org.languagetool.JLanguageTool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* LanguageTool, a natural language style checker
* Copyright (C) 2005 Daniel Naber (http://www.danielnaber.de)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
package org.languagetool;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.languagetool.databroker.DefaultResourceDataBroker;
import org.languagetool.databroker.ResourceDataBroker;
import org.languagetool.languagemodel.LanguageModel;
import org.languagetool.markup.AnnotatedText;
import org.languagetool.markup.AnnotatedTextBuilder;
import org.languagetool.rules.*;
import org.languagetool.rules.neuralnetwork.Word2VecModel;
import org.languagetool.rules.patterns.AbstractPatternRule;
import org.languagetool.rules.patterns.FalseFriendRuleLoader;
import org.languagetool.rules.patterns.PatternRule;
import org.languagetool.rules.patterns.PatternRuleLoader;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.JarURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* The main class used for checking text against different rules:
* - built-in Java rules (for English: a vs. an, whitespace after commas, ...)
- built-in pattern rules loaded from external XML files (usually called {@code grammar.xml})
- your own implementation of the abstract {@link Rule} classes added with {@link #addRule(Rule)}
* You will probably want to use the sub class {@link MultiThreadedJLanguageTool} for best performance.
Thread-safety: this class is not thread safe. Create one instance per thread,
* but create the language only once (e.g. {@code new AmericanEnglish()}) and use it for all
* instances of JLanguageTool.
* @see MultiThreadedJLanguageTool
public class JLanguageTool {
/** LanguageTool version as a string like {@code 2.3} or {@code 2.4-SNAPSHOT}. */
public static final String VERSION = "4.3";
/** LanguageTool build date and time like {@code 2013-10-17 16:10} or {@code null} if not run from JAR. */
@Nullable public static final String BUILD_DATE = getBuildDate();
/** The name of the file with error patterns. */
public static final String PATTERN_FILE = "grammar.xml";
/** The name of the file with false friend information. */
public static final String FALSE_FRIEND_FILE = "false-friends.xml";
/** The internal tag used to mark the beginning of a sentence. */
public static final String SENTENCE_START_TAGNAME = "SENT_START";
/** The internal tag used to mark the end of a sentence. */
public static final String SENTENCE_END_TAGNAME = "SENT_END";
/** The internal tag used to mark the end of a paragraph. */
public static final String PARAGRAPH_END_TAGNAME = "PARA_END";
/** Name of the message bundle for translations. */
public static final String MESSAGE_BUNDLE = "org.languagetool.MessagesBundle";
private final ResultCache cache;
private final UserConfig userConfig;
private float maxErrorsPerWordRate;
* Returns the build date or {@code null} if not run from JAR.
private static String getBuildDate() {
try {
URL res = JLanguageTool.class.getResource(JLanguageTool.class.getSimpleName() + ".class");
if (res == null) {
// this will happen on Android, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371274/
return null;
Object connObj = res.openConnection();
if (connObj instanceof JarURLConnection) {
JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) connObj;
Manifest manifest = conn.getManifest();
return manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Implementation-Date");
} else {
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not get build date from JAR", e);
* @since 4.2
public static boolean isPremiumVersion() {
return false;
private static ResourceDataBroker dataBroker = new DefaultResourceDataBroker();
private final List builtinRules;
private final List userRules = new ArrayList<>(); // rules added via addRule() method
private final Set disabledRules = new HashSet<>();
private final Set disabledRuleCategories = new HashSet<>();
private final Set enabledRules = new HashSet<>();
private final Set enabledRuleCategories = new HashSet<>();
private final Language language;
private final Language motherTongue;
private PrintStream printStream;
private boolean listUnknownWords;
private Set unknownWords;
private boolean cleanOverlappingMatches;
* Constants for correct paragraph-rule handling.
public enum ParagraphHandling {
* Handle normally - all kinds of rules run.
* Run only paragraph-level rules.
* Run only sentence-level rules.
public enum Mode {
/** Use all active rules for checking. */
/** Use only text-level rules for checking. This is typically much faster then using all rules or {@code ALL_BUT_TEXTLEVEL_ONLY}. */
/** Use all activate rules for checking except the text-level rules. */
private static final List temporaryFiles = new ArrayList<>();
* Create a JLanguageTool and setup the built-in rules for the
* given language and false friend rules for the text language / mother tongue pair.
