org.kuali.common.util.PropertyUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2013 The Kuali Foundation
* Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.kuali.common.util;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jasypt.util.text.TextEncryptor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.PropertyPlaceholderHelper;
* Simplify handling of Properties
especially as it relates to storing and loading. Properties
can be loaded from any url Spring resource loading can
* understand. When storing and loading, locations ending in .xml
are automatically handled using storeToXML()
and loadFromXML()
* respectively. Properties
are always stored in sorted order with the encoding
indicated via a comment.
public class PropertyUtils {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PropertyUtils.class);
public static final String RICE_SUFFIX = "rice-properties.xml";
public static final String ADDITIONAL_LOCATIONS = "properties.additional.locations";
public static final String ADDITIONAL_LOCATIONS_ENCODING = ADDITIONAL_LOCATIONS + ".encoding";
private static final String XML_EXTENSION = ".xml";
private static final PropertyPlaceholderHelper HELPER = new PropertyPlaceholderHelper("${", "}", ":", false);
private static final String ENV_PREFIX = "env";
private static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = Charset.defaultCharset().name();
private static final String DEFAULT_XML_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
public static String getRequiredResolvedProperty(Properties properties, String key) {
return getRequiredResolvedProperty(properties, key, null);
public static String getRequiredResolvedProperty(Properties properties, String key, String defaultValue) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
value = StringUtils.isBlank(value) ? defaultValue : value;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + key + "] is not set");
} else {
return HELPER.replacePlaceholders(value, properties);
* Process the properties passed in so they are ready for use by a Spring context.
* 1 - Override with system/environment properties
* 2 - Decrypt any ENC(...) values
* 3 - Resolve all property values throwing an exception if any are unresolvable.
public static void prepareContextProperties(Properties properties, String encoding) {
// Override with additional properties (if any)
properties.putAll(PropertyUtils.getAdditionalProperties(properties, encoding));
// Override with system/environment properties
// Are we decrypting property values?
// Are we resolving placeholders
* Process the properties passed in so they are ready for use by a Spring context.
* 1 - Override with system/environment properties
* 2 - Decrypt any ENC(...) values
* 3 - Resolve all property values throwing an exception if any are unresolvable.
public static void prepareContextProperties(Properties properties) {
prepareContextProperties(properties, null);
public static void resolve(Properties properties) {
// Are we resolving placeholders?
boolean resolve = new Boolean(getRequiredResolvedProperty(properties, "properties.resolve", "true"));
if (resolve) {
ResolvePlaceholdersProcessor rpp = new ResolvePlaceholdersProcessor();
public static void decrypt(Properties properties) {
// Are we decrypting property values?
boolean decrypt = Boolean.parseBoolean(getRequiredResolvedProperty(properties, "properties.decrypt", "false"));
if (decrypt) {
// If they asked to decrypt, a password is required
String password = getRequiredResolvedProperty(properties, "properties.enc.password");
// Strength is optional (defaults to BASIC)
String defaultStrength =;
String strength = getRequiredResolvedProperty(properties, "properties.enc.strength", defaultStrength);
EncryptionStrength es = EncryptionStrength.valueOf(strength);
TextEncryptor decryptor = EncUtils.getTextEncryptor(es, password);
PropertyUtils.decrypt(properties, decryptor);
public static Properties getAdditionalProperties(Properties properties) {
return getAdditionalProperties(properties, null);
public static Properties getAdditionalProperties(Properties properties, String encoding) {
String csv = properties.getProperty(ADDITIONAL_LOCATIONS);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(csv)) {
return new Properties();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(encoding)) {
List locations = CollectionUtils.getTrimmedListFromCSV(csv);
PropertiesContext context = new PropertiesContext(locations, encoding);
return load(context);
public static void appendToOrSetProperty(Properties properties, String key, String value) {
String existingValue = properties.getProperty(key);
if (existingValue == null) {
existingValue = "";
String newValue = existingValue + value;
properties.setProperty(key, newValue);
public static Properties load(List pps) {
// Create some storage for the Properties object we will be returning
Properties properties = new Properties();
// Cycle through the list of project properties, loading them as we go
for (ProjectProperties pp : pps) {
// Extract the properties context object
PropertiesContext ctx = pp.getPropertiesContext();
