org.kuali.rice.krad.service.LegacyDataAppAdapter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2005-2016 The Kuali Foundation
* Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.kuali.rice.krad.service;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.kuali.rice.core.api.uif.RemotableQuickFinder;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.bo.DataObjectRelationship;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState;
* Adapter that supports "legacy" KNS/KRAD persistence, metadata, and object utility frameworks via runtime
* argument inspection
* @deprecated This class is deprecated by default, applications should *never*
* use this adapter directly
* @author Kuali Rice Team ([email protected]).
public interface LegacyDataAppAdapter {
// BusinessObjectService
* Saves the passed in object or list of objects via the persistence layer.
* @param dataObject the data object to save
T save(T dataObject);
* Links up any contained objects, and then saves the passed in object via the persistence layer.
* @param dataObject the data object to link and save
T linkAndSave(T dataObject);
T saveDocument(T document);
* Retrieves an object instance identified by its primary key. For composite keys, use {@link #findByPrimaryKey(Class, Map)}
* @param clazz data object type class
* @param primaryKey the primary key object
* @return data object instance
T findBySinglePrimaryKey(Class clazz, Object primaryKey);
* Retrieves an object instance identified by its primary keys and values. This can be done by constructing a map where the key
* to the map entry is the primary key attribute and the value of the entry being the primary key value. For composite keys,
* pass in each primaryKey attribute and its value as a map entry.
* @param clazz data object type class
* @param primaryKeys map of String->Object key values
* @return data object instance
T findByPrimaryKey(Class clazz, Map primaryKeys);
* Deletes a data object from the database.
* @param dataObject the data object to delete
void delete(Object dataObject);
* Deletes data objects from the database.
* @param clazz the entity type to delete
* @param fieldValues map String->Object of field values to match
public void deleteMatching(Class> clazz, Map fieldValues);
* Retrieves an object instance identified by the class of the given object and the object's primary key values.
* @param dataObject the data object
* @return the retrieved data object or null if not found
T retrieve(T dataObject);
* This method retrieves a collection of data objects populated with data, such that each record in the database populates a
* new object instance.This will only retrieve business objects by class type.
* @param clazz the data object type class
* @return collection of all data objects of given type
Collection findAll(Class clazz);
* This method retrieves a collection of data objects populated with data, such that each record in the database populates a
* new object instance. This will retrieve data objects by class type and also by criteria passed in as key-value pairs,
* specifically attribute name and its expected value.
* @param clazz the data object type class
* @param fieldValues map String->Object of field values
* @return collection of matching data objects
Collection findMatching(Class clazz, Map fieldValues);
* This method retrieves a collection of business objects populated with data, such that each record in the database populates a
* new object instance. This will retrieve business objects by class type and also by criteria passed in as key-value pairs,
* specifically attribute name and its expected value. Performs an order by on sort field.
* @param clazz
* @param fieldValues
* @return collection of business objects
Collection findMatchingOrderBy(Class clazz, Map fieldValues, String sortField, boolean sortAscending);
// PersistenceService
* This method retrieves the primary key field values for the given data object
* @param dataObject data object whose primary key field name,value pairs you want
* @return a Map containing the names and values of primary key fields for the data object
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
* @throws org.kuali.rice.krad.exception.ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not mapped in ORM
Map getPrimaryKeyFieldValues(Object dataObject);
* @param persistableObject object whose objects need to be filled in based on primary keys
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
* @throws org.kuali.rice.krad.exception.ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
void retrieveNonKeyFields(Object persistableObject);
* @param persistableObject object whose specified reference object needs to be filled in based on primary keys
* @param referenceObjectName the name of the reference object that will be filled in based on primary key values
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
* @throws org.kuali.rice.krad.exception.ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
void retrieveReferenceObject(Object persistableObject, String referenceObjectName);
* This method refreshes all reference objects to this main object that are 'non-updateable'. In general, this means that if a
* reference object is configured to not be updated when the parent document is saved, then they are non-updated.
* This will not refresh updateable objects, which can cause problems when you're creating new objects.
* See PersistenceServiceImpl.isUpdateableReference() for the full logic.
* @param persistableObject - the businessObject to be refreshed
void refreshAllNonUpdatingReferences(Object persistableObject);
* Returns the object underlying any ORM proxy layers
* @param o the object for which to determine the underlying non-ORM-proxy target
* @return the underlying non-ORM-proxy object
Object resolveProxy(Object o);
* Returns whether the object is an ORM proxy
* @param object the candidate object
* @return true if the object is an ORM proxy
boolean isProxied(Object object);
// LookupService
* Returns a collection of objects based on the given search parameters.
