gem.gems.haml-3.1.1.test.haml.erb.standard.erb Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Hampton Catlin Is Totally Awesome
Yes, ladies and gentileman. He is just that egotistical.
Fantastic! This should be multi-line output
The question is if this would translate! Ahah!
<%= 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 %>
<%# numbers should work and this should be ignored %>
<% 120.times do |number| -%>
<%= number %>
<% end -%>
<%= " Quotes should be loved! Just like people!" %>
<%= "Holy cow " +
"multiline " +
"tags! " +
"A pipe (|) even!" %>
<%= [1, 2, 3].collect { |n| "PipesIgnored|" }.join %>
<%= [1, 2, 3].collect { |n|
}.join("|") %>
<% bar = 17 %>
<% foo =
foo << "this"
foo << " shouldn't"
foo << " evaluate" %>
<%= foo + "but now it should!" %>
<%# Woah crap a comment! %>
<% ('a'..'f').each do |a|%>
- <%= a %>
<% end %>
<%= @should_eval = "with this text" %>
<%= "foo".each_line do |line|
end %>