// Override any existing property values with properties stored directly on the context
Properties combined = PropertyUtils.combine(properties, ctx.getProperties());
// Store the combined properties on the context itself
// Load properties as dictated by the context
Properties loaded = load(ctx);
// Override any existing property values with those we just loaded
// Override any existing property values with properties stored directly on the context
if (ctx.getProperties() != null) {
// Return the property values we now have
return properties;
public static Properties load(PropertiesContext context) {
// If there are no locations specified, add the properties supplied directly on the context (if there are any)
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(context.getLocations())) {
return PropertyUtils.toEmpty(context.getProperties());
// Make sure we are configured correctly
Assert.notNull(context.getHelper(), "helper is null");
Assert.notNull(context.getLocations(), "locations are null");
Assert.notNull(context.getEncoding(), "encoding is null");
Assert.notNull(context.getMissingLocationsMode(), "missingLocationsMode is null");
// Get system/environment properties
Properties global = PropertyUtils.getGlobalProperties();
// Convert null to an empty properties object (if necessary)
// Create new storage for the properties we are loading
Properties result = new Properties();
// Add in any properties stored directly on the context itself (these get overridden by properties loaded elsewhere)
// Cycle through the locations, loading and storing properties as we go
for (String location : context.getLocations()) {
// Get a combined Properties object capable of resolving any placeholders that exist in the property location strings
Properties resolverProperties = PropertyUtils.combine(context.getProperties(), result, global);
// Make sure we have a fully resolved location to load Properties from
String resolvedLocation = context.getHelper().replacePlaceholders(location, resolverProperties);
// If the location exists, load properties from it
if (LocationUtils.exists(resolvedLocation)) {
// Load this set of Properties
Properties properties = PropertyUtils.load(resolvedLocation, context.getEncoding());
// Add these properties to the result. This follows the traditional "last one in wins" strategy
} else {
// Handle missing locations (might be fine, may need to emit a logging statement, may need to error out)
ModeUtils.validate(context.getMissingLocationsMode(), "Non-existent location [" + resolvedLocation + "]");
// Return the properties we loaded
return result;
* Decrypt any encrypted property values. Encrypted values are surrounded by ENC(...), like:
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static void decrypt(Properties properties, TextEncryptor encryptor) {
decrypt(properties, encryptor, null, null);
* Return a new Properties
object (never null) containing only those properties whose values are encrypted. Encrypted values are surrounded by ENC(...), like:
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static Properties getEncryptedProperties(Properties properties) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties);
Properties encrypted = new Properties();
for (String key : keys) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
if (isEncryptedPropertyValue(value)) {
encrypted.setProperty(key, value);
return encrypted;
* Decrypt any encrypted property values matching the includes
, excludes
patterns. Encrypted values are surrounded by ENC(...).
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static void decrypt(Properties properties, TextEncryptor encryptor, List includes, List excludes) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties, includes, excludes);
for (String key : keys) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
if (isEncryptedPropertyValue(value)) {
String decryptedValue = decryptPropertyValue(encryptor, value);
properties.setProperty(key, decryptedValue);
* Return true if the value starts with ENC(
and ends with )
, false otherwise.
public static boolean isEncryptedPropertyValue(String value) {
return StringUtils.startsWith(value, Constants.ENCRYPTION_PREFIX) && StringUtils.endsWith(value, Constants.ENCRYPTION_SUFFIX);
* Encrypt all of the property values. Encrypted values are surrounded by ENC(...).
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static void encrypt(Properties properties, TextEncryptor encryptor) {
encrypt(properties, encryptor, null, null);
* Encrypt properties as dictated by includes
and excludes
. Encrypted values are surrounded by ENC(...).
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static void encrypt(Properties properties, TextEncryptor encryptor, List includes, List excludes) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties, includes, excludes);
for (String key : keys) {
String originalValue = properties.getProperty(key);
String encryptedValue = encryptPropertyValue(encryptor, originalValue);
properties.setProperty(key, encryptedValue);
* Return the decrypted version of the property value. Encrypted values are surrounded by ENC(...).