* @param lang the language of the text to be checked
* @param motherTongue the user's mother tongue, used for false friend rules, or null
* The mother tongue may also be used as a source language for checking bilingual texts.
public JLanguageTool(Language lang, Language motherTongue) {
this(lang, motherTongue, null);
* Create a JLanguageTool and setup the built-in Java rules for the
* given language.
* @param language the language of the text to be checked
public JLanguageTool(Language language) {
this(language, null, null, null);
* Create a JLanguageTool and setup the built-in rules for the
* given language and false friend rules for the text language / mother tongue pair.
* @param language the language of the text to be checked
* @param motherTongue the user's mother tongue, used for false friend rules, or null
* The mother tongue may also be used as a source language for checking bilingual texts.
* @param cache a cache to speed up checking if the same sentences get checked more than once,
* e.g. when LT is running as a server and texts are re-checked due to changes
* @since 3.7
public JLanguageTool(Language language, Language motherTongue, ResultCache cache) {
this(language, motherTongue, cache, null);
* Create a JLanguageTool and setup the built-in rules for the
* given language and false friend rules for the text language / mother tongue pair.
* @param language the language of the text to be checked
* @param cache a cache to speed up checking if the same sentences get checked more than once,
* e.g. when LT is running as a server and texts are re-checked due to changes. Use
* {@code null} to deactivate the cache.
* @since 4.2
public JLanguageTool(Language language, ResultCache cache, UserConfig userConfig) {
this(language, null, cache, userConfig);
* Create a JLanguageTool and setup the built-in rules for the
* given language and false friend rules for the text language / mother tongue pair.
* @param language the language of the text to be checked
* @param motherTongue the user's mother tongue, used for false friend rules, or null
* The mother tongue may also be used as a source language for checking bilingual texts.
* @param cache a cache to speed up checking if the same sentences get checked more than once,
* e.g. when LT is running as a server and texts are re-checked due to changes
* @since 4.2
public JLanguageTool(Language language, Language motherTongue, ResultCache cache, UserConfig userConfig) {
this.language = Objects.requireNonNull(language, "language cannot be null");
this.motherTongue = motherTongue;
if(userConfig == null) {
this.userConfig = new UserConfig();
} else {
this.userConfig = userConfig;
ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundleTools.getMessageBundle(language);
builtinRules = getAllBuiltinRules(language, messages, this.userConfig);
this.cleanOverlappingMatches = true;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not activate rules", e);
this.cache = cache;
* The grammar checker needs resources from following
* directories:
* - {@code /resource}
* - {@code /rules}
* @return The currently set data broker which allows to obtain
* resources from the mentioned directories above. If no
* data broker was set, a new {@link DefaultResourceDataBroker} will
* be instantiated and returned.
* @since 1.0.1
public static synchronized ResourceDataBroker getDataBroker() {
if (JLanguageTool.dataBroker == null) {
JLanguageTool.dataBroker = new DefaultResourceDataBroker();
return JLanguageTool.dataBroker;
* The grammar checker needs resources from following
* directories:
* - {@code /resource}
* - {@code /rules}
* @param broker The new resource broker to be used.
* @since 1.0.1
public static synchronized void setDataBroker(ResourceDataBroker broker) {
JLanguageTool.dataBroker = broker;
* Whether the {@link #check(String)} methods store unknown words. If set to
* true
(default: false), you can get the list of unknown words
* using {@link #getUnknownWords()}.
public void setListUnknownWords(boolean listUnknownWords) {
this.listUnknownWords = listUnknownWords;
* Whether the {@link #check(String)} methods return overlapping errors. If set to
* true
(default: true), it removes overlapping errors according to
* the priorities established for the language.
* @since 3.6
public void setCleanOverlappingMatches(boolean cleanOverlappingMatches) {
this.cleanOverlappingMatches = cleanOverlappingMatches;
* Maximum errors per word rate, checking will stop with an exception if the rate is higher.
* For example, with a rate of 0.33, the checking would stop if the user's
* text has so many errors that more than every 3rd word causes a rule match.
* Note that this may not apply for very short texts.
* @since 4.0
public void setMaxErrorsPerWordRate(float maxErrorsPerWordRate) {
this.maxErrorsPerWordRate = maxErrorsPerWordRate;
* Gets the ResourceBundle (i18n strings) for the default language of the user's system.
public static ResourceBundle getMessageBundle() {
return ResourceBundleTools.getMessageBundle();
* Gets the ResourceBundle (i18n strings) for the given user interface language.
* @since 2.4 (public since 2.4)
public static ResourceBundle getMessageBundle(Language lang) {
return ResourceBundleTools.getMessageBundle(lang);
private List getAllBuiltinRules(Language language, ResourceBundle messages, UserConfig userConfig) {
try {
return language.getRelevantRules(messages, userConfig);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not get rules of language " + language, e);
* Set a PrintStream that will receive verbose output. Set to
* {@code null} (which is the default) to disable verbose output.
public void setOutput(PrintStream printStream) {
this.printStream = printStream;
* Load pattern rules from an XML file. Use {@link #addRule(Rule)} to add these
* rules to the checking process.
* @param filename path to an XML file in the classpath or in the filesystem - the classpath is checked first
* @return a List of {@link PatternRule} objects
public List loadPatternRules(String filename) throws IOException {
PatternRuleLoader ruleLoader = new PatternRuleLoader();
try (InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename)) {
if (is == null) {
// happens for external rules plugged in as an XML file:
return ruleLoader.getRules(new File(filename));
} else {
return ruleLoader.getRules(is, filename);
* Load false friend rules from an XML file. Only those pairs will be loaded
* that match the current text language and the mother tongue specified in the
* JLanguageTool constructor. Use {@link #addRule(Rule)} to add these rules to the
* checking process.
* @param filename path to an XML file in the classpath or in the filesystem - the classpath is checked first
* @return a List of {@link PatternRule} objects, or an empty list if mother tongue is not set
public List loadFalseFriendRules(String filename)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
if (motherTongue == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
FalseFriendRuleLoader ruleLoader = new FalseFriendRuleLoader();
try (InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename)) {
if (is == null) {
return ruleLoader.getRules(new File(filename), language, motherTongue);
} else {
return ruleLoader.getRules(is, language, motherTongue);
* Activate rules that depend on a language model. The language model currently
* consists of Lucene indexes with ngram occurrence counts.
* @param indexDir directory with a '3grams' sub directory which contains a Lucene index with 3gram occurrence counts
* @since 2.7
public void activateLanguageModelRules(File indexDir) throws IOException {
LanguageModel languageModel = language.getLanguageModel(indexDir);
if (languageModel != null) {
ResourceBundle messages = getMessageBundle(language);
List rules = language.getRelevantLanguageModelRules(messages, languageModel);
* Activate rules that depend on a word2vec language model.
* @param indexDir directory with a subdirectories like 'en', each containing dictionary.txt and final_embeddings.txt
* @since 4.0
public void activateWord2VecModelRules(File indexDir) throws IOException {
Word2VecModel word2vecModel = language.getWord2VecModel(indexDir);
if (word2vecModel != null) {
ResourceBundle messages = getMessageBundle(language);
List rules = language.getRelevantWord2VecModelRules(messages, word2vecModel);
* Loads and activates the pattern rules from
* {@code org/languagetool/rules//grammar.xml}.
private void activateDefaultPatternRules() throws IOException {
List patternRules = language.getPatternRules();
List enabledRules = language.getDefaultEnabledRulesForVariant();
List disabledRules = language.getDefaultDisabledRulesForVariant();
if (!enabledRules.isEmpty() || !disabledRules.isEmpty()) {
for (AbstractPatternRule patternRule : patternRules) {
if (enabledRules.contains(patternRule.getId())) {
if (disabledRules.contains(patternRule.getId())) {
* Loads and activates the false friend rules from
* rules/false-friends.xml
private void activateDefaultFalseFriendRules()
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
String falseFriendRulesFilename = JLanguageTool.getDataBroker().getRulesDir() + "/" + FALSE_FRIEND_FILE;
* Add a rule to be used by the next call to the check methods like {@link #check(String)}.
public void addRule(Rule rule) {
* Disable a given rule so the check methods like {@link #check(String)} won't use it.
* @param ruleId the id of the rule to disable - no error will be thrown if the id does not exist
* @see #enableRule(String)
public void disableRule(String ruleId) {
* Disable the given rules so the check methods like {@link #check(String)} won't use them.
* @param ruleIds the ids of the rules to disable - no error will be thrown if the id does not exist
* @since 2.4
public void disableRules(List ruleIds) {
* Disable the given rule category so the check methods like {@link #check(String)} won't use it.
* @param id the id of the category to disable - no error will be thrown if the id does not exist
* @since 3.3
* @see #enableRuleCategory(CategoryId)
public void disableCategory(CategoryId id) {
* Returns true if a category is explicitly disabled.
* @param id the id of the category to check - no error will be thrown if the id does not exist
* @return true if this category is explicitly disabled.
* @since 3.5
* @see #disableCategory(org.languagetool.rules.CategoryId)
public boolean isCategoryDisabled(CategoryId id) {
return disabledRuleCategories.contains(id);
* Get the language that was used to configure this instance.
public Language getLanguage() {
return language;
* Get rule ids of the rules that have been explicitly disabled.
public Set getDisabledRules() {
return disabledRules;
* Enable a given rule so the check methods like {@link #check(String)} will use it.
* This will not throw an exception if the given rule id doesn't exist.
* @param ruleId the id of the rule to enable
* @see #disableRule(String)
public void enableRule(String ruleId) {
* Enable all rules of the given category so the check methods like {@link #check(String)} will use it.
* This will not throw an exception if the given rule id doesn't exist.
* @since 3.3
* @see #disableCategory(org.languagetool.rules.CategoryId)
public void enableRuleCategory(CategoryId id) {
* Tokenizes the given text into sentences.
public List sentenceTokenize(String text) {
return language.getSentenceTokenizer().tokenize(text);
* The main check method. Tokenizes the text into sentences and matches these
* sentences against all currently active rules.
* @param text the text to be checked
* @return a List of {@link RuleMatch} objects
public List check(String text) throws IOException {
return check(text, true, ParagraphHandling.NORMAL);
* The main check method. Tokenizes the text into sentences and matches these
* sentences against all currently active rules.
* @param text the text to be checked
* @return a List of {@link RuleMatch} objects
* @since 3.7
public List check(String text, RuleMatchListener listener) throws IOException {
return check(text, true, ParagraphHandling.NORMAL, listener);
public List check(String text, boolean tokenizeText, ParagraphHandling paraMode) throws IOException {
return check(new AnnotatedTextBuilder().addText(text).build(), tokenizeText, paraMode);
* @since 3.7
public List check(String text, boolean tokenizeText, ParagraphHandling paraMode, RuleMatchListener listener) throws IOException {
return check(new AnnotatedTextBuilder().addText(text).build(), tokenizeText, paraMode, listener);
* The main check method. Tokenizes the text into sentences and matches these
* sentences against all currently active rules, adjusting error positions so they refer
* to the original text including markup.
* @since 2.3
public List check(AnnotatedText text) throws IOException {
return check(text, true, ParagraphHandling.NORMAL);
* @since 3.9
public List check(AnnotatedText text, RuleMatchListener listener) throws IOException {
return check(text, true, ParagraphHandling.NORMAL, listener);
* The main check method. Tokenizes the text into sentences and matches these
* sentences against all currently active rules.
* @param annotatedText The text to be checked, created with {@link AnnotatedTextBuilder}.
* Call this method with the complete text to be checked. If you call it
* repeatedly with smaller chunks like paragraphs or sentence, those rules that work across
* paragraphs/sentences won't work (their status gets reset whenever this method is called).
* @param tokenizeText If true, then the text is tokenized into sentences.
* Otherwise, it is assumed it's already tokenized, i.e. it is only one sentence
* @param paraMode Uses paragraph-level rules only if true.
* @return a List of {@link RuleMatch} objects, describing potential errors in the text
* @since 2.3
public List check(AnnotatedText annotatedText, boolean tokenizeText, ParagraphHandling paraMode) throws IOException {
return check(annotatedText, tokenizeText, paraMode, null);
* The main check method. Tokenizes the text into sentences and matches these
* sentences against all currently active rules.
* @since 3.7
public List check(AnnotatedText annotatedText, boolean tokenizeText, ParagraphHandling paraMode, RuleMatchListener listener) throws IOException {
return check(annotatedText, tokenizeText, paraMode, listener, Mode.ALL);
* The main check method. Tokenizes the text into sentences and matches these
* sentences against all currently active rules depending on {@code mode}.
* @since 4.3
public List check(AnnotatedText annotatedText, boolean tokenizeText, ParagraphHandling paraMode, RuleMatchListener listener, Mode mode) throws IOException {
List sentences;
if (tokenizeText) {
sentences = sentenceTokenize(annotatedText.getPlainText());
} else {
sentences = new ArrayList<>();
List allRules = getAllRules();
if (printStream != null) {
printIfVerbose(allRules.size() + " rules activated for language " + language);
unknownWords = new HashSet<>();
List analyzedSentences = analyzeSentences(sentences);
List ruleMatches = performCheck(analyzedSentences, sentences, allRules, paraMode, annotatedText, listener, mode);
ruleMatches = new SameRuleGroupFilter().filter(ruleMatches);
// no sorting: SameRuleGroupFilter sorts rule matches already
if (cleanOverlappingMatches) {
ruleMatches = new CleanOverlappingFilter(language).filter(ruleMatches);
return ruleMatches;
* Use this method if you want to access LanguageTool's otherwise
* internal analysis of the text. For actual text checking, use the {@code check...} methods instead.
* @param text The text to be analyzed
* @since 2.5
public List analyzeText(String text) throws IOException {
List sentences = sentenceTokenize(text);
return analyzeSentences(sentences);
protected List analyzeSentences(List sentences) throws IOException {
List analyzedSentences = new ArrayList<>();
int j = 0;
for (String sentence : sentences) {
AnalyzedSentence analyzedSentence = getAnalyzedSentence(sentence);
if (++j == sentences.size()) {
AnalyzedTokenReadings[] anTokens = analyzedSentence.getTokens();
anTokens[anTokens.length - 1].setParagraphEnd();
analyzedSentence = new AnalyzedSentence(anTokens);
return analyzedSentences;
protected void printSentenceInfo(AnalyzedSentence analyzedSentence) {
if (printStream != null) {
protected List performCheck(List analyzedSentences, List sentences,
List allRules, ParagraphHandling paraMode, AnnotatedText annotatedText, Mode mode) throws IOException {
return performCheck(analyzedSentences, sentences, allRules, paraMode, annotatedText, null, mode);
* @since 3.7
protected List performCheck(List analyzedSentences, List sentences,
List allRules, ParagraphHandling paraMode, AnnotatedText annotatedText, RuleMatchListener listener, Mode mode) throws IOException {
Callable> matcher = new TextCheckCallable(allRules, sentences, analyzedSentences, paraMode, annotatedText, 0, 0, 1, listener, mode);
try {
return matcher.call();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* This is an internal method that's public only for technical reasons, please use one
* of the {@link #check(String)} methods instead.
* @since 2.3
public List checkAnalyzedSentence(ParagraphHandling paraMode,
List rules, AnalyzedSentence analyzedSentence) throws IOException {
List sentenceMatches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (rule instanceof TextLevelRule) {
if (ignoreRule(rule)) {
if (rule instanceof PatternRule && ((PatternRule)rule).canBeIgnoredFor(analyzedSentence)) {
// this is a performance optimization, it should have no effect on matching logic
if (paraMode == ParagraphHandling.ONLYPARA) {
RuleMatch[] thisMatches = rule.match(analyzedSentence);
for (RuleMatch elem : thisMatches) {
return new SameRuleGroupFilter().filter(sentenceMatches);
private boolean ignoreRule(Rule rule) {
Category ruleCategory = rule.getCategory();
boolean isCategoryDisabled = (disabledRuleCategories.contains(ruleCategory.getId()) || rule.getCategory().isDefaultOff())
&& !enabledRuleCategories.contains(ruleCategory.getId());
boolean isRuleDisabled = disabledRules.contains(rule.getId())
|| (rule.isDefaultOff() && !enabledRules.contains(rule.getId()));
boolean isDisabled;
if (isCategoryDisabled) {
isDisabled = !enabledRules.contains(rule.getId());
} else {
isDisabled = isRuleDisabled;
return isDisabled;
* Change RuleMatch positions so they are relative to the complete text,
* not just to the sentence.