* Search results are bounded by the KNS search results limit determined for the class.
* @param clazz the data object type
* @param formProps field values for query
* @param unbounded whether the search results should be bounded
* @param allPrimaryKeyValuesPresentAndNotWildcard indicates whether or not the search only contains non-wildcarded primary key values
* @param searchResultsLimit if the search is bounded, the search results limit, otherwise ignored. null is equivalent to KNS default for the clazz
* @return collection of matching data objects
* @deprecated please use {@link #findCollectionBySearchHelper(Class, java.util.Map, java.util.List, boolean, boolean, Integer)} instead
Collection findCollectionBySearchHelper(Class clazz, Map formProps, boolean unbounded,
boolean allPrimaryKeyValuesPresentAndNotWildcard, Integer searchResultsLimit);
* Returns a collection of objects based on the given search parameters.
* Search results are bounded by the KNS search results limit determined for the class.
* This implementation further isolates the UIFramework from the LookupService and should be used
* in place of the deprecated method.
* @param clazz the data object type
* @param formProps field values for query
* @param wildcardAsLiteralPropertyNames list of fields for query that do not allow wildcards
* @param unbounded whether the search results should be bounded
* @param allPrimaryKeyValuesPresentAndNotWildcard indicates whether or not the search only contains non-wildcarded primary key values
* @param searchResultsLimit if the search is bounded, the search results limit, otherwise ignored. null is equivalent to KNS default for the clazz
* @return collection of matching data objects
Collection findCollectionBySearchHelper(Class clazz, Map formProps,
List wildcardAsLiteralPropertyNames, boolean unbounded,
boolean allPrimaryKeyValuesPresentAndNotWildcard, Integer searchResultsLimit);
* Retrieves a Object based on the search criteria, which should uniquely
* identify a record.
* @param clazz the data object type
* @param formProps field values for query
* @return first object in returned search results, or null if none found
T findObjectBySearch(Class clazz, Map formProps);
boolean allPrimaryKeyValuesPresentAndNotWildcard(Class> boClass, Map formProps);
// DAO interfaces are hoisted for krad or krad/kns shared services which still need to be preserved.
// they will internally call LegacyDataAdapter
// PersistenceStructureService
* Returns a list of primary key field names for the given class.
List listPrimaryKeyFieldNames(Class> clazz);
* Determines the type of the collection object on the class with the collection with the given property name.
* @param containingClass the class of the object containing the collection
* @param collectionPropertyName the name of the property identifying the collection
* @return the Class of elements in the identified collection
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given class is not available in metadata or if the given collection property name is incorrect
Class> determineCollectionObjectType(Class> containingClass, String collectionPropertyName);
* This method checks the foreign keys for a reference on a given BO, and tests that all fk fields are populated if any are
* populated.
* In other words, for a given reference, it finds all the attributes of the BO that make up the foreign keys, and checks to see
* if they all have values. It also keeps a list of all the fieldNames that do not have values.
* @param bo - A populated BusinessObject descendent. Must contain an attributed named referenceName.
* @param referenceName - The name of the field that is a reference we are analyzing.
* @return A populated ForeignKeyFieldsPopulation object which represents the state of population for the foreign key fields.
ForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState getForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState(Object bo, String referenceName);
* This method will return a Map of all the foreign key fields and the corresponding primary key fields for a given reference.
* The Map structure is: Key(String fkFieldName) => Value(String pkFieldName)
* @param clazz - Class that contains the named reference
* @param attributeName - Name of the member that is the reference you want foreign keys for
* @return returns a Map populated as described above, with one entry per foreign key field
Map getForeignKeysForReference(Class> clazz, String attributeName);
* @param persistableObject
* @return true if all primary key fields of the string have a non-null (and non-empty, for Strings) value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
* @throws org.kuali.rice.krad.exception.ClassNotPersistableException if the given object is of a type not described in the OJB repository
boolean hasPrimaryKeyFieldValues(Object persistableObject);
* Returns whether there is a reference defined in the persistence layer with the given name.
* Depending on the type of underlying persistence mechanism, this method may or may not return true
* when the referenceName really refers to a collection type.
* To determine whether a reference is a collection, use the hasCollection method instead.
* In OJB, this method will return false for collection references.
* @param boClass
* @param referenceName
* @return true if the reference exists
boolean hasReference(Class> boClass, String referenceName);
* Returns whether BOs of the given class have a collection defined within them with the given collection name.
