recent delete errors currently stored in memory.
* @return total number of recent delete errors
public int getNumberOfRecentDeleteErrors() {
return recentDeleteErrors.size();
* Returns the maximum number of delete failures that can be stored in memory.
* @return number of delete errors that will be stored in memory
public static int capacityOfRecentDeleteErrors() {
* Clears all delete errors currently stored in memory.
public void clearRecentDeleteErrors() {
* Returns all the recent delete failures stored in memory.
* @return a list of recent DeleteError objects
* @implNote Per the docs for {@link Queues#synchronizedQueue(Queue)}, we MUST synchronize when iterating, and
* creating a new ArrayList has to iterate the constructor argument's contents in some fashion.
public List getRecentDeleteErrors() {
synchronized (recentDeleteErrors) {
return new ArrayList<>(recentDeleteErrors);
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error cleaning directory [{}] with retention threshold {}",
void cleanDirectory() {
LOG.debug("Cleaning directory [{}] with retention threshold {}",
directory.getAbsolutePath(), retentionThresholdDescription);
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOG.trace("Reference current time for directory cleanup: {}", now);
File[] filesToClean = Optional.ofNullable(
directory.listFiles(file -> olderThanRetentionThreshold(file, now)))
LOG.debug("Found {} files to clean (that are older than retention threshold)", filesToClean.length);
var attemptedDeletes =
.filter(result -> result.deleteWasAttempted)
var numExpectedDeletes = attemptedDeletes.size();
var failedDeletes = attemptedDeletes
updateFileDeletionMetadata(numExpectedDeletes, failedDeletes);
* Attempt to delete the file if it exists, which might not be the case if multiple cleaners in different JVMs are
* executing concurrently against a shared directory.
* @implNote We have only tested this on a Centos/RedHat based system. Some issues have been noticed with deleting files
* concurrently from multiple threads in the same directories on macOS. Use with caution.
static FileDeleteResult tryDeleteIfExists(File file) {
var absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
LOG.trace("Attempting to delete file {}", absolutePath);
if (file.exists()) {
LOG.trace("File {} exists", absolutePath);
var wasDeleted = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(file);
LOG.trace("Attempt to delete existing file {} was successful? {}", absolutePath, wasDeleted);
return FileDeleteResult.attempted(absolutePath, wasDeleted);
LOG.trace("Skipped delete attempt as file did not exist: {}", absolutePath);
return FileDeleteResult.skipped(absolutePath);
public static class FileDeleteResult {
private final String absolutePath;
private final boolean deleteWasAttempted;
private final boolean deleteWasSuccessful;
static FileDeleteResult attempted(String absolutePath, boolean deleteWasSuccessful) {
return new FileDeleteResult(requireNonNull(absolutePath), true, deleteWasSuccessful);
static FileDeleteResult skipped(String absolutePath) {
return new FileDeleteResult(requireNonNull(absolutePath), false, false);
boolean deleteAttemptedAndFailed() {
return deleteWasAttempted && !deleteWasSuccessful;
* Log that we could not delete a specific file at the logging level this cleaner instance has been configured at.
void logUnableToDelete(FileDeleteResult deleteResult) {
logDeleteError("Unable to delete " + deleteResult.absolutePath);
void updateFileDeletionMetadata(int expectedDeleteCount, List failedDeleteResults) {
if (!failedDeleteResults.isEmpty()) {
var newDeleteErrorCount = deleteErrorCount.addAndGet(failedDeleteResults.size());
logDeleteError(f("There are now {} total file delete errors", newDeleteErrorCount));
var actualDeleteCount = expectedDeleteCount - failedDeleteResults.size();
var newCumulativeDeleteCount = deleteCount.addAndGet(actualDeleteCount);
LOG.debug("Deleted {} files; new cumulative delete count: {}", actualDeleteCount, newCumulativeDeleteCount);
* Log some kind of delete error/warning at the logging level this cleaner instance has been configured at.
* @implNote Quite annoyingly, the SLF4J API does not define a general "log" method that accepts a {@link Level}
* and only defines methods named after the level. As a result, we have to use conditional logic shenanigans
* because we're definitely not going to use reflection for this. There is a JIRA ticket that has been around for a
* long time, SLF4J-124, which was created in 2009, resolved as "Won't Fix", and then was re-opened at
* some point (cannot tell when, unfortunately). As of 5/2019, it looks like they are targeting a 2.0 release to
* add this feature.
private void logDeleteError(String message) {
switch (deleteErrorLogLevel) {
case TRACE -> LOG.trace(message);
case DEBUG -> LOG.debug(message);
case INFO ->;
case WARN, ERROR -> LOG.error(message);
default -> LOG.warn(message);
private boolean olderThanRetentionThreshold(File file, long now) {
var ageInMillis = now - file.lastModified();
var shouldDelete = ageInMillis > retentionThresholdInMillis;
LOG.trace("Age of file {}: {} ms (retention threshold: {} ms); should delete? {}",
return shouldDelete;