* @param charCount Count of characters in the sentences before
* @param columnCount Current column number
* @param lineCount Current line number
* @param sentence The text being checked
* @return The RuleMatch object with adjustments
public RuleMatch adjustRuleMatchPos(RuleMatch match, int charCount,
int columnCount, int lineCount, String sentence, AnnotatedText annotatedText) {
int fromPos = match.getFromPos() + charCount;
int toPos = match.getToPos() + charCount;
if (annotatedText != null) {
fromPos = annotatedText.getOriginalTextPositionFor(fromPos);
toPos = annotatedText.getOriginalTextPositionFor(toPos - 1) + 1;
RuleMatch thisMatch = new RuleMatch(match.getRule(), match.getSentence(),
fromPos, toPos, match.getMessage(), match.getShortMessage());
String sentencePartToError = sentence.substring(0, match.getFromPos());
String sentencePartToEndOfError = sentence.substring(0, match.getToPos());
int lastLineBreakPos = sentencePartToError.lastIndexOf('\n');
int column;
int endColumn;
if (lastLineBreakPos == -1) {
column = sentencePartToError.length() + columnCount;
} else {
column = sentencePartToError.length() - lastLineBreakPos;
int lastLineBreakPosInError = sentencePartToEndOfError.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lastLineBreakPosInError == -1) {
endColumn = sentencePartToEndOfError.length() + columnCount;
} else {
endColumn = sentencePartToEndOfError.length() - lastLineBreakPosInError;
int lineBreaksToError = countLineBreaks(sentencePartToError);
int lineBreaksToEndOfError = countLineBreaks(sentencePartToEndOfError);
thisMatch.setLine(lineCount + lineBreaksToError);
thisMatch.setEndLine(lineCount + lineBreaksToEndOfError);
return thisMatch;
protected void rememberUnknownWords(AnalyzedSentence analyzedText) {
if (listUnknownWords) {
AnalyzedTokenReadings[] atr = analyzedText.getTokensWithoutWhitespace();
for (AnalyzedTokenReadings reading : atr) {
if (!reading.isTagged()) {
* Get the alphabetically sorted list of unknown words in the latest run of one of the {@link #check(String)} methods.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #setListUnknownWords(boolean)} has been set to {@code false}
public List getUnknownWords() {
if (!listUnknownWords) {
throw new IllegalStateException("listUnknownWords is set to false, unknown words not stored");
List words = new ArrayList<>(unknownWords);
return words;
// non-private only for test case
static int countLineBreaks(String s) {
int pos = -1;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
int nextPos = s.indexOf('\n', pos + 1);
if (nextPos == -1) {
pos = nextPos;
return count;
* Tokenizes the given {@code sentence} into words and analyzes it,
* and then disambiguates POS tags.
* @param sentence sentence to be analyzed
public AnalyzedSentence getAnalyzedSentence(String sentence) throws IOException {
SimpleInputSentence cacheKey = new SimpleInputSentence(sentence, language);
AnalyzedSentence cachedSentence = cache != null ? cache.getIfPresent(cacheKey) : null;
if (cachedSentence != null) {
return cachedSentence;
} else {
AnalyzedSentence analyzedSentence = language.getDisambiguator().disambiguate(getRawAnalyzedSentence(sentence));
if (language.getPostDisambiguationChunker() != null) {
if (cache != null) {
cache.put(cacheKey, analyzedSentence);
return analyzedSentence;
* Tokenizes the given {@code sentence} into words and analyzes it.
* This is the same as {@link #getAnalyzedSentence(String)} but it does not run
* the disambiguator.
* @param sentence sentence to be analyzed
* @since 0.9.8
public AnalyzedSentence getRawAnalyzedSentence(String sentence) throws IOException {
List tokens = language.getWordTokenizer().tokenize(sentence);
Map softHyphenTokens = replaceSoftHyphens(tokens);
List aTokens = language.getTagger().tag(tokens);
if (language.getChunker() != null) {
int numTokens = aTokens.size();
int posFix = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < numTokens; i++) {
aTokens.get(i).setWhitespaceBefore(aTokens.get(i - 1).isWhitespace());
aTokens.get(i).setStartPos(aTokens.get(i).getStartPos() + posFix);
if (!softHyphenTokens.isEmpty()) {
if (softHyphenTokens.get(i) != null) {
aTokens.get(i).addReading(language.getTagger().createToken(softHyphenTokens.get(i), null));
posFix += softHyphenTokens.get(i).length() - aTokens.get(i).getToken().length();
AnalyzedTokenReadings[] tokenArray = new AnalyzedTokenReadings[tokens.size() + 1];
AnalyzedToken[] startTokenArray = new AnalyzedToken[1];
int toArrayCount = 0;
AnalyzedToken sentenceStartToken = new AnalyzedToken("", SENTENCE_START_TAGNAME, null);
startTokenArray[0] = sentenceStartToken;
tokenArray[toArrayCount++] = new AnalyzedTokenReadings(startTokenArray, 0);
int startPos = 0;
for (AnalyzedTokenReadings posTag : aTokens) {
tokenArray[toArrayCount++] = posTag;
startPos += posTag.getToken().length();
// add additional tags
int lastToken = toArrayCount - 1;
// make SENT_END appear at last not whitespace token
for (int i = 0; i < toArrayCount - 1; i++) {
if (!tokenArray[lastToken - i].isWhitespace()) {
lastToken -= i;
if (tokenArray.length == lastToken + 1 && tokenArray[lastToken].isLinebreak()) {
return new AnalyzedSentence(tokenArray);
private Map replaceSoftHyphens(List tokens) {
Pattern ignoredCharacterRegex = language.getIgnoredCharactersRegex();
Map ignoredCharsTokens = new HashMap<>();
if (ignoredCharacterRegex == null) {
return ignoredCharsTokens;
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
if (ignoredCharacterRegex.matcher(tokens.get(i)).find()) {
ignoredCharsTokens.put(i, tokens.get(i));
tokens.set(i, ignoredCharacterRegex.matcher(tokens.get(i)).replaceAll(""));
return ignoredCharsTokens;
* Get all rule categories for the current language.
* @return a map of {@link Category Categories}, keyed by their {@link CategoryId id}.
* @since 3.5
public Map getCategories() {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
for (Rule rule : getAllRules()) {
map.put(rule.getCategory().getId(), rule.getCategory());
return map;
* Get all rules for the current language that are built-in or that have been
* added using {@link #addRule(Rule)}. Please note that XML rules that are grouped
* will appear as multiple rules with the same id. To tell them apart, check if
* they are of type {@code AbstractPatternRule}, cast them to that type and call
* their {@link AbstractPatternRule#getSubId()} method.
* @return a List of {@link Rule} objects
public List getAllRules() {
List rules = new ArrayList<>();
return rules;
* Get all active (not disabled) rules for the current language that are built-in or that
* have been added using e.g. {@link #addRule(Rule)}. See {@link #getAllRules()} for hints
* about rule ids.
* @return a List of {@link Rule} objects
public List getAllActiveRules() {
List rules = new ArrayList<>();
List rulesActive = new ArrayList<>();
// Some rules have an internal state so they can do checks over sentence
// boundaries. These need to be reset so the checks don't suddenly
// work on different texts with the same data. However, it could be useful
// to keep the state information if we're checking a continuous text.
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (!ignoreRule(rule)) {
return rulesActive;
* Works like getAllActiveRules but overrides defaults by officeefaults
* @return a List of {@link Rule} objects
* @since 4.0
public List getAllActiveOfficeRules() {
List rules = new ArrayList<>();
List rulesActive = new ArrayList<>();
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (!ignoreRule(rule) && !rule.isOfficeDefaultOff()) {
} else if (rule.isOfficeDefaultOn()) {
} else if (!ignoreRule(rule) && rule.isOfficeDefaultOff()) {
return rulesActive;
* Get pattern rules by Id and SubId. This returns a list because rules that use {@code ... }
* are internally expanded into several rules.
* @return a List of {@link Rule} objects
* @since 2.3
public List getPatternRulesByIdAndSubId(String Id, String subId) {
List rules = getAllRules();
List rulesById = new ArrayList<>();
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (rule instanceof AbstractPatternRule) {
if (rule.getId().equals(Id) && ((AbstractPatternRule) rule).getSubId().equals(subId)) {
rulesById.add((AbstractPatternRule) rule);
return rulesById;
protected void printIfVerbose(String s) {
if (printStream != null) {
* Adds a temporary file to the internal list
* (internal method, you should never need to call this as a user of LanguageTool)
* @param file the file to be added.
public static void addTemporaryFile(File file) {
* Clean up all temporary files, if there are any.
public static void removeTemporaryFiles() {
for (File file : temporaryFiles) {
class TextCheckCallable implements Callable> {
private final List rules;
private final ParagraphHandling paraMode;
private final AnnotatedText annotatedText;
private final List sentences;
private final List analyzedSentences;
private final RuleMatchListener listener;
private final Mode mode;
private int charCount;
private int lineCount;
private int columnCount;
TextCheckCallable(List rules, List sentences, List analyzedSentences,
ParagraphHandling paraMode, AnnotatedText annotatedText, int charCount, int lineCount, int columnCount,
RuleMatchListener listener, Mode mode) {
this.rules = rules;
if (sentences.size() != analyzedSentences.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sentences and analyzedSentences do not have the same length : " + sentences.size() + " != " + analyzedSentences.size());
this.sentences = Objects.requireNonNull(sentences);
this.analyzedSentences = Objects.requireNonNull(analyzedSentences);
this.paraMode = Objects.requireNonNull(paraMode);
this.annotatedText = Objects.requireNonNull(annotatedText);
this.charCount = charCount;
this.lineCount = lineCount;
this.columnCount = columnCount;
this.listener = listener;
this.mode = Objects.requireNonNull(mode);
public List call() throws Exception {
List ruleMatches = new ArrayList<>();
if (mode == Mode.ALL) {
} else if (mode == Mode.ALL_BUT_TEXTLEVEL_ONLY) {
} else if (mode == Mode.TEXTLEVEL_ONLY) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown mode: " + mode);