* @param boClass
* @param collectionName
* @return true if a collection is defined
boolean hasCollection(Class> boClass, String collectionName);
boolean isExtensionAttribute(Class> boClass, String attributePropertyName, Class> propertyType);
Class> getExtensionAttributeClass(Class> boClass, String attributePropertyName);
// DataObjectMetadataService
* Determines the primary keys for the class of the given object, then for each
* key field retrieves the value from the object instance and populates the return
* map with the primary key name as the map key and the object value as the map value
* Has DOMDS on the end because this is the version that delegates to DataObjectMetaDataService
* @param dataObject - object whose primary key field name,value pairs you want
* @return a Map containing the names and values of fields for the given class which
* are designated as key fields in the OJB repository file or DataDictionary
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given Object is null
Map getPrimaryKeyFieldValuesDOMDS(Object dataObject);
* Compares two dataObject instances for equality based on primary keys
* @param do1
* @param do2
* @return boolean indicating whether the two objects are equal.
boolean equalsByPrimaryKeys(Object do1, Object do2);
// ObjectUtils
// /**
// * Casts the given object to a PersistableBusinessObject, checking first whether or not it is a valid
// * PersistableBusinessObject.
// *
// * @param object the object to cast to a PersistableBusinessObject, must be non-null
// * @return the PersistableBusinessObject for the given object, will never return null
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given object is null or does not represent a valid PersistableBusinessObject
// */
// PersistableBusinessObject toPersistableBusinessObject(Object object);
* Materializes any references on the given object.
* @param object object to materialize
void materializeAllSubObjects(Object object);
* Returns the type of the property with the given name on the supplied object. The property path may be nested.
* @param object the object against which to search
* @param propertyName the (optionally nested) property name for which to locate the type
* @return the type of the property
* @throws RuntimeException if a problem occurred (i.e. bad property name), this exception will be different
* depending on whether the underlying implementation is calling legacy code or not
Class> getPropertyType(Object object, String propertyName);
// PersistableBusinessObjectBase
* Creates an instance of the extension for the given business object class.
Object getExtension(Class> businessObjectClass)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException;
* Refreshes the specified reference object on the given business object.
void refreshReferenceObject(Object businessObject, String referenceObjectName);
// Misc...
* Determines if the given ojbect is "lockable".
* @param object object for which to determine lockable
* @return true if lockable, false otherwise
boolean isLockable(Object object);
* Verifies that the version number of the given data object (if it has one) matches what is currently in the
* database. If not, then the GlobalVariables message map will be updated with an error message and a
* ValidationException will be thrown.
* If this particular data object does not have versioning, this method will do nothing.
* @param dataObject the data object to check the version number for
* @throws org.kuali.rice.krad.exception.ValidationException if the version number doesn't match
void verifyVersionNumber(Object dataObject);
* Returns the builder for a remotable quick finder for the given attribute name on the given containing class.
* @param containingClass the class on which to locate the attribute
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute for which to build the quickfinder on the specified containing class
* @return the remotable quickfinder, or null if no such finder could be created
RemotableQuickFinder.Builder createQuickFinder(Class> containingClass, String attributeName);
boolean isReferenceUpdatable(Class> boClass, String referenceName);
* This method uses the persistence layer to determine the list of reference objects contained within this parent object. For
* example, an Account object contains sub-objects such as Chart, as well as the key that connects the two, String
* chartOfAccountsCode.
* The return structure is: Map.
* As an example, an Account object passed into this would return:
* 0:['chartOfAccounts', org.kuali.module.chart.bo.Chart] 1:['organization', org.kuali.module.chart.bo.Org] etc.
* @param boClass Class that would like to be analyzed for reference names
* @return Map containing the reference name for the key as a string, and the class of the reference as the value. If the object
* contains no references, then this Map will be empty.
Map listReferenceObjectFields(Class> boClass);
boolean isCollectionUpdatable(Class> boClass, String collectionName);
Map listCollectionObjectTypes(Class> boClass);
* This method attempts to retrieve the reference from a BO if it exists.
* @param bo - populated BusinessObject instance that includes the referenceName property
* @param referenceName - name of the member/property to load
* @return A populated object from the DB, if it exists
Object getReferenceIfExists(Object bo, String referenceName);
* This method examines whether all the foreign key fields for the specified reference contain values.
