org.kuali.student.lum.program.server.CredentialProgramStateChangeServiceImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.kuali.student.lum.program.server;
import java.util.List;
import org.kuali.student.lum.common.server.StatementUtil;
import org.kuali.student.r2.core.versionmanagement.dto.VersionDisplayInfo;
import org.kuali.student.r1.core.statement.dto.StatementTreeViewInfo;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.DtoConstants;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.ContextUtils;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.ProgramServiceConstants;
import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.program.dto.CredentialProgramInfo;
import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.program.dto.ProgramRequirementInfo;
import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.program.service.ProgramService;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
* This class is called whenever the state of a major discipline changes.
* We have a separate class because the operations need to be marked with the @Transactional annotation.
* @author Kuali Rice Team ([email protected])
@Transactional(noRollbackFor = {DoesNotExistException.class}, rollbackFor = {Throwable.class})
public class CredentialProgramStateChangeServiceImpl implements StateChangeService {
* The program service - injected by spring.
private ProgramService programService;
* This method is called by workflow when the state changes.
* @param majorDisciplineId
* @param state
* @return
* @throws Exception
public void changeState(String credentialProgramId, String newState) throws Exception {
// This method will be called from workflow.
// Since we cannot activate a program from the workflow we do not need to add endEntryTerm and endEnrollTerm
changeState(null, null, null, credentialProgramId, newState);
* This method is called from the UI (servlet) when state changes.
* @param endEntryTerm
* @param endEnrollTerm
* @param programType
* @param majorDisciplineId
* @param newState
* @return
* @throws Exception
public void changeState(String endEntryTerm, String endEnrollTerm, String endInstAdmitTerm, String credentialProgramId, String newState) throws Exception {
// New state must not be null
if (newState == null)
throw new InvalidParameterException("new state cannot be null");
// The version selected in the UI
CredentialProgramInfo selectedVersion = programService.getCredentialProgram(credentialProgramId,ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
// If we are activating this version we need to mark the previous version superseded,
// update the previous version end terms, and make the selected version current.
if (newState.equals(DtoConstants.STATE_ACTIVE)) {
// Update previous versions to superseded and set end terms on previous current version.
updatePreviousVersions(selectedVersion, endEntryTerm, endEnrollTerm, endInstAdmitTerm);
// Update state of all associated objects for current version
// NOTE: we must update state BEFORE making the version current
updateCredentialProgramInfoState(selectedVersion, newState);
// Make this the current version
} else {
// Update state of all associated objects for current version
updateCredentialProgramInfoState(selectedVersion, newState);
* This method finds all previous versions of program and sets all previous ACTIVE,APPROVED,DRAFT versions to SUPERSEDED and
* sets new end terms for previous current version.
* @param selectedVersion The version of credential program being activated
* @param endEntryTerm The new end entry term to set on previous active version
* @param endEnrollTerm The new end enroll term to set on previous active version
* @throws Exception
private void updatePreviousVersions (CredentialProgramInfo selectedVersion, String endEntryTerm, String endEnrollTerm, String endInstAdmitTerm) throws Exception {
// Get the current version of major discipline given the selected version
CredentialProgramInfo currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(selectedVersion);
boolean isSelectedVersionCurrent = selectedVersion.getId().equals(currentVersion.getId());
//Set the end terms on the current version of major discipline and update it's state to superseded
setEndTerms(currentVersion, endEntryTerm, endEnrollTerm);
updateCredentialProgramInfoState(currentVersion, DtoConstants.STATE_SUPERSEDED);
// Loop through all previous active or approved programs and set the state to superseded.