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static String decryptPropertyValue(TextEncryptor encryptor, String value) {
// Ensure this property value really is encrypted
Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.startsWith(value, Constants.ENCRYPTION_PREFIX), "value does not start with " + Constants.ENCRYPTION_PREFIX);
Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.endsWith(value, Constants.ENCRYPTION_SUFFIX), "value does not end with " + Constants.ENCRYPTION_SUFFIX);
// Extract the value inside the ENC(...) wrapping
int start = Constants.ENCRYPTION_PREFIX.length();
int end = StringUtils.length(value) - Constants.ENCRYPTION_SUFFIX.length();
String unwrapped = StringUtils.substring(value, start, end);
// Return the decrypted value
return encryptor.decrypt(unwrapped);
* Return the encrypted version of the property value. A value is considered "encrypted" when it appears surrounded by ENC(...).
* my.value = ENC(DGA"$S24FaIO)
public static String encryptPropertyValue(TextEncryptor encryptor, String value) {
String encryptedValue = encryptor.encrypt(value);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
public static void overrideWithGlobalValues(Properties properties, GlobalPropertiesMode mode) {
List keys = PropertyUtils.getSortedKeys(properties);
Properties global = PropertyUtils.getProperties(mode);
for (String key : keys) {
String globalValue = global.getProperty(key);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(globalValue)) {
properties.setProperty(key, globalValue);
public static final Properties combine(List properties) {
Properties combined = new Properties();
for (Properties p : properties) {
return combined;
public static final Properties combine(Properties... properties) {
return combine(Arrays.asList(properties));
public static final void process(Properties properties, PropertyProcessor processor) {
process(properties, Collections.singletonList(processor));
public static final void process(Properties properties, List processors) {
for (PropertyProcessor processor : CollectionUtils.toEmptyList(processors)) {
public static final Properties toEmpty(Properties properties) {
return properties == null ? new Properties() : properties;
public static final boolean isSingleUnresolvedPlaceholder(String string) {
return isSingleUnresolvedPlaceholder(string, Constants.DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, Constants.DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX);
public static final boolean isSingleUnresolvedPlaceholder(String string, String prefix, String suffix) {
int prefixMatches = StringUtils.countMatches(string, prefix);
int suffixMatches = StringUtils.countMatches(string, suffix);
boolean startsWith = StringUtils.startsWith(string, prefix);
boolean endsWith = StringUtils.endsWith(string, suffix);
return prefixMatches == 1 && suffixMatches == 1 && startsWith && endsWith;
public static final boolean containsUnresolvedPlaceholder(String string) {
return containsUnresolvedPlaceholder(string, Constants.DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, Constants.DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX);
public static final boolean containsUnresolvedPlaceholder(String string, String prefix, String suffix) {
int beginIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(string, prefix);
if (beginIndex == -1) {
return false;
return StringUtils.indexOf(string, suffix) != -1;
* Return a new Properties
object containing only those properties where the resolved value is different from the original value. Using global properties to
* perform property resolution as indicated by Constants.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_MODE
public static final Properties getResolvedProperties(Properties properties) {
return getResolvedProperties(properties, Constants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_PLACEHOLDER_HELPER, Constants.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_MODE);
* Return a new Properties
object containing only those properties where the resolved value is different from the original value. Using global properties to
* perform property resolution as indicated by globalPropertiesMode
public static final Properties getResolvedProperties(Properties properties, GlobalPropertiesMode globalPropertiesMode) {
return getResolvedProperties(properties, Constants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_PLACEHOLDER_HELPER, globalPropertiesMode);
* Return a new Properties
object containing only those properties where the resolved value is different from the original value. Using global properties to
* perform property resolution as indicated by Constants.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_MODE
public static final Properties getResolvedProperties(Properties properties, PropertyPlaceholderHelper helper) {
return getResolvedProperties(properties, helper, Constants.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_MODE);
* Return a new Properties
object containing only those properties where the resolved value is different from the original value. Using global properties to
* perform property resolution as indicated by globalPropertiesMode
public static final Properties getResolvedProperties(Properties properties, PropertyPlaceholderHelper helper, GlobalPropertiesMode globalPropertiesMode) {
Properties global = PropertyUtils.getProperties(properties, globalPropertiesMode);
List keys = PropertyUtils.getSortedKeys(properties);
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
for (String key : keys) {
String originalValue = properties.getProperty(key);
String resolvedValue = helper.replacePlaceholders(originalValue, global);
if (!resolvedValue.equals(originalValue)) {
logger.debug("Resolved property '" + key + "' [{}] -> [{}]", Str.flatten(originalValue), Str.flatten(resolvedValue));
newProperties.setProperty(key, resolvedValue);
return newProperties;
* Return the property values from keys
public static final List getValues(Properties properties, List keys) {
List values = new ArrayList();
for (String key : keys) {
return values;
* Return a sorted List
of keys from properties
that end with suffix
public static final List getEndsWithKeys(Properties properties, String suffix) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties);
List matches = new ArrayList();
for (String key : keys) {
if (StringUtils.endsWith(key, suffix)) {
return matches;
* Alter the properties
passed in to contain only the desired property values. includes
and excludes
are comma separated values.