* @param bo
* @param referenceName
* @return true if they all are accessible and have values, false otherwise
boolean allForeignKeyValuesPopulatedForReference(Object bo, String referenceName);
* This method gets the title attribute from the datadictionary for the given data object class
* @param dataObjectClass
* @return title if available, otherwise null
String getTitleAttribute(Class> dataObjectClass);
* @param dataObjectClass
* @return true is supported, otherwise false
boolean areNotesSupported(Class> dataObjectClass);
* Gets the identifier for a data object
* @param dataObject data object
* @return data object identifier
String getDataObjectIdentifierString(Object dataObject);
* Get Inquiry class if not the title attribute
* @param dataObject
* @param propertyName
* @return class that represents the inquiry object class, null otherwise
Class> getInquiryObjectClassIfNotTitle(Object dataObject, String propertyName);
* Get Inquiry parameters for given keys for data object/property name
* @param dataObject
* @param keys
* @param propertyName
* @return map of key value pairs, empty map otherwise
Map getInquiryParameters(Object dataObject, List keys, String propertyName);
* Determines whether the given data object class has an associated lookup in the local
* running application
* @param dataObjectClass data object class to find lookup for
* @return boolean true if a lookup exists for the data object class, false if not
boolean hasLocalLookup(Class> dataObjectClass);
* Determines whether the given data object class has an associated inquiry in the local
* running application
* @param dataObjectClass data object class to find inquiry for
* @return boolean true if a inquiry exists for the data object class, false if not
boolean hasLocalInquiry(Class> dataObjectClass);
* Attempts to find a relationship for the given attribute within the given
* data object
* First the data dictionary is queried to find any relationship definitions
* setup that include the attribute, if found the
* BusinessObjectRetationship
is build from that. If not and
* the data object class is persistent, relationships are retrieved from the
* persistence service. Nested attributes are handled in addition to
* external business objects. If multiple relationships are found, the one
* that contains the least amount of joining keys is returned
* @param dataObject - data object instance that contains the attribute
* @param dataObjectClass - class for the data object that contains the attribute
* @param attributeName - property name for the attribute
* @param attributePrefix - property prefix for the attribute
* @param keysOnly - indicates whether only primary key fields should be returned
* in the relationship
* @param supportsLookup - indicates whether the relationship should support lookup
* @param supportsInquiry - indicates whether the relationship should support inquiry
* @return BusinessObjectRelationship for the attribute, or null if not
* found
DataObjectRelationship getDataObjectRelationship(Object dataObject, Class> dataObjectClass,
String attributeName, String attributePrefix, boolean keysOnly, boolean supportsLookup,
boolean supportsInquiry);
* Determines if a class is persistable
* @param dataObjectClass - data object instance that contains the attribute
* @return true if the given Class is persistable (is known to OJB or JPA)
boolean isPersistable(Class> dataObjectClass);
* Recursive; sets all occurences of the property in the object, its nested objects and its object lists with the
* given value.
* @param bo
* @param propertyName
* @param type
* @param propertyValue
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
* @throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
void setObjectPropertyDeep(Object bo, String propertyName, Class> type,
Object propertyValue) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException;
* Attempts to find the Class for the given potentially proxied object
* @param object the potentially proxied object to find the Class of
* @return the best Class which could be found for the given object
Class> materializeClassForProxiedObject(Object object);
* This method safely extracts either simple values OR nested values. For example, if the bo is SubAccount, and the
* fieldName is
* a21SubAccount.subAccountTypeCode, this thing makes sure it gets the value off the very end attribute, no matter
* how deeply
* nested it is. The code would be slightly simpler if this was done recursively, but this is safer, and consumes a
* constant
* amount of memory, no matter how deeply nested it goes.
* @param bo
* @param fieldName
* @return The field value if it exists. If it doesnt, and the name is invalid, and
Object getNestedValue(Object bo, String fieldName);
* This method safely creates a object from a class
* Convenience method to create new object and throw a runtime exception if it cannot
* If the class is an {@link org.kuali.rice.krad.bo.ExternalizableBusinessObject}, this method will determine the interface for the EBO and
* query the
* appropriate module service to create a new instance.
* @param clazz
* @return a newInstance() of clazz
Object createNewObjectFromClass(Class clazz);
* This method is a OJB Proxy-safe way to test for null on a proxied object that may or may not be materialized yet.
* It is safe
* to use on a proxy (materialized or non-materialized) or on a non-proxy (ie, regular object). Note that this will
* force a
* materialization of the proxy if the object is a proxy and unmaterialized.
* @param object - any object, proxied or not, materialized or not
* @return true if the object (or underlying materialized object) is null, false otherwise
boolean isNull(Object object);
* Sets the property of an object with the given value. Converts using the formatter of the given type if one is
* found.
* @param bo
* @param propertyName
* @param propertyType
* @param propertyValue
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
void setObjectProperty(Object bo, String propertyName, Class propertyType,
Object propertyValue) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException;