org.lambadaframework.AbstractMojoPlugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.lambadaframework;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.lambadaframework.deployer.Deployment;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
public abstract class AbstractMojoPlugin extends AbstractMojo {
@Parameter(required = true)
public String packageName;
@Parameter(required = true)
public String stageToDeploy;
* Specifies the region where the application will be deployed.
* Should be a valid AWS Region with Lambda and API Gateway support
@Parameter(required = true)
public String regionToDeploy;
* Specifies the maximum execution time allowed for Lambda function (seconds)
@Parameter(defaultValue = "3")
public String lambdaMaximumExecutionTime = "3";
* Specifies the maximum memory size allowed for Lambda function (MB)
@Parameter(defaultValue = "128")
public String lambdaMemorySize = "128";
* Lambda execution role policy ARN
* This policy is attached to the default Lambda execution profile.
* With this policy, Lambda function can access to the resources allowed in the policy.
* In case of this property is not set, a default policy with sufficient permissions
* to execute Lambda function in a VPC is assigned to the Lambda function.
public List lambdaExecutionRolePolicies;
public List lambdaSecurityGroups;
public List lambdaSubnetIds;
protected static final String LOG_SEPERATOR = new String(new char[72]).replace("\0", "-");
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project}", readonly = true, required = true)
public MavenProject mavenProject;
protected void printLogo() {
getLog().info("__ ");
getLog().info("\\ \\ ");
getLog().info(" \\ \\ ");
getLog().info(" > \\ ");
getLog().info(" / ^ \\ ");
getLog().info("/_/ \\_\\");
public Deployment getDeployment() {
Properties cloudFormationParameters = new Properties();
cloudFormationParameters.setProperty(Deployment.LAMBDA_MAXIMUM_EXECUTION_TIME_KEY, lambdaMaximumExecutionTime);
cloudFormationParameters.setProperty(Deployment.LAMBDA_MEMORY_SIZE_KEY, lambdaMemorySize);
if (lambdaExecutionRolePolicies != null) {
cloudFormationParameters.setProperty(Deployment.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY_KEY, String.join(",", lambdaExecutionRolePolicies));
if (lambdaSecurityGroups != null && lambdaSubnetIds != null) {
cloudFormationParameters.setProperty(Deployment.LAMBDA_VPC_SECURITY_GROUPS_KEY, String.join(",", lambdaSecurityGroups));
cloudFormationParameters.setProperty(Deployment.LAMBDA_VPC_SUBNETS_KEY, String.join(",", lambdaSubnetIds));
} else if (lambdaSecurityGroups != null || lambdaSubnetIds != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("lambdaSecurityGroups and lambdaSubnetIds should be set together.");
Deployment deployment = new Deployment(
return deployment;
* Applies Cloudformation template.
* Built-in Cloudformation template creates Lambda function and the necessary IAM Roles.
* If CF template does not exist it creates a new one.
* @param deployment Deployment
* @return CloudFormationOutput
* @throws Exception
protected Cloudformation.CloudFormationOutput applyCloudFormation(Deployment deployment) throws Exception {
Cloudformation cloudformation = new Cloudformation(deployment);
return cloudformation.createOrUpdateStack();