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import lombok.experimental.UtilityClass;
* Static utilities related to HTTP responses, mainly for checking
* status codes.
* The utilities here mainly make reading code more pleasant, since they
* use words instead of just HTTP status codes.
* This has no dependencies on any specific web or REST libraries.
* If you are using Jakarta RESTful Web Services, you can also use
* {@link org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses}.
public class KiwiHttpResponses {
* Check if the given status code is in the informational family (1xx codes).
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 100-199, otherwise false
public static boolean informational(int statusCode) {
return isInFamily(statusCode, 1);
* Check if the given status code is in the successful family (2xx codes).
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 200-299, otherwise false
public static boolean successful(int statusCode) {
return isInFamily(statusCode, 2);
* Check if the given status code is not in the successful family (2xx codes).
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is outside the range 200-299, otherwise false
public static boolean notSuccessful(int statusCode) {
return !successful(statusCode);
* Check if the given status code is in the redirection family (3xx codes).
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 300-399, otherwise false
public static boolean redirection(int statusCode) {
return isInFamily(statusCode, 3);
* Check if the given status code is in the client error family (4xx codes).
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 400-499, otherwise false
public static boolean clientError(int statusCode) {
return isInFamily(statusCode, 4);
* Check if the given status code is in the server error family (5xx codes).
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 500-599, otherwise false
public static boolean serverError(int statusCode) {
return isInFamily(statusCode, 5);
* Check if the given status code is not in a known family.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is outside the range 100-599, otherwise false
public static boolean otherFamily(int statusCode) {
var firstDigit = firstDigitInFamily(statusCode);
return firstDigit < 1 || firstDigit > 5;
private static boolean isInFamily(int statusCode, int expectedFirstDigit) {
return firstDigitInFamily(statusCode) == expectedFirstDigit;
private static int firstDigitInFamily(int statusCode) {
return statusCode / 100;
* Check if the given status code is 200 OK.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 200, otherwise false
public static boolean ok(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 200;
* Check if the given status code is 201 Created.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 201, otherwise false
public static boolean created(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 201;
* Check if the given status code is 202 Accepted.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 202, otherwise false
public static boolean accepted(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 202;
* Check if the given status code is 204 No Content.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 204, otherwise false
public static boolean noContent(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 204;
* Check if the given status code is 205 Reset Content.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 205, otherwise false
public static boolean resetContent(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 205;
* Check if the given status code is 206 Partial Content.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 206, otherwise false
public static boolean partialContent(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 206;
* Check if the given status code is 301 Moved Permanently.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 301, otherwise false
public static boolean movedPermanently(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 301;
* Check if the given status code is 302 Found.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 302, otherwise false
public static boolean found(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 302;
* Check if the given status code is 303 See Other.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 303, otherwise false
public static boolean seeOther(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 303;
* Check if the given status code is 304 Not Modified.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 304, otherwise false
public static boolean notModified(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 304;
* Check if the given status code is 307 Temporary Redirect.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 307, otherwise false
public static boolean temporaryRedirect(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 307;
* Check if the given status code is 308 Permanent Redirect.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 308, otherwise false
public static boolean permanentRedirect(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 308;
* Check if the given status code is 400 Bad Request.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 400, otherwise false
public static boolean badRequest(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 400;
* Check if the given status code is 401 Unauthorized.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 401, otherwise false
public static boolean unauthorized(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 401;
* Check if the given status code is 402 Payment Required.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 402, otherwise false
public static boolean paymentRequired(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 402;
* Check if the given status code is 403 Forbidden.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 403, otherwise false
public static boolean forbidden(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 403;
* Check if the given status code is 404 Not Found.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 404, otherwise false
public static boolean notFound(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 404;
* Check if the given status code is 405 Method Not Allowed.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 405, otherwise false
public static boolean methodNotAllowed(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 405;
* Check if the given status code is 406 Not Acceptable.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 406, otherwise false
public static boolean notAcceptable(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 406;
* Check if the given status code is 407 Proxy Authentication Required.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 407, otherwise false
public static boolean proxyAuthenticationRequired(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 407;
* Check if the given status code is 408 Request Timeout.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 408, otherwise false
public static boolean requestTimeout(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 408;
* Check if the given status code is 409 Conflict.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 409, otherwise false
public static boolean conflict(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 409;
* Check if the given status code is 410 Gone.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 410, otherwise false
public static boolean gone(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 410;
* Check if the given status code is 411 Length Required.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 411, otherwise false
public static boolean lengthRequired(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 411;
* Check if the given status code is 412 Precondition Failed.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 412, otherwise false
public static boolean preconditionFailed(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 412;
* Check if the given status code is 413 Content Too Large.
