ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.RotatedPole Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
* This software is provided by the National Aeronatics and Space
* Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA GISS) for full,
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package ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
* Rotated-pole longitude-latitude grid.
* This is probably the same as rotated lat lon, using matrix to do rotation.
* Follows CF convention with "north_pole lat/lon", whereas RotatedLatLon uses south pole.
* @author Robert Schmunk
* @author jcaron
public class RotatedPole extends ProjectionImpl {
private static final double RAD_PER_DEG = Math.PI / 180.;
private static final double DEG_PER_RAD = 1. / RAD_PER_DEG;
private static boolean show = false;
/* Coordinates of north pole for rotated pole. */
private final ProjectionPointImpl northPole;
/* Y-axis rotation matrix. */
private final double[][] rotY = new double[3][3];
/* Z-axis rotation matrix. */
private final double[][] rotZ = new double[3][3];
* Default Constructor, needed for beans.
public RotatedPole() {
this(0.0, 0.0);
* Constructor.
* @param northPoleLat
* @param northPoleLon
public RotatedPole(double northPoleLat, double northPoleLon) {
super("RotatedPole", false);
northPole = new ProjectionPointImpl(northPoleLon, northPoleLat);
addParameter(CF.GRID_NORTH_POLE_LATITUDE, northPoleLat);
addParameter(CF.GRID_NORTH_POLE_LONGITUDE, northPoleLon);
private void buildRotationMatrices() {
double betaRad = 0.;
double gammaRad = 0.;
if (northPole.getY() == 90.)
betaRad = 0.;
gammaRad = northPole.getX() * RAD_PER_DEG;
betaRad = -(90. - northPole.getY()) * RAD_PER_DEG;
gammaRad = (northPole.getX() + 180.) * RAD_PER_DEG;
double cosBeta = Math.cos(betaRad);
double sinBeta = Math.sin(betaRad);
double cosGamma = Math.cos(gammaRad);
double sinGamma = Math.sin(gammaRad);
rotY[0][0] = cosBeta;
rotY[0][1] = 0.;
rotY[0][2] = -sinBeta;
rotY[1][0] = 0.;
rotY[1][1] = 1.;
rotY[1][2] = 0.;
rotY[2][0] = sinBeta;
rotY[2][1] = 0.;
rotY[2][2] = cosBeta;
rotZ[0][0] = cosGamma;
rotZ[0][1] = sinGamma;
rotZ[0][2] = 0.;
rotZ[1][0] = -sinGamma;
rotZ[1][1] = cosGamma;
rotZ[1][2] = 0.;
rotZ[2][0] = 0.;
rotZ[2][1] = 0.;
rotZ[2][2] = 1.;
public ProjectionPointImpl getNorthPole() {
return new ProjectionPointImpl(northPole);
public ProjectionImpl constructCopy() {
ProjectionImpl result = new RotatedPole(northPole.getY(), northPole.getX());
return result;
public String paramsToString() {
return " northPole= " + northPole;
* Transform a "real" longitude and latitude into the rotated longitude (X) and
* rotated latitude (Y).
public ProjectionPoint latLonToProj(LatLonPoint latlon, ProjectionPointImpl destPoint) {
double lat = latlon.getLatitude();
double lon = latlon.getLongitude();
// Lon-lat pair to xyz coordinates on sphere with radius 1
double[] p0 = new double[]
{Math.cos(lat * RAD_PER_DEG) * Math.cos(lon * RAD_PER_DEG),
Math.cos(lat * RAD_PER_DEG) * Math.sin(lon * RAD_PER_DEG),
Math.sin(lat * RAD_PER_DEG)};
// Rotate around Z-axis
double[] p1 = new double[]
{rotZ[0][0] * p0[0] + rotZ[0][1] * p0[1] + rotZ[0][2] * p0[2],
rotZ[1][0] * p0[0] + rotZ[1][1] * p0[1] + rotZ[1][2] * p0[2],
rotZ[2][0] * p0[0] + rotZ[2][1] * p0[1] + rotZ[2][2] * p0[2]};
// Rotate around Y-axis
double[] p2 = new double[]
{rotY[0][0] * p1[0] + rotY[0][1] * p1[1] + rotY[0][2] * p1[2],
rotY[1][0] * p1[0] + rotY[1][1] * p1[1] + rotY[1][2] * p1[2],
rotY[2][0] * p1[0] + rotY[2][1] * p1[1] + rotY[2][2] * p1[2]};
final double lonR = LatLonPointImpl.range180( Math.atan2(p2[1], p2[0]) * DEG_PER_RAD);
//final double lonR = Math.atan2(p2[1], p2[0]) * DEG_PER_RAD;
final double latR = Math.asin(p2[2]) * DEG_PER_RAD;
if (destPoint == null)
destPoint = new ProjectionPointImpl(lonR, latR);
destPoint.setLocation(lonR, latR);
if (show)
System.out.println("LatLon= " + latlon+" proj= " + destPoint);
return destPoint;
* Transform a rotated longitude (X) and rotated latitude (Y) into a "real"
* longitude-latitude pair.
public LatLonPoint projToLatLon(ProjectionPoint ppt, LatLonPointImpl destPoint) {
// "x" and "y" input for rotated pole coords are actually a lon-lat pair
final double lonR = LatLonPointImpl.range180( ppt.getX()); // LOOK guessing
final double latR = ppt.getY();
// Lon-lat pair to xyz coordinates on sphere with radius 1
double[] p0 = new double[]
{Math.cos(latR * RAD_PER_DEG) * Math.cos(lonR * RAD_PER_DEG),
Math.cos(latR * RAD_PER_DEG) * Math.sin(lonR * RAD_PER_DEG),
Math.sin(latR * RAD_PER_DEG)};
// Inverse rotate around Y-axis (using transpose of Y matrix)
double[] p1 = new double[]
{rotY[0][0] * p0[0] + rotY[1][0] * p0[1] + rotY[2][0] * p0[2],
rotY[0][1] * p0[0] + rotY[1][1] * p0[1] + rotY[2][1] * p0[2],
rotY[0][2] * p0[0] + rotY[1][2] * p0[1] + rotY[2][2] * p0[2]};
// Inverse rotate around Z-axis (using transpose of Z matrix)
double[] p2 = new double[]
{rotZ[0][0] * p1[0] + rotZ[1][0] * p1[1] + rotZ[2][0] * p1[2],
rotZ[0][1] * p1[0] + rotZ[1][1] * p1[1] + rotZ[2][1] * p1[2],
rotZ[0][2] * p1[0] + rotZ[1][2] * p1[1] + rotZ[2][2] * p1[2]};
final double lon = Math.atan2(p2[1], p2[0]) * DEG_PER_RAD;
final double lat = Math.asin(p2[2]) * DEG_PER_RAD;
if (destPoint == null)
destPoint = new LatLonPointImpl(lat, lon);
destPoint.set(lat, lon);
if (show)
System.out.println("Proj= " + ppt+" latlon= " + destPoint);
return destPoint;
public boolean crossSeam(ProjectionPoint pt1, ProjectionPoint pt2) {
return Math.abs(pt1.getX() - pt2.getX()) > 270.0;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
RotatedPole that = (RotatedPole) o;
return northPole.equals(that.northPole);
public int hashCode() {
return northPole.hashCode();