return ruleMatches;
private List getTextLevelRuleMatches() throws IOException {
List ruleMatches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (rule instanceof TextLevelRule && !ignoreRule(rule) && paraMode != ParagraphHandling.ONLYNONPARA) {
RuleMatch[] matches = ((TextLevelRule) rule).match(analyzedSentences, annotatedText);
List adaptedMatches = new ArrayList<>();
for (RuleMatch match : matches) {
LineColumnRange range = getLineColumnRange(match);
int newFromPos = annotatedText.getOriginalTextPositionFor(match.getFromPos());
int newToPos = annotatedText.getOriginalTextPositionFor(match.getToPos() - 1) + 1;
RuleMatch newMatch = new RuleMatch(match.getRule(), match.getSentence(), newFromPos, newToPos, match.getMessage(), match.getShortMessage());
if (match.getLine() == 0) {
newMatch.setColumn(range.from.column + 1);
} else {
if (listener != null) {
for (RuleMatch adaptedMatch : adaptedMatches) {
return ruleMatches;
private List getOtherRuleMatches() {
List ruleMatches = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
int wordCounter = 0;
for (AnalyzedSentence analyzedSentence : analyzedSentences) {
String sentence = sentences.get(i++);
wordCounter += analyzedSentence.getTokensWithoutWhitespace().length;
try {
List sentenceMatches = null;
InputSentence cacheKey = null;
if (cache != null) {
cacheKey = new InputSentence(analyzedSentence.getText(), language, motherTongue,
disabledRules, disabledRuleCategories,
enabledRules, enabledRuleCategories, userConfig, mode);
sentenceMatches = cache.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
if (sentenceMatches == null) {
sentenceMatches = checkAnalyzedSentence(paraMode, rules, analyzedSentence);
if (cache != null) {
cache.put(cacheKey, sentenceMatches);
List adaptedMatches = new ArrayList<>();
for (RuleMatch elem : sentenceMatches) {
RuleMatch thisMatch = adjustRuleMatchPos(elem,
charCount, columnCount, lineCount, sentence, annotatedText);
if (listener != null) {
float errorsPerWord = ruleMatches.size() / (float)wordCounter;
//System.out.println("errorPerWord " + errorsPerWord + " (matches: " + ruleMatches.size() + " / " + wordCounter + ")");
if (maxErrorsPerWordRate > 0 && errorsPerWord > maxErrorsPerWordRate && wordCounter > 25) {
throw new ErrorRateTooHighException("Text checking was stopped due to too many errors (more than " + String.format("%.0f", maxErrorsPerWordRate*100) +
"% of words seem to have an error). Are you sure you have set the correct text language? Language set: " + language.getName());
charCount += sentence.length();
lineCount += countLineBreaks(sentence);
// calculate matching column:
int lineBreakPos = sentence.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lineBreakPos == -1) {
columnCount += sentence.length();
} else {
if (lineBreakPos == 0) {
columnCount = sentence.length();
if (!language.getSentenceTokenizer().singleLineBreaksMarksPara()) {
} else {
columnCount = sentence.length() - lineBreakPos;
} catch (ErrorRateTooHighException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not check sentence (language: " + language + "): '"
+ StringUtils.abbreviate(analyzedSentence.toTextString(), 500) + "'", e);
return ruleMatches;
private LineColumnRange getLineColumnRange(RuleMatch match) {
LineColumnPosition fromPos = new LineColumnPosition(-1, -1);
LineColumnPosition toPos = new LineColumnPosition(-1, -1);
LineColumnPosition pos = new LineColumnPosition(0, 0);
int charCount = 0;
for (AnalyzedSentence analyzedSentence : analyzedSentences) {
for (AnalyzedTokenReadings readings : analyzedSentence.getTokens()) {
String token = readings.getToken();
if ("\n".equals(token)) {
pos.column = 0;
pos.column += token.length();
charCount += token.length();
if (charCount == match.getFromPos()) {
fromPos = new LineColumnPosition(pos.line, pos.column);
if (charCount == match.getToPos()) {
toPos = new LineColumnPosition(pos.line, pos.column);
return new LineColumnRange(fromPos, toPos);
private class LineColumnPosition {
int line;
int column;
private LineColumnPosition(int line, int column) {
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
private class LineColumnRange {
LineColumnPosition from;
LineColumnPosition to;
private LineColumnRange(LineColumnPosition from, LineColumnPosition to) {
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
public void setConfigValues(Map v) {
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