* According to the Mozilla documentation, this used to be
* known as Payload Too Large, and that terminology is still
* apparently widely used.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 413, otherwise false
public static boolean contentTooLarge(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 413;
* Check if the given status code is 414 URI Too Long.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 414, otherwise false
public static boolean uriTooLong(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 414;
* Check if the given status code is 415 Unsupported Media Type.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 415, otherwise false
public static boolean unsupportedMediaType(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 415;
* Check if the given status code is 416 Range Not Satisfiable.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 416, otherwise false
public static boolean rangeNotSatisfiable(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 416;
* Check if the given status code is 417 Expectation Failed.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 417, otherwise false
public static boolean expectationFailed(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 417;
* Check if the given status code is 418 I'm a teapot.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 418, otherwise false
public static boolean iAmATeapot(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 418;
* Check if the given status code is 422 Unprocessable Content.
* This is technically a WebDAV code, but is used by many web
* frameworks to indicate an input validation failure.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 422, otherwise false
public static boolean unprocessableContent(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 422;
* Check if the given status code is 426 Upgrade Required.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 426, otherwise false
public static boolean upgradeRequired(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 426;
* Check if the given status code is 428 Precondition Required.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 428, otherwise false
public static boolean preconditionRequired(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 428;
* Check if the given status code is 429 Too Many Requests.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 429, otherwise false
public static boolean tooManyRequests(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 429;
* Check if the given status code is 431 Request Header Fields Too Large.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 431, otherwise false
public static boolean requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 431;
* Check if the given status code is 500 Internal Server Error.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 500, otherwise false
public static boolean internalServerError(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 500;
* Check if the given status code is 501 Not Implemented.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 501, otherwise false
public static boolean notImplemented(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 501;
* Check if the given status code is 502 Bad Gateway.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 502, otherwise false
public static boolean badGateway(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 502;
* Check if the given status code is 503 Service Unavailable.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 503, otherwise false
public static boolean serviceUnavailable(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 503;
* Check if the given status code is 504 Gateway Timeout.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 504, otherwise false
public static boolean gatewayTimeout(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 504;
* Check if the given status code is 505 HTTP Version Not Supported.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 505, otherwise false
public static boolean httpVersionNotSupported(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 505;
* Check if the given status code is 511 Network Authentication Required.
* @param statusCode the status code to check
* @return true if the status code is 511, otherwise false
public static boolean networkAuthenticationRequired(int statusCode) {
return statusCode == 511;
* Get the human-readable (though not necessarily understandable)
* "reason phrase" for the given status code.
* @param statusCode the status code
* @return the reason phrase of the status code, or "Unknown" if the
* code is not known (it may or may not be a valid HTTP status code
* or could be a custom code)
public static String reasonPhraseOf(int statusCode) {
return switch (statusCode) {
// Informational responses
case 100 -> "Continue";
case 101 -> "Switching Protocols";
case 102 -> "Processing"; // WebDAV
case 103 -> "Early Hints";
// Successful responses
case 200 -> "OK";
case 201 -> "Created";
case 202 -> "Accepted";
case 203 -> "Non-Authoritative Information";
case 204 -> "No Content";
case 205 -> "Reset Content";
case 206 -> "Partial Content";
case 207 -> "Multi-Status"; // WebDAV
case 208 -> "Already Reported"; // WebDAV
case 226 -> "IM Used"; // HTTP Delta encoding
// Redirection messages
case 300 -> "Multiple Choices";
case 301 -> "Moved Permanently";
case 302 -> "Found";
case 303 -> "See Other";
case 304 -> "Not Modified";
case 305 -> "Use Proxy"; // deprecated
case 306 -> "unused"; // no longer used, but still reserved
case 307 -> "Temporary Redirect";
case 308 -> "Permanent Redirect";
// Client error responses
case 400 -> "Bad Request";
case 401 -> "Unauthorized";
case 402 -> "Payment Required"; // experimental
case 403 -> "Forbidden";
case 404 -> "Not Found";
case 405 -> "Method Not Allowed";
case 406 -> "Not Acceptable";
case 407 -> "Proxy Authentication Required";
case 408 -> "Request Timeout";
case 409 -> "Conflict";
case 410 -> "Gone";
case 411 -> "Length Required";
case 412 -> "Precondition Failed";
case 413 -> "Content Too Large";
case 414 -> "URI Too Long";
case 415 -> "Unsupported Media Type";
case 416 -> "Range Not Satisfiable";
case 417 -> "Expectation Failed";
case 418 -> "I'm a teapot";
case 421 -> "Misdirected Request";
case 422 -> "Unprocessable Content"; // WebDAV
case 423 -> "Locked"; // WebDAV
case 424 -> "Failed Dependency"; // WebDAV
case 425 -> "Too Early"; // experimental
case 426 -> "Upgrade Required";
case 428 -> "Precondition Required";
case 429 -> "Too Many Requests";
case 431 -> "Request Header Fields Too Large";
case 451 -> "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
// Server error responses
case 500 -> "Internal Server Error";
case 501 -> "Not Implemented";
case 502 -> "Bad Gateway";
case 503 -> "Service Unavailable";
case 504 -> "Gateway Timeout";
case 505 -> "HTTP Version Not Supported";
case 506 -> "Variant Also Negotiates";
case 507 -> "Insufficient Storage"; // WebDAV
case 508 -> "Loop Detected"; // WebDAV
case 510 -> "Not Extended";
case 511 -> "Network Authentication Required";
// Something else that might have been added...
default -> "Unknown";