public static final void trim(Properties properties, String includesCSV, String excludesCSV) {
List includes = CollectionUtils.getTrimmedListFromCSV(includesCSV);
List excludes = CollectionUtils.getTrimmedListFromCSV(excludesCSV);
trim(properties, includes, excludes);
* Alter the properties
passed in to contain only the desired property values.
public static final void trim(Properties properties, List includes, List excludes) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties);
for (String key : keys) {
if (!include(key, includes, excludes)) {
logger.debug("Removing [{}]", key);
* Return true if value
should be included, false otherwise.
* If excludes
is not empty and matches value
return false.
* If value
has not been explicitly excluded, check the includes
* If includes
is empty return true.
* If includes
is not empty, return true if, and only if, value
matches a pattern from the includes
* A single wildcard *
is supported for includes
and excludes
public static final boolean include(String value, List includes, List excludes) {
if (isSingleWildcardMatch(value, excludes)) {
// No point incurring the overhead of matching an include pattern
return false;
} else {
// If includes is empty always return true
return CollectionUtils.isEmpty(includes) || isSingleWildcardMatch(value, includes);
public static final boolean isSingleWildcardMatch(String s, List patterns) {
for (String pattern : CollectionUtils.toEmptyList(patterns)) {
if (isSingleWildcardMatch(s, pattern)) {
return true;
return false;
* Match {@code value} against {@code pattern} where {@code pattern} can optionally contain a single wildcard {@code *}. If both are {@code null} return {@code true}. If one of
* {@code value} or {@code pattern} is {@code null} but the other isn't, return {@code false}. Any {@code pattern} containing more than a single wildcard throws
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch(null, null) = true
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch(null, *) = false
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch(*, null) = false
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch(*, "*") = true
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch("abcdef", "bcd") = false
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch("abcdef", "*def") = true
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch("abcdef", "abc*") = true
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch("abcdef", "ab*ef") = true
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch("abcdef", "abc*def") = true
* PropertyUtils.isSingleWildcardMatch(*, "**") = IllegalArgumentException
public static final boolean isSingleWildcardMatch(String value, String pattern) {
if (value == null && pattern == null) {
// both are null
return true;
} else if (value != null && pattern == null || value == null && pattern != null) {
// One is null, but not the other
return false;
} else if (pattern.equals(Constants.WILDCARD)) {
// neither one is null and pattern is the wildcard. Value is irrelevant
return true;
} else if (StringUtils.countMatches(pattern, Constants.WILDCARD) > 1) {
// More than one wildcard in the pattern is not supported
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pattern [" + pattern + "] is not supported. Only one wildcard is allowed in the pattern");
} else if (!StringUtils.contains(pattern, Constants.WILDCARD)) {
// Neither one is null and there is no wildcard in the pattern. They must match exactly
return StringUtils.equals(value, pattern);
} else {
// The pattern contains 1 (and only 1) wildcard
// Make sure value starts with the characters to the left of the wildcard
// and ends with the characters to the right of the wildcard
int pos = StringUtils.indexOf(pattern, Constants.WILDCARD);
int suffixPos = pos + Constants.WILDCARD.length();
boolean nullPrefix = pos == 0;
boolean nullSuffix = suffixPos >= pattern.length();
String prefix = nullPrefix ? null : StringUtils.substring(pattern, 0, pos);
String suffix = nullSuffix ? null : StringUtils.substring(pattern, suffixPos);
boolean prefixMatch = nullPrefix || StringUtils.startsWith(value, prefix);
boolean suffixMatch = nullSuffix || StringUtils.endsWith(value, suffix);
return prefixMatch && suffixMatch;
* Return property keys that should be included as a sorted list.