// We should only need to evaluated versions with sequence number
// higher than previous active program
List versions = programService.getVersions(ProgramServiceConstants.PROGRAM_NAMESPACE_MAJOR_DISCIPLINE_URI,
Long startSeq = new Long(1);
if (!isSelectedVersionCurrent) {
startSeq = currentVersion.getVersion().getSequenceNumber() + 1;
for (VersionDisplayInfo versionInfo : versions) {
boolean isVersionNewerThanCurrentVersion = versionInfo.getSequenceNumber() >= startSeq;
boolean isVersionSelectedVersion = versionInfo.getSequenceNumber().equals(selectedVersion.getVersion().getSequenceNumber());
boolean updateState = isVersionNewerThanCurrentVersion && !isVersionSelectedVersion;
if (updateState) {
CredentialProgramInfo otherProgram = programService.getCredentialProgram(versionInfo.getId(),ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
if (otherProgram.getStateKey().equals(DtoConstants.STATE_APPROVED) ||
updateCredentialProgramInfoState(otherProgram, DtoConstants.STATE_SUPERSEDED);
* Get the current version of program given the selected version of program
* @param credentialProgramInfo
protected CredentialProgramInfo getCurrentVersion(CredentialProgramInfo credentialProgramInfo)
throws Exception {
// Get version independent id of program
String verIndId = credentialProgramInfo.getVersion().getVersionIndId();
// Get id of current version of program given the version independent id
VersionDisplayInfo curVerDisplayInfo = programService.getCurrentVersion( ProgramServiceConstants.PROGRAM_NAMESPACE_MAJOR_DISCIPLINE_URI, verIndId,ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
String curVerId = curVerDisplayInfo.getId();
// Return the current version of the course
CredentialProgramInfo currentVersion = programService.getCredentialProgram(curVerId,ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
return currentVersion;
* This method updates the end terms for the major discipline passed into it.
* You must still call updateState() to save the object using the web service.
* @param credentialProgramInfo
* @param endEntryTerm
* @param endEnrollTerm
private void setEndTerms(CredentialProgramInfo credentialProgramInfo, String endEntryTerm, String endEnrollTerm) {
* This method will update the state of this object and all associated objects.
* It is needed because we need to make separate web service calls to update the state of these objects.
* @param credentialProgramInfo
* @param newState
private void updateCredentialProgramInfoState(CredentialProgramInfo credentialProgramInfo, String newState) throws Exception {
// Update the statement tree
List programRequirementIds = credentialProgramInfo.getProgramRequirements();
updateRequirementsState(programRequirementIds, newState);
// Credential and core programs do not have variations
// Update program
programService.updateCredentialProgram(credentialProgramInfo.getId(), credentialProgramInfo, ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
* This method will make this version of the major discipline the current one.
* @param credentialProgramInfo
private void makeCurrent(CredentialProgramInfo credentialProgramInfo) throws Exception {
// Check if this is the current version before trying to make it current
// (the web service will error if you try to make a version current that is already current)
VersionDisplayInfo currentVersion = programService.getCurrentVersion(ProgramServiceConstants.PROGRAM_NAMESPACE_MAJOR_DISCIPLINE_URI, credentialProgramInfo.getVersion().getVersionIndId(),ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
// If this is not the current version, then make it current
if (!currentVersion.getSequenceNumber().equals(credentialProgramInfo.getVersion().getSequenceNumber())) {
programService.setCurrentCredentialProgramVersion(credentialProgramInfo.getId(), null,ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
* This method will update the requirement state.
* Note that it uses StatementUtil to update the statement tree.
* @param credentialProgramInfo
* @param newState
* @throws Exception
public void updateRequirementsState(List programRequirementIds, String newState) throws Exception {
for (String programRequirementId : programRequirementIds) {
// Get program requirement from the program service
ProgramRequirementInfo programRequirementInfo = null;
programRequirementInfo = programService.getProgramRequirement(programRequirementId, ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
// Look in the requirement for the statement tree
StatementTreeViewInfo statementTree = programRequirementInfo.getStatement();
// And recursively update the entire tree with the new state
StatementUtil.updateStatementTreeViewInfoState(newState, statementTree);
// Update the state of the requirement object
// The write the requirement back to the program service
programService.updateProgramRequirement(programRequirementInfo.getId(), programRequirementInfo.getTypeKey(), programRequirementInfo, ContextUtils.getContextInfo());
* This method is used by Spring to inject the program service into this bean.
* @param programService
public void setProgramService(ProgramService programService) {
this.programService = programService;