commonMain.org.kodein.di.internal.DITreeImpl.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.kodein.di.internal
import org.kodein.di.*
import org.kodein.di.bindings.*
import org.kodein.type.TypeToken
private sealed class TypeChecker {
abstract val type: TypeToken<*>
abstract fun check(other: TypeToken<*>): Boolean
data class Down(override val type: TypeToken<*>) : TypeChecker() {
val isAny = (type == TypeToken.Any)
override fun check(other: TypeToken<*>) = isAny || type.isAssignableFrom(other)
data class Up(override val type: TypeToken<*>) : TypeChecker() {
override fun check(other: TypeToken<*>) = other == TypeToken.Any || other.isAssignableFrom(type)
private typealias BoundTypeTree = MutableMap
private typealias ContextTypeTree = MutableMap
private typealias ArgumentTypeTree = MutableMap
private typealias TagTree = MutableMap>
internal class DITreeImpl(
map: Map, List>>,
override val externalSources: List,
override val registeredTranslators: List>
): DITree {
private val _cache: MutableMap, Triple, List>, ContextTranslator<*, *>?>> = newConcurrentMap()
private val _typeTree: BoundTypeTree = HashMap()
override val bindings: BindingsMap
private val translators = ArrayList(registeredTranslators)
init {
map.forEach { (key, bindings) ->
val definitions = bindings.map {
when (it) {
is DIDefinition<*, *, *> -> it
else -> DIDefinition(it.binding, it.fromModule, this)
_cache[key] = Triple(key, definitions, null)
val typeChecker = if (bindings.first().binding.supportSubTypes) TypeChecker.Down(key.type) else TypeChecker.Up(key.type)
val contextTree = _typeTree.getOrPut(typeChecker) { HashMap() }
val argumentTree = contextTree.getOrPut(TypeChecker.Down(key.contextType)) { HashMap() }
val tagTree = argumentTree.getOrPut(TypeChecker.Down(key.argType)) { HashMap() }
tagTree[key.tag] = key
bindings = HashMap(_cache.mapValues { it.value.second })
while (true) {
val added = ArrayList>()
for (src in translators) {
for (dst in translators) {
if (dst.contextType.isAssignableFrom(src.scopeType) && src.contextType != dst.scopeType) {
if (translators.none { it.contextType == src.contextType && it.scopeType == dst.scopeType })
added += CompositeContextTranslator(src as ContextTranslator, dst as ContextTranslator)
translators += added
if (added.isEmpty())
private fun findBySpecs(specs: SearchSpecs): List, ContextTranslator<*, *>?>> {
var bindSeq: Sequence> = _typeTree.asSequence()
val specsBindType = specs.type
if (specsBindType != null && specsBindType != TypeToken.Any) {
bindSeq = bindSeq.filter { (bindType) -> bindType.check(specsBindType) } // Filter keys that are for sub-types of this specs bind type
var contextSeq: Sequence?>> = bindSeq.flatMap { (_, contextTree) -> contextTree.asSequence().map { Triple(it.key, it.value, null) } } // Get all matched context types
val specsContextType = specs.contextType
if (specsContextType != null) {
contextSeq = contextSeq.mapNotNull { triple ->
val (contextType) = triple
if (contextType.check(specsContextType)) // Filter context types that are super-types of this specs context type
else { // Or context types that can be correctly translated
val translator = translators.firstOrNull { it.contextType.isAssignableFrom(specsContextType) && contextType.check(it.scopeType) }
if (translator != null)
triple.copy(third = translator)
var argSeq: Sequence?>> = contextSeq.flatMap { (_, argumentTree, translator) -> argumentTree.asSequence().map { Triple(it.key, it.value, translator) } } // Get all corresponding argument types
val specsArgType = specs.argType
if (specsArgType != null) {
argSeq = argSeq.filter { (argType) -> argType.check(specsArgType) } // Filter argument types that are super-types of this specs argument type
var tagSeq: Sequence, ContextTranslator<*, *>?>> = argSeq.flatMap { (_, tagTree, translator) -> tagTree.asSequence().map { Triple(it.key, it.value, translator) } } // Get all corresponding tags
val specsTag = specs.tag
if (specsTag != SearchSpecs.NoDefinedTag) {
tagSeq = tagSeq.filter { (tag) -> tag == specsTag } // Filter tags that match this specs tag
val resultSeq = tagSeq.map { (_, key, translator) -> key to translator } // Get all corresponding queues
return resultSeq.toList()
override fun find(key: DI.Key, overrideLevel: Int, all: Boolean): List, DIDefinition, ContextTranslator?>> {
if (!all) {
_cache[key]?.let { (realKey, list, translator) ->
val definition = list.getOrNull(overrideLevel) ?: return emptyList()
return listOf(Triple(realKey as DI.Key, definition as DIDefinition, translator as ContextTranslator?))
if (key.contextType != TypeToken.Any) {
val anyContextKey = key.copy(contextType = TypeToken.Any)
_cache[anyContextKey]?.let { triple ->
val (realKey, list, translator) = triple
if (translator != null && translator.contextType != key.contextType)
_cache[key] = triple
val definition = list.getOrNull(overrideLevel) ?: return emptyList()
return listOf(Triple(realKey as DI.Key, definition as DIDefinition, translator as ContextTranslator?))
val applicableTranslators = translators.filter { it.contextType == key.contextType } + translators.filter { it.contextType == TypeToken.Any } // Ensure Any translators are at the end of the list.
for (translator in applicableTranslators) {
val translatedKey = DI.Key(translator.scopeType, key.argType, key.type, key.tag)
_cache[translatedKey]?.takeIf { it.third == null }?.let { triple ->
if (triple.third != null)
_cache[key] = triple.copy(third = translator)
val (realKey, list) = triple
val definition = list.getOrNull(overrideLevel) ?: return emptyList()
return listOf(Triple(realKey as DI.Key, definition as DIDefinition, translator as ContextTranslator?))
val result = findBySpecs(SearchSpecs(key.contextType, key.argType, key.type, key.tag))
if (result.size == 1) {
val (realKey, translator) = result.first()
_cache[key] = _cache[realKey]?.copy(third = translator) ?: throw notInMap(realKey, key)
return result.mapNotNull { (realKey, translator) ->
val (_, definitions, _) = _cache[realKey] ?: throw notInMap(realKey, key)
val definition = definitions.getOrNull(overrideLevel) ?: return@mapNotNull null
Triple(realKey as DI.Key, definition as DIDefinition, translator as ContextTranslator?)
private fun notInMap(result: DI.Key<*, *, *>, request: DI.Key<*, *, *>) = IllegalStateException("Tree returned key ${result.internalDescription} that is not in cache when searching for ${request.internalDescription}.\nKeys in cache:\n${_cache.keys.joinToString("\n") { it.internalDescription }}")
override fun find(search: SearchSpecs): List, List>, ContextTranslator<*, *>?>> {
val result = findBySpecs(search)
return result.map { (key, translator) -> Triple(key, _cache[key]!!.second, translator) }
override fun get(key: DI.Key) = _cache[key] as Triple, List>, ContextTranslator?>?
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