public static final Properties getProperties(Properties properties, String include, String exclude) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties, include, exclude);
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
for (String key : keys) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
newProperties.setProperty(key, value);
return newProperties;
* Return property keys that should be included as a sorted list.
public static final List getSortedKeys(Properties properties, String include, String exclude) {
return getSortedKeys(properties, CollectionUtils.toEmptyList(include), CollectionUtils.toEmptyList(exclude));
* Return property keys that should be included as a sorted list.
public static final List getSortedKeys(Properties properties, List includes, List excludes) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties);
List includedKeys = new ArrayList();
for (String key : keys) {
if (include(key, includes, excludes)) {
return includedKeys;
* Return a sorted List
of keys from properties
that start with prefix
public static final List getStartsWithKeys(Properties properties, String prefix) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties);
List matches = new ArrayList();
for (String key : keys) {
if (StringUtils.startsWith(key, prefix)) {
return matches;
* Return the property keys as a sorted list.
public static final List getSortedKeys(Properties properties) {
List keys = new ArrayList(properties.stringPropertyNames());
return keys;
public static final String toString(Properties properties) {
List keys = getSortedKeys(properties);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String key : keys) {
String value = Str.flatten(properties.getProperty(key));
sb.append(key + "=" + value + "\n");
return sb.toString();
public static final void info(Properties properties) {
properties = toEmpty(properties);"--- Displaying {} properties ---\n\n{}", properties.size(), toString(properties));
public static final void debug(Properties properties) {
properties = toEmpty(properties);
logger.debug("--- Displaying {} properties ---\n\n{}", properties.size(), toString(properties));
* Store the properties to the indicated file using the platform default encoding.
public static final void store(Properties properties, File file) {
store(properties, file, null);
* Store the properties to the indicated file using the indicated encoding.
public static final void store(Properties properties, File file, String encoding) {
store(properties, file, encoding, null);
* Store the properties to the indicated file using the indicated encoding with the indicated comment appearing at the top of the file.
public static final void store(Properties properties, File file, String encoding, String comment) {
OutputStream out = null;
Writer writer = null;
try {
out = FileUtils.openOutputStream(file);
String path = file.getCanonicalPath();
boolean xml = isXml(path);
Properties sorted = getSortedProperties(properties);
comment = getComment(encoding, comment, xml);
if (xml) {"Storing XML properties - [{}] encoding={}", path, StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(encoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING));
if (encoding == null) {
sorted.storeToXML(out, comment);
} else {
sorted.storeToXML(out, comment, encoding);
} else {
writer = LocationUtils.getWriter(out, encoding);"Storing properties - [{}] encoding={}", path, StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(encoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING));, comment);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected IO error", e);
} finally {
* Return a new properties object containing the properties from getEnvAsProperties()
and System.getProperties()
. Properties from
* System.getProperties()
override properties from getEnvAsProperties
if there are duplicates.
public static final Properties getGlobalProperties() {
return getProperties(Constants.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_MODE);
* Return a new properties object containing the properties passed in, plus any properties returned by getEnvAsProperties()
and System.getProperties()
* . Properties from getEnvAsProperties()
override properties
and properties from System.getProperties()
override everything.
public static final Properties getGlobalProperties(Properties properties) {
return getProperties(properties, Constants.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_MODE);
* Return a new properties object containing the properties passed in, plus any global properties as requested. If mode
the new properties are
* a duplicate of the properties passed in. If mode
the new properties contain the original properties plus any properties returned by
* getEnvProperties()
. If mode
the new properties contain the original properties plus System.getProperties()
. If
* mode
the new properties contain the original properties plus getEnvProperties()
and System.getProperties()
public static final Properties getProperties(Properties properties, GlobalPropertiesMode mode) {
Properties newProperties = duplicate(properties);
List modifiers = getPropertyProcessors(mode);
for (PropertyProcessor modifier : modifiers) {
return newProperties;
* Return a new properties object containing global properties as requested. If mode
the new properties are empty. If mode
the new properties contain the properties returned by getEnvProperties()
. If mode
the new
* properties contain System.getProperties()
. If mode
the new properties contain getEnvProperties
* System.getProperties()
with system properties overriding environment variables if the same case sensitive property key is supplied in both places.
public static final Properties getProperties(GlobalPropertiesMode mode) {
return getProperties(new Properties(), mode);
* Search global properties to find a value for key
according to the mode passed in.
public static final String getProperty(String key, GlobalPropertiesMode mode) {
return getProperty(key, new Properties(), mode);
* Search properties
plus global properties to find a value for key
according to the mode passed in. If the property is present in both, the value
* from the global properties is returned.
public static final String getProperty(String key, Properties properties, GlobalPropertiesMode mode) {
return getProperties(properties, mode).getProperty(key);
* Return modifiers that add environment variables, system properties, or both, according to the mode passed in.
public static final List getPropertyProcessors(GlobalPropertiesMode mode) {
List processors = new ArrayList();
switch (mode) {
case NONE:
return processors;
processors.add(new AddPropertiesProcessor(getEnvAsProperties()));
return processors;
case SYSTEM:
processors.add(new AddPropertiesProcessor(System.getProperties()));
return processors;
case BOTH:
processors.add(new AddPropertiesProcessor(getEnvAsProperties()));
processors.add(new AddPropertiesProcessor(System.getProperties()));
return processors;
throw new IllegalStateException(mode + " is unknown");
* Convert the Map
to a Properties
public static final Properties convert(Map map) {
Properties props = new Properties();
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
String value = map.get(key);
props.setProperty(key, value);
return props;
* Return a new properties object that duplicates the properties passed in.
public static final Properties duplicate(Properties properties) {
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
return newProperties;
* Return a new properties object containing environment variables as properties prefixed with env
public static Properties getEnvAsProperties() {
return getEnvAsProperties(ENV_PREFIX);
* Return a new properties object containing environment variables as properties prefixed with prefix
public static Properties getEnvAsProperties(String prefix) {
Properties properties = convert(System.getenv());
return getPrefixedProperties(properties, prefix);
* Return true if, and only if, location ends with .xml
(case insensitive).
public static final boolean isXml(String location) {
return StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(location, XML_EXTENSION);
* Return true if, and only if, location ends with -rice-properties.xml
(case insensitive).
public static final boolean isRiceProperties(String location) {
return StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(location, RICE_SUFFIX);
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from file
where the properties are stored in Rice XML style syntax
public static final Properties loadRiceProperties(File file) {
return loadRiceProperties(LocationUtils.getCanonicalPath(file));
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from location
where the properties are stored in Rice XML style syntax
public static final Properties loadRiceProperties(String location) {"Loading Rice properties [{}] encoding={}", location, DEFAULT_XML_ENCODING);
String contents = LocationUtils.toString(location, DEFAULT_XML_ENCODING);
String config = StringUtils.substringBetween(contents, "", " ");
String[] tokens = StringUtils.substringsBetween(config, "");
Properties properties = new Properties();
for (String token : tokens) {
String key = StringUtils.substringBetween(token, "name=\"", "\">");
validateRiceProperties(token, key);
String value = StringUtils.substringBetween(token + "", "\">", "");
properties.setProperty(key, value);
return properties;
* Make sure they are just loading simple properties and are not using any of the unsupported "features". Can't have a key named config.location, and can't use the system,
* override, or random attributes.
protected static final void validateRiceProperties(String token, String key) {
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("config.location", key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("config.location is not supported");
if (StringUtils.contains(token, "override=\"")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("override attribute is not supported");
if (StringUtils.contains(token, "system=\"")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("system attribute is not supported");
if (StringUtils.contains(token, "random=\"")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("random attribute is not supported");
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from file
public static final Properties load(File file) {
return load(file, null);
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from file
using the given encoding.
public static final Properties load(File file, String encoding) {
String location = LocationUtils.getCanonicalPath(file);
return load(location, encoding);
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from location
public static final Properties load(String location) {
return load(location, null);
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from locations
using encoding
public static final Properties load(List locations, String encoding) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
for (String location : locations) {
properties.putAll(load(location, encoding));
return properties;
* Return a new Properties
object loaded from location
using encoding
public static final Properties load(String location, String encoding) {
InputStream in = null;
Reader reader = null;
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
boolean xml = isXml(location);
boolean riceProperties = isRiceProperties(location);
location = getCanonicalLocation(location);
if (riceProperties) {
properties = loadRiceProperties(location);
} else if (xml) {
in = LocationUtils.getInputStream(location);"Loading XML properties - [{}]", location);
} else {"Loading properties - [{}] encoding={}", location, StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(encoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING));
reader = LocationUtils.getBufferedReader(location, encoding);
return properties;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected IO error", e);
} finally {
protected static String getCanonicalLocation(String location) {
if (LocationUtils.isExistingFile(location)) {
return LocationUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(location));
} else {
return location;
* Return a new Properties
object containing properties prefixed with prefix
. If prefix
is blank, the new properties object duplicates
* the properties passed in.
public static final Properties getPrefixedProperties(Properties properties, String prefix) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(prefix)) {
return duplicate(properties);
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
String newKey = StringUtils.startsWith(key, prefix + ".") ? key : prefix + "." + key;
newProperties.setProperty(newKey, value);
return newProperties;
* Return a new properties object where the keys have been converted to upper case and periods have been replaced with an underscore.
public static final Properties reformatKeysAsEnvVars(Properties properties) {
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
String newKey = StringUtils.upperCase(StringUtils.replace(key, ".", "-"));
newProperties.setProperty(newKey, value);
return newProperties;
* Before setting the newValue, check to see if there is a conflict with an existing value. If there is no existing value, add the property. If there is a conflict, check
* propertyOverwriteMode
to make sure we have permission to override the value.
public static final void addOrOverrideProperty(Properties properties, String key, String newValue, Mode propertyOverwriteMode) {
String oldValue = properties.getProperty(key);
if (StringUtils.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {
// Nothing to do! New value is the same as old value.
boolean overwrite = !StringUtils.isBlank(oldValue);
// TODO Yuck! Do something smarter here
String logNewValue = newValue;
String logOldValue = oldValue;
if (obscure(key)) {
logNewValue = "PROTECTED";
logOldValue = "PROTECTED";
if (overwrite) {
// This property already has a value, and it is different from the new value
// Check to make sure we are allowed to override the old value before doing so
Object[] args = new Object[] { key, Str.flatten(logNewValue), Str.flatten(logOldValue) };
ModeUtils.validate(propertyOverwriteMode, "Overriding [{}={}] was [{}]", args, "Override of existing property [" + key + "] is not allowed.");
} else {
// There is no existing value for this key"Adding [{}={}]", key, Str.flatten(logNewValue));
properties.setProperty(key, newValue);
protected static boolean obscure(String key) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(key, ".password")) {
return true;
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(key, ".secret")) {
return true;
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(key, ".private")) {
return true;
return false;
private static final String getDefaultComment(String encoding, boolean xml) {
if (encoding == null) {
if (xml) {
// Java defaults XML properties files to UTF-8 if no encoding is provided
return "encoding.default=" + DEFAULT_XML_ENCODING;
} else {
// For normal properties files the platform default encoding is used
return "encoding.default=" + DEFAULT_ENCODING;
} else {
return "encoding.specified=" + encoding;
private static final String getComment(String encoding, String comment, boolean xml) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(comment)) {
return getDefaultComment(encoding, xml);
} else {
return comment + "\n#" + getDefaultComment(encoding, xml);
* This is private because SortedProperties
does not fully honor the contract for Properties
private static final SortedProperties getSortedProperties(Properties properties) {
SortedProperties sp = new PropertyUtils().new SortedProperties();
return sp;
* This is private since it does not honor the full contract for Properties
. PropertyUtils
uses it internally to store properties in sorted order.
private class SortedProperties extends Properties {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1330825236411537386L;
* Properties.storeToXML()
uses keySet()
public Set
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